1 minute read
The Storm Rages On
from Trove 2022
Jason Peters
Year 7
Thunder booms and echoes in the night sky. Darkness blankets everything. A blinding flickering light explodes in the darkness, rocketing down to sea. Rain plummets from the sky and lands like shrapnel, bombing the surface of the water. Wild turbulent waves roll and toss in every which way. Silver fish scuttle away under the water. The waves are like skyscrapers lunging high in the air and then breaking furiously, barreling to the shore. The storm rages on.
Hail descends from the sky like a box of spilled marbles. Water splashes onto the boat. Raindrops fall in slow motion. A blinding light illuminates the sky. Lightning tumbles out from above and exploding in the water. Thunder erupts in an explosion of sound, as loud as a gunshot. The wind is an invisible force blowing everywhere. I can feel water splashing onto my face. The salty water stings my eyes. The storm rages on.
Waves smash into the boat and sway it like a rocking chair. Everywhere is the wet and dewy smell of rain. Snowflakes plummet from the heavens, elegantly dancing their way down. They wither and melt away as soon as they touch the ground. I can taste the cold and wet night sky. The storm rages on.