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CBA Launches Wellness Solutions
CBA is pleased to announce the launch of CBA Wellness Solutions - The focus of CBA Wellness Solutions is to provide our members and partner firms with a variety of programs and resources to help achieve greater balance of the mind, body and spirit. Based on the current environment, CBA felt it was extremely important to take a leadership role in this area. CBA Wellness Solutions will continue to evolve over time. Please offer suggestions regarding resources and programs you would like to see made available.
PHASE 1 of CBA Wellness Solutions- CBA Health Care Insurance:
Based on rising health insurance costs and changing employee needs, CBA members and partner firms have told us they would like to have an association health insurance offering that provides both premium stability and program customization. After many months of review and study with multiple community banks, CBA’s Member Services Committee and Board of Directors, CBA is excited to announce the formation of CBA Health Care Insurance.
CBA has joined forces with CS&O Captives (www.csocaptives.com) to provide a protective funding layer for premium stability and CBIZ (www.cbiz.com) to help our members and partner firms create plans that are best suited for the needs of their employees and families. This modern and innovative program has been designed to help manage costs while allowing employers to offer the types of programs and services their employees want and desire such as HSAs and similar. CBA’s captive cell also provides for the opportunity to generate annual dividend distributions for participating banks and firms. In order to participate, community banks and partner firms must be members in good standing and other restrictions, requirements apply. Please contact John McNair, CBA President/CEO with any questions.