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CBF Notes welcomes newly minted CBF president, Dominique Dick, who hails from Guadeloupe. This is the first in the history of the CBF that a president is elected from a French speaking Caribbean country. We joined him for a little fire side chat, after his virtual installation, during the closing service of the General Assembly, on October 22 .
CBFN. Congratulations Rev on your call to service at this level. How do you feel about serving at such a time as this?
DD. It is with much humility and gratitude to CBF, which is our big family, that I have accepted this great challenge to serve as the president, especially in these unique moments: COVID-19, Installation on a digital platform, CBF 50th Anniversary, CCP’s activities, which will be on hold due to financial reasons. But I know one thing, is that when God calls God’s servants, He equips them. I firmly believe that it isn’t man who leads, but it is a united team with a vision, who makes the work advance.
I am very proud, and it’s with great humility and fear that I take up this challenge. I am from a French background and I will have to adapt myself in a lot of areas, but I am very fond of the English culture. Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life”
CBFN. What is your vision for the CBF?
DD. My vision, is to mobilise member bodies to engender greater interest in the Fellowship. We have diverse riches in our different regions, if only we would come together to win a large number of people for Christ. May this family be strong by its unity, in order that our engagement may be real. We must continue to train others to serve, make the words CBF have its full meaning and impact in each union of churches around the Caribbean.
CBFN. What are some objectives you would like to achieve during your five year tenure as President?
DD. First of all, I would like to see the member bodies in action in their regions and find ways to grow together as one family. Secondly, I would like have more exchanges in the pastoral ministries. The final objectives will be defined with the team.