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Updated Professional Regulation Titles Unveiled
The history of lawyers as a regulated profession in this province is — at least by our relatively brief colonial history — primordial. The Legal Professions Act was enacted in 1863 by Governor James Douglas via proclamation to replace the 1858 Order of Court from Judge Begbie. It was that 1858 Order that first legislated barristers of the colony. 11 years later, the first B.C. law library emerged. Our oldest books originate from that time. (More history here, bit.ly/44Q3cUC, under CLBC’s “Our Legal Knowledge Base,” which contains a collection of handy references, hard to find answers, and a diverse assortment of legal research questions.)
In any event, Courthouse Libraries BC has served Law Society members for generations. CLBC even maintain materials on the very nature of regulated professions. And not just the legal profession, but doctors, engineers, architects, financial advisors, etc. CLBC’s latest updates include 2023 additions to the looseleaf Professional Liability in Canada (Carswell). This work features crucial insights and even includes practical precedents. Worthy of note is The Regulation of Professions in Canada (Carswell), which was also updated this year. This work synthesizes laws relating to regulated professions, particularly vis-à-vis discipline and licensing. Need other sources? Call CLBC or email librarian@courthouselibrary.ca