A Tribute T
to Women Deacons
HE AFFIRMATION OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH AND HOME HAS BEEN AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE CBF STORY FROM THE BEGINNING. This past summer we surveyed our fellowship. We asked about women being included in diaconate bodies, when our congregations first ordained women deacons and how many women deacon chairs have served our congregations across the state. We discovered, probably not surprisingly, that our congregations have a rich history, almost 100 years, of leadership from women deacons. By Mary Kaylor Rev. Thomas Allen of Angier Baptist Church shared, “Since 1926, the leadership of our women dea- CBFNC Associate Coordinator cons has been essential to carrying out the ministry of our church. Their loyalty, faithfulness and hard work constantly helps us reach beyond the walls to minister to our community.” We celebrate this history, the service and ministry of the seven women who shared their deacon experiences with us as well as all the women who have served their congregations as a deacon! Additionally, this feature on women deacons celebrates one of CBFNC’s core principles: autonomy of the local church. We affirm that Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to determine their membership and leadership; to order their worship and work; to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry; and to participate, as they deem appropriate, in the larger Body of Christ.
Lakeside Baptist Church-Rocky Mount Lakeside has been home church since 1975. I have been elected to serve as a deacon three times beginning in 2000. Our deacons serve for three-year terms and may not be reelected again for two years. In my last term, 2017-2019, I was asked to serve as Vice Chair in 2018 and then serve as Chair of the Diaconate in my third year of 2019. Women have always been involved in our ministry and mission programs at Lakeside. The first woman elected to the Diaconate was in 1974 and many have served as Chair. Being nominated and then elected to serve as a deacon was an extremely humbling experience for me. Knowing that the congregation had placed their trust and support in me strengthened my faith in seeking the right answers and asking the right questions as how to most effectively serve our church. Two significant decisions were made in 2019 at Lakeside Baptist. The first came as a request for a wedding to be held in our Columbarium for two young women, one of whom had grown up in our church and maintained strong ties with us. This was a first for Lakeside and sparked much discussion. Ultimately, our Diaconate voted unanimously “yes.” The second decision we made was to participate in the Growing Young cohort offered through CBFNC with Fuller Youth Institute. The purpose was to assess where our church was heading and what we are willing to do to help Lakeside grow. That process asked thought provoking questions that challenged my faith and my willingness to participate. Our ministry and missions at Lakeside Baptist encourage all women to participate and be involved in all aspects of our church life. My faith has been strengthened in discovering many people with gifts and talents that some were unaware that they even had. 8 | The Gathering
Sardis Baptist Church-Charlotte I first served as a deacon years ago at Wedgewood Baptist and that is where I was ordained. I am currently serving my first three-year term at Sardis. Both churches have a long history of ordaining female deacons that started before me. I grew up in churches where men usually held the role of deacons and the deacon board “ran” the church (financial, administrative, etc.). I am proud to have served as deacon at two churches where deacons “served” the church/community and were not just the decision-makers. History shows that men have usually been the decision-makers and women the “servers,” and I am proud to have been taught by WMU how to lead and serve with a servant heart. Being a member at Sardis has strengthened my faith and encouraged a better view of humanity for me. Having been a staff member of a church and an association in the 90s, I was discouraged with church before coming to Sardis.