You and Society

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You And Society

Liam, Clement and Teni



What are Pressure Groups?

Apressureisanumber ofpeoplewhoseekto influencethe government'spolicies andcitizensviews throughpressure.They arenotpoliticalparties astheydonotseek power,theystriveto changethegovernment mindoncertainissues orasetofissues.

Therearenumeroustypesof pressuregroupsuchas:

- SingleIssuepressuregroups focusonabigpictureofa specifictopic.


Unionpressuregroupsarea groupofworkers/studentswho bandtogethertoprotecttheir worker/studentrights companiesoftenencourage unionsasithelpworkertrust themmore.

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What is Stereotyping?

Stereotypingisalazyand dangerouswayoflabelling people.Stereotypesare highlyinaccurate.Theyare simplifiedviewsbasedwith incompleteknowledge. Somebeingtruthfulwhile themajorityisfalse information.Stereotypes caninfluencetheywayyou seeandlookatotherwhich iswrongasallstereotypes arenegative.

Types of Stereotyping

Nationality-Indians lovescurryorBlack peopletendtobe violentorgetinto manyfight.Chinese peoplecookandeat dogs.

Gender:Womenare baddrivers,Menhave tobebigandstrong


Special laws for children: Fact Check

The special laws made to protect children are designed to protect young people, so they can have a good and peaceful childhood.


Therearenumeroustypesoflaws madejustforchildrensuchas:


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Statutelaws,theselawsarethe mostimportant,theyprotect children’sessentialneeds. Theselawsaremadebythe Parliament.

Caselawswhenajudgeuses knowledgefromthepast.


Commonlaw,whenajudge findsagapbetweenthelaw andtheyhavetocreateanew one.


What the Police do e e does: Check your understanding

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Therearenumerousjobsforthe policesuchas:

- Keepingthecommunitysafe, andmakingsureeveryoneis okay.

- Theyhelpwithcommunity jobsaroundthecity.

- Everyjobinthecityis impactedbythemandhow welltheydotherejob.

The police makes sure that our community works as it does, the police sometimes make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes so we must not blame them because there job is very important and difficult.


What is being prejudice?

Prejudiceisthesametermas ‘prejudgingsomeone’. Makingajudgementthatis usuallynegativeabouta person,basedonlittletono knowledge.Havea stereotypeonacertain personorgroupthatieiently leadstoprejudice.Prejudice canbebasedoffondifferent topicssuchasgender,race, ethnicity,religion,disability, orjustonyourage

Most occasions, we fit people into groups: Black, white, male female, young and old. And because we put those people in those groups we expect them to behave in a particular way. This can lead to Prejudice AND Stereotyping.


Democracy and Your Right to Vote

Inthemodernworldmost countriesrunona democracy, thismeans thatthepeoplemake decisionsthataffect themoratleastelect peoplewhomake decisions ontheir behalf.

YourHumanRightsVS YourPrivileges

YourHumanRightsareprotected bylaw;theyarelistofrulemadeby theUNthatyourcountrymust

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followtheseincludeclean water,foodandbasicshelter.

Privilegesareoftenconfused withrights,theyarenot mandatoryandcanbetaken away.Drivingisaprivilege, havinganattorneyisa privilegetheseandmany moreareprivileges,notrights thatshouldnotbetakefor granted.

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