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Direction 4 A Well-Designed Centre

Direction 4

A Well-Designed Centre

Quality design in public and private areas will deliver a sustainable, liveable, healthy, and attractive Town Centre. This will protect and enhance the historic and cultural character of Beamish Street, the Cooks River, built and natural heritage items and areas of significant character. The fine-grain and diverse built form that exists in Campsie will be protected and enhanced.

The role of design excellence will be elevated through implementation of additional design excellence and sustainability standards for Town Centre development and establishment of a design review panel. The panel will set clear expectations for Council, the community and the development industry of their role in designing and delivering great places and buildings for people. Design excellence will be managed and delivered throughout the lifecycle of development approvals and construction.

Design-led built form testing will inform planning and design controls to promote and support innovation and design excellence, creating a culture of design and architectural quality. What do we know?

· There is a wide variety of different sized sites and building typologies across

Campsie which add significantly to the character of the area. · The Centre is largely supported by a low to medium density urban fabric. · There is a concentration of heritage items and conservation areas closer to the train station. · There is limited number of large sites capable of redevelopment. · Redevelopment in Campsie will need to be responsive and in keeping with the existing context and character of the urban fabric.

Arc, Clarence Street, Sydney, Koichi Takada Architects

Objective 4.1

Diversify the urban fabric in Campsie

Derived from the proposed character areas (see Direction 2), a range of building typologies is proposed to add further richness, diversity and quality to the built environment in Campsie.

The Master Plan considers a wider range of building typologies which expand on the diverse urban fabric of Campsie.

High quality design will be at the forefront of new developments in Campsie. The relationship of taller building elements to the street will be defined by appropriate human-scale street wall heights. A small number of sites have the potential to redevelop with a mid-rise podium typology. Alternative typologies that respond to the characteristics of individual sites will be expected on other sites.

This will deliver on Council’s commitment to achieve design excellence through robust and clear planning controls that set clear expectations for Council, the community and industry. Mixed-use podium with tower

This built form is proposed in high intensification areas, within the Town Centre North and South Character Areas, on key sites surrounding the train station and along Canterbury road. These are considered as the key areas within Campsie and have the characteristics required to achieve a higher level of intensification on a single site, while also accommodating a variety of uses.

Careful consideration of the context of each building and adequate built form transition to the neighbouring sites and adjacent streets is required. This built form is proposed on sites along Beamish Street, where intensification needs to be respectful of the local character, in line with the desired future character of the Beamish High Street Character Area. The aim of this built form is to promote the sensible urban renewal of Beamish Street, responsive to the existing fine-grain condition stemming from the narrow shop fronts. Shop Top Housing built form is also proposed along the areas of Beamish Street south of Hill Street to Canterbury Road, and some of the blocks facing Canterbury Road around the medical precinct.

Fine Grain Shop Top Housing and Standard Shop Top Housing

Proposed Building Typologies Map

Building Typologies Mixed-use podium with tower’ Fine grain shop top housing Standard shop top housing Residential flat (up to 8 storeys) Residential flat or walk-ups Social infrastructure / Institutional facilities Low rise multi storey commercial buildings Retained existing typologies (single residential and walkups) Retained Existing Typologies (other) Open Spaces Existing open spaces Proposed open spaces Cooks River Foreshore Landscape Management Area Area subject to future investigation and detailed master plan

1:10,000 (A3) 0 100m 200m

Residential flat buildings (up to 8 storeys) Residential flat buildings or walk-ups

This built form is proposed on sites along Beamish Street, south of Unara Street. The aim of this built form is to promote the sensible urban renewal of Beamish Street, responsive to the existing fine-grain condition stemming from the narrow shop fronts, existing heritage items and heritage buildings under investigation. This built form is proposed on areas of transition between high intensification areas closer to the town centre, and surrounding areas where lower intensification is proposed. Social Infrastructure/Institutional facilities Low Rise Multi-storey Commercial Buildings

This built form is proposed for the facilities which incorporate existing schools and also within the Campsie Civic Centre, where a new community facility is proposed. The establishment of the Campsie Medical and Lifestyle Precinct is anticipated to increase the demand for office space within and surrounding the town centre. Commercialbuilding typologies are proposed in the areas adequately zoned, along Canterbury Road, east of Campsie.

Retained Existing Typologies

In areas of limited intensification, it is expected redevelopment will be in keeping with the existing character and built form, namely responding to the single dwelling or detached walk up apartment building typologies which currently dominate within Campsie’s urban fabric. Actions

4.1.1 Review the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan controls for Campsie based on specific built form outcomes, focusing on height, setbacks, upper level setbacks and street wall heights.

Objective 4.2

Performance based urban design outcomes

The aim of the Master Plan is to promote urban renewal in Campsie while seeking to maintain and protect the existing character within the urban fabric. For this, the Urban Design Framework is underpinned by a set of proposed built form controls which are responsive to the existing urban context.

The Master Plan proposes the introduction of urban design controls regarding street wall heights to provide street frontages which frame the main areas of public realm, while stepping the building to a human scale, and promoting solar access to the main streets and public spaces.

The proposed built form has been tested to preserve solar access between adjacent properties while providing transition between taller buildings and surrounding lower buildings, in accordance with Intensification Strategy and principles supported by the Tall Buildings Study.

The Master Plan also proposes street setbacks which promote vibrancy and articulation of the public realm. This will promote a transition between the shop frontages along Beamish Street and Canterbury Road, and the deeper setbacks of the existing urban fabric. Deeper setbacks on lower intensification areas will also promote the retention of the streetscape character currently enjoyed in Campsie. Actions

4.2.1 Review the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan controls for Campsie based on tested built form with known and controlled impacts on the public realm and surrounding urban context.

Proposed Street Setbacks Diagram Nil

1 m

3 m

6 m

Proposed Building Heights

Proposed building heights per building typology Up to 3 storeys Up to 4 storeys Up to 5 storeys

Up to 6 storeys Up to 7 storeys Up to 8 storeys Up to 10 storeys Up to 12 storeys Up to 15 storeys Up to 16 storeys Up to 20 storeys No change to height as part of this plan Subject to further testing through a separate Planning Proposal Heritage Existing Heritage Items (CLEP 2012) and properties under investigation for Heritage Significance Open Spaces and Connectivity Existing Open Spaces Proposed Open Spaces Cooks River Foreshore Landscape Management Area Potential New Pedestrian/Cycle Links/Service Laneways Area subject to future investigation and detailed master plan Building height up to 20 storeys with expansion of Lofts Gardens

1:10,000 (A3) 0 100m 200m

Objective 4.3

Increase interaction between people and public realm

The Master Plan proposes the introduction of urban design controls to maximise the opportunity and length of active frontage along main streets and intersections, such as Beamish Street and the intersection of Canterbury Road/Beamish Street, as well, of the designated Village Centres, as per the Urban Design Framework Plan. The intent is also to minimise the length of primary façade dedicated to building services, promoting the location of such elements away from the main interactions between the building and the public realm.

The design quality process is being undertaken independently to the Master Plan, however it should appropriately capture development within the centre, and the unique characteristics of development in Campsie.


4.3.1 Establish planning and development controls to guide the establishment of active frontages along key streets within the centre. Proposed Active Frontages Diagram

Proposed Active Frontages Locations

Not to scale

Proposed Street Wall Height Map

1 to 3 storeys (Beamish Street) 3 storeys 4 storeys 5 storeys 6 storeys 7 storeys 8 storeys No street wall required Retain Existing (mix of 1 to 3 storeys) 1:10,000 (A3) 0 100m 200m

Objective 4.4

Promote Design Excellence

Council is separately, establishing a Design Review Panel whilst also working towards the preparation of design-related controls for a site-specific Development Control Plan for Campsie.

Council will implement a range of measures to promote design excellence. Buildings within the Campsie Town Centre will be subject to higher standards of design and sustainability. These, supported by design related and site specific controls, and the implementation of Council’s Design Review Panel, will help achieve this objective.


4.4.1 Implement appropriate design standards within the Development Control Plan for new development within the Campsie Town Centre. 4.4.2 Ongoing implementation of the Design Review Panel to review and advise on large development within the Campsie Town Centre.

The Exchange, Darling Square, Sydney, Kengo Kuma Architects

City of Sydney Design Excellence Competition Winning Scheme for new Civic Landmark in Green Square Bates Smart Architects, Sydney

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