175 Birds of Kenya and Tanzania (The Wildlife Centre Collection)
175 Birds of Kenya and Tanzania (The Wildlife Centre Collection)
BOOK DETAIL File Size: 9413 KB Publisher: Wildlife Centre; 1 edition (February 19, 2012) Publication Date: February 19, 2012 Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B007BD5BB2 Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled
Book Description This professional photographic field guide bird eBook of the Wildlife Centre Collection is brought to you by international renowned wildlife photographer, filmer and author Roland Smeets. The 175 colour bird photographs for this eBook are special made to be viewed as a eBook. The birds in this eBook are photographed over 5 years in all the parks of Kenya and Tanzania. I have also chosen for quality, the bird photo's that were not good enough are not published in this book. The result is a handy field guide with stunning bird photography, easy to check also on your iphone when you are on Safari! or enjoy the stunning photographs on your computer, Ipad or Kindle.