Project REACH Newsletter Dec 2014

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December 2014

“Project REACHERS” at the CAP Fundraiser Several “Project REACHERs” found each other at the Madison County Community INSIDE THIS ISSUE:Action Program bowling fundraiser, “Strike Out for Poverty”.

Pg. 2 Staff News

Bobbi Jo Hannan and Janeen Bligen presenting at the Wheler Conference See story on page 5

Pg. 3 Member News Pg. 4 Member Spotlight Pg. 5

Wheler Conference

Pg. 6 Upcoming Events Pg. 7 Gallery 1

Saying Hello… McKenzie Houseman, the new Project REACH Writing Coordinator I am so excited to be a part of Cazenovia College and Project Reach! I was born and raised right here in the village. You will see me walking through town with my dog, Dexter. I have been married for 17 years, and we have two great boys! You may have seen me around campus already. I teach American Sign

Language and I was a professional writing tutor for several years. One thing you might find surprising about me is that I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Please stop by my office any time. I would love to meet you!

Saying Goodbye… Seth Spencer, Project REACH Office Assistant Seth Spencer has been the Project REACH Office Assistant since he was a freshman, keeping our files in order, helping with cultural event flyers, mailings, supplies, running errands, even driving members to cultural events! According to Michele Tesch, “Seth has been a huge asset to Project REACH. He makes our jobs easier and his work is always thorough and accurate.”


Seth will be graduating next month, with a Bachelor of Professional Studies in Management with a dual specialization in Accounting and Business Management. Thank you, Seth for four years with Project REACH! We wish you all the best and we’ll miss you!

Project REACH Members Receive Grant Aid Project REACH members in their sophomore year have an opportunity to be awarded a financial grant through the Project REACH/Student Support Services program. Each semester, we select a small group of active, second-year members to receive this financial award based on participation in the program last year, GPA, and federal guidelines. Grant Aid recipients for the fall 2014 semester are: Justice Armstrong, Brooke Berglund, Jorge Guerrero, Chyna Harrison, Khaliek McArthur, Desire Rico, Beth Simmons and Natanya Thomas.

CONGRATULATIONS to the following Project REACH members who earned a spot on the Dean’s list for the spring 2014: Elman Aquino Kelsey Barrett Emily Bennett Brooke Berglund Janeen Bligen Ellie Boone Courtney Brimmer Laprea Bussie Nicole Ciampa Rachael Clark Samantha Crouse

Sierra Detrick Lilliemae Ervin Victoria Holton Carly Kaczynski Matthew Kenyon Matthew Komondor Brandi LaBounty Tiffany Longacre Chastidy Mejia Alexandra Miller Patience Misner

Tangie Muncil Amanda Ostrom Jessica Russo Alexandra Santiago Sonja Skalecki Seth Spencer Sally Taylor Emily Venuti Brittany Whitehouse Kaedynne Wilson Haley Zambito

Dracula! For two weekends, the cast of Dracula performed at the Catherine Cummings Theatre. Two Project REACH members were part of the cast: Sonja Skalecki and Tai Terry. Left to right is Anthony Newill (Dr. Seward), Sonja Skalecki (Mrs. Harker), David Lowenstein (the director), Brandon Anthony (Dracula), Yvette Fall (Dr. Van Helsing), Tai Terry (Renfield), and Ruth Bender (Abigail). Missing: Brianna Manley (Lucy). Congratulations, Sonja and Tai! 3

Carrie Eastman’s Professional Conference Experience My name is Carrie Eastman. I am a freshman at Cazenovia College. As a freshman, you don’t really think you’ll be getting involved in conferences and national organizations, but you definitely can! Thanks to Project REACH and my professor, Marla Reger, I was able to attend this year’s NAMI conference (National Alliance on Mental Illness) held at the Syracuse Zoo. It was my first experience with a professional conference, but it was one of the best experiences I’ve had in college so far. I am focusing my studies on mental health issues and to be able to sit in a room with parents, other students and professors, and even doctors and psychiatrists was amazing. As each person spoke, it was evident that the Syracuse area needs more associations and hospitals to deal with the mentally ill. It was also evident that in the Syracuse area, we are losing funding for hospitals that serve mentally ill patients. Another aspect of the conference that stuck out to me was the presentation by a psychiatrist about stigma. Because our world is an ever-evolving one, people and views change. Our views on mental illness need to change. The stigma surrounding mental illness makes it difficult for people to seek help, because they are afraid of how they will be viewed. However, mental illness is a real illness just as

cancer is, and in order to keep people with mental illnesses safe, as well as keeping society a safe place, advocates are needed. This experience has caused me to become an advocate for people with mental illness, as well as one to get involved in college. Participate in as many programs, conferences, and other activities as you can, because it will

make all the difference. “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” –Nelson Mandela Carrie Eastman, ‘18 Human Service Major, International Studies Minor

“Happy Birthday” in Canterbury! Whether it be birthdays in Canterbury or holidays (the British version, of course), everything seems better in Canterbury, England and in Europe in general. Removed from normal social groups and easy contact with parents and most relatives, it is a place to discover who you really are as an individual, a place of growth and learning, and excitement. Activities include booking trips for holiday (reading week) to organizing house parties, and even doing homework, because that's why I'm here after all, isn't it? There is rarely a moment of boredom or letdown because each new experience is viewed as an opportunity and lesson to learn. Time management skills have become even more necessary, having to fit in a lifetime of experience in the three months Pictured above: Greg Rizzo & Patience Misner celebrating their birthdays in England I'm here, along with keeping up my grades and simultaneously preparing for a future. That's why I am so thankful for the Caz family who are on this trip with me. They threw a party for Greg and myself and even baked a cake! Our small group of 16 makes sure there is always fun to be had and assignments done by at the very least, the last minute. Patience Misner, ‘16, Psychology Major 4

Project REACH Members at the Wheler Conference Two members of Project REACH had the honor of presenting at the 13th Annual Wheler Family Conference on “Justice” on October 29. Janeen Bligen and Bobbi Jo Hannan, both Human Services majors, teamed up to bring the national “No More” campaign to Cazenovia College and were invited to present at a breakout session of the Conference. “No More” is a national campaign developed to raise awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault in our society. Janeen and Bobbi Jo created their own PSA and posters with the help of college friends and staff. When the girls’ breakout session began, Kayle Light introduced Bobbi Jo, who entered the room from the hallway, stopped in front of the audience and told a moving story of a young girl who experienced abuse from the time she was a child and her journey to adulthood struggling to overcome her past. When she finished, she told the audience she was speaking of herself. Next, Janeen was introduced. She walked into the room and shared her story of abuse in the same powerful manner. The girls presented their PSA and photos of staff holding “No More” signs with excuses printed underneath, such as “NO MORE- What was she wearing?” and “NO MORE- It’s not my business.” We are proud of Janeen and Bobbi Jo, who took courageous steps to overcome their past, help others do the same, while making others aware of a serious problem in society. Good job, girls!

Are you eligible for work study? Project REACH has an opening for an OFFICE ASSISTANT WORK STUDY in the spring! Earn a paycheck plus valuable skills you can put on your resume. Duties:  General office work including filing, preparing mailings, copying, assisting with newsletter and other duties as assigned by staff. Qualifications:  Member of Project REACH  Attention to detail  Van licensed or willingness to obtain van license Contact Michele at if interested. 5

To reserve tickets to any Project REACH event, contact Michele at or 315-655-7205.

Project REACH Gives Back

Holiday Party

at the

Monday, December 8

Samaritan Center

Holiday crafts Finger Foods Presentation of CSS Workshop Certificates Recognition of Dec. Graduates

Wednesday, Nov. 19 Several Project REACH members will have the opportunity to “give back” by helping to serve a lunchtime meal for homeless guests at the Samaritan Center in downtown Syracuse. If you are interested, please contact Michele at 315-655-7205 or

Like “Cazenovia College Project REACH” for important event updates!

Muffin Monday December 1

If you have a winter birthday, stop up and celebrate with Project


Fun at Feats of Clay Project REACH-ers at the CAP Bowling fundraiser!


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