1 minute read

1.1 Background

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

The Bankstown City Centre Master Plan (the Master Plan) builds on the City of Canterbury Bankstown Council’s (the Council) Local Strategic Planning Statement and Community Strategic Plan - Connective City 2036. It is the result of a comprehensive strategic planning and urban design program of work to facilitate jobs, housing, design, sustainability and movement aspirations with further amendments to the planning controls.

On 9 and 10 September 2021, the draft Bankstown City Centre Master Plan was reported to Council’s Local Planning Panel (LLP). The LPP recommended that Council prepare and submit a Planning Proposal to amend the draft Canterbury Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2021 for Gateway determination, subject to further consideration of site-specific amendments that were presented to the LPP by landowners.

The draft Master Plan was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 September 2021 with a resolution requiring, among other things, further consideration of the sitespecific submission by certain landowners.

To add rigour to this process of review, Council officers have commissioned independent and external planning and urban design expertise to provide a peer review of these landholder submissions.

This independent joint report (the Report) outlines the process, methodology, analysis and findings of the independent panel. It will be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) with the Planning Proposal requesting a Gateway determination and will be included as part of the statutory exhibition, following any Gateway determination.

Figure 1: Artist impression (Source: Canterbury Bankstown Council)

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