願景 Vision 嶺南大學持續進修學院本著博雅教育的宗旨,教與學以學生為中心,並積極回應社區對教育及進 修的需要。學院提供高質素的全日制及兼讀制課程,以滿足學生不同的期望和需求,並協助他們 踏上學業的晉升階梯。 Lingnan Institute of Further Education shares the University's liberal arts mission, which is characterized by a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, and responsiveness to the needs of the community. It provides quality full-time and part-time programmes to meet the different aspirations
簡介 Introduction 嶺南大學持續進修學院(LIFE)於二零零一年七月成立,是嶺南大學其中一個附屬部門,成立目的 是配合不同學生的需要、理想及能力,提供各項優質的持續進修課程。現時,LIFE 開辦全日制及 兼讀制課程,範圍涵蓋毅進文憑、文憑、高級文憑、學士學位、碩士學位及各類持續進修課程。 LIFE 致力於持續進修及終生學習的領域繼續發展。
As the affiliated institution of Lingnan University, Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE) was established in July 2001. LIFE aims at providing quality continuing and lifelong learning education by being responsive to different aspirations and needs of students. LIFE currently offers full-time and parttime programmes which cover Yi Jin Diploma, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, as well as different kinds of lifelong learning programmes. LIFE strives to develop in the field
and needs of students and to provide progression ladders for their academic pursuits.
宗旨 Mission 終身學習、繼續發展 致力配合不同學生的需要、理想及能力,提供各項優質的全日制及兼讀制持續進修課程,並建立 持續進修階梯,鼓勵學員終身學習。
LIFE: Education for a Better Life To provide quality further education opportunities, including both full-time and part-time programmes to meet the different aspirations and needs of learners, and to provide progression ladders in their lifelong educational pursuits.
of continuing and lifelong learning education.
話 的 席 主 會 管理委員 e Chairman
Opportu n Further ities for Studies
圖 梯 階 修 進
om th Board r f e g a s Mes ement g a n a M of
n Pathway
Local University
Top-up Degree
Overseas University
施雅德教授 嶺南大學副校長 嶺南大學持續進修學院管理委員會主席 Professor Jesús SEADE Vice-President of Lingnan University Chairman of LIFE Management Board
In order to be successful in the world's rapidly changing economy, people must
be able to easily adapt to new concepts and ideas, and more importantly,
為了趕上日新月異的經濟體系,我們必須吸收新思 維, 追 求 新 知 識 與 技 能。 嶺 南 大 學 持 續 進 修 學 院
Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE) embraces the ideal of lifelong learning for all people. LIFE was established to promote personal growth, for those looking to progress in their academic studies, and also for those eager to
enhance and update their knowledge and skills.
LIFE 著眼現在與未來的發展趨勢,提供獨特兼具嶺南
LIFE is focused on current and future trends, offering a unique blend
的社會上面對轉變、解決難題及作出適當的決定。本 學院提供大學水平的學術資源,學員可通過 LIFE 所開 辦的碩士學位、學士學位、高級文憑、文憑、毅進文
of Lingnan's traditional liberal arts education together with professional studies programs. LIFE engages students to understand change, solve problems and make informed decisions in the knowledge-based economy. Students are provided with access to many of the university's academic resources, and gain valuable experience through our Master's Degree, Bachelor's Degree,
Higher Diploma, Diploma, Yi Jin Diploma, Foundation Diploma and lifelong
作妥準備面對職場的挑戰。我相信透過 LIFE 提供的終
learning professional courses which can be immediately applied to work and
身學習機會,本學院的畢業生皆可將所學貢獻社會。 優質教育一向是嶺南大學的辦學宗旨,我們融合了東
life. Whatever their field of study may be, I am confident the lifelong learning making meaningful contributions to Hong Kong and beyond. Lingnan University has a tradition of excellence in teaching and learning. LIFE
is respected for our quality of instruction and the ability to keep up with the
changing times. We offer flexibility in instructional approaches and delivery
Diploma (1-Year)
modes to maximize access and heighten learning. If you are looking for an education experience that works, take one of our
short courses or enroll in a certificate / diploma programme. In the end, it all
進修之旅,朝終身學習的道路邁進。 最後,我希望大
comes down to the learning outcomes, and we will assist you to increase your
家能進一步了解 LIFE 開辦的課程,我有信心我們能為
learning capabilities and gain greater self confidence. We at LIFE are ready
文憑 ( 1 年制 )
opportunities offered by LIFE will send graduates well on their way towards
西方的教育理念,提供最好的博雅教育,而 LIFE 亦秉
Higher Diploma (2-Year)
be eager to update and upgrade their knowledge and skills throughout life.
高級文憑 ( 2 年制 )
毅進文憑 / 副學士先修畢業生
HKDSE Candidates
Graduates of Yi Jin Diploma / Pre-Associate Degree
中六程度學生 Students of Post-secondary 6
to provide you with the experience that will enrich and enhance your lifelong learning pursuits.
管理委員會主席的話 Message from the Chairman of Management Board
備註:入學資格詳情請參考第 51 頁。 Remarks: Please refer to Page 51 for details of admission requirements.
升學出路 Opportunities for Further Studies
務 服 友 校 及 學生發展 pment and evelo D s t n e d Stu rvices e S i n m u Al
Student Leadership Programme
Student Development and Alumni Services (SDAS) Team caters to the
The Student Leadership Programme aims to help students to explore
needs of students, not only in the aspect of knowledge acquisition
and enhance their leadership potentials through intensive training and
長、社區參與等活動以協助學生發展潛能。藉著關注學生的 身心發展,鼓勵持續學習,讓同學能將所長貢獻社會。
but also for their whole person development. We are committed to assisting the students to maximize their potentials through various activities, such as articulation seminars, employment support service,
personal growth and community participation programmes, so as to
develop their potentials. We take care of the psychosocial development
of students and encourage them to pursue lifelong learning in order to
make contribution to society.
技能,例如學習技巧、團隊合作、領導才能、壓力管理及生 涯規劃,從而了解自我,認清及發掘個人潛能。
就業計劃及發展 學院將定期舉辦不同形式的就業準備服務,內容包括有履歷 寫作工作坊、面試技巧及招聘講座等,讓學生在踏入就業市 場前已作好準備。
community services. It helps to develop the self-confidence of students and widen their horizons with valuable skills for the future challenges.
Co-curricular Activities Students can participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities provided by LIFE, such as the articulation seminars, workshops on language enhancement, singing contest, sports day and other leisure
Personal Growth and Counselling Services
Student counsellors from SDAS are ready to help students adapt to
a new learning environment in LIFE. Through individual and group
Alumni Services
The Alumni Services aim to maintain a lifelong relationship of
activities, students can acquire and develop a variety of skills such as study skills, teamwork, leadership, stress management and career lifetime planning. Students will have the opportunity to gain better self-
graduates of The Community College at Lingnan University and
Lingnan Institute of Further Education, and to establish alumni networks for the mission of lifelong education. We aim at building
understanding, identify and develop their potentials as well.
mentor relationship between alumni and current students to pass
Career Planning and Development
provided with the upcoming news and course information regularly
the torch and share the knowledge and experiences. Alumni will be To prepare students ready for the job market, LIFE provides a wide
from The Community College at Lingnan University and Lingnan
range of career development services and activities, such as resume
Institute of Further Education.
writing workshops, interview skills workshops and recruitment talks.
學生發展及校友服務 Students Development and Alumni Services
學生發展及校友服務 Students Development and Alumni Services
施 設 心 中 教 育 ntre Facilities
款待及旅遊管理學中心 Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Management
n Ce
款待及旅遊管理學中心設於柯士甸教育中心,為修讀款待及旅遊相關 荃灣昌華教育中心 Tsuen Wan Cheong Wah Education Centre 設施:電腦室、學習資源中心 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre
荃灣豪華教育中心 Tsuen Wan Hoover Education Centre 設施:電腦室、學習資源中心 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre
嶺南大學新教學大樓 New Academic Block, Lingnan University 設施:圖書館、體育館、游泳池、電腦室、語言實驗室、 語言自學中心、學生會堂、學生活動室、學生休憩區 Facilities: Library, Sports Complex, Swimming Pool, Computer Lab, Language Laboratory, Self-access Language Centre, Student Function Hall, Student Activity Room, Student Recreation Area
課程的高級文憑、高等文憑及文憑同學提供模擬實習環境。同學可透 過模擬實習更有效掌握相關工作技巧,豐富學習體驗。 Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Management is located at Austin Education Centre. It purposely offers a simulated environment for students who study Higher Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Diploma in tourism and hospitality programmes. Students can grasp relevant working skills effectively and enrich learning experience through practical training in the centre.
屯門 佐敦柯士甸教育中心 Jordan Austin Plaza Education Centre
屯門栢麗教育中心 Tuen Mun Parklane Education Centre
設施:電腦室、學習資源中心、學生休息室、款待及旅遊管理學中心 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Room, Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Management
設施:電腦室、學習資源中心、學生休息室 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Room
佐敦華海教育中心 Jordan Ocean Education Centre
設施:電腦室、學習資源中心、學生休息室 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Room
尖沙咀華懋教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre
電腦室 Computer Lab
學生休息室 Student Common Room
設施:圖書室、電腦室、中央學習資源中心、學生休息室、學生會議室、研習室 Facilities: Library, Computer Lab, Central Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Room, Student Conference Room, Study Room
尖沙咀好時教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Houston Education Centre 設施:電腦設備、學習資源中心、學生休息室 Facilities: Computer Equipments, Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Room
尖沙咀教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Education Centre 設施:電腦室、學習資源中心、學生休息區、研習室 Facilities: Computer Lab, Learning Resources Centre, Student Common Area, Study Room
中央學習資源中心 Central Learning Resources Centre 研習室 Study Room
學生會議室 Student Conference Room
中央學習資源中心設於尖沙咀華懋教育中心, 備有接近 5,000 本最新出版的圖書、課本及 參考書,涵蓋人文學、商學、社會科學及資 訊科技等範疇,持有效 LIFE 學生證的同學可 借閱圖書、借用學生會議室及研習室。 Central Learning Resources Centre is located at Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre which is equipped with nearly 5,000 pcs of book, textbook and reference book which cover the area of humanities, business, social sciences, and information technology. Students with valid LIFE Student Identity Card could enjoy
the library services as well as the borrowing service of Student Discussion Room and Study
教育中心設施 Education Centre Facilities
教育中心設施 Education Centre Facilities
課程概覽 Programme Overview
高級文憑 課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ 中文媒體寫作及製作 ☼ 英語及傳意 ☼ 日本研究
☼ Chinese Media Writing and Production ☼ English and Communications ☼ Japanese Studies
Business Studies
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
銀行及證券 工商管理 節目管理(資訊科技應用) 體適能培訓及管理 市場推廣及廣告學 專業會計學 採購及物流
Banking and Securities Business Administration Events Management (E-Applications) Fitness Training and Management Marketing and Advertising Professional Accounting Purchasing and Logistics
IT and Creative Media
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
電腦資訊系統(應用程式支援) 電腦學 電腦學(個人電腦系統及網絡管理) 創意媒體設計
Computer Information Systems (Application Support) Computer Studies Computer Studies (PC System and Network Administration) Creative Media Design
Tourism and Hospitality
☼ 航空服務及管理 ☼ 款待業(酒店實務) ☼ 旅遊學
☼ Airline Service and Management ☼ Hospitality (Hotel Operations) ☼ Tourism
Social Sciences
☼ 心理學(諮商與輔導) ☼ 教育心理學 ☼ 青年輔導
☼ Psychology (Guidance and Counselling) ☼ Psychology of Education ☼ Youth Counselling
備註:以上課程已獲資歷架構認可,資歷級別為第四級。 Remarks: The above programmes are recognized under the Qualifications Framework (QF level 4).
課程結構 Programme Structure Courses
數目 No. of Courses
English Language
Chinese Language
資訊科技 / 數學 / 統計學 #
IT / Maths / Statistics #
Specialization Course
Elective Course
3 合共 Total
# 部分課程不設此科 Not applicable to some programmes
升學出路 Articulation Prospects ☼ 本地或海外大學的學士學位課程 Local or overseas Bachelor's degree programmes
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
人文學科 Arts
科 人文學 Arts
Higher Diploma in Chinese Media Writing and Production
Higher Diploma in English and Communications
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 多媒體製作面面觀 Equips students with skills in multi-media
☼ 強化學生在就業及升學的英語能力 Develops students' communicative proficiency in the field of academic and professional usage
☼ 學曉細嚼玩味文學電影 Nurtures students' appreciation of both literature and movies
☼ 增強學生營造亮麗英語句子的能力 Enhances students' ability to comprehend word structure, describe how words are formed and produce correct and meaningful English sentences
☼ 為學生在升讀媒體製作或傳理方面作妥準備 Prepares students to further study or work in the field of media
☼ 細嚼玩味英國文學 Demonstrates an appreciation of selected English literary works
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 廣告文案寫作 ☼ 新聞特寫 ☼ 採訪技巧 ☼ 新聞道德與操守 ☼ 媒體研究 ☼ 新聞寫作與編輯 ☼ 網上新聞的現狀與未來 ☼ 劇本寫作及短片製作
☼ Copy Writing of Advertisement ☼ Feature Writing ☼ Interview Techniques ☼ Journalism Ethics ☼ Media Studies ☼ News Writing and Editing ☼ Online Journalism – Today and Future ☼ Script Writing and Movie Production
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 商業寫作傳意 ☼ 語意分析 ☼ 實境英語文法 ☼ 公共關係英語 ☼ 英語文法導論 ☼ 語意及語用學導論 ☼ 當代英國文學導論 ☼ 當代英語結構
☼ Business Written Communication ☼ Discourse Analysis ☼ English Grammar in Context ☼ English for Public Relations ☼ Introduction to English Grammar ☼ Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics ☼ Studies in Modern Literature ☼ The Structure of Contemporary English
就業出路 Career Prospects 就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 廣告 ☼ 編輯及出版 ☼ 教育 ☼ 新聞傳媒 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ Advertising ☼ Editing and Publishing ☼ Education ☼ Journalism ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
☼ 廣告 ☼ 編輯及出版 ☼ 教育 ☼ 新聞傳媒 ☼ 翻譯
☼ Advertising ☼ Editing and Publishing ☼ Education ☼ Journalism ☼ Translation
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
商學 Business Studies
科 人文學 Arts
Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies
Higher Diploma in Banking and Securities
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 訓練學生掌握高級日語技能,靈活地運用在工作及日常生活中 Trains students to use Japanese at a high level in a variety of workplace and social contexts
☼ 為有志投身銀行、證券、及財務行業的學生提供專業訓練 Provides academic and professional training for those who want to develop their career in banking, securities and finance industry
☼ 培養學生通曉日本文化及培育日語專才,為學生在就業或升學方面作妥準備 Develops an in-depth understanding of Japanese culture for applying the knowledge of Japanese to build rewarding careers or further studies
☼ 為學生在銀行、財務上繼續進修作準備 Prepares students to further their study in the field of banking and finance
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 日本歷史暨中日關係 ☼ 日本財經商務 ☼ 日語語彙及文字 ☼ 日語聆聽及會話 ☼ 日本流行文化 ☼ 日語文化及讀解
報讀日本研究高級文憑課程的人士, 須具備日本語能力測驗 N5 級(新考 試級別)或 4 級(舊考試級別)或 同等資歷。 Applicants of Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies should attain Level N5 (new test system) or 4 (old test system) of Japanese Language Proficiency Test or other equivalent qualifications.
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ 協助學生考取由不同專業機構所頒發的專業資格,例如香港銀行學會頒發的證書或會士(備試課程)及 香港證券專業學會頒發的「證券及期貨從業員資格」(資格考試) Helps students to obtain professional qualification offered by HKIB, namely the Banking Certificate (Cert. HKIB) and HKSI, namely the Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (Cert LE)
☼ Japan History and Sino-Japanese Relationship ☼ Japanese Business and Finance ☼ Japanese Kanji and Vocabulary ☼ Japanese Listening Comprehension and Speaking ☼ Japanese Popular Culture ☼ Japanese Reading Comprehension and Grammar
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 商業經濟學 ☼ 基礎財務計劃 ☼ 證券及期貨條例 ☼ 會計學導論 ☼ 銀行學導論 ☼ 商業法導論 ☼ 企業財務導論 ☼ 金融服務市場學 ☼ 貨幣及財務系統與市場 ☼ 風險管理概論 ☼ 證券及衍生性金融商品條例 ☼ 證券投資
☼ Economics for Business Studies ☼ Foundation of Financial Planning ☼ Fundamentals of Securities and Futures Regulation ☼ Introduction to Accounting ☼ Introduction to Banking ☼ Introduction of Business Law ☼ Introduction to Corporate Finance ☼ Marketing of Financial Services ☼ Monetary and Financial System and Financial Market ☼ Principles of Risk Management ☼ Regulation of Securities and Derivatives ☼ Securities Investment
就業出路 Career Prospects 就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 日資企業 ☼ 與日本有關的非牟利團體
☼ Japanese Corporations ☼ Japan-related Non-profit Making Organizations
☼ 銀行服務 ☼ 金融服務
☼ Banking Services ☼ Financial Services
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
商學 Business Studies
商學 tudies S s s e Busin
Higher Diploma in Business Administration
Higher Diploma in Events Management (E-Applications)
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 為學生提供商業行政上所需的學術及專業訓練 Aims at providing students with academic and professional training in business administration
☼ 提供節目管理及相關資訊科技方面的專業訓練,為同學畢業後的事業發展作好準備 Provides a solid foundation in events and information technology training which will allow graduates to grow further in their chosen career and to adapt to new development in a practical events environment
☼ 協助學生在商學學習領域上建立廣泛的商業知識及技能,從而汲取有關行業所需的技巧和經驗 Helps students develop a broad base of business knowledge and skills to acquire hands-on skills and experiences in business related industries
☼ 協助同學掌握節目管理行業所需的專業禮儀 Helps students to obtain required professional etiquette in the events world ☼ 提供節目管理方面的進修階梯,為有志進修的同學打下堅實的基礎 Prepares students to further their study in the field of events management, e.g. Bachelor's degree in Events Management
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 商業經濟學 ☼ 財務管理 ☼ 環球企業環境 ☼ 會計學導論 ☼ 銀行學導論 ☼ 商業導論 ☼ 保險學 ☼ 組織行為 ☼ 人力資源管理概論 ☼ 管理學概論 ☼ 市場學概論 ☼ 商用統計
☼ Economics for Business Studies ☼ Financial Management ☼ Global Business Environment ☼ Introduction to Accounting ☼ Introduction to Banking ☼ Introduction to Business ☼ Introduction to Insurance ☼ Organizational Behaviour ☼ Principles of Human Resources Management ☼ Principles of Management ☼ Principles of Marketing ☼ Statistics for Business
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 會計 ☼ 行政 ☼ 銀行服務 ☼ 金融服務 ☼ 人力資源管理 ☼ 銷售及市場推廣 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ Accounting ☼ Administration ☼ Banking Services ☼ Financial Services ☼ Human Resources Management ☼ Sales and Marketing Promotion ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 節目與節慶藝術設計 ☼ 創意數碼視覺藝術設計 ☼ 文化及節慶活動應用 ☼ 電子商貿應用及網上營銷 ☼ 節目娛樂及製作 ☼ 節目銷售與市場推廣 ☼ 資訊系統管理 ☼ 互動動畫製作 ☼ 國際文化議題 ☼ 特定節目管理 ☼ 大型會議及獎勵旅遊管理 ☼ 專業節目統籌及運作
☼ Art of the Events ☼ Creative Digital Visual Design ☼ Cultural and Festival Events Applications ☼ E-commerce Applications and Internet Marketing ☼ Event Entertainment and Production ☼ Event Sales and Marketing ☼ Information Systems Management ☼ Interactive Motion Graphic Production ☼ International Cultural Issues ☼ Managing Special Events ☼ Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions Management ☼ Professional Event Coordination and Operations
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 會所管理 ☼ 客戶服務 ☼ 與節目有關之行業 ☼ 與款待有關之行業 ☼ 酒店業 ☼ 人力資源管理 ☼ 與旅遊有關之行業 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
☼ Club House Management ☼ Customer Services ☼ Events Management ☼ Hospitality Sectors ☼ Hotels Industry ☼ Human Resources Management ☼ Tourism Related Sectors ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
商學 Business Studies
商學 tudies S s s e Busin
Higher Diploma in Fitness Training and Management
Higher Diploma in Marketing and Advertising
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 為有志投身體適能管理及健康護理行業的學生提供一套完善的訓練 Aims to provide students with an all-round training in fitness and health care
☼ 在市場學及廣告推廣上提供學術及專業技巧訓練,學生需學習一連串市場學、廣告學及溝通技巧 Aims at providing students with academic and professional training in comprehensive marketing, advertising and communication skills in the modern world
☼ 課程除涵蓋健體知識、健身器械實習、如何防止在運動時受傷、運動護理計劃外,更加入健康護理學、 營養學及體重控制訓練的知識 Covers multi-dimensional knowledge and skills, such as Basic Health Care and Fitness, Resistance Training Practice, Sports Injuries Prevention, Personal Training Prescription, Weight Management and Nutrition
☼ 課程設計包含理論及經驗分析,有助學生在有關範疇繼續進修 Equips students with theory and practical experience for further studies in the field of marketing and advertising
☼ 學生亦須修讀與商學有關的課程如市場學導論,加強學生的營商知識,有助開拓商機 Requires students to take business related courses e.g. Principles of Marketing, to strengthen their business sense
專修科目 Specialization Courses 專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 基礎健康及體適能學 ☼ 兒童成長及體能活動 ☼ 長者生活強化學習 ☼ 運動及營養 ☼ 長期病患者之運動療程 ☼ 商業導論 ☼ 體能量度與評估 ☼ 實習 ☼ 運動意外之預防及處理 ☼ 管理學導論 ☼ 器械健體指導 ☼ 壓力管理及舒緩技巧
☼ Basic Health, Fitness and Wellness Studies ☼ Childhood Development and Physical Activities ☼ Enhancing Quality of Life in Aging Population ☼ Essential Nutrition for Health and Sports ☼ Exercise Prescription for People with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities ☼ Introduction to Business ☼ Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity and Fitness ☼ Practicum ☼ Preventing and Managing Sports Injuries ☼ Principles of Management ☼ Resistance Training Instruction ☼ Stress Management and Skills for Relaxation
☼ 廣告與綜合市場傳訊 ☼ 視聽產品入門 ☼ 客戶服務管理 ☼ 創意廣告編寫 ☼ 商業經濟學 ☼ 活動、運動及會議管理 ☼ 環球企業環境 ☼ 資訊系統管理 ☼ 會計學導論 ☼ 商業導論 ☼ 多媒體入門 ☼ 媒體設計與分析 ☼ 市場學概論 ☼ 服務營銷 ☼ 消費行為
☼ Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication ☼ AV Production Fundamentals ☼ Client Servicing Management ☼ Creative Copywriting ☼ Economics for Business Studies ☼ Events, Sports and Convention ☼ Global Business Environment ☼ Information Systems Management ☼ Introduction to Accounting ☼ Introduction to Business ☼ Introduction to Multimedia ☼ Media Planning and Analysis ☼ Principles of Marketing ☼ Services Marketing ☼ Understanding Consumers
就業出路 Career Prospects 報讀體適能培訓及管理高級文憑課程的人士,須提 交有關運動或健身證明文件,例如:參與比賽證明、 推薦信或體育科成績。 Applicants of Higher Diploma in Fitness Training and Management are required to provide evidence of their previous involvement / experience in sports and fitness activities, such as participation awards or certificates in sport / fitness competitions, recommendation letters, satisfactory grades in Physical Education or other relevant subjects, or other equivalent supporting documents.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
體適能培訓及管理高級文憑課程的同學,須於暑假 時進行實習以符合畢業要求。 Students of Higher Diploma in Fitness Training and Management are required to take part in practicum during the summer to fulfill graduation requirement.
☼ 學員可考取由聖約翰救傷隊頒發之「心肺復甦法證書」 Students can obtain a Certificate of Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation offered by Hong Kong St John Ambulance ☼ 畢業生可獲得中國香港體適能總會的「體適能基礎證書」專業認可 Graduates will be granted exemption to the Physical Fitness Foundation (PFF) Certification of HKPFA
部份科目只在屯門嶺南大學提供。 Some courses are only offered at the Lingnan University main campus in Tuen Mun.
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
會所管理 項目管理 健身訓練 人力資源管理 政府或非政府組織
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Club House Management Event Management Fitness Training Human Resource Management Government or Non-governmental Organizations
專業認可 Professional Recognitions
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 廣告 ☼ 客戶關係管理 ☼ 客戶服務 ☼ 項目管理 ☼ 零售 ☼ 營銷及市場推廣 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
☼ Advertising ☼ Customer Relationship Management ☼ Customer Services ☼ Event Management ☼ Retailing ☼ Sales and Marketing ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
商學 Business Studies
商學 tudies S s s e Busin
Higher Diploma in Professional Accounting
Higher Diploma in Purchasing and Logistics
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 提供會計及商業方面的專業訓練,為同學畢業後的事業發展作好準備 Provides a solid foundation in accounting and business training which will allow graduates to grow with and adapt to new developments in a practical business environment
☼ 教授採購和物流工業所需的學術知識,並提供專業訓練,協助學生發展其事業 Gives academic and professional training to develop students' career in purchasing and logistics industry
☼ 教授必需的會計知識,協助同學取得會計專業認證 Helps students to obtain professional qualifications in accounting ☼ 提供會計專業的進修階梯,為有志進修的同學打下堅實的基礎 Prepares students who want to further their study in the field of accounting, e.g. Bachelor's degree in Accountancy
☼ Accounting Information Systems ☼ Auditing ☼ Business for Accountant ☼ Business Law ☼ Corporate Law ☼ Cost Accounting I and II ☼ Financial Accounting ☼ Hong Kong Taxation ☼ Intermediate Accounting ☼ Managerial Accounting ☼ Organizational Behavior
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 會計服務 ☼ 金融服務
☼ Accounting Services ☼ Financial Services
專業認可 Professional Recognitions ☼ 畢業生可獲豁免特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA) 考試其中六張考卷 Graduates are eligible for exemption of 6 papers from ACCA
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ 提供採購及物流的升學階梯,為有志進修的同學打好基礎,例如升讀全球供應鏈管理工商管理學士學位 或國際航運及物流管理工商管理學士學位 Prepares students who want to further their study in the field, e.g. Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Supply Chain Management or in International Shipping and Transport Logistics
專修科目 Specialization Courses
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 會計資訊系統 ☼ 審計學 ☼ 會計商業學 ☼ 商業法 ☼ 公司法 ☼ 成本會計(一)及(二) ☼ 財務會計 ☼ 香港稅務 ☼ 中級會計 ☼ 管理會計 ☼ 組織行為學
☼ 協助學生獲取由英國皇家採購與供應學會和香港運輸物流學會頒發的專業資格 Aims to facilitate students obtain professional qualification offered by CIPS and CILTHK
☼ 運輸及物流企業環境 ☼ 採購與供應的合約開發 ☼ 採購與供應的有效協商 ☼ 運輸及物流財務管理與匯報 ☼ 環球供應鏈管理 ☼ 運輸及物流資訊科技 ☼ 商業導論 ☼ 商業及運送法律 ☼ 物流管理 ☼ 採購與供應的關係管理 ☼ 採購表現的評估 ☼ 採購概覽 ☼ 儲倉及物料管理
☼ Business Environment for Transport and Logistics ☼ Developing Contracts in Purchasing and Supply ☼ Effective Negotiation in Purchasing and Supply ☼ Financial Management and Reporting for Transport and Logistics ☼ Global Supply Chain Management ☼ Information Technology for Transport and Logistics ☼ Introduction to Business ☼ Law of Business and Carriage ☼ Logistics Management ☼ Managing Purchasing and Supply Relationship ☼ Measuring Purchasing Performance ☼ Purchasing Contexts ☼ Warehousing and Materials Handling
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 物流管理 ☼ 採購 ☼ 採購管理 ☼ 零售 ☼ 供應鏈管理 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
☼ Logistics Management ☼ Merchandizing ☼ Purchasing Management ☼ Retailing ☼ Supply Chain Management ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
體 創意媒 dia 及 技 資訊科 reative Me C IT and
資訊科技及創意媒體 IT and Creative Med ia
Higher Diploma in Computer Information Systems (Application Support)
Higher Diploma in Computer Studies
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 提供資訊科技應用程式支援的相關訓練,為工商業培訓專業從業員 Provides a specialized study in information systems specialized in application support and related disciplines, and trains professional application support staff for business enterprises
☼ 培養學生在設計、發展、支援軟件及電腦網絡方面的能力 Develops students' ability in designing, developing, and supporting software and computer network
☼ 協助學生建立關於資訊系統的應有態度和價值觀,並學習相關的知識和技術 Develops attitudes and values as well as acquires knowledge and skills which are vital in the business information systems ☼ 培養資訊科技從業員應有的專業道德操守和責任 Imbues students with a sense of moral and intellectual responsibility
☼ 教授基本電腦科學知識,讓畢業生能夠適應日新月異的軟件設計及系統研發工作 Provides basic knowledge in computer science which allows graduates to grow with and adapt to new technological developments in a practical environment of software design or system development ☼ 教授與電腦學及資訊科技行業相關的技術、經濟、管理及法律基礎知識 Provides basic knowledge in technical, economic, management and legal disciplines relevant to computing and the IT industry
☼ 為學生搭建資訊科技及管理方面的進修階梯 Provides a ladder for advanced study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in information systems and management studies
專修科目 Specialization Courses
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 企業資訊規劃系統 ☼ JAVA 電腦編程 ☼ 行業專題研究 ☼ 數據通訊與網絡 ☼ ASP.NET 互聯網編程 ☼ 資訊科技工程管理 ☼ 資訊科技保安管理 ☼ 微軟系統管理 ☼ Oracle 數據庫系統 ☼ 系統分析
☼ Business Processes and ERP ☼ Computer Programming in JAVA ☼ Current Topics in IT Industry ☼ Data Communication and Networking ☼ Internet Programming with ASP.NET ☼ IT Project Management ☼ IT Security Management ☼ Microsoft System Administration ☼ Oracle Database System ☼ System Analysis
☼ 演算法及數據結構 ☼ 電腦道德規範 ☼ 數據通訊及網絡 ☼ 檔案及資料庫系統 ☼ 專題研習 ☼ 人機介面 ☼ 互聯網程式設計 ☼ 電腦導論 ☼ 程式設計入門 ☼ JAVA 程式設計 ☼ 管理資訊系統 ☼ 電腦數學及統計 ☼ 物件導向分析及設計 ☼ 軟件工程
☼ Algorithms and Data Structures ☼ Computer Ethics ☼ Data Communication and Networking ☼ Files and Database Systems ☼ Final Year Project ☼ Human Computer Interface ☼ Internet Programming ☼ Introduction to Computing ☼ Introduction to Programming ☼ JAVA Programming ☼ Management Information Systems ☼ Mathematics and Statistics for Computing ☼ Object-oriented Analysis and Design ☼ Software Engineering
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 電腦技術員 ☼ 程式員 ☼ 初級應用程式支援分析員
電腦資訊系統(應用程式支援)高 級文憑課程的同學可選擇於暑假申 請實習安排。 Students of Higher Diploma in Computer Information Systems (Application Support) can opt for an internship during the summer.
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ Computer Technician ☼ Programmer ☼ Junior Application Support Analyst
專業認可 Professional Recognitions ☼ 同學可向香港電腦學會申請成為學生會員 Students can apply for Student Membership at the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 電腦技術員 ☼ 程式員 ☼ 電腦系統開發員
☼ Computer Technician ☼ Programmer ☼ Computer System Developer
專業認可 Professional Recognitions ☼ 同學可向香港電腦學會申請成為學生會員 Students can apply for Student Membership at the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
體 創意媒 dia 及 技 資訊科 reative Me C IT and
資訊科技及創意媒體 IT and Creative Med ia
Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (PC System and Network Administration)
Higher Diploma in Creative Media Design
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 教授電腦科學的基礎知識,學生可透過學習軟件設計及系統發展,在不同層面上,包括技術、經濟、管 理等方面,接觸電腦資訊行業最新的科技發展 Provides students with basic knowledge in computer science which allows them to grow with and adapt to new technological developments in a practical environment of software design or system development, and also in technical, economic and management disciplines relevant to computing and the IT industry
☼ 橫跨多媒體設計及電腦學兩大範疇,內容包括資訊素養、電腦編程、多媒體製作等,協助同學奠定創意 媒體設計方面的知識及技術基礎 Provides students with a broad base of knowledge and skills in creative media and design, incorporating both essential courses in computer studies and creative media including information literacy, programming skills, creative media production with software applications
☼ 教授設計及管理小型電腦系統的知識和技術,讓學生在相關工業上一展所長;並給予學生專業訓練,讓 他們有足夠能力適應電腦和資訊科技的新趨勢 Provides students with the knowledge and techniques to effectively design and manage small-scale computer system development projects, and to be able to develop a career in a related industry, and provides students with professional training so that they may possess the ability to adapt to different but related working environments in computing and the IT industry
☼ 除了投身多媒體工業外,同學畢業後亦可在資訊科技或創意媒體方面繼續進修 Provides a ladder for further studies at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in any IT and creative media disciplines
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 2D 電腦動畫 ☼ 視聽產品入門 ☼ 電腦道德規範 ☼ 創意數碼視覺藝術設計 ☼ 畢業習作 ☼ 互動設計 ☼ 電腦學導論 ☼ 多媒體入門 ☼ 程式設計入門 ☼ 影片視覺效果 ☼ 網頁設計與開發
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 網絡理論進階 ☼ 演算法與數據結構 ☼ 數據通訊及網絡 ☼ 檔案及資料庫系統 ☼ 互聯網程式設計 ☼ 電腦導論 ☼ JAVA 程式設計 ☼ 管理資訊系統 ☼ 物件導向分析及設計 ☼ 軟件工程 ☼ 結構性程式設計 ☼ 視窗行政 ☼ 視窗伺服器訓練
☼ Advanced Networking ☼ Algorithms and Data Structures ☼ Data Communication and Networking ☼ Files and Database Systems ☼ Internet Programming ☼ Introduction to Computing ☼ JAVA Programming ☼ Management Information Systems ☼ Object-oriented Analysis and Design ☼ Software Engineering ☼ Structured Programming ☼ Windows Administration ☼ Windows Server
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 電影及創意產業 ☼ 互聯網及多媒體設計 ☼ 市場推廣及廣告 ☼ 媒體及動畫製作
就業出路 Career Prospects
☼ 電腦技術員 ☼ 程式員 ☼ 電腦系統管理員
☼ Computer Technician ☼ Programmer ☼ Computer System Administrator
☼ 同學可向香港電腦學會申請成為學生會員 Students can apply for Student Membership at the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
☼ Film and Creative Industry ☼ Internet and Multimedia Design ☼ Marketing and Advertising ☼ Media and Animation Production
專業認可 Professional Recognitions
專業認可 Professional Recognitions
☼ 2D Computer Animation ☼ AV Production Fundamentals ☼ Computer Ethics ☼ Creative Digital Visual Design ☼ Final Year Project ☼ Interactive Design ☼ Introduction to Computing ☼ Introduction to Multimedia ☼ Introduction to Programming ☼ Video Visual Effect ☼ Web Design and Development
學生有可能需要使用個人的多媒體設 備和器材,以完成個別習作和項目 Students may be required to use their multimedia equipment to complete their own assignments and projects.
☼ 同學可向香港數碼娛樂協會 (HKDEA) 申請成為學生會員 (Student Members) Students can apply for the Student Members with the Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA) ☼ 同學可向香港電腦學會申請成為學生會員 Students can apply for Student Membership at the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
旅遊及款待 Tourism and Hospital ity
款待 talit i 及 p s 遊 o 旅 and H m s i r u To
Higher Diploma in Airline Service and Management
Higher Diploma in Hospitality (Hotel Operations)
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 教授航空票務及服務方面的專業知識 Provides a specialized study in airlines ticketing and passenger service
☼ 教授酒店及相關範疇的專業知識 Provides specialized study in hotel operations and related disciplines
☼ 提昇學生之溝通能力、人際關係技巧、顧客服務技能及語言能力,為加入旅遊及航空業作好準備 Improves students' communication, interpersonal and customer service skills, and awareness of the language skills for the profession in airline and travel industry
☼ 協助同學獲取相關的專業資格,與及提升同學在溝通、待人接物及客戶服務等各方面的技巧 Assists students to obtain relevant professional credentials and improves students' communication, interpersonal and customer service skills
☼ 增強學生之責任感、專業態度及職業道德,以配合旅遊及航空業之要求 Cultivates in students a sense of responsibility, professional attitude and ethics
☼ 協助同學培養出旅遊從業員所需的專業態度、價值觀、知識與技能 Develops attitudes and values as well as acquires knowledge and skills which are vital for work in the tourism industry
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 機票計算 ☼ 航空策劃及管理 ☼ 機場旅客服務 ☼ 客戶關係管理 ☼ 客戶服務技巧及管理 ☼ 旅行和旅遊地理 ☼ 電腦訂位系統 ☼ 機艙服務 ☼ 旅遊業入門 ☼ 旅遊及款待業市場學 ☼ 人力資源管理概論 ☼ 管理學概論
☼ Airfare Calculation ☼ Airline Planning and Management ☼ Airport Ground Services ☼ Customer Relationship Management ☼ Customer Service Skills and Management ☼ Geography for Travel and Tourism ☼ Global Distribution Systems ☼ Inflight Services ☼ Introduction to Tourism Industry ☼ Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality ☼ Principles of Human Resources Management ☼ Principles of Management
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 客戶服務技巧及管理 ☼ 活動、運動及會議管理 ☼ 旅遊業設施管理 ☼ 房務管理 ☼ 國際文化議題 ☼ 酒店營運入門 ☼ 旅遊業入門 ☼ 餐飲營運管理 ☼ 前廳營運管理 ☼ 餐飲服務營運管理 ☼ 人力資源管理概論 ☼ 市場學概論 ☼ 消費行為
☼ Customer Service Skills and Management ☼ Events, Sports and Convention ☼ Hospitality Facilities Management ☼ Housekeeping Management ☼ International Cultural Issues ☼ Introduction to Hotel Operations ☼ Introduction to Tourism Industry ☼ Management of Food and Beverage Operations ☼ Managing Front Office Operations ☼ Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations ☼ Principles of Human Resources Management ☼ Principles of Marketing ☼ Understanding Consumers
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 航空業 — 機場旅客服務主任、旅客行李服務主任、機票票務主任及機艙服 務員 Airlines — Airport Passenger Services Officer, Baggage Services Officer, Reservation Officer and Flight Attendant ☼ 旅遊代理商及旅行社 — 旅遊顧問、票務顧問及票務員 Travel Agent and Tour Operator — Travel Consultant, Ticketing Consultant and Ticketing Officer
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
就業出路 Career Prospects 款待業(酒店實務)高級文憑課程的同學須於第一或 第二年級其中一個學期到內地交流,以符合畢業要求。 同學亦須負擔交流期間的額外交通及住宿費用。 Students of Higher Diploma in Hospitality (Hotel Operations) are required to study in Mainland China for one term in either Year 1 or Year 2 to fulfill graduation requirement. Students are responsible for the related additional travel and living expenses.
☼ 酒店營運 ☼ 酒店管理 ☼ 客戶服務
☼ Hotel Operations ☼ Hospitality Management ☼ Customer Services
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
社會科學 Social Sciences
款待 talit i 及 p s 遊 o 旅 and H m s i r u To
Higher Diploma in Tourism
Higher Diploma in Psychology (Guidance and Counselling)
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 教授旅遊業及相關範疇的專業知識 Provides specialized study in tourism and related disciplines
☼ 訓練學生掌握心理學的基礎知識及輔導與諮商的專業知識,為學生繼續升學作準備 Provides a unique education with a foundation on general psychology and a specialization in counselling and guidance
☼ 協助同學獲取相關的專業資格,提升同學在溝通、待人接物及客戶服務等方面的技巧 Assists students to obtain relevant professional credentials and improves students' communication, interpersonal and customer service skills ☼ 協助同學培養出旅遊業從業員所必需的專業態度、價值觀、知識與技能 Develops attitudes and values as well as acquires knowledge and skills which are vital for work in the tourism industry
☼ 為學生提供有關個人成長、輔導技巧及守則、人際關係及精神健康的知識 Provides students with relevant knowledge about human development, counselling skills and techniques, counselling ethics, interpersonal relationship and mental health ☼ 為學生提供訓練,提升他們在社會福利界的就業機會 Trains competent students to work in social welfare sector and provides students with foundation training in various relevant social sciences disciplines
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 外遊領隊職前訓練課程 ☼ 客戶服務技巧及管理 ☼ 旅行和旅遊地理 ☼ 環球旅遊交通服務 ☼ 酒店營運入門 ☼ 旅遊業入門 ☼ 職前導遊培訓課程 ☼ 人力資源管理概論 ☼ 市場學概論 ☼ 旅遊目的地策劃及發展 ☼ 消費行為
專修科目 Specialization Courses
☼ Certificate Course for Outbound Tour Escorts ☼ Customer Service Skills and Management ☼ Geography for Travel and Tourism ☼ Global Transportation Services of Travel and Tourism ☼ Introduction to Hotel Operations ☼ Introduction to Tourism Industry ☼ Pre-service Tourist Guide Training Course ☼ Principles of Human Resources Management ☼ Principles of Marketing ☼ Tourism Destination Planning and Development ☼ Understanding Consumers
☼ 危機處理 ☼ 小組輔導入門 ☼ 職業輔導入門 ☼ 個人及家庭輔導入門 ☼ 基礎心理學 ☼ 發展心理學 ☼ 實用技巧工作坊 ☼ 活動策劃及管理 ☼ 自我探索及成長工作坊 ☼ 精神健康入門 ☼ 社會問題及福利 ☼ 社會學入門
☼ Crisis Intervention Methods ☼ Group Guidance ☼ Introduction to Career Counselling ☼ Introduction to Individual and Family Counselling ☼ Introduction to Psychology ☼ Life-span Development ☼ Practical Skills Workshop ☼ Programme Planning and Management ☼ Self Understanding Workshop ☼ Understanding Mental Health ☼ Understanding Social Problem and Social Welfare ☼ Understanding Sociology
就業出路 Career Prospects 就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
客戶服務 領隊 導遊 酒店管理
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Customer Services Tour Escort Tourist Guide Hospitality Management
☼ 輔導 ☼ 家庭服務 ☼ 社會服務 ☼ 學生事務主任
☼ Counselling ☼ Family Services ☼ Social Services ☼ Student Service Officers
☼ 教學助理
☼ Teaching Assistants
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
社會科學 Social Sciences
學 社會科 ciences lS Socia
青年輔導高級文憑 ^
Higher Diploma in Psychology of Education
Higher Diploma in Youth Counselling
課程目標 Programme Objectives
課程目標 Programme Objectives
☼ 專門教授人類發展、心理諮商及輔導、學習與動機及教育心理學等相關範疇 Provides specialized study in human development, counselling and guidance, motivation and learning, educational psychology and related disciplines
☼ 教授學生青少年發展過程中生理、心理、情緒及智力各方面之轉變 Develops an understanding of the intellectual, emotional, moral and physical changes that occur in adolescence
☼ 為學生提供基礎職業導向訓練,提升他們的就業機會 Provides students with basic vocational training to enhance their employability
☼ 訓練學生掌握與青少年溝通及輔導所需之知識及技巧 Acquires essential communication and counselling skills to work effectively with adolescence
☼ 教授教育及心理學等專業知識,為學生繼續升學作準備 Equips students with sound knowledge and qualifications in the area of education and psychology to enable them to further their studies
☼ 提供歷奇為本輔導技巧訓練,有助應用於青少年工作上 Applies adventure-based skills in youth services and programmes ☼ 為學生打好基礎,在相關範疇繼續升學 Provides a ladder for more advanced study at the undergraduate level in Hong Kong, PRC and overseas
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 實習 ☼ 發展心理學 ☼ 教育心理學導論 ☼ 心理諮商及輔導概論 ☼ 基礎心理學 ☼ 學習 / 教育情境的問題與實踐(一) ☼ 學習 / 教育情境的問題與實踐(二) ☼ 學習與動機 ☼ 規劃策劃與管理 ☼ 教育:社會心理學 ☼ 社會統計 ☼ 特殊兒童教育理論與實踐 ☼ 精神健康導論
☼ Fieldwork Practicum ☼ Life-span Development ☼ Introduction to Educational Psychology ☼ Introduction to Guidance and Counselling ☼ Introduction to Psychology ☼ Issues and Practice in Educational Settings I ☼ Issues and Practice in Educational Settings II ☼ Motivation and Learning ☼ Programme Planning and Management ☼ Social Psychology in Education ☼ Social Statistics ☼ Theories and Application for Exceptional Children ☼ Understanding Mental Health
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 教育顧問 ☼ 學生事務主任 ☼ 教學助理
☼ Education Consultants ☼ Student Service Officers ☼ Teaching Assistants
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 青少年病態心理學 ☼ 青少年發展 ☼ 歷奇為本輔導(一) ☼ 歷奇為本輔導(二) ☼ 實習 ☼ 小組輔導入門 ☼ 心理諮商及輔導概論 ☼ 基礎心理學 ☼ 青少年工作入門 ☼ 程序規劃與管理 ☼ 自我探索及成長工作坊 ☼ 青少年問題研究
學生於「歷奇為本輔導(一)」及「歷奇為 本輔導(二)」取得合格,將獲由香港專業 輔導協會頒發之「歷奇輔導執行師」資格, 並得到「非牟利團體聯合歷奇教練証」。 Students passed "Adventure-Based Counselling I" and "Adventure-Based Counselling II" will be granted "Adventure Based Counseling Practitioner" (Certified by The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association). They are eligible to apply for "Joint Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), Adventure Instructor Card" in Hong Kong.
☼ Abnormal Adolescence Psychology ☼ Adolescent Development ☼ Adventure-Based Counselling I ☼ Adventure-Based Counselling II ☼ Fieldwork Practicum ☼ Group Guidance ☼ Introduction to Guidance and Counselling ☼ Introduction to Psychology ☼ Introduction to Youth Work ☼ Programme Planning and Management ☼ Self Understanding Workshop ☼ Youth Problems
就業出路 Career Prospects ☼ 教育 ☼ 市場推廣 ☼ 傳播媒介 ☼ 研究 ☼ 社會服務 ☼ 政府或非政府組織
☼ Education ☼ Marketing ☼ Media ☼ Research ☼ Social Services ☼ Government or Non-governmental Organizations
^ 與協青社合辦 In collaboration with Youth Outreach
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes
文憑 課程 Diploma Programmes
文憑課程 Diploma Programmes
☼ 商學
☼ Business Studies
☼ 旅遊業
☼ Travel and Tourism
☼ 兒童發展
☼ Child Development
商學 tudies S s s e Busin
商學文憑 Diploma in Business Studies 課程目標 Programme Objectives ☼ 探討企業結構和設計、領導及小組管理、商業流程、部門功能、資訊科技、企業理論、地區政治、市場 變化和國際經濟等因素對企業的影響 Complies with the delivery of accounting and economics, enterprise structure, leadership and team management, business flow, divisions' function, information system, entrepreneurship geographical polities etc ☼ 讓學生認識會計學及經濟學上的基礎知識 Equips students with the fundamental knowledge of accounting and economics principles ☼ 探討機構組織、小組管理、資訊素養、公司團體理論及其他與商業有關的議題 Explores organization structure, group management, business procedures, information literacy, corporate theories and other business-related topics
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 商業決策技巧 ☼ 商業經濟學 ☼ 網上商貿及電子市場推廣 ☼ 會計學(一) ☼ 企業管理(一) ☼ 企業管理(二)
文憑課程 Diploma Programmes
☼ Business Decision Making ☼ Business Economics ☼ Internet Commence and E-marketing ☼ Introduction to Accounting I ☼ Introduction to Business Administration I ☼ Introduction to Business Administration II
旅遊及款待 Tourism and Hospital ity
旅遊業文憑 Diploma in Travel and Tourism 課程目標 Programme Objectives ☼ 教授旅遊業的基本原理和相關的實務知識,例如售票、旅遊業運作、顧客服務技巧等 Gains knowledge and skills about travel and tourism, such as ticketing, operation of travel agency and customer service skills ☼ 提高學生對旅遊業的知識及技能,以應付旅遊業相關工作之需要 Prepares for joining the work force in related discipline ☼ 課程亦會教授旅遊業最廣泛應用的 Abacus 電腦訂票系統 Gives practice in using Abacus, a ticketing system in travel industry
專修科目 Specialization Courses ☼ 機票計算及電腦訂位技巧 ☼ 旅遊及旅遊業導論 ☼ 行程設計及成本計算 ☼ 專業客 服務技巧 ☼ 旅遊業運作 (內遊及外遊) ☼ 旅遊產品 ☼ 旅遊營銷及市場推廣
☼ Fare Calculation and Air Reservation ☼ Introduction to Travel and Tourism ☼ Itinerary Planning and Costing ☼ Professional Customer Service Skills ☼ Tourism Operations and Coordination (Inbound and Outbound) ☼ Tourism Product ☼ Tourism Sales and Marketing
文憑課程 Diploma Programmes
日 長 家 及 學資訊 Days
on Requ
arents on and P
ti Informa
日期: 2013 年 5 月至 6 月
: May to June 2013
對象: 中六、副學士先修、文憑及毅進文憑同學及家長
: Secondary 6, Pre-Associate Degree, Diploma and Yi Jin Diploma's students and parents
內容: • 高級文憑及文憑課程介紹
Activities : • Introduction of Higher Diploma and
• 升學輔導及諮詢
Diploma programmes
有關活動詳情及網上登記,請瀏覽 www.LN.edu.hk/life。
• Academic and articulation consultation
• 香港中學文憑考試取得五科(包括中國語文及英國語文) 達到第二級或以上。每名申請人最多可提交兩個應用學習 科目的成績(成績需達「達標」或以上)。
尖沙咀華懋教育中心 及 佐敦柯士甸教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre and Jordan Austin Plaza Education Centre 尖沙咀華懋教育中心 及 嶺南大學 * Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre and Lingnan University
22 June 2013
* 於嶺南大學舉行的課程介紹將以廣東話及普通話進行 Programme Introduction at Lingnan University will be conducted in Cantonese and Putonghua
香港中學文憑 考試放榜 HKDSE Results Announcemen t
15 – 17 July 2013 9 – 11 Aug 2013
9 Aug 2013
地點 Venue 尖沙咀華懋教育中心 及 佐敦柯士甸教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre and Jordan Austin Plaza Education Centre
• 填妥之入學申請表 • 香港身份證正副本
• Completed application form
• 學歷證明(公開試及校內成績)正副本
• Original and a copy of your HKID card
• 報名費收據正本
• Original and a copy of academic transcripts (public exam
• 香港中學會考取得三科合格,及中國語文及英國語文 * 達 第二級 / E 級或以上;或 • 成功修畢毅進計劃;或 • 於申請入學同年之九月一日已滿二十一歲;或 • 經學院評審的其他同等學歷。
非本地或海外學生的入學要求 申請人須取得海外認可之中學或專上院校或符合以上最低入 學要求的同等學歷。
Please submit your application with the following items in the Information and Parents Days or Walk-in Admission Days:
• 推薦信(如適用)
• 於認可之院校成功修畢文憑或副學士學位先修課程;或 • 於申請入學同年之九月一日已滿二十三歲;或 • 經學院評審的其他同等學歷。
大學聯招結果 公布 JUPAS Results Announcemen t
參與「升學資訊及家長日」或「即場招生日」 的同學,請帶備以下文件作即場報名:
• 香港中學文憑考試兩科達第二級及三科達第一級(此五科 成績內需包括中國語文及英國語文,而其中一科需達第二 級)。申請人最多可提交兩個應用學習科目的成績(成績 需達「達標」或以上)。
即場招生日 Walk-in Admission Days
15 Jul 2013
• 香港中學會考取得三科合格,及中國語文及英國語文 * 達 第二級 / E 級或以上,並須具備一科香港高級程度會考或 兩科香港高級補充程度會考科目合格。
備註:「優先取錄計劃」申請日期:2013 年 1 月 31 日至 5 月 31 日 Remarks: Application period of Early Admissions Scheme: 31 Jan – 31 May 2013
日期 Date
It is the policy of LIFE to admit suitable applicants to LIFE programmes. Applicants will be considered on the basis of academic qualifications, public examination results, the relevance of their chosen subjects, their special interests, qualities, working experiences and other relevant factors. Applicants shall not be discriminated against on the basis of sex, age, race, religion or physical disability.
Higher Diploma HKDSE • Level 2 in five HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language. Each applicant is allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning subjects which shall be at the level of "Attained" or above.
備註:請留意個別主修課程或有其他額外入學要求,詳情請瀏覽學院網頁: www.LN.edu.hk/life。 * 申請人如在 2006 年或以前應考香港中學會考英國語文,成績必須達 E 級(課程乙)/ C 級(課程甲)或以上。
HKALE • Three passes in the HKCEE, and Level 2 / Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language*, plus a pass in one AL subject or two AS-level subjects in the HKALE.
Other equivalent qualifications • A recognised post-secondary Diploma or Pre-Associate Degree, or • Being 23 years of age or above on 1st September in the year when admission is sought, or • Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by LIFE.
Diploma HKDSE • A combination of results in five HKDSE subjects of two Level 2 and three Level 1 in New Senior Secondary Subjects (including Chinese Language & English Language in which one should be in Level 2). Each applicant is allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning subjects which shall be at the level of "Attained" or above.
Other equivalent qualifications • Three passes in the HKCEE, and Level 2 / Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language*, or • Satisfactory completion of Project Yi Jin, or • Being 21 years of age or above on 1 st September in the year when admission is sought, or • Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by LIFE.
Admission of Non-local and International Students Satisfactory completion of studies at a recognised secondary or postsecondary institution outside Hong Kong with qualifications equivalent to the above entry requirements.
Remarks: Individual study concentrations may have additional requirements. Please refer to the College website at www.LN.edu.hk/life for more information. * Applicants taking HKCEE English Language in 2006 or before should attain Grade E or above (Syllabus B) / Grade C or above (Syllabus A).
results slip and secondary school reports) • Original bank receipt of application fee • Credentials (if any)
升學資訊及家長日 Information and Parents Days
地點 Venue
1 June 2013
For more details and online registration, please visit
升學資訊及家長日 Information and Parents Days 日期 Date 4 May 2013
學院照章錄取合資格人士入讀本院課程,會因應申請人學歷、 公開試成績、對選修科目的認識、興趣、能力、工作經驗或 其他相關因素,作出合理甄別;錄取的決定並不存任何性別、 年齡、種族、信仰、傷健殘障等歧視因素。
入學資格 Admission Requirements
知 申請須 n pplicatio rA
Notes fo 報名方法
專上課程電子預先報名平台(E-APP) *
Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP) Application *
Pay at Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) by following the steps below:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. Select "Bill Payment"
應屆中學文憑試考生可透過專上課程電子預先報名平台 (E-APP)www.eapp.gov.hk 遞交申請。 * 只適用於高級文憑課程。
Applications taking the HKDSE in 2013 can submit the application via Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP) www.eapp.gov.hk. * Only Applicable to Higher Diploma Programmes.
網上申請 詳情請瀏覽網址 www.LN.edu.hk/life/admission。
Online Application Please click into the website www.LN.edu.hk/life/admission for details.
親身遞交或郵寄 申請人須備妥下列文件親身遞交至各教育中心(請參閱第 56 及 57 頁)或郵寄至九龍尖沙咀東麼地道 77 號華懋廣場 3 樓 301 室: 1. 已填妥之入學申請表 (申請表格可於學院網頁下載 www.LN.edu.hk/life) 2. 香港身份證或護照副本 3. 學歷證明副本 4. 報名費收據正本 5. 推薦信(如適用) 備註:申請人須於親身遞交表格或出席面試時出示上述 (2) 及 (3) 之正本予院方核實。
Application in Person or by Mail
港幣 100 元正(適用於本地生)/ 港幣 250 元正(適用於非 本地生) 備註:所有已繳費用概不退還。
Applicants may submit an application with the following items in person to any LIFE Education Centres (please refer to Page 56 and 57) or by post to Suite 301, 3/F, Chinachem Golden Piaza, 77 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon: 1. Duly completed application form (downloadable at LIFE website www.LN.edu.hk/life) 2. Photocopy of applicant's HKID card or passport 3. Photocopy of relevant academic certificates 4. The original bank receipt of application fee 5. Credentials (if any) for verification upon submission of application form in person or participation in interview.
Application Fee Remarks: All fees paid are not refundable.
高級文憑 / 文憑
課程 銀行帳號
匯豐銀行 / 恒生銀行自動櫃員機 於設有繳費服務的櫃員機按以下指示付款: 1. 選擇「繳費服務」 2. 選擇「教育學府 – 大學」 3. 選擇「嶺南大學」 4. 於「賬單類別」輸入「01」 5. 於「賬單號碼」輸入「22517940000」(11 位數字) 6. 輸入報名費總額 7. 列印「客戶通知書」
Method of Payment of Application Fee Cash / Cheque Pay in cash, a crossed cheque / bank draft (payable to "Lingnan University") to the following bank account (Payment reference: LIFE-1314) at any branch of the Bank of East Asia Limited: Programme Bank Account Number Bank Account Name Bank Name
申請資料的用途 1. 申請表內有關的個人資料將僅供本學院或有關授權機構作 處理申請入學事宜之用。成功申請者的資料,將會轉為學 生紀錄,並由本學院或有關獲授權機構處理。 2. 如入學申請不被接納,本學院將銷毀一切有關的個人資 料。 3. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權查閱及更改個人 資料。申請人如須查詢或更改個人資料,請來函本學院。
• 嶺南大學持續進修學院保留課程最終之開辦權而毋需事前通知。 • 本課程簡介的資料以編印時為準。資料可能變更而無須另行通知。 如欲獲取最新的課程資料,請瀏覽學院網頁 www.LN.edu.hk/life。
現金或支票 到任何一間東亞銀行,將現金或劃線支票 / 銀行匯票(抬 頭 人 為「 嶺 南 大 學 」) 存 入 以 下 帳 戶( 繳 款 參 考 編 號: LIFE-1314):
學院在收到申請人填妥的申請表格及資料後,將會儘快安排 申請人參加面試。由於學額有限,學院建議申請人及早遞交 申請表,以便安排入讀首選課程。
HK$100 (For local students) / HK$250 (For non-local students)
7. 列印「客戶通知書」
Remarks: Applicants should provide original copies of (2) and (3)
選擇「繳費」 選擇「專上學院」 選擇「嶺南大學」 於「賬單類別」輸入「01」 於「賬單號碼」輸入「22517940000」(11 位數字) 輸入報名費總額
2. Select "Education" 3. Select "Lingnan University" 4. Enter "01" for "Bill Type" 5. Key in "22517940000" (11 digits) as "Payment Reference Number" 6. Enter application fee amount 7. Collect the "Customer Advice"
Assessment & Interview Admission interviews will be arranged once the application is received. Early applications stand a better chance of being admitted.
Use of Information 1. Personal data provided as part of an application for admission will, during the admission process, be used solely for the purpose of admission, and of successful candidates will become the student record. In this connection, the data will be handled by The Lingnan Institute of Further Education and other relevant institutions authorized to receive it. 2. Application documents of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the admission process has been completed. 3. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and the correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to access or make corrections to their data should submit written requests to The Lingnan Institute of Further Education. Remarks: • Lingnan Institute of Further Education reserves the right to offer the programme(s) or concentration(s) without prior notice. • The information contained in this Prospectus is correct at the time of press. Lingnan Institute of Further Education reserves the right to make alteration to the contents of this Prospectus without prior notice. Please refer to website www.LN.edu.hk/life for the latest information.
Higher Diploma / Diploma 015-514-40-401541-2 Lingnan University The Bank of East Asia, Limited
HSBC / Hang Seng Bank ATM Pay at Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) by following the steps below: 1. Select "Bill Payment" 2. Select "Education – Universities" 3. Select "Lingnan University" 4. Enter "01" for "Bill Type" 5. Key in "22517940000" (11 digits) as "Payment Reference Number" 6. Enter application fee amount 7. Collect the "Customer Advice"
申請須知 Notes for Application
申請須知 Notes for Application
學 費e
e Tuition F
課程 高級文憑課程 (兩年四學期) 文憑課程 (一年兩學期)
Governm ent Fi Assistan nancial ce
學費 每學期港幣 21,900 元
每學期港幣 17,500 元
Programme Higher Diploma Programmes (4 terms in 2 years) Diploma Programmes (2 terms in 1 year)
Tuition Fee
如有需要,學生可透過以下的政府計劃或基金申請學費資助 及 / 或貸款: 項目
HK$21,900 per term
HK$17,500 per term
A payment advice for the 1st academic term of the tuition fee will be
Students who are in financial needs may apply for student financial assistance under the following Schemes or Fund through the Government: Items Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students* Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme Continuing Education Fund
Higher Diploma
sent to applicants upon notification of the offer of admission.
* 申請人須為 30 歲或以下
* applicant must be aged 30 or below
• 按金港幣 600 元
Along with the 1st academic term of the tuition fee, student also needs
• 簽證行政費港幣 360 元(適用於非本地學生)
to pay:
Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)
• HK$600 deposit 備註:不論上課與否,所有已繳費用概不退還。
• HK$360 visa processing administrative fee (For non-local students only) Remarks: All fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.
凡通過家庭入息及資產審查的「專上學生資助計劃」合資格 申請人,可獲發助學金及∕或貸款。符合申請「專上學生資 助計劃」的學生亦可透過此計劃申請學生車船津貼。
專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃 「專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃」適用於修讀「專上學生資 助計劃」下合資格課程的全日制學生,此計劃提供貸款以協 助合資格申請人繳付學費。
The FASP is a means-tested financial scheme offered to eligible students in the form of grant and / or loan. Students who are eligible to apply for assistance under FASP may also apply for student travel subsidy through FASP application.
Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) The NLSPS is applicable to full-time students pursuing eligible programmes under the FASP. The NLSPS provides financial assistance in the form of loan to eligible students to meet their tuition fees.
擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃 「擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃」適用於修讀指定的兼讀制及 全日制專上和持續進修及專業教育課程的學生,此計劃提供 貸款以協助合資格申請人繳付學費。 有關資助及貸款詳情,可瀏覽學生資助辦事處網頁
Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) The ENLS is applicable to eligible students pursuing specific parttime and full-time post-secondary and continuing and professional education courses. The ENLS provides loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees.
(www.sfaa.gov.hk),或直接向學生資助辦事處查詢: 政府資助 / 貸款計劃 專上學生資助 計劃
九龍彌敦道 700 號 2152 9000 工業貿易署大樓 12 樓 1201 室
九龍長沙灣道 303 號 專上學生免入息 長沙灣政府合署 12 樓 審查貸款計劃 1204 室
2150 6222
擴展的免入息審 九龍長沙灣道 303 號 查貸款計劃 長沙灣政府合署 11 樓
2150 6223
For details of the government financial assistance, students may refer to the website of the Student Financial Assistance Agency (www.sfaa.gov. hk), or make direct enquiries to the Student Financial Assistance Agency. Financial Assistance Schemes
Address Hotline Room 1201, 12/F, Trade and Financial Assistance Scheme Industry Department Tower, 2152 9000 for Post-secondary Students 700 Nathan Road, Kowloon Non-means-tested Loan Room 1204, 12/F, Cheung Sha Scheme for Post-secondary Wan Government Offices, 303 2150 6222 Students Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon 11/F, Cheung Sha Wan Extended Non-means-tested Government Offices, 303 Cheung 2150 6223 Loan Scheme Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
Continuing Education Fund (CEF)
現時已有約 40 個科目獲「持續進修基金」認可為「可獲發
About 40 courses are currently recognized by the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) as Reimbursable Courses.
還款項課程」。 詳情可向持續進修基金辦事處查詢: 地 址: 新界葵涌興芳路 166-174 號 葵興政府合署 9 樓 916 室
查詢熱線: 3142 2277
For details, students may contact the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (OCEF): Address : Room 916, 9/F, Kwai Hing Government Offices, 166-174 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hotline : 3142 2277 Website : www.sfaa.gov.hk/cef
網 址: www.sfaa.gov.hk/cef
學費 Tuition Fee
政府學費資助 Government Financial Assistance
圖 置 位 心 中 教育Location Maps 查詢及 ries and es Enqui ucation Centr of Ed
屯門 Tuen Mun
嶺南大學新教學大樓 New Academic Block, Lingnan University 新界屯門嶺南大學新教學大樓 4 樓 407 室 (港鐵西鐵線兆康站 F 出口) Room 407, 4/F, New Academic Block, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, N.T. (Siu Hong MTR Station Exit F) Tel: 2616 7279 Fax: 2460 2049
尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsim Sha Tsui Chinachem Education Centre 九龍尖沙咀東麼地道 77 號華懋廣場 3 樓 301 室及 313 室 (港鐵東鐵線紅磡站 D 出口 / 港鐵西鐵線尖東站 P 出口) Suite 301 & 313, 3/F, Chinachem Golden Plaza, 77 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon (Hung Hom MTR Station Exit D1 / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit P) Tel: 2722 1637 Fax: 2311 0336
尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsim Sha Tsui Education Centre 九龍尖沙咀東麼地道 66 號尖沙咀中心 2 樓 (港鐵西鐵線尖東站 P 出口) 2/F, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon (East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit P) Tel: 2723 3268 Fax: 2369 1268
屯門 Tuen Mun
Tuen Mun Parklane Education Centre 新界屯門屯喜路 2 號屯門柏麗廣場 20 樓 01 至 03 室 (港鐵輕鐵線市中心站) Room 01 - 03, 20/F, Tuen Mun Parklane Square, 2 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun, N.T (Town Centre Light Rail Station) Tel: 2613 0322 Fax: 2618 4933
尖沙咀好時教育中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Houston Education Centre 九龍尖沙咀麼地道 63 號好時中心 3 樓 04 至 08 室 (港鐵西鐵線尖東站 P 出口) Suite 04-08, 3/F, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit P) Tel: 2722 6135 Fax: 2311 0336
佐敦 Jordan
佐敦 Jordan
佐敦柯士甸教育中心 Jordan Austin Plaza Education Centre 九龍佐敦柯士甸道 83 號柯士甸廣場 2 樓及 3 樓 305 室 (港鐵荃灣線佐敦站 C 出口) 2/F & Room 305, 3/F, Austin Plaza, 83 Austin Road, Jordan, Kowloon (Jordan MTR Station Exit C) Tel: 2730 0753 Fax: 2736 7474
佐敦華海教育中心 Jordan Ocean Education Centre 九龍佐敦上海街 80 號華海廣場 1 樓及 2 樓 (港鐵荃灣線佐敦站 C 出口) 1/F & 2/F, Ocean Building, 80 Shanghai Street, Jordan, Kowloon (Jordan MTR Station Exit C) Tel: 2730 1739 Fax: 2730 6575
荃灣 Tsuen Wan
荃灣 Tsuen Wan
荃灣昌華教育中心 Tsuen Wan Cheong Wah Education Centre 新界荃灣青山公路 297 號昌華大廈地下 12 至 13 室及 1 樓 (港鐵荃灣線荃灣站 A 出口) Shop 12 - 13, G/F & 1/F, Cheong Wah Building, 297 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T. (Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A) Tel: 2568 6973 Fax: 2568 6107
荃灣豪華教育中心 Tsuen Wan Hoover Education Centre 新界荃灣川龍街 118 號荃灣豪華廣場 5 至 7 樓 (港鐵西鐵線荃灣西站 E 出口) 5/F - 7/F, Hoover Plaza, 118 Chuen Lung Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T. (Tsuen Wan West MTR Station Exit E) Tel: 2882 4051 Fax: 2568 3685 * 荃灣豪華廣場將改名為「百悅坊」 Hoover Plaza will be renamed as "Optimall"
查詢及教育中心位置圖 Enquiries and Location Maps of Education Centres
查詢及教育中心位置圖 Enquiries and Location Maps of Education Centres