College of Engineering Viewbook 2021

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Degree in 3 years

College of Engineering

New MS E

California Baptist University


Welcome Dear prospective CBU COE student, There are few decisions in life that carry the importance of the one you are about to make. In an effort to help with that process, the Gordon and Jill Bourns College of Engineering has assembled some information in the attached so you can make the most informed choice for your next academic venture. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t also summarize a few important aspects to consider… As a father of college candidates myself (including two that have graduated from the CBU College of Engineering), I know the importance of actively reviewing the academic authority of a program alongside the learning atmosphere and culture of the institution. Academic prowess is apparent throughout our ABET accredited engineering disciplines. Strong faculty, committed to the advancement of their field, focus on educating that actively transfers knowledge in a hands-on environment and with a Biblical worldview. While there may be theoretical principles that are not “physical”, the faculty takes these opportunities to train the student in critical thinking and problem solving. In this way, students are better equipped to tackle the many activity-based learning opportunities that accompany the classroom setting. Consider a couple student comments below: “I’ve always been fascinated with how circuits and electricity work, and I wanted to learn more about them. My professors are very engaging and encourage us to ask questions often.”

“I became interested in engineering when, as a kid, I took apart a workout machine and turned it into a go-kart with my dad. At CBU, I like how involved the professors are. They’ve helped me understand how to creatively analyze and solve problems.”

But regardless of the gathered knowledge contained within an organization, if the environment for learning doesn’t exist, nothing will be accomplished. This is where the CBU College of Engineering really shines. We have established a program that develops practitioners of engineering, not theorists or consumers. For this reason, our graduates are actively recruited by some of the top global and local organizations in the world. Companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobil, Rivian, Tovey Schultz, Dupont, Naval Surface Warfare, and NASA regularly seek out our graduates and interns. I am proud to hear from these companies that the graduates placed are competing with other engineers and demonstrating technical and social skills that promote further partnerships with CBU. With over 1,000 companies impacted by our graduates, the network of excellence continues to expand. Finally, I’d like to note that the learning does not stop in the classroom. We push our students to participate in international competitions such as the Formula Racing vehicles associated with the Society of Automotive Engineers, where CBU came in fourth place during this year’s competition, beating every other participating California university and taking second place in the Vehicle Efficiency category for combustion engine racecars. Also, during the annual Construction Management national competition, a CBU student was awarded overall MVP, an honor highly competitive and rightly earned. This, along with our robotics, data analysis, and bio and chemical engineering clubs aggressively compete to challenge our students and demonstrate our program excellence outside of our college community. Dr. Phil van Haaster Dean of Gordon and Jill Bourns College of Engineering 951.552.8248 |

WE ARE MOST HUMAN WHEN WE ARE SERVING -Founding Dean, Anthony Donaldson

The College of

ENGINEERING at California Baptist University

Our Purpose •

To be a college that produces graduates of excellence and character who are informed by the Christian worldview and thus are called to serve, equipped to lead and sent to engage the world with their lives and the appropriate use of technology.

To be a college that reflects CBU’s institutional commitment of fulfilling its God ordained role in the Great Commission.

To be a college that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and thus models a globally aware and engaging Christ-like community to all of its constituents.

To be a college that provides an excellent dynamic curriculum taught by highly competent and caring faculty.

To be a college that plays a decisive role in strategically motivating young people to pursue engineering as a vocation.

To be the college of choice for hiring and for support from individuals, businesses and organizations who share our values and want to help develop and/or who need competent, personable, and value centered engineering graduates.


Our Distinctives A Christ-centered learning community

Training in project management with an

Modeling Christ’s attitude of service, we facilitate a learning

exposure to the business side of engineering

environment where students are encouraged to care as

Industrial representatives continue to emphasize the value

much about their classmates’ success as their own. Learning

that new engineers with project management experience

is a “holy” activity that is liberating, challenging, fun and

bring to their organizations. Students in their junior year

equips one for a life of service. We believe “God uses

will be working with business and leadership concepts to

prepared people.”

enhance these skills. Our goal is that eventually all students in our program will develop one of their own creative ideas

Both “excellent” and “average” students will have

and go through the process to receive a provisional patent.

opportunities for growth Our vision is to equip all students with an opportunity to

Emphasis on both “soft and hard”

contribute their strengths and receive attention in their

engineering skill sets

areas of weakness. A+ students are made better engineers

Along with the technical, “hard” skills needed to be an

by teaching and by learning from students with different

engineer, we also develop “soft” skills in the areas of

capabilities and strengths than their own.

communication (oral and written), collaboration with others and the ability to take the initiative. Through an engineering

Team-oriented design projects are emphasized

leadership course, students will be prepared for small group

Starting with a team design project incorporating 3D printing

discussions related to leadership, emotional intelligence

in their freshman year and culminating with a yearlong,

and global awareness topics. Students from most majors

cross-disciplinary, industry supervised capstone design

will have numerous opportunities for improvement in

project their senior year, all of our students will be able to

writing through the use of executive summaries, project

practice their passion to work with things and not just ideas.

specifications and project documentation. All students will

Obtaining a provisional patent on some aspect of their work

be required to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering online

is strongly encouraged.

practice exam (or an exam based on fundamentals of the degree if one is not available) to graduate.

Required internships with industry or a non-profit organization

All students will have a cross-cultural experience

An internship is an essential and required part of the

Our program understands the value and the different

learning experience at CBU. We assist students to find

challenges of engaging in engineering through a global

internships through our industry relationships that will

context. There are several options to fulfill this cross-cultural

prepare them for a career in engineering. This official

experience, including participating in an International or

internship is usually undertaken in the summer of a student’s

Engineering Service Project (ISP or ESP), choosing a senior

junior year, although other opportunities to work within the

capstone project with cross-cultural emphasis, taking a class

industry may arise sooner.

on Marketplace Strategies for Global Advancement with an engineering final thesis or an approved study abroad.

Mathematics is taught just in time, in context, with hands-on labs

All students are encouraged to develop and maintain an

Math is taught using engineering applications, by faculty

electronic portfolio

who understand the teaching of math in the context of

This portfolio will include samples of their academic

engineering. These math concepts are taught as part of the

work, a current resume, their reflections on the CBU

core engineering and physics classes and are reinforced

mission statement and departmental goals. This will be

by hands-on labs. CBU is one of 15 schools nationally

an organizing medium and allow the student to market

that were originally funded by NSF to further develop

themselves at a professional level upon graduation.

engineering mathematics.


College of Engineering Impact the Future CBU’s new College of Engineering building is a 100,000 square foot state of the art facility organized as a three story building and situated in the heart of the campus. The building is conceptualized as a distinctive synthesis of form and function: Three blocks of classrooms, faculty and administrative space rendered in the campus vernacular, bracket a voluminous engineering hall that provides multipurpose space for labs, projects, exhibits, presentations and student collaboration. The engineering hall interconnects interior and exterior space. To the west, the entrance and exhibit plaza is connected by an expansive area of glass with hangar-style doors to move large projects in-and-out. This plaza area celebrates CBU’s engineering programs and invites views to the activities within. To the east, a large project yard opens up from the hall, providing exterior space and staging area for projects. Much of the roof is accessible to students, featuring a solar-thermal lab, a photovoltaic farm, a green roof/small agricultural space and other open space for experimentation and individual and group meetings.


Innovative Building Design as a Showcase for Technology and Innovation CBU’s Engineering building is designed as a showcase for innovative technologies. The building is a LEED GOLD certified building utilizing green technology, sustainable construction and collaboration spaces for students, businesses and faculty. In addition to improving the educational environment for university students, the building is an interactive studio for K-12 STEM education. CBU enjoys the benefit of class ending in early May leaving a period of time where K-12 students can come and participate in projects, courses and take tours of innovative technologies which further promote STEM education in the community.



OPEN 2018







(AS OF 2019)


Our Programs MAJORS Biomedical Engineering+ Dr. Sarah Zhao 951.552.8855

Electrical & Computer Engineering+ Dr. Seunghyun Chun 951.552.8641

Chemical Engineering*+ Dr. Sarah Zhao 951.552.8855

Engineering Dr. Phil van Haaster 951.552.8248

Civil Engineering+ Dr. Jong-Wha Bai 951.343.4935

Mechanical Engineering*+ Dr. Phil van Haaster 951.552.8248

Computer Science*+ Larry Clement 951.343.4471 Construction Management*+ Dr. Jay Lee 951.552.8189

Software Engineering*+ Larry Clement 951.343.4471 * Also available as a Minor + Also available in 3 years!



Aerospace Engineering Dr. Phil van Haaster

MS E 951.343.4972

Biomechanics & Rehabilitation Engineering Dr. Sarah Zhao Computer Engineering Dr. Seunghyun Chun Data Science Dr. Anthony Corso

*MS in Engineering with numerous project options within all developed program areas and focused on collaboration with community partners.

Electrical Engineering Dr. Seunghyun Chun Environmental Engineering Dr. Jong-Wha Bai Industrial and Systems Engineering Dr. Jun Zhang Mechatronics Dr. Grace Ni

Biomedical Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Designing tomorrow’s wearable nanosensors for diagnosing disorders such as glaucoma. • Conducting cutting-edge research for improving the quality of life for stroke victims (Bioresearch). • Innovating breakthrough methods for visualizing biological structures and functions (Biomedical Imaging). • Studying human motion and predicting injuries such as ACL tears (Biomechanics). • Engineering next generation tissue and organ replacements (Biomaterials & Nanotechnology). • Developing novel prosthetics controlled by neural signals (Neural Engineering). • Applying engineering solutions to problems confronted by people with physical disabilities (Rehabilitation Engineering).

Chemical Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Pharmaceuticals – Develop synthetic and biological processes to manufacture medicines. • Chemicals – Develop bulk and specialty chemical products. • Foods and Beverages – Design products and processes. • Energy and Fuels – Produce energy sources including petroleum-based, alternative fuels and natural gas. • Consumer Products – Design soaps, shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, household cleaners and more! • Biotechnology – Use biological organisms to produce useful products. • Materials and Electronics – Process plastics, metals and semiconductors. • Environment – Develop sustainable methods and waste treatment processes.

Civil Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in:

• Building water structures and distribution systems as a Water Resource Engineer. • Creating buildings resistant to earthquakes as a Structural Engineer. • Building stable foundations for bridges and dams as a Geotechnical Engineer. • Building roads to move people and goods efficiently, and safely as a Transportation Engineer. • Controling water and air pollution as an Environmental Engineer. • Planning, managing and executing civil engineering projects in the field as a Construction Engineer. • Measuring dimensions on the surface of the earth for civil engineering projects as a Survey Engineer.

Computer Science Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Artificial Intelligence – Write programs that systematically extract knowledge from data, providing machine-based learning tools, or work on ways to help a machine understand Natural Language. • Graphics and Visualization – Create programs that create visual effects, render drawings and help visualize complicated information. • Theory of Computation – Learn how to think about computing in a broad abstract way and start to understand what kinds of problems can and cannot be solved on a computer. • Real-Time and Embedded Applications – Learn the technology that supports many automated aspects of modern life, from flyby-wire aircraft, cars, or even health and fitness devices. • Human Computer Interaction – Design experiments to test and improve how people interact with computing devices.

Construction Management Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Commercial Construction – Build commerce, trade and government projects. • Residential Construction – Build individual homes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses and prefabricated units. • Industrial Construction – Build manufacturing plants, electrical generating facilities, oil refineries, pipelines and chemical processing plants. • Heavy Civil Construction – Build roadways, bridges, tunnels, dams, airports and railways. • Environmental Construction – Build clean water supply, sanitary sewers and waste management systems.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Electrical and Electronic Circuits – Design and test circuits for consumer electronics, medical electronic instruments, aerospace & defense systems, and more. • Computer Engineering – Integrate several fields of electrical engineering and computer science in the design of computer systems. • Power and Energy – Generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. Develop technologies in renewable energy, power electronics, and smart grid. • Robotics – Design and program robotic systems such as humanoid robots, autonomous mobile robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. • Radio Frequency and Wireless Communication – Advance wireless communication technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular communication, RFID, etc. • Mobile and Embedded Systems – Interface with various sensors, actuators, and networked devices. Utilize enhanced cuttingedge technologies such as Internet of Things and wearable electronics.

General Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • Agricultural Concentration, which prepares you for engineering applications in Agriculture. • Global Applications Concentration, which focuses on areas of need in other countries such as clean water, housing, energy, and clean air. • Business Concentration, which prepares you for starting your own business. • Pre-Law Concentration, which prepares you for practicing intellectual property law.

Mechanical Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • The Aerospace Industry – Composite materials for Boeing 787, unmanned aerial vehicles, jet engine design. • Alternative Energy – Solar PV and solar thermal systems and green power generations. • The Automotive Industry – Light weight body structure for better fuel economy, hybrid vehicle dynamic control, thermodynamics application in automobile HVAC system. • Manufacturing – Volume production planning, just in time part delivery system, quality control system, GD&T, problem solving methods) • Medical Devices – Design and test surgical instrumentations and implantable devices. • Micro-technology – MEMS, Nano-materials and manufacturing. • Robotics – Production process automation, CAD/CAM design, vibration analysis, control algorithm development. • Thermo-fluids Science – Power generations, AC & refrigeration, automobile engine design.

Software Engineering Choose this major if you’re interested in: • iPhone and Android Applications – Write the software that millions of people use on their phones every day. • Web Applications – Develop sophisticated eCommerce web applications that run businesses around the world. • Software Development – Software engineers not only know how to program, they know how to manage the process. • Database Administration – Massive amounts of data are collected, queried and exchanged daily. Design and manage this information. • Systems Analysis – Analyze existing computer systems to improve functionality. Use your great interpersonal skills to improve the communications between those who use technology and those who develop it. • Embedded Software Development – Develop software that is ubiquitous in today’s environment such as planes, cars, buildings, defense and communications systems.


Financial Aid Information CBU strives to provide students and their families with an affordable Christian education through offering a variety of financial resources. 100 percent of traditional undergraduate students receive financial aid. Cost per Year (2021-2022) • Tuition and Fees: $37,288 • Room and Board: $10,710 Sources of Financial Aid • Government Aid: Awarded by both the state and federal government. • Institutional Aid: Awarded by CBU. • Private Aid: Grants and scholarships funded by private companies or organizations. Types of Financial Aid • Scholarships and Grants: This is free money that you do not have to pay back. • Loans: This is money you repay, usually after graduation.

Government Aid

Your eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study, Cal Grant and the Federal Direct Loan Program is determined by the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( CBU’s school code is 001125 Federal Pell Grant: Up to $6,495 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): Up to $2,000 Cal Grant: Up to $9,220 To be considered, students must submit a FAFSA and the GPA Verification Form no later than March 2. For more information go to Federal Direct Student Loan / Federal Direct Parent Plus Loan


ROTC Scholarships (tuition, fees, room and board) are available for eligible applications with Army and Air Force ROTC. For more information contact: Army: CPT Ryan Hamilton at 951.343.4773 Air Force: CTP Austin Buscher at 909.537.5440


Engineering Scholarship: Up to $5,000 per year* Awarded by the dean on an annual basis. This scholarship may be added in addition to other CBU scholarships. Contact the College of Engineering at

Academic Scholarships (Renewable annually with required maintenance GPA) Freshman Students Trustees Scholarship: $14,500 4.0 GPA & above Presidents Scholarship: $13,500 3.75–3.99 GPA & above Deans Scholarship: $12,500 3.3–3.89 GPA & above Directors Scholarship: $8,000 2.95–3.29 GPA & above Transfer Students** Transfer Platinum: $10,000 3.75 GPA and above Transfer Gold: $9,000 3.5-3.75 GPA Transfer Blue: $7,500 3.0-3.49 GPA Transfer Bronze: $6,000 2.5-2.99 GPA Minister’s Kin: $3,250 per year Multiple Sibling: $2,000 per year Need-Based Grants CBU Grant: Based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA and coordinated with all other sources of aid. Therefore, if a student receives additional federal, state or institutional funds, the CBU Grant may be reduced or eliminated. CBU Cal B Assistance: $7,428 for the first year For students who qualify for Cal Grant B from the State of California. Departmental Scholarships Athletics, Christian Studies, Drama, Speech / Debate, Music.

* Eligibility is based on availability of funds, GPA, test scores (preferred, if available), and date of students’ request. All requests must be emailed to ** To be considered a transfer student you must have completed 24 or more units from a regionally accredited college or university. Renewable if a minimum GPA is maintained at CBU.


Application Process 1

Application: Apply online at starting on September 15th. We offer rolling admissions which means there is no application deadline, we will accept applications throughout the year.

Priority Application Deadline: December 1st 2

Essay: The application includes a 3–5 paragraph essay asking “What do you hope to gain from your experience as a student at California Baptist University?” Provide examples from an academic, social and spiritual standpoint.


$45 Application Fee: This nonrefundable fee can be paid by cash, check or credit card.


Official Transcripts: High School Students: Have your high school send official sealed transcripts to the Undergraduate Admissions office. Transfer Students: Official transcripts need to be provided from all colleges and universities that you have attended. If you have less than 24 college semester units completed, we also require official high school transcripts.


Our Mission Statement Preparing engineering students of competence and character, with a Christian worldview, who are called to serve, equipped to lead and sent to engage the world with their lives and the appropriate use of technology.

Gordon and Jill Bourns College of Engineering 8432 Magnolia Avenue Riverside CA, 92504 951.343.4972

Undergraduate Admissions 8432 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92504 951.343.4212

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