Fall 2022 Real Estate Magazine

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FALL 2022Coldwell Banker Lifestyles 27. Home Seller FAQ’s 33. First Night Must Haves + VIEW OUR LATEST LISTINGS! 14. The Benefits of a buyer’s agent


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the benefits of a seller’s agent Whileitmightseemappealingtosellyourhomeonyour own, there are many reasons why you should hire a Seller’sAgenttohelpyousellyourhome.Herearesomemajorreasonsyouneedasellersagent! 14 Benefits of A Sellers’ Agent 1TheCBLife.com

Leaving Money


to assist their clients in the buying and selling

Knowledge and real estate agent’s sole job is process. listing agent knows what will attract buyers anythingthatmightneed audience. Job Real estateisafull-timejob.Areyouabletorush homewheneversomeonewantstoviewyourhome?Plan,marketandhostanopenhousealone?Canyouansweryourphonewheneveritrings?Doyouknowhowtoscreenpotentialbuyers?Probablynot.Whenyouhirealistingagent,theyaretheretorespondtoeverycall,text,orinquiryonyourproperty,hostopenhouses,accommodateshowings,andscreenpotentialbuyers, takingthestressofalltheactionoffofyourshoulders.

tobefixedorchangedto attract a wider

What Do I Pay At Closing? Unsurprisingly,the


Mortgagepayoff. homeseller faqs If you have been thinkingofsellingyour home, you more than likely haveatonofquestions,especiallyifitisyourfirsttimesellingahome. Let’s break down some of the most frequently asked questions we getfromoursellers! 27 Home Seller FAQ’s THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082EachOfficeisIndependentlyOwnedandOperated.


Selling your home can be stressful, especially if problems arise that you don’t know how to handle. A listing agent has the experience selling homes, and will guide you through the process. Full-Time

Hiringalistingagentmeansyouarehiringanentiremarketingteam,fornoextracost.HereatColdwellBankerLifestyles,wehaveanin-housemarketingdepartmentthat,alongwithyouragent,areexpertsatmarketingyourproperty!Theyknowhowtomakethequalitiesthatattractbuyersstandout,andshowyourhomeinthebestlightpossible.Alistingagentmarketsyourhometotheirentire network,searchingforaqualifiedbuyerforyourhome. Theyalsohaveaccesstothemultiplelistingservice(MLS),andknowtherightwebsitestousetomarketyourhome.

Experience A

This newly constructed Lake Sunapee home with custom finishes and top amenities enjoys 174 feet of lake frontage! The light filled open concept living, dining, and kitchen flow to outdoor deck and patio ensuring a lake experience at all times. The two-car attached garage with Tesla wall charger and ample storage space, accommodates many needs. The home also has a Kohler 20kW backup power generator and Moen Flo smart water monitor. 112 HerrickCoveLane,NewLondon,NewHampshire $3,895,000|4bedrooms,4totalbathsMLS#4914806 ListingProvidedBy TabithaColdwell:(603)303-4208DimitriDimakis:(603)494-7522 5 Listings THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082EachOfficeisIndependentlyOwnedandOperated. Here’s how to have a restful first night Pack a suitcase for each family member (two and four legged)fortheirfirstnight.Bringthosesuitcaseswithyou, so you’ll know right where they are. Each suitcase should be packed with these essentials: 1.Linensandpillows 2.3.CleanpajamasAfreshchangeofclothes4.Toothpaste,toothbrush,soap,toiletpaperandtowels5.Medications,eyeglassesorcontactlensesandsolutions6.Yourkidsfavoriteteddybear,bedtimestory 7.andnightlightPhone,computerandchargers8.Abagforeachpetwithfood,foodbowls,toys,leashandbed Keep your family happy & fed Packafamilyboxwithfoodandhealthytreatsformoving dayandforbreakfastthenextday.Includeafewdishes, silverware,papertowels,snacksandfood. Take precautions Remembertopersonallymoveyourcreditcards,walletand jewelry.Keepthemsafelytuckedaway. If you’re moving long distance Bringclothingandessentialsforatleastaweekwhileyou’rewaitingforthemovingtrucktoarrive.Noonewantstohavetostarttheirnewjoborschoolintheirpajamas! Enjoy your first night! Beingabletoeasilygrabwhatyouneedmakesyourfirstnight inyournewplacefeellikehome. first mustnighthaves Movingdayisapproachingandyourto-dolistjustkeepsgrowing! Thelastthinganyonewantstodoafteralongmovingday,istoopen boxafterboxinsearchofyourpjs,toothbrush,pillowandyourkid’snight light.Noonewantstogoonatreasurehuntattheendofmovingday! 33

the Table At the end of theday,whenyouaresellingyourhome, youwanttowalkawaywiththebestdealyoucan,

Negotiation Takes Skill Alicensed,professionalexperiencedbuyer’sagentthat hasrepresenteddozensofbuyersisgoingtohaveanupperhandonanewbiesellerthatisemotionallyattachedtothehome.Withoutalistingagent,youaregoingintonegotiationsblindly,andwithoutrepresentation.Remember,abuyeragent’spriorityistosellthehousetotheirclientforthepricethebuyerwants,theyhavenoresponsibilitytotheseller. on whichiswhymanypeoplethinksellingontheirownwillsavethemmoney.Unfortunately,thisisnotthecase. AccordingtheNationalAssociationofRealtor’sProfileof HomeBuyersandSellers,thosethatselltheirhomebythemselves,sellforanaverageof10%lessthantheywouldiftheyhadhiredalistingagent.

Should I Be There For The Showings? Unless absolutelynecessary,thesellershouldnotbepresent

Table | 866.369.0082EachOfficeisIndependentlyOwnedandOperated. floodedwithinventory,interestratesarehighorbuyer demandislow,itwilltakelongertoattracttherightbuyer.

What Are Contingencies In The Contract? AspublishedbyInman,a“contingency”inthepurchase andsalesagreementmeansthattherearecertainconditions thatmustbemetbythebuyerand/orthesellerinorderto continuetothenextstepofthecontract.Examplesof contingenciesincludethebuyersabilitytoobtainfinancing, thepropertyappraisingatorabovethecontractprice,reviewofassociationrulesandbylaws,andhome,septic,andwaterinspectionresults.Therearemanycontingenciesthatcanbewrittenintoacontractwhichmeansworkingwithanagentthatcanhelpyouunderstandtheprosandconsofeachisextremelyimportant. mostcommonlyaskedquestionfrom sellersis“whatisitgoingtocost?”Dependingonyoursituation,thecostscanvarygreatlyandyouragentwillbeabletogiveyouastrongerestimate,however,youcanexpecttopaythefollowing:•Realestateagentcommission.•Anynegotiatedrepairsorsellerconcessions.•Closingfees,whicharetypically1%-3%ofthesalesprice,butcanbegreater.Closingfeescaninclude,titlefees,transfertax,recordingfees,proratedpropertytaxes,deedpreparation,andattorneyfees.•

Do I Need To Do Anything Before I Put My Home On The Market? In short,no.Thereisnorequirementthatyouupdate, renovate,paint,etc.priortolistingyourproperty.However,dependingonyourhome’sconditionandage,youragentmightsuggestthatyoumakesomeminorimprovements. How Do I Know What My Home Is Worth? Whenyoumeetwithanagent,theywillusetheirexperience andexpertisetogiveyouacomparativemarketanalysis,andtellyouthemostprobablesellingpriceofyourhome. How Do I Hire An Agent? Hiringtherightagentisaveryimportantpartofsellingyourhome.Werecommendyoucontacttwotothreeagentsinyourareaandinterviewthemtodeterminethebestagentforyou.Askquestionsliketheirrealestateexperience,marketknowledge,andstrategyforsellingyourhome.Youcanaskhowtheyplantomarketyourhome,anddo theyofferprofessionalphotographyand/or3DMatterport tour?Onceyouhavechosenanagent,youwillenterintoalistingagreement,whichyouragentwillguideyouthrough. How Long Will It Take? The timeline of sellingyourhomedependsontwomajor factors:thecurrentmarketandthelistingprice.Inahotmarketwithlowinventory,lowinterestrates,andhighbuyerdemand,yourhomewillmostlikelysellquickly,andcloseto,at,orevenabovethelistingprice.Whenthemarketis

to your listing, and can pinpoint

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First Night Must Haves

The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Realty Magazine. Therefore, Realty Magazine carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon. The paid advertisements contained within Realty Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Realty Magazine or the publisher. Therefore, neither Realty Magazine, the publisher or the realty office may be held responsible for business practices of these companies.

If you are interested in contributing editorial, or advertising in Realty Magazine please email us at info@realtymagazine.us.

PUBLISHER Richard T. Latour - 1 (802) 867-7059



Realty Magazine is published four times a year by Network Communications US Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced in any manner without prior written consent of the Publisher.

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Melodie Elston - 1 (802) melston@realtymagazine.us724-4185

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REALTY Magazine® is a registered trademark with the United States Trademark Office Reg, No. 5974285 and the exclusive property of Network Communications US Inc.

Kelsie Clarke, Senior Marketing Specialist kelsie@thecblife.com

Visit ColdwellBanker.com and use the new Move Meter to compare the cost of living where you are now to wherever your dreams lead you. dream. Wherever you dream of living, we can guide you there. THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

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This newly constructed Lake Sunapee home with custom finishes and top amenities enjoys 174 feet of lake frontage! The light filled open concept living, dining, and kitchen flow to outdoor deck and patio ensuring a lake experience at all times. The two-car attached garage with Tesla wall charger and ample storage space, accommodates many needs. The home also has a Kohler 20kW backup power generator and Moen Flo smart water monitor. 112 Herrick Cove Lane, New London, New Hampshire $3,895,000 | 4 bedrooms, 4 total baths MLS #4914806 Listing Provided By Tabitha Coldwell: (603) 303-4208 Dimitri Dimakis: (603) 494-7522 5TheCBLife.com

6 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

174 Slade Hill Drive,

Spectacular Charles Platt designed estate on 830 acres is being offered for the first time in 80+ years. The main house retains most of its original features, including covered porches over the brick patio and a loggia extending 100 feet. The 7 pairs of French doors look out to views of Mt. Ascutney, and extensive gardens that extend beyond a lily pond. The property includes a caretaker’s house, a guest cottage, and a 10 stall barn. There are numerous run-ins for the animals, fenced pastures, chicken coop, storage sheds, and a 3-bay equipment garage. The scenic swimming pond is an easy walk away from the main house. Cornish, New Hampshire 4 total baths Carroll: (802) 356-3560

$2,800,000 | 6 bedrooms,

MLS #4921330 Listing Provided By Nan

A sunny private 7.7 acre retreat with stunning views of Mount Sunapee. Opportunity to live near the conveniences offered by beautiful New London, with close proximity to schools, ski mountains, lakes and beaches, restaurants, stores, and Dartmouth-Medical affiliated hospital. This modern contemporary home offers an open concept design, high ceilings, large landscape windows and opening skylights, sitting on top of a long driveway at the crest of a hill with a wide southern mountain view. Natural sunlight bathes this house from all directions. 408 Knights Hill Road, New London, New Hampshire $1,695,000 | 5 bedrooms, 5 total baths MLS #4918038 Listing Provided By Tabitha Coldwell: (603) 303-4208 Dimitri Dimakis: (603) 494-7522 7TheCBLife.com

Exquisite Hilltop Estate with breathtaking mountain views overlooking 87 private acres of land. main house features 9.5 foot ceilings, crown and shadow box molding and hardwood floors throughout. The impressive two-story foyer with backlit dome accent lighting also has an office that features French doors and built-ins. The great room is anchored by a fieldstone fireplace and wall of glass highlighting spectacular mountain views! The gourmet chef’s kitchen features high-end stainless steel appliances including Thermador Pro Range, massive island, and granite counters. North Road, Hillsborough, New Hampshire 5 bedrooms, 7 total baths Provided By Tabitha Coldwell: (603) 303-4208 (603) 494-7522

MLS #4915495 Listing

Dimitri Dimakis:



$1,395,000 |

8 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles


MLS #4919666 Listing Provided By Thomas Tremblay: (603)

This home offers a Southern exposure and winter views of the ski slopes at Loon Mountain. The house is designed with large groups and entertainment in mind with its spacious and functional foyer, large living and dining area with open space for gathering and a warming, wood burning fireplace. The kitchen is beautiful with granite counters, Sub-Zero refrigerator and the bathrooms and foyer have heated tile floors. There are two primary suites, each with a private bath and custom tile shower. Flume Road, Lincoln, New Hampshire $1,395,000 | 5 bedrooms, 4 total baths 381-3621


Whittemore Shores is one of the most desirable locations on stunning Newfound Lake! Entering through an attached garage, this home offers an open concept kitchen, living, and dining space with broad windows and french doors that open to the front deck and runs the length of the home. Displayed here is an incredible view of the surrounding fields and hills, a peek of the lake, and room for multiple seating areas. The primary bedroom has an en-suite, bathroom with double vanity. A cool finished basement offers a separate living space complete with kitchenette, and separate walk-out entrance that leads to the hot tub - the perfect place for your nightcap. 55 Pasquaney Lane, Bridgewater, New Hampshire $1,238,000 | 3 bedrooms, 3 total baths MLS #4913556 Listing Provided By Alex Green: (603) 340-2539 Ty Morris: (603) 237-2060 10 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

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A real estate agent’s sole job is to assist their clients in the buying and selling process. A listing agent knows what will attract buyers to your listing, and can pinpoint anything that might need to be fixed or changed to attract a wider audience. Selling your home can be stressful, especially if problems arise that you don’t know how to handle. A listing agent has the experience selling homes, and will guide you through the process.

Full-Time Job Real estate is a full-time job. Are you able to rush home whenever someone wants to view your home? Plan, market and host an open house alone? Can you answer your phone whenever it rings? Do you know how to screen potential buyers? Probably not. When you hire a listing agent, they are there to respond to every call, text, or inquiry on your property, host open houses, accommodate showings, and screen potential buyers, taking the stress of all the action off of your shoulders.

Negotiation Takes Skill

A licensed, professional experienced buyer’s agent that has represented dozens of buyers is going to have an upper hand on a newbie seller that is emotionally attached to the home. Without a listing agent, you are going into negotiations blindly, and without representation.

Remember, a buyer agent’s priority is to sell the house to their client for the price the buyer wants, they have no responsibility to the seller.

Marketing Hiring a listing agent means you are hiring an entire marketing team, for no extra cost. Here at Coldwell Banker Lifestyles, we have an in-house marketing department that, along with your agent, are experts at marketing your property! They know how to make the qualities that attract buyers stand out, and show your home in the best light possible. A listing agent markets your home to their entire network, searching for a qualified buyer for your home. They also have access to the multiple listing service (MLS), and know the right websites to use to market your home.

Leaving Money on the Table

At the end of the day, when you are selling your home, you want to walk away with the best deal you can, which is why many people think selling on their own will save them money. Unfortunately, this is not the case. According the National Association of Realtor’s Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, those that sell their home by themselves, sell for an average of 10% less than they would if they had hired a listing agent.

the benefits of a seller’s agent

14 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

Knowledge and Experience

While it might seem appealing to sell your home on your own, there are many reasons why you should hire a Seller’s Agent to help you sell your home. Here are some major reasons you need a sellers agent!

2022 realtors of the year Congratulations t o Arlie Vandenbroek in our Littleton Office and Jeff Adie in our Eastman Office who were named the 2022 Realtor of the Year by their respective Boards of Realtors. Your clients, customers and colleagues all benefit from the commitment you make to your profession. Congratulations from your friends and coworkers at Coldwell Banker Lifestyles! ARLIE CELL: 603.359.8731 JEFF CELL: 603.568.0609 thecblife.com

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39 Aviation Drive, albany, NH Aircraft Hangar | 49.62 Acres | MLS#: 4903178 | $1,300,000 Phil LaRoche, (603) 662-9841 194 Ranta Road, ludlow, vt 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 5.43 Acres | MLS#: 4892358 | $999,999 Lorien Kelly, (732) 670-8001 8 Low Road, hanover, NH 4 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 0.96 Acres | MLS#: 4919750 | $925,000 Wynne Washburn, (603) 643-1894 61 Redstone Road, newport, nh 4 Beds | 3 Baths | 30.0 Acres | MLS#: 4920758 | $895,000 Buddy Howe, (603) 454-4995 760 Main Street, franconia, NH 3 Beds | 6 Total Baths | MLS#: 4899936 | $879,000 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 2173 Gird Lot Rd, weathersfield, vt 4 Beds | 4 Baths | 15.07 Acres | MLS#: 4908186 | $859,000 Lorien Kelly, (732) 670-8001 422 NH Route 10, orford, nh 11 Beds | 10 Total Baths | MLS#: 4915217 | $835,000 Jeff Batchelder, (603) 667-5053 157 Hayward Road, plainfield, nh 4 Beds | 3 Baths | 6.10 Acres | MLS#: 4919572 | $825,000 Jill Harlow, (802) 356-3056 17TheCBLife.com

107 West Hill Road, ludlow, vt 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 3.90 Acres | MLS#: 4918774 | $785,000 Jarrod Jowdy, (802) 369-9153 7 Winter Hill Lane, andover, nh 3 Beds | 3 Baths | 3.30 Acres | MLS#: 4907635 | $749,000 Ty Morris, (603) 237-2060 5B Westview Road, lincoln, nh 4 Beds | 2.5 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4907518 | $729,900 Tony Drapeau, (603) 348-7746 19A Center Road, bradford, nh 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 41.0 Acres | MLS#: 4822010 | $729,000 Sonny Harris, (603) 526-4020 61 Hayes Hill Road, hanover, nh 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 8.90 Acres | MLS#: 4917842 | $669,000 Wheelock Street Partners, (603) 728-7089 126 Cove Road, washington, nh Waterfront | 2 Beds | 2.5 Baths | MLS#: 4906353 | $699,000 Buddy Howe, (603) 454-4995 9 Norton Lane, sugar hill, NH 7 Beds | 9 Total Baths | 1.52 Acres | MLS#: 4899322 | $649,900 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 57 Greensward Drive, eastman, nh 4 Beds | 4.5 Baths | 0.61 Acres | MLS#: 4920856 | $799,900 Jeff Adie, (603) 568-0609 18 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

15 Cummings Drive, newbury, NH To Be Built | 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | MLS#: 4917345 | $639,000 Joe Burns, (603) 731-1165 885 Old Turnpike Rd, salisbury, NH 4 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 2.50 Acres | MLS#: 4909517 | $629,900 Tabitha & Dimitri, (603) 303-4208 27 Elm Street, Fryeburg, ME 7 Beds | 9 Baths | 2.00 Acres | MLS#: 4905760 | $629,000 Miriam Habert, (603) 986-1024 12 Wellington Circle, lebanon, nh 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 0.44 Acres | MLS#: 4918423 | $625,000 Delia Wallace, (603) 443-2144 37 Clearbrook Road, lincoln, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4905451 | $579,900 Tony Drapeau, (603) 348-7746 9 Hillcrest Road, new london, NH 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.12 Acres | MLS#: 4921400 | $569,000 Mary Lou & David, (603) 748-4738 3932 Route 132, thetford, vt 4 Beds | 3.5 Baths | 14.32 Acres | MLS#: 4914630 | $525,000 Megan Lavik, (802) 431-7759 32 Birch Bluff Road, newbury, nh 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 1.97 Acres | MLS#: 4913198 | $510,000 Mary Lou & David, (603) 748-4738 19TheCBLife.com

Our ListTrac tool creates a heatmap highlighting the areas where buyers are located when looking at your property. We are then able to target those regions through digital advertising. unparalleled analytics We know where people are looking at your property. THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

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91 Stickney Circle, bretton woods, nh 3 Beds | 2 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4921294 | $499,900 Arlie Vandenbroek, (603) 359-8731 72 Craney Hill Road, weare, nh 4 Beds | 2 Baths | 5.10 Acres | MLS#: 4915653 | $475,000 Buddy Howe, (603) 454-4995 1251 Farr Hill Road, littleton, nh 2 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 41.99 Acres | MLS#: 4921318 | $469,900 Arlie Vandenbroek, (603) 359-8731 257 Union Street, littleton, nh 2 Units | Multi-Family | MLS#: 4915999 | $459,900 Arlie Vandenbroek, (603) 359-8731 294 Lakeside Dr, mtn lakes, nh 3 Beds | 3 Baths | 0.492 Acres | MLS#: 4922047 | $449,900 Arlie Vandenbroek, (603) 359-8731 55 Shepard’s Run, bethlehem, nh 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 5.67 Acres | MLS#: 4905587 | $425,000 Herbie Bartlett, (603) 823-7060 2315 Benton Road, haverhill, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 5.10 Acres | MLS#: 4920935 | $429,000 Travis Lewis, (603) 991-5284 85 Dartmouth College Hwy, lyme, nh 2 Beds | 2.5 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4920147 | $499,000 Shane MacDonald, (603) 252-6757 22 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

4 Finch Place, eastman, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.69 Acres | MLS#: 4920841 | $425,000 DeeAnn Shepherd, (603) 504-2026 114 Colburn Farm Rd, newbury, NH 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 2.70 Acres | MLS#: 4921883 | $425,000 Ed Kinzer, (603) 496-9101 30 Pleasant Street, lebanon, NH 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4919602 | $419,000 Liam McCarthy, (603) 643-6406 2659 NH Rte 16, Albany, nh 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 6.02 Acres | MLS#: 4915132 | $409,900 Lindsey Maihos, (603) 303-7123 115 Jessicas Way, conway, NH 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4909114 | $409,000 Spring McKenney, (603) 986-9091 15 Wedgewood Drive, Eastman, nh 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 0.52 Acres | MLS#: 4912119 | $400,000 DeeAnn Shepherd, (603) 504-2026 43 Reagan Road, canaan, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1.55 Acres | MLS#: 4922017 | $400,000 Delia Wallace, (603) 443-2144 13 Courtyard, hanover, nh 2 Beds | 2 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4919004 | $399,000 Amy Redpath, (603) 643-9405 23TheCBLife.com

31 Haven Lane, conway, nh 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 0.46 Acres | MLS#: 4919122 | $399,000 Miriam Habert, (603) 986-1024 74 Redfield Proctor Rd, quechee, vt 5 Beds | 5 Baths | 0.92 Acres | MLS#: 4921699 | $399,000 Kasia Butterfield, (802) 369-0188 44 Burma Road, sunapee, nh 1 Beds | 1 Half Bath | 0.33 Acres | MLS#: 4921900 | $399,000 Buddy Howe, (603) 454-4995 523 Dartmouth College Hwy, lebanon, nh 4 Beds | 1 Bath | 25.47 Acres | MLS#: 4912218 | $379,000 Barbara Ruel, (773) 620-1318 118 Wood Road, hartford, vt 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 6.90 Acres | MLS#: 4921636 | $375,000 Jill Harlow, (802) 356-3056 111 Lockehaven Road, enfield, nh 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 1.02 Acres | MLS#: 4921052 | $350,000 Rowan Carroll, (603) 359-2574 814 Ryegate Rd, wells river, vt 5 Units | Multi-Family | 1.30 Acres | MLS#: 4904810 | $367,000 Loren Wehmeyer, (802) 359-2122 2365 Main Street, bethlehem, nh 2 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 2.10 Acres | MLS#: 4918840 | $349,000 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 24 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

23 Prospect Street, whitefield, NH 5 Beds | 2 Baths | 2.60 Acres | MLS#: 4912845 | $349,000 Clif Muller (802) 274-6306 13 Pleasant Drive, eastman, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4921670 | $345,000 Courtney Massey, (302) 299-7155 73 Tyler Way, bath, NH 4 Beds | 1 Bath | 2.53 Acres | MLS#: 4920937 | $319,000 Travis Lewis, (603) 991-5284 183 Highland Avenue, littleton, nh 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.18 Acres | MLS#: 4921477 | $319,000 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 248 Tasker Hill Road, conway, NH 3 Beds | 1 Bath | 0.879 Acres | MLS#: 4920743 | $309,900 Chris Major, (603) 662-6860 114 Quimby Farm Rd, lempster, nh 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 10.0 Acres | MLS#: 4921554 | $299,000 Rachel de Thomas, (603) 748-1800 12 North Spring St, concord, NH 3 Beds | 1 Bath | 0.09 Acres | MLS#: 4921377 | $299,000 Rachel de Thomas, (603) 748-1800 221 Ash Hill Road, lyman, nh 2 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 11.8 Acres | MLS#: 4919759 | $299,000 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 25TheCBLife.com

5792 Route 113, thetford, vt 4 Beds | 2 Baths | 6.00 Acres | MLS#: 4910385 | $290,000 Rowan Carroll, (603) 359-2574 714 Upper Turnpike Rd, norwich, vt 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 10.4 Acres | MLS#: 4921654 | $280,000 Nan Carroll, (802) 356-3560 59 Shedd Street, enfield, nh 6 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 0.70 Acres | MLS#: 4920959 | $275,000 Heidi Reiss, (603) 443-0895 15 Chellis Street, claremont, nh 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.41 Acres | MLS#: 4921765 | $275,000 Buddy Howe, (603) 454-4995 6 Hadley Street, littleton, nh 3 Units | Multi-Family | 0.13 Acres | MLS#: 4909901 | $273,000 Crystal Chase, (802) 688-3486 36 Main Street, monroe, nh 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 0.376 Acres | MLS#: 4919562 | $269,000 Herbie Bartlett, (603) 823-7060 837 Back Westminster Rd, westminster, vt 2 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 20.4 Acres | MLS#: 4921255 | $270,000 Jill Harlow, (802) 356-3056 38 Lancaster Road, whitefield, NH 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.78 Acres | MLS#: 4895309 | $259,900 Ruth Hamilton, (603) 252-0437 26 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

In short, no. There is no requirement that you update, renovate, paint, etc. prior to listing your property. However, depending on your home’s condition and age, your agent might suggest that you make some minor improvements.

The timeline of selling your home depends on two major factors: the current market and the listing price. In a hot market with low inventory, low interest rates, and high buyer demand, your home will most likely sell quickly, and close to, at, or even above the listing price. When the market is flooded with inventory, interest rates are high or buyer demand is low, it will take longer to attract the right buyer.

• Mortgage payoff.

When you meet with an agent, they will use their experience and expertise to give you a comparative market analysis, and tell you the most probable selling price of your home.

sellerhome faqs

Let’s break down some of the most frequently asked questions we get from our sellers!


Should I Be There For The Showings?

• Closing fees, which are typically 1%-3% of the sales price, but can be greater. Closing fees can include, title fees, transfer tax, recording fees, prorated property taxes, deed preparation, and attorney fees.

What Are Contingencies In The Contract?

How Do I Know What My Home Is Worth?

Unless absolutely necessary, the seller should not be present during showings. Having the seller in the home during showings could make the buyer uncomfortable, and less likely to ask questions or make comments. They may also feel rushed or ask you questions that should be answered by your agent.

• Any negotiated repairs or seller concessions.

How Do I Hire An Agent?

THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082

As published by Inman, a “contingency” in the purchase and sales agreement means that there are certain conditions that must be met by the buyer and/or the seller in order to continue to the next step of the contract. Examples of contingencies include the buyers ability to obtain financing, the property appraising at or above the contract price, review of association rules and bylaws, and home, septic, and water inspection results. There are many contingencies that can be written into a contract which means working with an agent that can help you understand the pros and cons of each is extremely important.

If you have been thinking of selling your home, you more than likely have a ton of questions, especially if it is your first time selling a home.

Unsurprisingly, the most commonly asked question from sellers is “what is it going to cost?” Depending on your situation, the costs can vary greatly and your agent will be able to give you a stronger estimate, however, you can expect to pay the following:

What Do I Pay At Closing?

Hiring the right agent is a very important part of selling your home. We recommend you contact two to three agents in your area and interview them to determine the best agent for you. Ask questions like their real estate experience, market knowledge, and strategy for selling your home. You can ask how they plan to market your home, and do they offer professional photography and/or 3D Matterport tour? Once you have chosen an agent, you will enter into a listing agreement, which your agent will guide you through. How Long Will It Take?

• Real estate agent commission.

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Do I Need To Do Anything Before I Put My Home On The Market?

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With over 17 years of combined real estate marketing experience, our Blue Crew is ready to market your home to buyers throughout our region and around the globe. our blue crew Our in-house marketing team is committed to your property. THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

24 Maple Street, enfield, NH 4 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 0.39 Acres | MLS#: 4895647 | $250,000 Jerry Roberts, (603) 304-9200 147-149 Laurel Street, newport, nh 3 Units | Multi-Family | 0.19 Acres | MLS#: 4909092 | $249,000 Pam Richardson, (603) 398-5866 323 NH Route 118, canaan, NH 3 Beds | 1 Bath | 1.00 Acres | MLS#: 4911906 | $244,900 Gidget Ducharme, (860) 841-9587 412 South Street, littleton, nh 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 0.20 Acres | MLS#: 4918890 | $239,000 Travis Lewis, (603) 991-5284 76 Colonial Dr, white river junction, vt 2 Beds | 1.5 Baths | Condominium | MLS#: 4921035 | $215,000 Liam McCarthy, (603) 643-6406 2175 Manns Hill Rd, littleton, nh 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 12.18 Acres | MLS#: 4917959 | $169,900 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 80 Homestead Road, alstead, NH 3 Beds | 1 Bath | 1.80 Acres | MLS#: 4916314 | $159,800 Hugh Durack, (603) 305-0310 593 Bradley Hill Road, benton, nh 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 2.04 Acres | MLS#: 4903579 | $125,000 Travis Lewis, (603) 991-5284 30 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

138 Summer Street, hartford, vt 4 Beds | 1 Bath | 0.10 Acres | MLS#: 4902228 | $119,500 Shane MacDonald, (603) 252-6757 609 South Main St, newport, nh Rental | 3 Beds | 2 Baths | MLS#: 4918157 | $2,800/MONTH Mary Lou Cummings, (603) 748-4260 Cherry Valley Road, alton, nh 141.78 Acres | MLS#: 4912466 | $1,700,000 Rachel de Thomas, (603) 748-1800 Sugar Hill Road, easton, nh 75.0 Acres | MLS#: 4921687 | $435,000 Herbie Bartlett, (603) 823-7060 Reidy Way, littleton, nh 99.55 Acres | MLS#: 4918835 | $495,000 Travis Lewis, (603) 991-5284 North Wilmot Road, wilmot, nh 7.30 Acres | MLS#: 4910345 | $250,000 Tabitha & Dimitri, (603) 494-7522 looking for more? S earch the current land listing inventory by scanning this code with your phone. Main Street, bethlehem, nh 4.30 Acres | MLS#: 4902258 | $229,000 Heidi Boedecker, (603) 986-8389 East Madison Road, madison, nh 15.3 Acres | MLS#: 4896437 | $165,000 Sheila Segerson, (401) 374-7109 Dawes Road, andover, nh 32.6 Acres | MLS#: 4899695 | $199,000 Ty Morris, (603) 237-2060 Wellswood Road, new london, nh 2.20 Acres | MLS#: 4915651 | $139,000 Laura Lorio, (603) 303-7772 Grandview Road, conway, nh 1.08 Acres | MLS#: 4864141 | $124,500 Jim Pitman, (603) 662-3147 Bowman Road, springfield, nh 1.46 Acres | MLS#: 4920381 | $45,000 Debbie Rowe Walker, (603) 748-9147 Eastham Road, Shrewsbury, vt 10.0 Acres | MLS#: 4918582 | $100,000 John Napier, (860) 559-9334 A SAMPLING OF OUR LAND LISTINGS 31TheCBLife.com

In this housing market, a true, fully-underwritten loan commitment in 3 business days is what you need. Ledyard National Bank is the bank that delivers. EDWARD BIDLACK Mortgage Loan Originator NMLS# 16682 178 County Rd New London, NH, 03257 603.526.5606 edward.bidlack@ledyardbank.com401.225.4580

Personal and business relationships


To learn more, stop by our branch or contact Ed. Edward Bidlack, Mortgage Loan Originator 178 County Road, New London, NH (603) 526-5606 Office | (401) 225-4580 Cell edward.bidlack@ledyardbank.com NMLS#16682

In this housing market, don’t settle for a pre-qualification with no promises. A true, fully-underwritten loan commitment that is pre-approved in 3 business days is what you need.

LEDYARD NATIONAL BANK and business banking relationships within the retail bank are subject to FDIC insurance coverage limits. Investment, tax and wealth management services Ledyard Financial Advisors are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by the Bank or any affiliate, and are subject to investment risk including the possible loss of principal amount invested.

TIFFANY STAPLES Loan Originator NMLS# 2048651 74 South Main Street Concord, NH, 03301 tiffany.staples@ledyardbank.com603.415.2759

within the retail bank are subject to FDIC insurance coverage limits. Investment, tax and wealth management services offered by Ledyard Financial Advisors are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by the Bank or any affiliate, and are subject to investment risk including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Qualified applicants will receive a fully-underwritten loan commitment pre-approval within 3 business days. 1-800 NEW ROOF1-800 NEW ROOF White River Junction, Vermont www.RestorEAZE.com New Hampshire Vermont Roofing Contractors “we will do it right the first time!” FREE ESTIMATES Installation • Repair • Maintenance • Snow Removal www.hproofingllc.com EMERGENCY? CALL 802-280-3100NOW! www.restoreaze.com FIRE • WATER • MOLD RESTORATION. MADE EASY. DONE RIGHT 32 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

Pack a suitcase for each family member (two and four legged) for their first night. Bring those suitcases with you, so you’ll know right where they are. suitcase should be packed with bag for each pet with bowls, bed Keep your family happy & fed

Pack a family box with food and healthy treats for moving day and for breakfast the next day. Include a few dishes, silverware, paper towels, snacks and food. Take precautions Remember to personally move your credit cards, wallet and jewelry. Keep them safely tucked away. If you’re moving long distance Bring clothing and essentials for at least a week while you’re waiting for the moving truck to arrive. No one wants to have to start their new job or school in their pajamas! Enjoy your first night!


these essentials: 1. Linens and pillows 2. Clean pajamas 3. A fresh change of clothes 4. Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, toilet paper and towels 5. Medications, eyeglasses or contact lenses and solutions 6. Your kids favorite teddy bear, bedtime story and night light 7. Phone, computer and chargers 8. A

THECBLIFE.COM | 866.369.0082 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Here’s how to have a restful first night


food, food

first night must haves

toys, leash and

Being able to easily grab what you need makes your first night in your new place feel like home.

Moving day is approaching and your to-do list just keeps growing!

The last thing anyone wants to do after a long moving day, is to open box after box in search of your pjs, toothbrush, pillow and your kid’s night light. No one wants to go on a treasure hunt at the end of moving day!

capitalregion lakeregionsunapee mt. washingtonvalley okemovalley valleyupper whiteregionmtns. looking for up-to-date market inventory? scan the codes above 34 Coldwell Banker Lifestyles

LITTLETON, NH 222 Main Street Littleton, NH 603.444.673703561 SUNAPEE, NH 8 Soonipi Circle, Suite F Sunapee, NH 603.763.127103782 NEW LONDON, NH 370 Main Street New London, NH 03257 603.526.4020 FRANCONIA, NH 209 Main 603.823.8895Franconia,StreetNH03580 LINCOLN, NH 189 Main Street Lincoln, NH 603.745.340003251 HANOVER, NH 8 West Wheelock Street Hanover, NH 603.643.640603755 CONWAY, NH 486 White Mountain Hwy Conway, NH 603.447.211703818 CONCORD, NH 84 North Main Street Concord, NH 603.226.210003301 EASTMAN, NH 18 Pioneer Point Grantham, NH 03753 603.863.4444 QUECHEE, VT 55 Village Green Circle Quechee, VT 802.332.683005059 LUDLOW, VT 156 Main Street Ludlow, VT 05149 802.228.5678 Serving buyers and sellers throughout New Hampshire, Vermont and Western Maine. 35TheCBLife.com

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Apply now at BankNH.com or call a lender today! BankNH.com 1.800.832.0912Member FDIC NMLS# 419329 FLORA BOYCE NMLS# Plymouth,619801Lincoln 603.527.3966 boyce@banknh.com ZOIE LITTLE NMLS# 160290 Capital Region 603.230.4264 little@banknh.com DENISE ROGERS NMLS# 525563 Capital, Western 603.230.4209 rogers@banknh.com KATHY SANDERSON NMLS# Greater409084Conway 603.527.6609 sanderson@banknh.com KEVIN COLBURN NMLS# Greater998084Manchester 603.527.7230 colburn@banknh.com PATRICK HOSTETTER NMLS# Southern1755503Region 603.230.4266 hostetter@banknh.com CHRISTINE HEATH NMLS# Western613744Region 603.527.3399 heath@banknh.com At Bank of New Hampshire we are community lenders who seek to simplify the lending process. We offer customized lending solutions to help meet your financing needs, and offer the flexibility to easily move between government, secondary market and portfolio loans. As a community bank we understand the importance of reinvesting back into the communities where we live, work and play. For over 190 years we’ve been providing our local communities with the resources to succeed. Let our team help you find your way home. Local Underwriting In-house Servicing Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages VA and FHA Loans NH Housing Finance Authority Jumbo Mortgages Construction and Land Loans Vacation Properties Manufactured Housing BANK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE OFFERS: Mortgages are a team effort. Let our team forprofessionalsofworkyou.

Your Local Mortgage Partners L o c a l , R e l i a b l e & E x p e r i e n c e d O v e r 8 0 Y e a r s C o l l e c t i v e I n d u s t r y E x p e r i e n c e L i c e n s e d i n N H , V T & F L A P P L Y T O D A Y ! W H Y C H O O S E L E G A C Y M O R T G A G E ? HELPING HOMEBUYERS GET TO THE PLACE THEY WANT TO BE L e g a c y M o r t g a g e L L C . c o m 2 B u c k R o a d , H a n o v e r , N H 0 3 7 5 5 6 0 3 6 4 3 7 4 0 0 NMLS: 2057969 O u r l o c a l s e r v i c e a n d i n d i v i d u a l a t t e n t i o n i s m a t c h e d w i t h r a t e s a n d l o a n o p t i o n s r i v a l i n g n a t i o n a l c o m p e t i t o r s a n d l o c a l b a n k s a l i k e . W e w o r k c l o s e l y w i t h l o c a l r e a l t o r s , a t t o r n e y s , l e n d e r s a n d a p p r a i s e r s t o g i v e y o u t h e u l t i m a t e h o m e b u y i n g e x p e r i e n c e . Rob Messenger NMLS: 101857 Jake Donovan NMLS: 2006191 Mike Benson NMLS: 2249372

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