Beginner Hikes & Walks
Beginner walks/hikes are generally suitable for most people who can walk at a leisurely pace of 2 miles/hour. These hikes are level, with some rolling terrain, and utilize wider, well-packed trails and jeep roads. Keep in mind that the altitude here in Crested Butte can often make these hikes feel more challenging than their counterparts at sea level. Plan to travel 2-4 miles with up to 500 feet of elevation gain/loss. Wear sturdy walking/hiking shoes (NO flip flops or sandals!). Bring sunscreen, bug spray, snacks, and carry at least 16 ounces of water. Children ages 12+ welcome with supervision.
A-Bee-Cs of Wildflower Pollination
Paul CaraDonna & Jackie Fitzgerald New $65 Level: • Beginner Length: 1-2 miles on well-packed, level terrain
What is that bee? Why do our wildflowers depend on them? Join Dr. Paul CaraDonna, pollination ecologist, from Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory on this pollinator/wildflower walk and explore the intricate relationship between our wildflowers and native bees. You’ll have the opportunity to view a variety of bees up close, learn how scientists study wildflower nectar, and view wildflowers with hand lenses to delve into how this interdependency really works. H71 Monday, 7/11 H72 Saturday, 7/16 M02 Friday, 7/8 reserved for our $250+ members
9am–12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm
Aquatic & Carnivorous Plants of Crested Butte
Luke Tembrock $70 New! Level: • Beginner Length: 2-3 miles on well-packed trail, some rolling/steep terrain
A mere 10,000 years ago the Slate River Valley and surrounding feeder drainages played host to a vast quantity of glacial ice; when that ice melted water loving plants thrived! Many of those plant species remain including the common bladderwort, a carnivorous plant with some of the fastest “jaws” in nature and beautiful snapdragon-like flowers. On this hike will visit Crested Butte’s bladderwort hotspot and examine other aquatic and riparian species along the way. B04
Saturday, 7/16
9:30am-1:30pm 43