College Newsletter Edition 5 Week 10 Term 1 | Friday 7 April 2017
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 1
Cover: Archer Larwood (Year 9) receives a Certificate of Excellence at Wednesday’s assembly. Read more in the Newsroom.
From the Principal A Time of Hope and Joy
great reward for their commitment to
When any person has lived long enough
Jesus. After all, they had forsaken homes,
to meaningfully reflect upon their life
careers and monetary gain to follow a man
they are likely to recognise times of great
who had proven to be both charismatic
contrast. There will have been periods of
and quietly revolutionary. Surely such
joy and sadness, times of great hope and
commitment would result in a positive
others of despair. This disparity of feelings
outcome for each of them in this world
would certainly have been apparent to
and the next.
the followers of Jesus during that first Easter over two thousand years ago. As
The extent of their despair at the time of
51 Ellen Street
we prepare for our contemporary Easter
Jesus’ humiliation and crucifixion is not
Fremantle WA 6160
celebration it is opportune to reflect upon
hard to imagine. The man and the message
T 08 9336 2700
what we can learn from their experience.
which had influenced their lives so strongly
CBC Fremantle
was dead and all hope must have seemed
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There is much evidence in the scriptures to
gone. If the story finished at this point
suggest that the Apostles were expecting
there would be no Christianity and the
“This is a hope which is born out of the truth that our faith is indestructible and that its power transcends the darkness which sometimes afflicts our world.�
frightening truth would be that aggression
them to seek justice in their deliberations;
partners and danced enthusiastically
and injustice do eventually win out.
a hope which touches those who are
throughout the evening. Congratulations
marginalised or on the fringes of our
to each of our Year 12 students for
This understanding contrasts sharply with
society; and it is a hope for you and for me
ensuring that the event reflected their
the reality which confronted Simon Peter
as we seek peace in our relationships with
growing maturity and was representative
and Mary Magdalene as they stared into
of the culture of our College.
the empty tomb a few days later and were touched by an overwhelming sense
While wishing all of our families a restful
Holiday Wishes
of expectation and joy. They would have
break, I also invite you to avail yourselves
As all students and staff prepare to take a
experienced an optimism for themselves as
of the Easter liturgies in your parish and
break after a very long term, I hope that
they came to terms with the reality of the
thereby enjoy all that this season has to
families are able to enjoy some extended
resurrection and a sense of the hope that
offer. We pray that the miracle of that first
time together. Those who are travelling
has endured for the world since.
Easter Sunday will inspire all people of
during these holidays are wished safe
goodwill to a new optimism and hope.
travel and exciting adventures. School recommences for all students on Wednesday,
This is a hope which is born out of the truth that our faith is indestructible and
Senior Ball
26 April.
that its power transcends the darkness
A wonderful night of sartorial elegance
which sometimes afflicts our world. It is
and celebration was enjoyed by the
Mr Shaun Kenny
also a hope which extends to governments
young men in our senior class last Friday.
and others with status as we implore
The gentlemen in attendance looked resplendent, were attentive to their CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 3
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
04 April 2017
02 April 2017
Read more>
Read more>
30 March 2017
27 March 2017
Read more>
Read more>
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College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to sync on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
PHOTO DAY Thursday 27 April
CBC FAMILY MASS Saturday 13 May
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 5
2017 Student Residential Address Collection This notice is from the Australian Government Department of
Use and Disclosure of Information
Education and Training (the department), to advise you that the
It is important to ensure the statements of addresses are accurate,
department has requested your child’s school provide a statement of addresses, in accordance with section 21 of the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (the Regulation). A statement of addresses contains the following three pieces of information about students at the school: • Students’ residential address (not student names or other identifying information) • Students’ level of education (i.e. whether the student is receiving primary or secondary education) • Students’ boarding school status (boarders or day students)
and the department may from time to time carry out audits of statements of addresses to verify their accuracy. In the event of an audit, the department’s contracted auditors may seek to compare a school’s statement of addresses with student enrolment information held by the school for the purpose of verifying the information. The department’s contractors will not use the information for any other purpose. Any further use and disclosure of information relating to the statement of addresses will occur in accordance with section 65 of the Regulation.
Authority for and Purpose of Collection
Consistent with previous practice, and following the 2016
If you have any questions regarding this notice, you can contact the
Australian Bureau of Statistics National Census of Population and Housing (Census), it is timely that information held by the department is updated in order to ensure that Australian Government funding calculations for your child’s school are accurate. Under section 21 of the Regulation, a statement of addresses must not explicitly identify an individual student. Accordingly, all information in the statement of addresses provided by your child’s school to the department is de-identified. Page 6 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1
department by: • Email: • Phone (free call): SES helpdesk on 1800 677 027 (Option 4) For further information about the department, including the department’s privacy policy, please go to:
College Information Uniform Shop school holiday hours The Uniform Shop will operate for general business during the school holidays on the following days and times only.
Social media update
• Wednesday, 19 April from 12.00pm to 3.00pm • Monday, 24 April from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Please note, school term times for the Uniform Shop do not apply during school holidays. The Uniform Shop will resume normal school term times after the holidays from Wednesday, 26 April. For any queries please call Shop Manager, Falda Forzatti on 0409 904 950.
College Photo Day College Photo Day is on Thursday 27 April. Students need to have their order form completed to present to the photographer on the day. All students are required to wear full winter uniform, including blazer and polished shoes.
To coincide with the College’s new-look website, you can access more information, news and photos of activities by following the CBC Fremantle Facebook page. Go to the College website and in the top right corner you will see a link that will take you directly to the Facebook page. Alongside this is a link that will take you to the College’s YouTube channel. Sport information can be at your fingertips by following the CBC Fremantle Sport page on Facebook. As always, you can access the Newsroom for a more indepth story and gallery of photos.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 7
What CBC boys say about the end of term...
Leon Viti Year 12
Marcus Lomma Year 11
Thomas Osborn Year 7
What was the highlight of your term? Watching Mr Silveira dance at the Ball!
What was the highlight of your term? Finishing all of my assessments.
What was the highlight of your term? Making new friends.
What do you have planned for your holidays? I’m going to Japan for two weeks.
What do you have planned for your holidays? Swimming, surfing and staying in the sun!
What do you have planned for your holidays? Partying! Actually nah, I’ll be studying. What are you most looking forward to about next term? I’m definitely not looking forward to exams. What’s your favourite subject? Chemistry or Methods. Who is your favourite teacher? I love all my teachers equally.
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What are you most looking forward to about next term? The exam break, because I’ve only got one exam.
What are you most looking forward to about next term? Making more friends.
What’s your favourite subject? Woodwork.
What’s your favourite subject? PE or Science.
Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Stockton.
Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Rawnsley.
Brayden Pounder Year 8
Axel Damitz Year 9
Andrew Law Year 10
What was the highlight of your term? How nice all of my teachers are.
What was the highlight of your term? Hanging out with my mates.
What was the highlight of your term? House Week.
What do you have planned for your holidays? Spending Easter at my nan’s.
What do you have planned for your holidays? Not much, just relaxing.
What do you have planned for your holidays? Not much.
What are you most looking forward to about next term? Working on some new projects in Metal Work.
What are you most looking forward to about next term? The Lightning Carnival.
What are you most looking forward to about next term? No idea.
What’s your favourite subject? Outdoor Ed.
What’s your favourite subject? HASS.
Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Leech.
Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Silver.
What’s your favourite subject? Metal Work. Who is your favourite teacher? Mr Stockton.
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CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a
Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Thursday 11 May at 8am in the College Gymnasium. The celebration will commence with a Liturgy promptly at 8am followed by morning tea. All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service. The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 8 May is vital for catering. Register online at the College website by clicking on the Events Quick Link.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Book donations As part of CBC Fremantle House Week, students are encouraged to donate as many pre-loved or new books as possible for the 2017 Philippines Immersion. The books are an invaluable source of opportunity for Filipino students to improve their English skills. Making a difference The boys attending the Immersion this year will be able to distribute the books to people in schools and communities and make a real difference in the lives of people in need. The more the merrier! Houses will be allocated points contributing to their Wedd Cup totals based on the number of books donated. Donated books can be dropped off to Room 005. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 11
Host families wanted! 2017 Italian Assistant Host Families – Term 2 Hosting an Italian Assistant (university student from Italian University) provides students with the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the Italian language, culture and traditions. The minimum stay is 11 weeks but can be shared between two families. Host families provide free accommodation; collects and returns the assistant to the airport; assists in locating and accessing day-to-day services and shows the assistant some of the sights of Perth and its surroundings. The assistant is expected to help around the home for four hours a week with duties such as babysitting, cooking, tutoring of the host families’ children, gardening, etc. If you are interested in being a host, please contact 2017 Student Exchange Programme, Calling For Host Families The WAATI/Intercultura Exchange Program is a linguistic and cultural experience. It involves hosting an Italian student for 8/9 weeks during July and August and then eventually go to Italy for 8/9 weeks in December/January. The exchange students are expected to attend school, participate in normal activities organised by the host family and schools and make every effort to be acquainted with and understand the new cultural environment. The exchange also offers students a unique opportunity to improve their language skills through the acquisition of a second language. Italian or English tutors are not provided as it is not a feature of this program. The programme is not designed to provide a holiday for the student and it is not expected that students will be travelling or seeking to tour other parts of Australia or Italy. If you are interested in being a host family, please contact
Music fundraising donations needed CBC Fremantle’s Music Parents’ Group are calling for donations to help raise funds to provide opportunities for the College’s Music students, including equipment, performance uniforms and assistance towards the costs of tours. If you can assist with donations for raffles and auctions, please contact Mrs Giselle Pangiarella, telephone 0404 093 064.
Support Perth’s refugee children achieve and grow through AFL The Edmund Rice Centre WA is launching an appeal to help refugee children integrate into their adopted country through Australia’s game, AFL. In 2016, we hosted an AFL Showcase evening to highlight the success of our established AFL programmes over the last seven years in helping these youngsters reach their full potential. With demand increasing and resources dwindling in 2017, we need your help! Please support the campaign – you can find out more here. Forward, Share, Post and tell your friends, and most of all, make a donation! Every little bit helps.
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Perth Children’s Hospital Volunteers Since 1929, the volunteer presence at Princess Margaret Hospital has been extremely important to the experience that our patients and families have during their time here. Their concern for people and their ability to create an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill is invaluable. With the exciting move to the world class Perth Children’s Hospital we are expanding the volunteer team and we are recruiting now for a variety of roles. If you are aged 18+, and want to make a positive difference to the lives of children and their families who visit the hospital then we would like to hear from you. You can download an application form from our website: help_us/volunteers_pmh.htm . Once an application has been received you will be asked for interview and if successful will commence induction and training. We are looking for people who can commit to a minimum of 4 hours per week (1 shift). If you need further information contact Andy Wahid, Coordinator Volunteer Services 9340 8716 or email
Hilton Winter Film Festival Hilton Winter Film Festival Friday 21,28 April - 7:15 pm Friday 5,12 May -7:15 pm
Progress Hall 34 Paget Street Hilton WA 6163 The inaugural Hilton Winter Film Festival showcases awardwinning international documentaries from around the world right in the heart of Fremantle’s ‘garden suburb’. For more information visit Fremantle story website
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 13
Parent P on the STS An extraordinary & unique
family experience
Open to children aged 12+, with one or two parents or carers. The Leeuwin Foundation and Relationships Aust have joined forces. Join us on board this special voyage to learn a range of skills that will help imp family communication and build strong relationshi DATE
Mon 10 April - Wed 12 April $600 per family m
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Project Leeuwin II
tralia WA two-night prove your ips.
member Ph. (08) 9430 4105 B Berth, Victoria Quay, Fremantle CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 15
The Rotary Club of Mill Point
Charity Golf Day 2017
supporting PlusLife
Royal Perth Golf Course
Save the date | Friday, 12th May 2017
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CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 17
Calling all parents in WA The movement has started! Along with developing literacy and numeracy skills, a student’s mental health is the greatest priority in schools. It is an unfortunate fact that, on a daily basis, schools see students battling mental health issues that will potentially affect the rest of their lives.
of children and teens with mental health issues do not receive professional help.
YOU can make a difference.
Be part of the movement and promote mental health and well-being for your child by getting their school to join The Big Splash WA Schools Program.
What is The Big Splash WA? The Big Splash WA is a Wild in Art event that will take place in the streets, parks and public spaces of Perth and surrounds in early 2018. A huge pod of wildly colourful dolphin sculptures painted by local artists will swim into town as part of a mass public art exhibition to raise awareness of and valuable funds for Perth Children’s Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit. Use the arts to help children learn they are not alone and help is available.
The Big Splash WA Schools Program provides: Education packs for parents to help them initiate and navigate conversations with their children around mental health and well-being. Age specific education packs for K to 12 to encourage in-class creative thinking and promote mental health and well-being. Education packs for teachers to guide them in leading their students through the program.
A dolphin sculpture* for students to decorate as part of an interactive art element of the program designed to stimulate creativity and further facilitate mental health conversations. The opportunity to participate in Big Splash activities including an interactive walking trail through the pod of dolphins. The opportunity to include their school dolphin* in local community displays.
To ensure your school is part of this innovative program, share this flyer with your school. If you would like the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation to approach your school directly, please email For more information visit the *Only a limited number of dolphin sculptures are available for schools so order now to secure yours.
Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation
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CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 19
77a McCoy St, Myaree
SCHOOL HOLIDAY CLINICS ONLY 40 SPOTS AVAILABLE *Sports Based Training *Ages 13-16 *Suitable for all abilities and all sports *Run by ex-professional athletes and qualified coaches *Improve your speed, strength & agility
Week 1: 11th & 13th Week 2: 18th & 20th 10am - 12pm $60 p/child for the week Contact Rob - 0436 472 206 or Email - Page 20 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1 | Page 21
Talent Identification Open Day All Saints College Thursday 20th April 2017 The first step in being selected for the East Fremantle Academy Development Squad
Register Online Now
Date: Location: Time: Register by: Cost: Open to:
Thursday, 20th April 2017 All Saints College 10am - 1pm (Arrive 9:30pm) 17th April Free Boys born between JanuaryJune 2004 & July- December 2003 living in the East Fremantle District What to bring: Normal training gear, boots and running shoes, Mouth guard, Water bottle, Football jumper (optional) and Sunscreen. • Skills activities and testing run by the East Fremantle Academy Coaches and East Fremantle Players. • Individual performance report for all
Total AFL players from EFFC
Current AFL players from EFFC
Brownlow Medallists from EFFC
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No Football Club around Australia produces more players than the East Fremantle Football Club. The Age (Melb.), Aug 2003