“CBD-Only” vs “CBD-Rich” vs “CBD-Dominant”? cbdinsiders.com/cbd-only-vs-cbd-rich-vs-cbd-dominant/
CBD-Only is derived from hemp or marijuana, although on a molecular level all CBD-Only products are identical, containing negligible amounts of THC. CBD-Rich is a cannabis strain or product that has equal amounts of CBD and THC, or more CBD than THC (usually at least 4 percent CBD by dry weight.) CBD-Dominant means strains or products that are CBD-Rich but have very little THC content. That balance can be important to users because CBD can also modify or offset the negative effects of THC like memory loss or paranoia. And, this adds to its value in medical marijuana applications. If it is important to avoid a “head high” be sure to buy a product that is CBD-Only or CBDDominant, meaning it has little or no THC. Many good options will still be sourced from whole plant “marijuana,” Some people use cannabis products with different CBD:THC ratios at different times of the day (more CBD for sunlight hours, more THC at night). Almost any cannabis strain or product theoretically could benefit a wide range of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. 1/3
Patterns are beginning to emerge regarding CBD/THC rations for treating different conditions: For anxiety, depression, spasms, psychosis, and seizure disorders, many people report they do well starting with a small dose of a CBD with little THC. For cancer, autism, and many other diseases, some say they benefit more from a balanced ratio of CBD and THC. Extensive clinical trials conducted outside the United States have shown that a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio can be effective for neuropathic pain. The medical potential for CBD has put cannabis in the hands of many people suffering from bodily ailments. It has proven effective in care of many physical and neurological afflictions. Continuing research is attracted by its role as anti-inflammatory, neuroprotectant, antidepressant, analgesic, and anti-psychotic. It partners with THC to produce some of the high experienced, but its influence is largely sedative. Like THC, CBD interacts with receptors in the brain. But, the receptors it works with function to allay anxiety, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, nausea, neuropathic pain, PTSD, and other symptoms. And, much testing and excitement has arisen around its role in treating forms of epilepsy. Tags AnalgesicAnti-InflammatoryAntiPsychoticAntidepressantAnxietyAutismCancerCardiovascularCardiovascular DiseaseCBDDepressionDiabetesEpilepsyNauseaNeurologicalNeurological DisordersNeuropathic PainNeuroprotectantPsychosisSeizureSpasmsTHC
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