Ever since the news broke that John Galliano was shacking up chez Oscar, we’ve all been wondering what, exactly, he was doing there. Has he been sketching? Consulting? Auditioning to be Oscar’s creative heir? Just hanging out? After watching de la Renta’s Fall ‘13 show yesterday evening, it seemed pretty clear what Galliano’s been up to. Or, at the very least, it was clear that he’s had quite an influence on de la Renta’s work. We’re still waiting for a comment on what Galliano’s precise role was in the collection, but a few pictures—specifically the side-by-sides of Galliano’s Fall ‘07 for Dior (left) and de la Renta’s Fall ‘13 (right)—can say a lot.
Photo: Oscar de la Rento窶認ilippo Fior / InDigital/ GoRunway
Check Out The Full, Indepth Details Here: John Galliano x Oscar de la Renta
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