Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate Marketing

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Š2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. If your property is listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.

The World of Digital At Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate, we know what it phones. Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate utilizes all of takes to sell a home in today’s market. Focusing and de- the techniques needed to get your home in front of buyers. voting time to what works in today’s market is what will sell your home. • 69% of new home buyers who take action on a real estate brand website begin with the search “Oak Harbor homes Consumer behavior is much different now than it ever was for sale” in a search engine. before. Google recognizes this trend and gave it the name of ZMOT, or the “Zero Moment of Truth.” The idea is that • 52% of actions on a real estate brand website come diconsumers are no longer showing up, in our case, to the rectly from local search on a search engine real estate office or an open house to get information. They are doing research ahead of time, then coming to us for • 89% of new home shoppers use a mobile search engine at help processing what they find. the onset and throughout their search. According to the 2012 NAR research on the Digital House Hunt, the most common source that is not a digital sourcethat home buyers go to, is is a real estate agent (67%). It used to be that prospective buyers would go to sources, such as the newspaper, but this is simply not the case anymore. Studies show that 73% of people using offline sources, “rarely or not at all” refer to a newspaper or magazine and only 6% use it frequently (see chart below).

• 77% of first time home buyers drove by a home they viewed online.

We focus on what works As of last year, real estate related searches have grown 253% over the past four years. According to the 2013 NAR “Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers,” 92% of Home Buyers searched online during the home buying process, while less than 1% found their home from print advertising.

It’s not just the younger generations: • 75% of senior home buyers go online to search for a home. 30% first learned about the home they eventually purchased online.

• 68% of new home shoppers use mobile applications at the onset and throughout their search. • 70% of video usage purpose for home shoppers was to tour the inside of a home. Leading at 51% is YouTube.

Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate has top-notch SEO websites, invests in consumer websites, provides single There is a variety of devices that people use in the digital property websites for your home, utilizes the traditionsearch for their home. People are using: general searches al advertising, presents your home in tours, has our own in Google; consumer websites; social media; Video (such company mobile application, and is on top of the game as YouTube); and mobile applications. These searches are when it comes to social media. Your home will be seen. conducted by devices such as desktops, tablets, and smart We focus on what counts! Putting your home in front of buyers!

Company Websites

minimum price and maximum price with our quick search feature.

The quick search feature is great, but there is a way for buyers to search in greater detail. These specifications allow for serious buyers to find your property as their perfect investment! Buyers are able to search, in addition to those already listed, by: property type, land, commercial, residental, farm, manufactured, condos, multi-family, area, county, city, neighborhood, price, open houses, bank owned, timeshare, common property feaWhen searching “homes for sale” on the in- tures, year built, acreage, home style, water ternet, both of Coldwell Banker Koetje Real front - and so much more! Estate’s websites show in the top searches. We want to ensure that your home will be Featured Listings/ New Listings: found. Content is continually added to the Our websites include a featured and new websites, to ensure good SEO. listings section for Whidbey Island homes and properties for sale on Whidbey Island Mobile Enabled: and the surrounding areas. Your home could Both of our websites are mobile enabled so be one of these listings to grab the eye of that that the potiential home buyer can search buyer who is looking for a home like yours! for homes using a smart phone or tablet. Websites that are not mobile enabled make Realty Watcher: it hard for the user to navigate through the The website has a feature called, “Realty websites - our’s is simple and easy to read! Watcher” to ensure that those looking for a home like yours will know right away! ReProperty Search: alty Watcher allows prospective buyers to Someone is looking for a home like your get email notifications when their Whidbey house, and our website makes it easy to find! Island dream home or property becomes available- your house will be the dream The Property Search feature of this website is home to a buyer! used to search all home and property listings for sale in Oak Harbor, WA. Our Property Search program is updated hourly, to ensure the visibility of your home to potential buyers.

92 %

of home buyers use the internet in their home buying process. Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate understands the importance of being present in the internet world. We have two, top-notch, SEO (search engine optimization) targeted websites:

Directly on the home page, prospective buyers can input their search criteria by city, zip, MLS, bedroom and bathroom specifications,

Single Property Websites Your home will have it’s own single property website! Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate makes sure that your home is displayed in the best way possible. Potential buyers will be directed to your home’s own single property website from a variety of locations, such as social media, emails, etc.

• Features: include the property type, lot size, year built, roof type, property subtype, MLS #, whether or not the home is new contruction, and what rooms are included. • Photos: a slideshow of the home’s interior, exterior, and other photographs, if available.

Inside your home’s property website, you will • Maps: The Google Map location of your find a number of different tools that present home. your home in the best light. The main page that people are directed to will feature: the address; a still, main photo and beside it, rotating photos of your home - that are professionally taken; the price of the home; how many bedrooms and bathrooms there are; the square footage; and a description of the home. Off to the side are options to “follow this home,” and to schedule a viewing/showing of your home.

• Schools: The option to search by highschool, middle school, or elementary, via Google Maps, based on the location of your home. • Print Brochure: The ability to download and print your home’s brochure. • Local Video Tour: For prospective buyers to learn about the community.

Along the top of your home’s single property • Market Video Report: For prospective buywebsite are tabs that navigate the potential ers to learn about Whidbey Island’s local buyer through the site: housing market.

Traditional Advertising At Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate, we use traditional methods to advertise your home, as well as incoorporating new innovative ways. Hitting all aspects of marketing is what we do best. Home Staging: We want to help you sell your home fast, effectively and for the right price. Staging the home to sell is someting that our well seasoned, Whidbey Island, expert agents know how to do.

Your home will look immaculate and desirable to buyers, an association with our help!

Not only will you receive the home staging advice from our agents, that will help with the visual appeal of the photos, but a checklist will be provided for you before the phoYou will receive recommendations on home to shoot. This checklist will help guide you staging to help with the selling process. Po- to what needs to be done for a hassel-free tential buyers like to imagine the yard, exte- shoot. rior and interior of the home as their own, rather than see it as someone elses’ home For Sale Signs already. Recommendations on decorations, In front of your home will be a Coldwell placement of furnature, curb appeal, and Banker Koetje Real Estate “For Sale” sign. much more will be provided to help achieve The sign is a traditional method, for those who are driving around to catch the eye of this presentation. a passer-by, but is also helpful for those that are searching for the home via, mobile deProfessional Photos: Traditionally, photos of a home help draw vice, map, GPS, or whatever the method may in potiental buyers. Coldwell Banker Koetje be, to see your home stand out and be easy Real Estate understands the importance of to find! eye catching photos. Flyers Professional photos will capture your home’s A flyer will be created that highlights your positive features and will look stunning home. The flyer distribution will work to when promoted online, as well as the tradi- your home’s advantage via several different methods of delivery. The flyer can be pretional method - in print. sented to other agents, on the possibility that they have buyers in the market for a home like yours; via the flyer boxes on the for sale signs, so as to be a reference after catching their eye; or electronically. Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate takes the traditional flyer and adds a QR code that can be scanned, via a mobile device, and directed to the home’s single property website.

Tours Home Exposure to the Professionals

When marketing a new home, Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate understands the importantance of presenting new listings to other agents. Connecting with other agencies and other members of the team is a fantastic opportunity for exposure for buyers who are already looking for a home that meet the criteria of your home’s new listing. We have two different tours that our agency particpates in, an MLS tour and Office Tours. Office Tours: Your home will be presented to other brokers in our office, not only by description, or by the professional photos, but also by a tour. Our office takes the time to go out and see every new listing so that we are informed about what is on the market. The listing broker will show the home to everyone on the tour. Highlights about the property, and answers to any questions will be given during the tour. The advantage of

the Office Tour, is exposure to professionals who are in the process of finding the perfect home for buyers. MLS Tours: The MLS tours allow Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate to show your home off to other brokers on the island, other than those associated with our company. The MLS tours allow us the same opportunities that the office tours do, but on a wider spectrum. Your home will reach a broader audience of realtors that have prosepective buyers, who may be looking for a home or property matching the specifications of yours. These are great tools that are harnessed and are effective in marketing!

Mobile Application We Are Mobile! At Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate, we list, map or photo, for those who are within understand that in today’s society, being mo- the vicinity of your home. bile is key! Advanced Searches: Our websites are mobile enabled, so that Allows the user to search for homes by area, the site will automatically format for use on type, price, bedrooms, bathrooms, home any smart phone or other smart device. We size, lot size and distance. This will draw sewanted to take our mobility one step further, rious potential buyers to your home. Your to make your property even more accessible house is someone’s new dream home, and we than it already is, with our innovative tech- want your home’s specifications to be easy to search for! nology. With the Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate mobile app, those actively searching for a home like yours will find your listing! We have taken home search to a whole new level. The application is very user friendly, and more convenient for the potential homebuyer than looking in a newspaper or for “for sale signs” when driving by a home. With tools at their fingertips, a guided GPS navigated tour will lead buyers to your home.

Once your home is displayed and clicked on in the application; the user is able to learn some more about your home. There are photos of your home to scroll through, the listing details of your property, as well as: a property description, interior and exterior features, utility and building information, and information about the neighborhood and schools!

Once the user has seen your home, with the The application displays your home in a click of a button they can contact our office, save as a favorite in their phone, receive GPS number of different searches: navigation to the home for a quick outside view, or send it to someone whom they Find Closest Homes: Your home will be displayed to those who would like to also look at the home. are using the application, via a GPS locator system. The application pinpoints the location of the user and displays your listing via a

Social Media Facebook:

Your home will have a personalized virtual tour, created by our in-house Marketing Director, to be directly uploaded to Facebook. Within the virtual tour, there will be instructions to follow to direct potential buyers to your home’s individual landing page. Coldwell Banker Koeje Real Estate maximizes the visability of the posts for your home, by studying and montoring the trends of Facebook traffic for our demographics. Visibility will also be maximized by the “sharing” and tagging of your homes post.


company will have their home displayed in the issue. ISSUU is the social networking platform that we use to electronically publish the property guide. This interactive property guide allows a reader to click on your home’s link, to be directed to the indvidual landing page. The Property Guide is distributed to every hotel in town, the Chamber of Commerce, four company branded distribution boxes located in high traffic areas, via social networks and email blasts.

Google Plus:

Description and links to your home’s individual landing page will be displayed on Coldwell Banker’s Google Plus account. Your home will be one click away!


Every month, Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate produces a company exclusive property guide. Only those who list with the




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Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate has its own personal Youtube channel where all homes will have a home video tour uploaded. The home video tours are generated by our company system that generates a plethra of advertising templates that are easy and effective.

Your home will have a photo, or compilation of photos, or video to be displayed on Coldwell Banker’s Pinterest account. Since Pinterest is a very visual social network, some text may be included about a highlight of a room/or of the home. Your home’s individual landing page will be linked to the photo that is posted on the Pinterest Board. Not only are these videos uploaded to Coldwell Banker Koetje Real Estate’s Page, but on Coldwell Banker’s “On Location” Twitter: Photos of your home will be posted via Youtube channel. This Youtube channel altweets, to lead back to the landing page lows people to search for homes within a for your home. Maximum exposure of specific area, to watch virtual tours, learn your home will be reached with trending about the neighborhoods and much more. hashtags, to meet the audience for the buying market.




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