College Newsletter Edition 13 Week 8 Term 3 | Friday 8 September 2017
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 1
Cover: Jack Meakins (Year 12) performing a monologue at Dramarama. Read more in the Newsroom.
From the Principal Fathers and their sons
but there is little doubt that those which
On Friday morning of last week, many
are modelled will be remembered long
dads accompanied their sons to school
after those which are imparted by word.
and enjoyed breakfast at the College in
Integrity, honesty and faithfulness are
celebration of Father’s Day. It was an
gifts that a man shares with his wife while
opportunity for the boys to acknowledge
they are being simultaneously learned by
their dads and to ensure that they had
his son. It is only through his own good
a great start to what we hope was a
example that a father can expect to enjoy
memorable weekend for them. Thank
the pride and satisfaction of watching his
CBC Fremantle
you to the many staff, senior students
son mature into someone who believes in
51 Ellen Street
and members of the Parent Auxiliary who
himself and leads a full life.
Fremantle WA 6160
cooked and served the breakfast – some
T 08 9336 2700
starting as early as 5.30am!
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Of course, the task for fathers is rarely uncomplicated and there sometimes
There are many virtues that dads can instil
seems to be a critical flaw in generational
in their sons as a result of good parenting
understanding. This was summed up by
The Vocal Ensemble performing at the CBC Music Festival.
American clergyman, Charles Wadsworth
hope that all of the fathers in our school
Hitting the right note
when he wrote, “by the time a man
community are reminded of the value
During this week, we were advised that
realises that maybe his father was right, he
placed upon their good work.
the College Vocal Ensemble had been
usually has a son who thinks he is wrong.”
recognised as ‘Outstanding’ for their
Mark Twain had an even more interesting
Drama students shine
performance during the Catholic Schools’
perspective when he reflected upon his
This term, the College’s Drama department
Performing Arts Festival. Anyone who had
relationship with his dad. He said, “When I
has been extremely busy preparing for
the pleasure of seeing and hearing their
was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant
its annual showcase of theatre, which
performance will not be at all surprised by
I could hardly stand to have the old man
was presented on Friday night. It was a
this assessment. Congratulations to
around. But when I got to be 21, I was
carefully curated display of thespian skills
Ms Emma Tandy, the Director of the
astonished at how much the old man had
that showcased a diverse range of styles,
ensemble, and each of the boys for their
learned in seven years.”
and the students appeared to really enjoy
dedication and skill as part of this group.
performing their original and classic pieces Perhaps the secret for dads is to accept
to a full house. Thank you to Ms Rosalba
Mr Shaun Kenny
that the perfect father does not exist and
Jeffreys and the staff who supported her
that our task is to ensure that the critical
to produce an entertaining and delightful
moments we share with our sons hold
evening, and congratulations to the
enough lessons for their lifetime. Over last
young men who rose to the challenges of
weekend, and throughout the future, I
performing in front of an audience. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 3
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at click on the Newsroom link at the top of the page.
1 September 2017
1 September 2017
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25 August 2017
24 August 2017
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College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to sync on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
AWARDS EVENING Sunday 22 October
SPORT PHOTO DAY Monday 11 September
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 5
Parking information Parents are requested to please take care when parking on Ellen Street, particularly at drop-off and pick-up time. Please park in the marked bays and exit the area with caution. Double parking is not permitted at any time. Thank you. Page 6 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Sport shoes update The College understands the difficulties parents have encountered when purchasing sports shoes or joggers for their sons, with the prevailing fashion being overtly colourful, or inappropriate for sport. Please note that students’ sports shoes or joggers are no longer required to be white but must provide the required support and structure to safely engage in sports activities. Supportive shoes have a firm heel and inflexible sole. Skate shoes are not acceptable. Any student or parent who is uncertain regarding the suitability of sports shoes is welcome to consult the Head of Health & Physical Education or relevant Head of House prior to purchase.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 7
What CBC boys say about leaving school ... The Class of 2017 will be finishing classes at CBC in a matter of weeks before commencing study break for their final exams. We asked a group of Year 12 students what they thought of leaving school and they revealed they have much more in common than just eye wear.
James de San Miguel Year 12
Nic McMahon Year 12
Luke Mertens Year 12
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? A bit surprised, waiting for what’s going to happen next. It felt like it has gone fast for me.
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? Mixed emotions – happy to be leaving school but sad that I won’t get to see my friends as much. It’s exciting to be going to uni.
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? A bit sad actually. I’ve had a lot of good experiences at CBC but I’m just looking forward to the future now.
What are your plans for the future? Probably go to uni after a gap year. I think I’ll visit cousins in Europe. What is your favourite memory of CBC? I went on the footy tour last year – that was great. And winning the Year 8/9 footy grand final. Who has been your favourite teacher? Mr Hunter – he was my Mentor teacher for a few years.
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What are your plans for the future? Definitely go to uni and maybe go overseas to play water polo. What is your favourite memory of CBC? Probably doing the Mother’s Day speech this year; writing the speech and then delivering it in front of all those people. Who has been your favourite teacher? Probably Mr Hunter – I had him for Sport, Outdoor Ed and PE and all that.
What are your plans for the future? Go to uni – I’m not sure what I’ll do yet. What is your favourite memory of CBC? Definitely the carnivals and interschool carnivals. There’s a lot of team spirit, which is great. Who has been your favourite teacher? Emily Bowran – she is my Mentor teacher and she’s really great.
Isaac Pollard Year 12
Jake Pomery Year 12
Adam Turner Year 12
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? Good. Excited to get out but sad that I won’t get to see everybody. I’ll see some people but there are others who I won’t get to hang out with as much any more and that’s a bit sad.
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? Excited but a bit nervous about heading into the big, wide world.
It’s almost at the end of your time at CBC – how do you feel about that? Mixed emotions about it. I’m excited to leave but it’s also sad not to be coming to school and seeing these guys.
What are your plans for the future? Go to uni; I want to do Property Development at Curtin. What is your favourite memory of CBC? The Rite Journey – it was a good group of boys and I got to know everybody really well and got some good friends that I’ve held on to right up until now, from Year 9. Who has been your favourite teacher? Probably Mr Correia. He develops a good student-teacher relationship and is a good mentor.
What are your plans for the future? I’m currently in the process of becoming qualified as an Education Assistant and then I plan to go to uni to get a teaching degree. I’m looking at doing secondary school Materials Technology and Design but I wouldn’t mind doing a primary physical education course. What is your favourite memory of CBC? There’s a lot – too many! Who has been your favourite teacher? It would have to be Mr Hart. He’s been really helpful to me and is really chilled out about everything.
What are your plans for the future? I’ll probably just go travelling a bit for the first year. I am looking at studying OT or rehab after that. What is your favourite memory of CBC? Probably the Ball. Who has been your favourite teacher? Probably Mrs Van Lohuizen – she’s a lot of fun. She gets us and is also very helpful.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 9
This year CBC will be participating in the Wo olworths Earn & Learn programme we will initiative. Through thi be able to get new ed s ucational resources to do is shop for your for our school, and all groceries at Woolwort we need you hs. From Wednesday 26 July to Tuesday 19 Se ptember, or while sto Woolworths Earn & ck lasts, we are colle Learn stickers. You wi cting ll get one sticker for tobacco and gift cards every $10 spent (exclu ). Place the sticker on ding liquor, to a Woolworths Earn it’s complete drop it & Le arn sti cke r sheet and when into the Collection Bo x in College Reception or at your local Woolw orths. At the end of the pro motion, we’ll be able to get some great ne extensive and offers w equipment. The ran lots of items ideal for ge is ou r students – including science and some fan res ou rce s for ma tastic fun supplies for ths, English, art and craft, sport an d for our library. Thanks for your help!
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Edmund Rice Camps WA invites you to join us at our Annual Fundraising Gala Ball
Proudly designed by
WHAT MAY COME Hosted by Kymba Cahill from Mix 94.5
Saturday 9th September 2017 Auction Items · Raffle · Live Entertainment Crown Ballroom 6.30pm pre-dinner drinks for 7.00pm dinner Formal Attire
$200 per person or $2,000 per table of 10 To purchase tickets please visit
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 11
Who: Boys and Girls year 6 – year 12 WhEN: Thursday afternoons 3.30pm – 5pm WhErE: South Fremantle SHS, Lefroy st Beaconsfield WhaT: Football matches and skill competitions 3 AuguST
10 AuguST
17 AuguST
24 AuguST
31 AuguST
7 SePTeMBer
14 SePTeMBer
21 SePTeMBer
For more information please contact Liam Anthony on 0429 348 353 or
Alcohol, Drug & Violence free
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CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 13
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Term 4 2017 - Term 1 2018
Friday Flippaball School years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Games start from 5.45pm For children 8yrs and up Poloskills training available Boys and Girls Min Level 7 Swimming ability 14th Oct - 18th March You must register before forming Term 4, 2016 & Term 1, 2017 a team
Melville Water Polo Club
Saturday Juniors
School years 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11+ Games start from 8am Poloskills training available You must register before forming a team IMPORTANT DATES
Registrations open 20th August
Holiday Camp 1 Season Starts
13 October
Mon-Friday Afternoons Ages 7 - 15 Great way to learn the basics of water polo Gain strength, fitness and ball skills Coached by current MWPC players and coaches Min Level 7 Swimming ability
Holiday Camp 2
18-22 December
Holiday Camp 3
15-19 January
Season ends
24 March
2-6 October Enquiries to: 08 9319 2367 CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3 | Page 15
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