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Professional Development
Webinar Series now available on-demand
With nearly 1000 registrants, we had overwhelming interest in our 2021-22 Webinar Series. CBABC brought you three series that address today’s leading legal industry topics. Rewatch on your schedule from our CBABC On-Demand Catalogue at cbabc.org/OnDemand.
Truth & Reconciliation Series
Science-Informed Practice Series
This four-part series helped lawyers can move closer to building reconciliation in their everyday practice.
Part 1 talked about the implications of working in a colonial framework for economic development, with discussions on partnering with Indigenous businesses and nations and the impacts of law in Indigenous business settings.
Part 2 covered how to better understand the realities of Indigenous Peoples and explored the business reasons and strategies for developing Indigenous relations.
Parts 3 & 4 tapped into valuable insights on how the passage of UNDRIP and DRIPA have impacted the private and public sector, and what the legal industry can do to bring about meaningful reconciliation.
Coming Fall 2022 — On September 30, the first session in our next Truth & Reconciliation series will focus on how lawyers in all practice areas can apply their Indigenous cultural awareness in day to day practice.
Family law lawyers who work with clients in estate planning, estate litigation, or youth criminal justice benefitted from three expert-led sessions.
Parts 1 & 2 examined the connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), brain health, and client well-being to support lawyers to build good working relationships with children and their families.
Part 3 challenged members to put knowledge into practice by providing tips and strategies to lawyers on how to improve the well-being of the children and families they serve, creating a family justice system that is more client-centred.
In today’s legal services market, unprecedented changes demand the attention of lawyers and law firms. This requires rethinking how we advertise services, recruit talent, network with peers, and generate new business while ensuring ethical and professional obligations are met.
Throughout this series, the lawyer of today learned how to ethically engage with social media tools to build their practice, how to define and achieve marketing goals, and explored innovative business models to help grow their solo or small firm practice.
Business of Law Series
Stay sharp in your career with professional development programs on practice management, professionalism, and EDI. Many are free or deeply discounted for members! cbabc.org/RENEW22