1 minute read
Though CBFNC is not a “first responder,” we are committed to care for those who suffer from disaster in our state and beyond. Our disaster response takes place in two ways: direct ministry and donating to partners on the front lines.
In recent years, our direct ministry has served in flooded regions of eastern North Carolina and western North Carolina. Our partner donations have made an impact in Florida, Kentucky, Ukraine, Syria and Turkey, to name a few. Though we have been generous in our support for disaster response in the past, our funds are running low. We need to replenish those funds so we can be prepared for a prompt response to the next disaster.
You may give online at the website below: cbfnc.networkforgood.com
You may give by check or cash during either General Session at Ardmore Baptist by placing your gift in the collection plates located in the back of the sanctuary. We also invite you to fill out a pledge envelope (located at the end of the pews) to make your gift a recurring gift to CBFNC.
You may mail your donation to:
CBFNC, 2640 Reynolda Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27106
How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
– Psalm 133:1