1 minute read
Order of business for ordinary Council meetings
by cbcity
8.1 The general order of business for an ordinary meeting of the Council shall be: Opening meeting Acknowledgement of country Confirmation of minutes Apologies and applications for a leave of absence by Councillors Disclosures of interests Mayoral minute(s) Planning matters Policy matters Governance and Administration matters Service and Operational matters Committee Reports Notices of motions/Questions with notice Confidential matters Conclusion of the meeting
8.2 The order of business as fixed under clause 8.1 may be altered for a particular meeting of the Council if a motion to that effect is passed at that meeting. Such a motion can be moved without notice.
Note: Part 13 allows Council to deal with items of business by exception.
8.3 Despite clauses 10.20–10.30, only the mover of a motion referred to in clause 8.2 may speak to the motion before it is put.