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Town Hall Talks
Town Hall Talks - Building Relationships Between Legislators, Constituents & CBA
The highly successful Town Hall Talks were held in August in Valdosta, Augusta, Milledgeville and Watkinsville. This multilocation grassroots alternative to the Day at the Dome allows bankers the opportunity to continue building our grassroots advocacy efforts and to meet their legislators in person. At each location, bankers, partners and small business owners had the opportunity to engage with legislators in a question-and-answer session and to hear their perspectives on legislative issues.

CBA was pleased to partner with National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Hunter Loggins, and Nathan Humphrey. CBA’s John McNair, Lori Godfrey and Becky Soto were instrumental in the success of the Town Hall Talks. Special thanks to the bankers, legislators, small business owners and partner firms who participated.
Thank you to the Town Hall Talk sponsors - Fitech, ICBA, IntraFi, James Bates Brannan Groover LLP, and SHAZAM.
As always, CBA’s Swaggin Wagon thoroughly enjoyed the road trips visiting with bankers, legislators, partner firms and stopping at community banks along the way.

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Use of IntraFi Network Deposits and IntraFi Funding is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in the program agreements, including the IntraFi Participating Institution Agreement. Limits apply and customer eligibility criteria may apply. A list identifying IntraFi Network insured depository institutions at which funds may be placed through IntraFi Network Deposits may be found at https://www.intrafi.com/network-banks. As provided in the applicable Deposit Placement Agreement, the depositor may exclude particular insured depository institutions from eligibility to receive the depositor’s funds.Network Deposits and the IntraFi hexagon are service marks, and IntraFi, ICS, CDARS, and IND are 6 | www.cbaofga.com | September/October 2022 registered service marks, of IntraFi Network LLC.