An online dashboard in a snap
Create a WEB dashboard in minutes for your Key Performance Indicators using a simple & free tool and no programming expertise
Š Component Based Solutions Ltd.
You need a KPI Daskboard
Internal or External to your organization
Available through any Web Browser
Up & running in a few hours
Complete, flexible and expandable
Requering absolutely no programming skills
Spreadsheet is all what you need to know
With absolutely NO investment
KPInstant gives you...
An online interactive dashboard
two distinct styles (modern &. gauge-vintage)
Alert indicators
Multiple perspectives
Selectable analytic dimensions
Evolution charts
Interactive help & interrelationships … absolutely for free!
3 simple steps
Step 1: Define measures Fill a simple spreadsheet whose template you can download from:
Use one line for each measure, as shown in next slides.
Identify measures
Not Notrequired required Enter Enter%%ifif percentage percentageand and ##decimals decimals
This Thisisisthe the name of your name of your KPI KPIorormeasure measure
IfIfmeasure measurehas has multiple multiple dimension dimensionenter enter them here them here separated separatedby by comma, comma, example: example:client, client, store, store, product product......
Enter Enter'KPI' 'KPI'show showmeasure measureininDashboard. Dashboard.To Touse use perspectives enter name followed by ”perspective”. perspectives enter name followed by ”perspective”. Separate Separateentries entriesby bycommas. commas.
Cross-reference measures
Not Notrequired required
Those Thosefields fieldsare arenot notrequired requiredand andfor fordocumentation documentationonly, only, but can help user understand the measure. Also, if you but can help user understand the measure. Also, if you reference referenceother othermeasures measures(inside (insidesquare squarebraces) braces)their their values will be shown upon request, to assess, for example values will be shown upon request, to assess, for example how howmeasure measurewas wascomputed. computed.
Define control ranges
Values Valuesunder under Ideal minimum Ideal minimum will willbe beshown showninin yellow. yellow.
Same Same considerations considerations (red (red––yellow) yellow) apply applytoto maximum. maximum.
Values Valuesunder under allowed allowed minimum minimumwill willbe be shown in red. shown in red.
Not Notrequired required
Step 2: Collect data
You also use spreadsheet to collect data ●There is no predefined template ●Organize them as you wish ●Provide how many you need ●Fill & deploy them with any frequency ●
Just use named ranges to bind values to measures. ●
3 Kinds of data Computed Computedmeasures measures
Dimension Dimensionkeys: keys: relate values relate valuestoto dimensions dimensions(what (what they refer to) they refer to)
Data Dataused usedtoto compute computemeasures measures
Defining named ranges Special TIME range
Define Definerange rangenames namestotobind bind Dimensions and measures to Dimensions and measures tocells cells
How KPInstant reads data
KPInstant KPInstantuses usesyour yournamed named ranges to understand ranges to understand spreadsheets. spreadsheets.2607 2607refers referstoto “Pizzas “PizzasSold” Sold”measure measurefor for “All Stores” (store dimension) “All Stores” (store dimension) on onFeb/3/2010 Feb/3/2010
Named ranges rules - 1 To create a named range using Excel, select the cells and then choose Insert > Names. Define a named range for each: - measure (Col. A of measures spreadsheet, but you will see an alternative) - dimension (Col. E of measures spreadsheet) Define the special named range TIME for the implicit and always present time dimension. It shall contain dates as number, formatted in whatever way you wish (but shall be numeric!)
Named ranges rules - 2 Range names shall be all uppercase with any character that is not letter or digit converted to underscore, ex: “Net Sales� becomes NET_SALES. You can combine how many dimensions, time and measure you wish either vertically or horizontally. Wrapping and MEASURES range can simplify this task. See next examples.
Ranges Wrapping
AAshort shortrange, range,like liketime timerange rangewill will automatically wrap. Thus you can automatically wrap. Thus you can enter enteraasingle singlevalue valueinstead insteadofof repeating Thesame sameway wayififyou you have 3 products to be crosshave 3 products to be crosscombined combinedwith withmultiple multipleclients clientsyou you need provide just 3 cells. need provide just 3 cells.
Instead Insteadofofusing usingaanamed namedrange rangefor for each measure you can use a single each measure you can use a single range rangenamed namedMEASURES MEASUREScontaining containing measures name, bound to measures name, bound toaarange range named VALUES bound to actual named VALUES bound to actual measure measurevalues. values.
Your dashboard is ready! To use KPInstant, simply copy the definition (kpinstant.xls) and any data spreadsheets to a folder or web location. Data spreadsheets can have any name (but shall also be .xls: Excel 97-2007 format). Then point your browser at KPInstant (*): (*) you need Java plugin in your browser (usually already present), you can check and install it at: Inside KPInstant choose: My Dashboards > Open And enter the name of folder or URL where you placed the spreadsheets. To have a taste of KPInstant you can open the dashboard located at this URL (from which next examples of a pizza store chain are taken):
The Modern style
Switch Switchtoto different different perspective, perspective, You Youwill willget get aadifferent different set setofof measures measures
Measures Measures
Alert AlertIndicators Indicators ONLY ONLYshown shownifif yellow yellow(alert) (alert)oror red red(action (action required) required)
Current Current Value Value
Sparkline Sparkline shows shows trend trend
Bullet Bullet chart chart shows shows status status
The Vintage Style
Click Clickon onPreferences Preferences>>Vintage Vintagetoto change changestyle, style, Now Nowlet's let'sgo goback backtotomodern modern style, spartan but more effective. style, spartan but more effective.
Understanding measures Click Clickon on measure measure totodisplay display their their meaning meaning
Visualizing evolution Click Clickon on spark line spark line totoplot plot evolution evolution
Getting detail Click Clickon onbullet bullet chart for detail chart for detail and andrelated related measures measures
Drill down
Selecting Selecting“Context” “Context”let letyou you choose and combine choose and combine available availabledimensions. dimensions.
Suggestions 
Start practicing with only 2-3 measures, grow incrementally. KPInstant uses same format of KPIStudio (also free) that produces great project documentation. Simply open kpinstant.xls with KPIStudio and generate PDF.
Q&A 
Can I access directly my legacy data instead of reading from spreadsheets?
Yes, you can use a REST interface to access any data you wish. Ask your tech staff to contact for detailed information
I am missing a certain feature...
We greatly appreciate any kind of suggestion. Please, let us know your needs and whet you think of KPInstant to