CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 4 Term 3 2017

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College Newsletter Edition 11 Week 4 Term 3 | Friday 11 August 2017

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 1

Cover: The Technologies workshops are ‘boy heaven’ where digital and design skills are put to practical use.

From the Principal Pastoral Care initiative makes history

and Samson Mentor Groups 7 were chosen

History was made at CBC Fremantle this

to become the inaugural members of

week with the announcement of the

O’Connor House, which is named after the

Mentor Groups that will be transferring

iconic figure of Charles Yelverton O’Connor.

across to the College’s new Kelly and

CY designed and oversaw the building of

O’Connor Houses.

Fremantle Harbour and was responsible for

Morgan, Patrick, Rice and Samson Mentor

has been in operation since 1903.

the Goldfields water pipeline scheme that Groups 4 were randomly selected to CBC Fremantle

move to Kelly House, which is named

Brother Kelly holds a place in the heart

51 Ellen Street

after Br Patrick Kelly, Principal of CBC

of many CBC alumni and current and

Fremantle WA 6160

from 1982 to 1991 and a man of deep

past staff members. Many remember

T 08 9336 2700

faith and strong values.

him as a hard but fair leader, with a fiery temperament that matched his blazing

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

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As a result of the same random selection

red hair. Life shaped and softened Brother

process, students in Morgan, Patrick, Rice

Kelly; as he developed his intellectual





SERVIC E Above: The new House crests for CBC Fremantle were unveiled this week at a College assembly. The first Head of Kelly House will be Mr Craig Jones, and Mr Patrick Ryan will lead O’Connor House in 2018.

and teaching skills as part of his career

we can forever be improving upon. Brother

and scepticism with both the Harbour

as an educator, he also deepened his

Kelly is a symbol of strength of character

and Goldfields projects, and was unjustly

compassion and love for his community.

with a heart of compassion, which is

accused of corruption and misdemeanours,

He devoted his later years to counselling

visually articulated in the new Kelly House

charges which were formally dismissed by

victims of child abuse and supporting

crest with its Celtic tree of life and a dove

a government inquiry. The strain took its

the various Colleges he had worked in

in its centre.

toll on the man who was also struggling

and continued to volunteer at. Prior to

with mental illness and before the pipeline

the illness that claimed his life, it was a

CY O’Connor was also a man with vision

rare event at CBC that Brother Kelly did

and integrity, who provided a legacy to

not attend, and he remained a stalwart

the people of Western Australia with his

Today, in the 21st century, with the blessed

was opened, CY O’Connor took his own life.

member of the Old Boys’ Association

bold engineering designs. He was a man

advances we have made in understanding


who pushed his life to the limit, moving

the issues of mental health, the tragic

from Ireland to Australia via New Zealand

decision of CY O’Connor to end his life

Brother Kelly reminds us that we can all

with his large family and often going

highlights the dangers of untreated and

change and evolve; that service and love

against commonly held views with an eye

unsupported depression. This brilliant man,

for our brothers and sisters are traits that

on the future. He was met with dissent

who improved so many lives and devoted CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 3

Above: Students in Mentor Groups 4 have been transferred to Kelly House Right: Boys in Mentor Groups 7 moved across to O’Connor House

himself to service, was no match for

Both of these incredible men, Brother

student and long-serving mayor of

the undiscerning hand of mental

Patrick Kelly and Charles Yelverton

Fremantle who lived in the home still

health disorders. The College embraces

O’Connor, span the schism between

standing on Ellen and Ord Streets.

this opportunity to openly discuss

the old and the new, the past and the

depression, anxiety and other issues,

future, and point the way for growth

Mr Craig Jones will be the first Head of

and seeks to erase the stigma that is

and reconciliation, compassion and

Kelly House, and Mr Patrick Ryan will

attached to a condition that affects one


in five Australians.

proudly wear the purple of the O’Connor House. Introducing two new Houses will

The new Houses join a formidable

provide the College with an even more

The crest for the new O’Connor House is

company of gentlemen honoured by the

effective Pastoral Care structure and the

identified by the black swan of Western

College with the current Houses: Morgan,

process will be unrolled in coming weeks

Australia, with its wings outstretched in

named after the first Headmaster of CBC

with due consideration to the effects of the change on students and their families.

growth and paused for flight. The icon

Fremantle; Patrick bearing the name of

clearly defines the College’s contribution

the ‘Apostle of Ireland’; Rice honours

to the history of Western Australia, and

Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of

Mr Shaun Kenny

promises a dynamic future for our College

the Christian Brothers, and Samson,


and broader community.

which is named for the former CBC

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College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to sync on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.

MUSIC PHOTO DAY Tuesday 22 August

SPORT PHOTO DAY Monday 11 September



CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 5

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au click on the Newsroom link at the top of the page.

7 August 2017

2 August 2017



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19 July 2017

29 June 2017



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Important College information Please read the following procedures regarding student attendance at the College.

Attendance procedure


• Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:30am.

• Parents are to contact the College on 9430 2007 or email

• 8:40am first bell sounds.

absentee@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au by 9:30am on the

• 8:45am students are expected to be in their Mentor room.

day of the absence. • Medical Certificate is required if your son is absent for three or

Late arrivals • After 8:45am with a Parent Note (please use Student Passport), student must report to Student Services/Reception.

more days. • Extended/planned absence of three or more days requires formal notification to the Principal.

• Between 8:45am – 9am without a note, students report to Heads of House. • 9am onwards student reports to Student Services/Reception to sign in.

Following receipt of the formal notification to the Principal, the College will: • Reply with a letter acknowledging the receipt of formal notification via email or letter, enclosing a Notification of Extended Absence

Early leave • Parent Note from Student Passport needs to be completed and signed by parent. • The Parent Note must be signed by their Mentor Teacher. • At the time of leaving, Class Teacher signs the Note and the

Form for completion and return to Head of House. • Notify the student’s respective Head of House, Mentor teacher and class teachers.


student reports to Student Services/Reception to sign out

Students who are sick must report their condition to their teacher who

(and meet their Parent).

will direct them to Student Services. They may then be directed or

• Please ensure your son is aware of any appointments as we cannot guarantee that a message will be passed onto him.

assisted to the Sickbay, and parents will be contacted. Students are not to call parents to make their own arrangements.

• Please note: Students will not be permitted to leave class without a Parent Note.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 7

Mums raising teenage boys The Parent Auxiliary is again running the

As the primary female role model in a

there are specific emotional and practical

Mums Raising Teenage Boys seminars

boy’s life, mothers play an important role

difficulties to manage such as feeling

which have been very successful for the

in the development of their son’s identity

isolated or lonely, or not having a partner

last two years.

including their ability to be nurturing. This

available to deal with discipline and other

in turn affects how they relate to others,

parenting issues. This seminar explores

particularly to girls and women.

parenting teenage boys from a more ‘solo’

Mums Raising Teenage Boys Monday 21 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm Cost: $10.00


O BOwell-prepared However mothers are

logically, the emotional response to having a boy is often still, “Wow! This is unknown

perspective and gives mums useful and

Mums Raising Boys in a Solo Parent or Fly In, Fly Out Family

supportive strategies to help them meet challenges more effectively.

Tuesday 22 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm.



Cost: $10.00


The cost of each event is $10 with the College again supporting both evenings.

territory.” It is true that for many mothers,

When your partner is regularly away or

Places are limited to 25 mums per

the idea of raising a son carries its own set

when you are a solo parent different

workshop. To secure your place,

of worries.

family life challenges can result. Often

book online at the College website.

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Extraordinary Future Science extravaganza! National Science Week 2017 will be celebrated at CBC from Friday 11 August through to the following Thursday. All boys at the College will be provided with an opportunity to be involved, with incursions, excursions, guest speakers, quizzes, lunchtime experiments and a movie evening all highlighting this year’s ‘Future Science’ theme. • Year 9 and 10 students will take part in a new interactive workshop that will be highly practical, ‘Tech-Mech’ and ‘Impact on the Environment’. • Some of our senior students will have a guest speaker from EngTalk Australia; Michael, a Geotechnical Engineer will discuss university courses and then life in the bigger than real life world of engineering. • A display from Birds of Prey will provide up close and personal encounters with some fantastic feathered beasts and there will be multiple cool and fun lunchtime experiments for everyone.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 9

What CBC boys say about the new Houses ...

Mitchell Cattalini Year 10

Aidan Davison Year 8

Luke Gavranic Year 8

What House are you in? Rice House.

What House are you in? I’m moving from Patrick to O’Connor.

What House are you in? Rice House.

Do you know who Rice House is named after? Edmund Rice was the person who made the Christian Brothers schools and he helped many kids.

Do you know who O’Connor House is named after? Oh, CY O’Connor. He made the Goldfields’ pipeline, didn’t he?

Do you know who Rice House is named after? Yes, Edmund Rice was the founder of the Christian Brothers and they helped poor people to be educated.

What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? I think it’s good. The Heads of Houses will get to know the kids more.

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What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? I’m not sure about the CBC green and purple going together. I think there’ll just be more groups. Mr Ryan will be our Head of House and he’s pretty good.

What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? I like it. I think it will make things easier.

Sam Moreno Year 8

Pascal Rodet Year 10

Jake Urquhart Year 7

What House are you in? Rice House but I’m moving to Kelly.

What House are you in? Rice House.

What House are you in? Samson House.

Do you know who Kelly House is named after? No, I don’t.

Do you know who Rice House is named after? Edmund, yes. He started schools for poor people.

Do you know who Samson House is named after? No, I don’t.

What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? All my friends are in Rice House and I’m not sure about the colour, so I’m a little unsure. But I think it will be okay.

What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? I don’t really think it will change things much. It will just make it easier for some things.

What do you think about the introduction of two new Houses? I reckon it will be a lot easier to organise. I like being in Samson, I’m comfortable.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 11

This year CBC will be participating in the Wo olworths Earn & Learn programme we will initiative. Through thi be able to get new ed s ucational resources to do is shop for your for our school, and all groceries at Woolwort we need you hs. From Wednesday 26 July to Tuesday 19 Se ptember, or while sto Woolworths Earn & ck lasts, we are colle Learn stickers. You wi cting ll get one sticker for tobacco and gift cards every $10 spent (exclu ). Place the sticker on ding liquor, to a Woolworths Earn it’s complete drop it & Le arn sti cke r sheet and when into the Collection Bo x in College Reception or at your local Woolw orths. At the end of the pro motion, we’ll be able to get some great ne extensive and offers w equipment. The ran lots of items ideal for ge is ou r students – including science and some fan res ou rce s for ma tastic fun supplies for ths, English, art and craft, sport an d for our library. Thanks for your help!

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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

The Walker Trio St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Subiaco – Friday 18 August, 7.30pm Catholic Mission presents three of WA’s leading musicians – Jessica Gethin, Ray Walker and Sophie Curtis – all from the Walker family. Performing an eclectic mix of well-loved classical to swinging jazz, Irish ballads and contemporary favourites. Proceeds to support maternal and child health in Uganda. Grateful thanks to our generous concert sponsors: Iona Presentation College, St John of God Healthcare and Como the Treasury. Don’t miss out - be sure to bring your family and friends! TICKETS $25 for adults, $15 concessions, 12 and under free from www.trybooking.com/QYJF or at the door.

Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Scholarships Are you a young person looking of the next big adventure? Or perhaps you know a passionate young leader; we want to know about them! Applications are now open for the 2017 Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Scholarship-Youth Explorer Challenge! Voyage sets sail 29 November to 5 December 2017. The Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Scholarships provide a unique opportunity for young people in Fremantle to have a real high seas adventure. Successful applicants will learn life and leadership skills through a hands-on seven day sailing voyage aboard a magnificent sailing ship, the STS Leeuwin II. To find out more about the scholarships and to apply please visit the website.

Changes to aged care MercyCare is the leading not-for-profit Catholic provider of aged care, family, health, disability and community services. Our community and home services provide support to assist individuals over the age of 65 years to remain as independent as possible in their own home. There have been many changes within aged care over the last few years, and many people do not realise that there are government funded services available to individuals to keep them living at home for longer. These services can be flexible and include support to participate in social activities or to keep up with the essentials, assistance with everyday household tasks and providing support for everyday personal care activities. The services also include in-home nursing assistance with wound care, continence management, and medication management. There are also many support services available for carers to enable them to take a break. Please call Samantha from MercyCare on 6228 1537 to discuss the support services that are available. Alternatively please email sspiro@mercycare.com.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 13





Who: Boys and Girls year 6 – year 12 WhEN: Thursday afternoons 3.30pm – 5pm WhErE: South Fremantle SHS, Lefroy st Beaconsfield WhaT: Football matches and skill competitions 3 AuguST

10 AuguST

17 AuguST

24 AuguST

31 AuguST

7 SePTeMBer

14 SePTeMBer

21 SePTeMBer

For more information please contact Liam Anthony on 0429 348 353 or lanthony@wafc.com.au


Alcohol, Drug & Violence free

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Edmund Rice Camps WA invites you to join us at our Annual Fundraising Gala Ball

Proudly designed by


WHAT MAY COME Hosted by Kymba Cahill from Mix 94.5

Saturday 9th September 2017 Auction Items · Raffle · Live Entertainment Crown Ballroom 6.30pm pre-dinner drinks for 7.00pm dinner Formal Attire

$200 per person or $2,000 per table of 10 To purchase tickets please visit edmundricecampswa.com.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 15

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Term 4 2017 - Term 1 2018

Friday Flippaball School years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Games start from 5.45pm For children 8yrs and up Poloskills training available Boys and Girls Min Level 7 Swimming ability 14th Oct - 18th March You must register before forming Term 4, 2016 & Term 1, 2017 a team

Melville Water Polo Club

Saturday Juniors www.melvillewaterpolo.com.au

School years 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11+ office@melvillewaterpolo.com.au Games start from 8am Poloskills training available You must register before forming a team IMPORTANT DATES

Registrations open 20th August


Holiday Camp 1 Season Starts

13 October

Mon-Friday Afternoons Ages 7 - 15 Great way to learn the basics of water polo Gain strength, fitness and ball skills Coached by current MWPC players and coaches Min Level 7 Swimming ability

Holiday Camp 2

18-22 December

Holiday Camp 3

15-19 January

Season ends

24 March

2-6 October

www.melvillewaterpolo.com.au Enquiries to: flippaball@melvillewaterpolo.com.au 08 9319 2367 CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3 | Page 17

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