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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Parent Committee in 2020. Laura Hewitt is a CB parent and serves as the committee chair. She says the volunteer group ’ s purpose is simple.
"We're really clear that as parents, we want to support CB in living out its Lasallian values,” said Hewitt. “CB has a vision of itself as a place where there is respect for everyone and there are inclusion and service opportunities for students and families. For it to live its vision, it really needs to look at issues related to diversity and inclusion.”

The DEIB Parent Committee meets regularly on campus and is open to all CB parents, faculty and staff Students are also involved Together, they bring a wealth of perspectives from different ethnicities, religions, genders, and identities The group has recently discussed ways to support campus efforts to improve mental health, create more ways for families to engage, and help everyone feel included The committee also developed a mission statement
“A priority for us is liftin up the voice of student and identifying ways in which we as parents ca be allies to our student said Hewitt
Their work focuses on five A’s: Awareness, Action, Advice, Accountability, and Alliance It’s all geared toward creating a better campus culture right now, and for the future

“We believe diversity is our strength,” said Hewitt helping CB live out its Lasallian Core Principles. ReparteewithDr.CrystalLeRoy
Christian Brothers High School also has a student DEIB group called the Diversity and Inclusion Student Committee, or DISC.
Scan the code to watch a conversation on belonging with Dr. Crystal LeRoy, and special guests, Laura Hewitt, Lydia Ramirez, Sr. Vice President, COO and Chief DEI Officer for Five Star Bank, and Dr. Bill Iliff '76, CB teacher.