Through Grants
for Field Personnel
By Mary Kaylor CBFNC Associate Coordinator
For 20 years, CBFNC has provided support in various ways to CBF field personnel and their ministry projects both stateside and internationally. While CBF’s Offering for Global Missions supports the long-term presence of field personnel, they are required to raise money for their ministry projects. To help cover field personnel project costs, CBFNC offers the Global Partnership Grant. These grants seek to network CBF field personnel & congregations and communities to build long-term relationships and combine assets to further the Kingdom of God. The funds awarded field personnel are used toward specific projects in their areas of ministry. Get to know more about the field personnel and projects CBFNC has recently awarded a Global Partnership Grant. Hannah Turner coordinates programs and events for Welcome House Raleigh to help immigrants and refugees adjust to their new lives in the United States.
8 | The Gathering
HANNAH TURNER Raleigh, NC Hannah serves alongside Marc & Kim Wyatt (CBF Field Personnel) under CBF’s Global Service Corps (GSC) program, a two-year mission apprenticeship that provides graduates and post-career individuals the opportunity to serve alongside career field personnel. Hannah serves as the Welcome House Raleigh Ministry Assistant Coordinator. Welcome House Raleigh provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors in the Raleigh area. “This thoughtful contribution is helping with the continuation of my GSC placement and presence in engaging the refugee and immigrant community in Raleigh, North Carolina with Welcome House,” says Hannah. “It has strengthened English language learning work in refugee concentrated communities, as well as the Welcome House Raleigh mission, giving better access to resources and opportunities to students through cultivating connection. Building relationships continues to be the most transformational part for me through my missional journey.”