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Mt. Crested Butte

Mt. Crested Butte

Seasonal Properties

Looking for an affordable place to build your mountain cabin, have a private summer camping spot, create a hunting retreat, or just to own a property somewhere completely “Off the Grid”? There are numerous seasonal access properties or mining claims in the Kebler Pass, Schofield, Gothic, and Tincup areas that might be perfect for you. These properties offer mountains, rivers / streams, trees, giant views and very few neighbors! The professionals at Coldwell Banker Mountain Properties are your go-to source for all details pertaining to these kinds of properties including accessibility, water rights, well issues, and compliance with the county’s land use resolution.

Mining Claims and Backcountry Properties

The mountains surrounding Crested Butte are filled with mining claims and vacant land that is not being mined and may be ideal for your true getaway cabin. Mining claims are either patented or unpatented. Gunnison County has 1216 Patent Mining Claims totaling 22,524 acres of land - three times more claims than any other county in Colorado! A “patent” mining claim is a parcel of claimed public land which the federal government sold to the claim holder. The claim is no longer public land and both the land and the mineral rights contained in it become the property of the patent holder. These issues can be complicated so contact a Coldwell Banker Mountain Properties broker to guide you.

TBD Schofield MLS# 770350 2.31 Acres $122,000 TBD Schofield MLS# 775609 .12 Acres $10,000 Tincup 88 NO 1-7, 10 MLS# 771327 77.40 Acres $160,000 TBD Hall NO 1 MLS# 771321 10.33 Acres $30,000 TBD Hall NO 2 MLS# 771322 10.33, Acres $25,000 TBD Hall NO 4 MLS# 771324 10.33 Acres $25,000 TBD Hall NO 5 MLS# 771325 10.33 Acres $25,000 TBD Hall NO 6 MLS# 771326 10.33 Acres $30,000

Irwin Townsite

The town of Irwin was founded in 1880, nine miles west of Crested Butte at an elevation of 10,197 feet. Silver was discovered in the area in 1879 which brought thousands of people to the town. Today the old streets and alleys are no longer visible, but there are several summer cabins and many hardy people have even have made it their year round residence.

Parcel 41 MLS# 770349 1.89 acres $75,000 Parcel 39

MLS# 770351 1.8 acres $75,000

Parcel 37

MLS# 779241 1.03 acres $75,000

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