CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 6 Term 1 2017

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College Newsletter Edition 3 Week 6 Term 1 | Friday 10 March 2017

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1 | Page 1

Cover: The CBC community enjoyed a breakfast in the Cloisters as part of the inaugural House Week celebrations.

From the Principal Being a Good School

or written form as a part of the many

Next week the College will conduct its

communications we share.

annual Open Day and further details are

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

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provided below. As part of this event I will

It has been reported to me on a number

give a short address to our assembled

of occasions that this approach differs

visitors at the commencement of each

significantly to that adopted by other

of our planned tours. The focus of my

schools. Some prospective parents who

talk will be upon the explicit culture we

have attended the Open Days at other

embrace and celebrate here, the status of

schools have said that the focus on these

parents as the primary educators of their

occasions is a statistical analysis of recent

sons and the critical importance of the

results and a report on school successes in

mutual support generated between the

the academic, sporting or artistic domains.

home and the school. In essence, this will

While celebrating achievement is an

not be greatly different from the message

essential characteristic of CBC Fremantle,

you, as our current parents, hear in verbal

and we have a lot to celebrate, we would

“If there is to be a defining annual measure for our efficacy as a school then it should be the quality of the graduates who walk across the stage at the conclusion of each year.” never seek to define our overall success

recently received from Dr Tim McDonald,

course combined scores in the top 15%

or purpose by these measures.

the Executive Director of Catholic

of all students in that course)

Our benchmarks for success as a

affirms the beliefs and practices we uphold.

Education in WA. I believe that it strongly

• 100% of students achieved the minimum literacy and numeracy standard.

College are overtly stated in our Journey Document and are shared

Congratulations to CBC Fremantle on

These results place the College ahead

with our community at every opportunity.

the excellent Year 12 WACE achievement

of many like Catholic, Government and

Assisting families in the development of

in 2016. This was a year that saw

Independent schools.

good young men is the focus of our efforts.

significant changes to the WACE and your

If there is to be a defining annual measure

staff prepared students very well for the

for our efficacy as a school then it should


be the quality of the graduates who walk The notable achievements are:


• A total of 33 awards, including 1 Subject

such an understanding is that high levels of achievement across a range of endeavours

for providing the opportunities for your students to achieve at this excellent level.

across the stage at the conclusion of each

One of the often understated outcomes of

Please congratulate all staff involved

Open Day

Exhibition, 2 Subject Certificates of

Please note that our College Open Day

Excellence, 8 Certificates of Distinction

will be conducted next Tuesday 14 March.

and 22 Certificates of Merit. • A WACE achievement rate of 100%,

Families are advised that classes will finish early at 1.05pm on that day in order

typically accompany such a philosophy.

placing your school on the SCSA First 50

to facilitate our Open Day tours which

When students are encouraged to serve

WACE Achievement schools list.

continue until 6.00pm. Many students will

others, act with integrity and be their best, this results in the many attainments that our students make. These are on the public record and are celebrated regularly at the College.

• A median ATAR of 80.70, placing your

be involved as tour guides and activity

school on the SCSA First 50 Median ATAR

leaders throughout that afternoon and

schools list.

early evening. Students not involved in

• 3 ATAR courses, namely Religion and Life, Chemistry and Geography, were placed

some capacity will be allowed to leave school at 1.05pm.

in the top schools list for ATAR courses In this spirit and with this understanding,

(based on the percentage of students

Mr Shaun Kenny

I am including an excerpt from a letter

at each school who had Year 12 ATAR


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1 | Page 3

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

7 March 2017

3 March 2017



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1 March 2017

27 February 2017



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College Calendar

COLLEGE OPEN DAY Tuesday 14 March

CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.

COLLEGE BALL Friday 31 March


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1 | Page 5

CBC heads to...

The Academic Excellence Programme (AEP) is proud to officially announce that the USA NASA Tour to New York, Washington DC and Orlando is scheduled for April, 2018. An information evening will be held at 6.00 pm on Monday 20 March 2017 in the Arts Learning Area building (ALA) at the College. Contact Marilyn Schmidt on marilyns@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au for further details.

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April School holidays 2018 – Friday, 13 April to Sunday, 29 April 2018


New York – 911 Memorial and Museum, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, 5th Avenue shopping

Washington DC – Smithsonian Institute, Monuments Moonlight tour, Capitol Building, White House,

Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum.

Orlando – Kennedy Space Center, NASA, Universal Studios, Ifly, Florida Everglades


Students participating in the Academic Excellence Programme activities will be considered to attend.

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Speaking up for the deaf Year 8 CBC student, Izaac Coubrough, has been profoundly deaf since birth. The courageous young man does not let this stop him from assisting others and recently spoke in front of more than 80 special needs teachers at the School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory (SSENS) in Padbury about what it is like to be deaf in a classroom and how to help others like him to maximise their learning. Izaac’s speech follows: Hi, my name is Izaac Coubrough and

replaced as the implant was faulty. Four

I can turn to hear any speakers in the

I am 13 years old. I am a student at

years after that I had a bilateral implant.

room. It often helps if other students need

CBC Fremantle.

Mum says there was an instant difference

to speak that they use my mini mic.

as two ears are always better than one. I was born in August 2003. At six weeks of

I have been public speaking yearly since

age I was diagnosed as being profoundly

Until people are told and it is explained

I was six years of age. When I was 10,

deaf. I was fitted with hearing aids in

to them, the general assumption is that

Cochlear the company paid for me to

November 2003. It didn’t take too long

having a Cochlear Implant is like having

fly to Canberra to speak at the National

with testing from audiologists to confirm

normal hearing. Almost by a miracle really,

Press Club. It was an amazing trip. All our

that I would possibly be a candidate for

with the access to early intervention,

expenses were paid for, we stayed at a

a Cochlear Implant.

Auditory Verbal Therapy and hours and

lovely hotel and we had great food.

hours of appointments, I have been able On April Fool’s Day 2004 I had my first

to develop speech. I do, however, still have

We were also escorted around Parliament

cochlear implant operation at the age of

difficulties. There is a misconception that

House by the Federal Member for

eight months. I can’t actually remember it.

I hear normally like hearing people.

Fremantle at the time, Ms Melissa Parke.

My mum remembers it; apparently I was a

There are lots of outside sources of sound

Ms Parke attended the function and

bit of a handful.

that affect me being able to hear teachers

watched me speak.

or other students speak. Any noise from At the time I was one of the youngest

inside the classroom, desks moving, people

The Prime Minister at the time was

recipients of a cochlear implant in

speaking or yelling all affect my ability to

Mr Tony Abbott. He was invited but


hear. I now have a mini microphone which

he didn’t turn up. My mum was secretly

is critical for me to be able to hear

happy about that.

At the age of two, even though I had

a teacher.

started to develop speech and language, I had to have that implant removed and Page 8 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1

There are many things that teachers I need to be situated in a classroom where

have done over the years to help me

understand. I would like to share some with you as it would really help deaf students that you have in your classrooms. These things include: • Always use the FM or mini mic when you are teaching. This helps to block out the background noise and focus on your voice. Please also give other students the FM or mini mic when they speak in class discussions to help me hear. • Please speak clearly and normally and make sure you are facing the deaf student. We need to lip-read and see your face, expressions and body language in order to get as much information as possible.

• Please use written notes whenever you

In the last couple of years there have been

can; also diagrams and maps help me to

advances in technology that now help me

understand concepts more easily. You

with my swimming. My Cochlear implants

can do this on a whiteboard or a smart-

can now be worn in the water and I should

opportunity to think about my response

board which projects what is on your

soon be able to swim without needing a

before I answer. This might take a bit of

computer. It is helpful when I can get a

touch start for my races.

• Give clear, short instructions. Do not ask us to do too many things at one time. • When you ask me a question, I need the

extra time so please be patient. • Please write instructions on the board

copy of these to take home and reread. • CBC often posts classroom notes onto

Unfortunately, there are not too many

when you can. Then we can refer back

SEQTA which I can log onto at home

profoundly deaf swimmers in Perth who

to them to make sure we are doing

later. Then I can reread what has been

swim as much as I do or use the technology

everything correctly without always

covered in class during the day without

that I do. It is constant work by my parents

having to ask.

distractions and noise.

to ensure that I am not discriminated

• I like to follow when you are reading

• Please use captions when you are

against in competitions or in sporting

from a text book but I cannot take

showing videos. Often it is harder to

events at school or at surf club.

notes when you are talking. I will need

hear taped voices, so being able to read

to watch you so that I can lip-read and

what is being said means I won’t miss

I would like to say thank you for listening to

concentrate on what you are saying.

out on as much information.

my speech. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1 | Page 9

What CBC boys say about House Week...

Ben Leavy Year 9

Jenkyn Morgan Year 11

Lawson Ramsay Year 7

What did you think of House Week? It was good because you got to interact with other people in your House. It was good to be able to wear your House uniform but you had to wash it every night.

What did you think of House Week? It was good.

What did you think of House Week? It was fun. There was yummy food.

What House are you in? Samson.

What House are you in? Patrick.

What House are you in? Samson.

Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? I just watched.

Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? No, I might play Indoor Soccer next year.

What was your favourite part of House Week? Probably the World’s Greatest Shave.

Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? I watched some soccer and the basketball.

What was your favourite part of House Week? I liked the Battle of the Bands and the World’s Greatest Shave. Soccer was also pretty good – it was a fun week.

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What was your favourite part of House Week? Getting to wear your House uniform all week.

Isaac Richards Year 11

Dylan Young Year 7

James Younge Year 11

What did you think of House Week? I thought it went well. It got a lot of kids involved in activities and to mix as a group.

What did you think of House Week? It was good.

What did you think of House Week? It was fun. I think I prefer it to the separate House fundraising days. It was interesting seeing all the Houses interact and having a bit of competition.

What House are you in? Morgan. Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? I did the World’s Greatest Shave, and also played footy. We were knocked out in the first round unfortunately. What was your favourite part of House Week? Not having to worry about wearing the normal uniform.

What House are you in? Patrick. Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? I played Indoor Soccer. We just lost by one penalty shot. What was your favourite part of House Week? I liked the World’s Greatest Shave.

What House are you in? Samson. Were you involved in any of the activities during the week? I was there supporting. What was your favourite part of House Week? I liked watching the Indoor Soccer and the King of the Cloisters.

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House Cross Country The annual House Cross Country Day will be held on 24 March 2017 with students completing a 4km run from South Cottesloe to Port Beach (north carpark). The day will be staggered with the following year groups racing together and missing two periods of the College day: Year 7/8 – Period 1 to Period 2 Year 11/12 – Period 3 to Period 4 Year 9/10 – Period 5 to Period 6 This is a compulsory event for all students at CBC Fremantle and participation is the focus of the day. We encourage all students to give their best effort regardless of their ability or fitness levels. Students will be required to wear their House sport uniform with predominantly white running shoes to school on this day. It is important that all students are well hydrated and have sufficient food before and after the event to avoid injury and illness. We look forward to another great event at CBC Fremantle and all students giving their best effort. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at stephenh@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Book donations As part of CBC Fremantle House Week, students are encouraged to donate as many pre-loved or new books as possible for the 2017 Philippines Immersion. The books are an invaluable source of opportunity for Filipino students to improve their English skills. Making a difference The boys attending the Immersion this year will be able to distribute the books to people in schools and communities and make a real difference in the lives of people in need. The more the merrier! Houses will be allocated points contributing to their Wedd Cup totals based on the number of books donated. Donated books can be dropped off to Room 005. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1 | Page 13

Host families wanted! 2017 Italian Assistant Host Families – Term 2 Hosting an Italian Assistant (university student from Italian University) provides students with the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the Italian language, culture and traditions. The minimum stay is 11 weeks but can be shared between two families. Host families provide free accommodation; collects and returns the assistant to the airport; assists in locating and accessing day-to-day services and shows the assistant some of the sights of Perth and its surroundings. The assistant is expected to help around the home for four hours a week with duties such as babysitting, cooking, tutoring of the host families’ children, gardening, etc. If you are interested in being a host, please contact silviar@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au. 2017 Student Exchange Programme, Calling For Host Families The WAATI/Intercultura Exchange Program is a linguistic and cultural experience. It involves hosting an Italian student for 8/9 weeks during July and August and then eventually go to Italy for 8/9 weeks in December/January. The exchange students are expected to attend school, participate in normal activities organised by the host family and schools and make every effort to be acquainted with and understand the new cultural environment. The exchange also offers students a unique opportunity to improve their language skills through the acquisition of a second language. Italian or English tutors are not provided as it is not a feature of this program. The programme is not designed to provide a holiday for the student and it is not expected that students will be travelling or seeking to tour other parts of Australia or Italy. If you are interested in being a host family, please contact silviar@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

Music fundraising donations needed CBC Fremantle’s Music Parents’ Group are calling for donations to help raise funds to provide opportunities for the College’s Music students, including equipment, performance uniforms and assistance towards the costs of tours. If you can assist with donations for raffles and auctions, please contact Mrs Giselle Pangiarella, telephone 0404 093 064.

Support Perth’s refugee children achieve and grow through AFL The Edmund Rice Centre WA is launching an appeal to help refugee children integrate into their adopted country through Australia’s game, AFL. In 2016, we hosted an AFL Showcase evening to highlight the success of our established AFL programmes over the last seven years in helping these youngsters reach their full potential. With demand increasing and resources dwindling in 2017, we need your help! Please support the campaign – you can find out more here. Forward, Share, Post and tell your friends, and most of all, make a donation! Every little bit helps.

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Master Mind Australia April Revision Programme for all students in Years 7 to 12 NAPLAN – Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision & Preparation The April Revision Programme aims to prepare students for NAPLAN and first semester exams, as well as revision consolidation. Courses will be conducted in the April school holidays at Christ Church Grammar School (first week) and Hale School (second week). For further information contact Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377 or visit www.mastermindaustralia.com.au.

Academic Task Force Enrolments are currently open for ATAR revision courses during the April school holidays with Academic Task Force at Perth Modern School, Churchlands Senior High School and Rossmoyne Senior High School, or Academic Associates at UWA. Specialist ATAR teachers will help to revise course content and prepare students for semester exams. Courses provide fresh insights into course concepts and tips on how to answer questions and maximise marks in exams. To enrol visit the Academic Task Force website at www.academictaskforce.com.au.

Registration for all 2017 sacramental programmes at St Benedict’s Church All Catholic children who are eligible to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2017 are requested to register for their respective Sacramental programmes on the weekends of 18 and 19 March at the Saturday 6pm Mass and on Sunday at the 9.30am Masses. An Enrolment Ceremony for all children preparing for the Sacraments will be held at these Masses. Registration forms are available on request at admin@stbenedicts.net.au or on the website. The completed forms and fees are to be returned at these Masses. Parents may also make enquiries by emailing the Catechist Coordinator at admin@stbenedicts.net.au or phone enquiries may be made to the Parish office on 9364 1120.

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The Rotary Club of Mill Point

Charity Golf Day 2017

supporting PlusLife

Royal Perth Golf Course

Save the date | Friday, 12th May 2017

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Successful Single Parenting People become single parents through a range of life choices and circumstances. Parenting alone is different in many ways compared to a two parent household and can have its difficulties and challenges. Whatever the challenges it is important to live your life in ways that shows your children you are happy. This will help them accept and value their lifestyle. If you are a single parent and are through that initial break-up stage this course will provide strategies that will help you develop a close and special relationship with your child. This seminar will look at:    

the challenges and benefits of being a single parent developing an understanding of what children need when in a single parent family the emotional and practical needs of the single parent strategies to manage new relationships

JOONDALUP Lotteries House 7/70 Davidson Terrace

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Fee: Time:

$30 per person 6.30-9pm

Places are limited so please phone 6164 0200 to enrol

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Dads Raising Teenage Girls The father-daughter relationship is particularly important during the teenage years to help girls navigate this difficult time. Find out how you can build a more rewarding relationship with your teenage daughter. This workshop will discuss:     

Building a positive relationship with your teenage daughter Issues teenage girls face today How to cope with the changes in your teenage daughter What do teenage daughters need from their dads Practical ways you can help her make better choices

JOONDALUP Lotteries House, 7/70 Davidson Terrace

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Fee: Time:

$30 per person 6.30 – 9.00pm

Places are limited so please phone 6164 0200 to enrol

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LONG TERM YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM FOR 2018 Applications now Open and Close March 31st 2017. 12 months in a foreign country attending school with board and accommodation provided by host families is offered by Rotary International District 9465. To be eligible, students must be over 15 and less than or just turned 18 years of age at the time of departure in January 2018. It is available for all young West Australian students and not just for those with a Rotary connection. This is an education and cultural exchange and each student's principal purpose is to act as a "Youth Ambassador" for Australia. Anticipated countries of exchange may vary each exchange year but could include Germany, Hungary, Brazil, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan, France, Italy, Belgium, Slovakia, Mexico, Iceland, Spain. Students gain firsthand experience of different cultures and lifestyles and the opportunity to adapt to a new environment. At the same time, they inform their host community about the Australian way of life and help build the two key of objectives of the program of better international understanding and goodwill. Travel expenses are paid by the student's parents, an initial cost of approximately $6500, although financial assistance is available for those who meet the District criteria. Applications close on 31 March 2017 for exchanges which will commence in January 2018. They should be submitted to your local Rotary Club closest to your home or school and must be made to one club only. Those students at boarding school can apply through their home Rotary Club. More information can be found at http://www.rotaryyouthexchange.org.au/ or check out the District 9465 Rotary Youth Exchange Facebook page. Our District Selection Interviews will be held on Sunday 4th June 2017. Applicants are strongly encouraged to participate in the involvement of family and friends to act as host families for overseas inbound students as a reciprocal arrangement. Please contact District Secretary Linda Bilney on 0427341022 Email: yepsec9465@gmail.com for an initial application form and brochure or to answer any queries and to help with accessing your local Rotary Club. Below in Bold is a list of clubs that have exchanged students in the last 3 years. Try these first.




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