January/February 2016
The Creation of the Signature Wall at Project REACH INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pg. 2 Cultural events Pg. 3 Workshops Pg. 4 Spotlight
Pg. 5 Staff News Pg. 6-7 Great opportunities Pg. 8-9 Gallery
To reserve tickets to any Project REACH event, contact Adair at aamilmoe@cazenovia.edu or 315-655-7205.
Come learn about the stars at the Colgate University Planetarium Saturday, April 9, 2016 To Kill a Mockingbird Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Syracuse Stage 7:30 p.m.
43rd Annual Fashion Show Like “Cazenovia College Project REACH� on Facebook to get up-to-date event information, including sign-up start dates! 2
Save the Date! Saturday, April 23, 2016
Check out the workshops designed for YOU!
Feb. 15:
Graduate School FAQs
March 21: Student Loans 101 April 4:
Making the most of your internship experience
April 18:
Personal branding & considerations for post graduate life
To sign up, contact Kayle Curtin at kjlight@cazenovia.edu or 315-655-7267
Plagiarism Workshop
What is “plagiarism”? What’s the big deal? What are the consequences of plagiarism at Cazenovia College?
Find out the answers to your questions! Wed., April 13th 3-4 pm McDonald Lecture Hall 3
Spotlight on the Signature Wall Project REACH has a new addition to its office. At the start of the fall 2015 semester, the staff at Project REACH came up with an idea during a weekly meeting. The original thought was to paint the wall a different color and then the idea grew to not only paint the wall with chalk paint but have the Project REACH students sign it for themselves, leaving a mark on their college. Emily Keller, first-year psychology major, is working on drawing the Project REACH logo on the wall. She has hopes of finishing the project by the end of the month. Each signature has its own distinct color scheme and design—highlighting the personalities of our Project REACH members. If you have not signed the wall yet, please feel free to stop by the office and pick up a chalk pen to create your memory.
Congratulations to our Project REACH members named to the fall 2015 Dean’s list! Illary Nicolas Emily Cavaiola Nicole Ciampa Sierra Detrick Yonella Farley Hannah Graether Jerica Holland Sada Koslowski
Renee Petrella Christine Petrick Ahmon Powell Hannah Race Gillian Riggall Alissa Rivera Francheska Rosado
Brandi LaBounty Kara Locey Alexandra Lopez Chastidy Mejia Patience Misner 4
Jessica Russo Elizabeth Simmons Taizavaughn Terry Natanya Thomas Alysse Thomson Emily Venuti Scarlett Nordman Chyna Harrison
We are happy to introduce our new Academic Ambassadors! Hello, my name is Tai Terry from Beverly Hills, MI. I am a communication studies major, with a minor in theater. I enjoy dancing, singing and shopping. I have a huge creative side, and I love to Snapchat and Instagram. I speak French, English and some American Sign Language. I also enjoy hugs and nice texts!
Hello, my name is Gillian Riggall. I am a sophomore in the human services program. I am from Clay, NY. I enjoy spending time with my family and with my horse, Lakota. I love painting and drawing. If there is one thing I am not good at, it is writing biographies about myself.
Visit our REACH Facebook page for Academic Ambassador videos!
Project REACH Members… Join our
Cultural Events Committee! Help us decide what cultural events to attend Why join? Professional development Networking Resume Building What will be expected of you? Research & presenting possible events Help in advertising the events Help planning the logistics for the event Please contact McKenzie Houseman at mhouseman@cazenovia.edu or 315-655-7303
Find ways to celebrate and honor Black History Month this February. Let’s continue to be a part of diversity conversations on campus. What affects one, affects all. 6
Peer Mentoring- Is It For You? Want to help new students? Meet new people? Earn money? Attend one of our information sessions to learn about Project REACH's Peer Mentoring PAID positions for the fall 2016 semester: When/Where: Monday, February 29 from 2:30-3:30 p.m., Eddy 302 Wednesday, March 2 from 3:30-4:30 p.m., Eddy 302 For more information contact Kayle Curtin, Academic Coordinator, Project REACH 655-7267, email: kjlight@cazenovia.edu
On a winter hike at Highland Forest, February 2016 7
Holiday Party, December 2016
Welcome Back Open House, January 2016