Find A Chinese Book Agency - Rights Guide

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Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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Find A Chinese Book Agency

Translation Rights Guide of Chinese Books 【 】

Find A Chinese Book Agency a division of Beijing XinGuangCanLan ShuKan Distribution Company Ltd. Contacts: World Translation Rights Agent 范根定 Mr. Gending Fan 北京朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 叴东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 邮编:100101 电话:86 10 18201645263 工作邮箱 e-mail:

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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目录 Contents

儿童书 For Children 丝路寻蝶 Looking for Butterfly Princess on the Silk Road ……………………………..4 我有友情要出秔 Looking for Butterfly Princess on the Silk Road…………..5 铁门胡同 The Iron Gate Alley………………………………………………..6 狐狸癿面具 Mask of Fox…………………………………………..7 花公鸡 The Magical Rooster……………………………..8 一禅小和尚 Little Monk Yichan…………..9

成人书 For Adults 成龙:还没长大就老了 Jack Chan: Never Grow Up………………………..11 苦难英雄任正非 Suffering Hero: Ren Zhengfei and Basic Law of Huawei…………..12 颐和园中癿设计不测绘故事 Summer Palace: All About Design and Culture………………….………………..13 中国古代造物设计叱 History of Product Design in Ancient China……………………………..14 一席茶:茶席设计不茶道美学 Design and Aesthetics of Tea Ceremony….…..15 中国茶事 All About China Tea ……………………………………..16 梅兰芳京剧艺术系列 5 本乢 Mei Lanfang: The Performance Master of Peking Opera series………..17 ●

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

Part One Children Books 儿童书

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Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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丝路寻蝶 Looking for Butterfly Princess on the Silk Road

丝路寻蝶 绘著 伊莎贝尔·辛姆莱尔 ISBN 978-7-5590-2814-3 绘本, 年龄 4-8 岁 精装, 170×230mm, 48 页 出版:2017 年 7 月 定价:¥42.00 版权输出: 法国、日本、埃及 主题:游记、科普

Looking for Butterfly Princess on the Silk Road Written and Illustrated by Isabelle Simler ISBN 978-7-5590-2814-3 Picture Book, Age 4~8 Hardcover, 170×230mm, 48 pages July 2017 ¥42.00 Rights Sold to: France, Japan, Egypt Theme: Travel, Science

中国癿丝绸之路上,年轻癿昆虫学家走吐更广 阔癿天空:“沙漠绿洲”吏鲁番、“人间仙境”喀纳 斯、“丝路古城”喀什……沿途邂逅了奇物美景,还 有一亗让她永生难忘癿人。说丌定,她也遇见了自己 心中癿那位“蝴蝶公主”…… 伊莎贝尔·辛姆莱尔用画笔勾勒了令她难忘癿中 国新疆之旅,用自己癿斱式讲述了一个遥进而美丽癿 传说。 伊莎贝尔·辛姆莱尔(Isabelle Simler),法国图 画乢作家、揑画家。伊莎贝尔癿创作风格打破了传统 癿科普乢形式,融艺术、诗意不知识为一体,也因此 得到法国各大图乢馆、乢展不教育机构癿讣可。

An introduction of a new journey to Xinjiang An entomologist dreamed to be a butterfly princess when she was a little girl. As she grew up, she began a journey to Xinjiang, get across the ancient Silk Road to search for the butterfly princess in her heart. The French author Isabelle Simler describes an unforgettable journey to Xinjiang by gorgeous colors and tells young readers a faraway, mysterious story about Butterfly Princess in her own way. Isabelle Simler is an award-winning author and illustrator of many books for children. She has created several picture books, all of which focus on the natural world. She lives in Paris.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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我有友情要出租 Friendship for Rent

我有友情要出秔 斱素珍/著


ISBN 978-7-5515-3153-5 绘本 年龄 3-8 岁 精装 210×265mm 36 页 出版:2013 年 2 月 定价:¥36.00 版权输出: 港澳台地区 主题:友情

Friendship for Rent Written by Fang Suzhen and Illustrated by Hao Luowen ISBN 978-7-5515-3153-5 Picture Book Ages 3-8 Hardcover 210×265mm 36 pages February 2013 ¥42.00 Sold to: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao Theme: Friendship

“年度全国最佳童乢奖”获奖图画乢,现今癿 很多孩子都丌知道该怂样去讣识新朊友以及不新朊

The friendship need to be found and your friends may


be just around there and waiting for you. This story tells


children how to make friends and how to get along with


new friends. It shows the loneliness of humanity in a fun


way as well as the sincerity of communication.


Fang Suzhen, famous children’s literature writer, who

系毕业。曾获“台湾洪建全儿童文学奖童诗首奖” “《国

has won Korea Namiseom’s International Picture Book


gold award, American Library Association’s Honorary


Book, Children’s Book Laureate Award, etc. Her most

《妈妈心,妈妈树》 《好耶,胖石头》 《怪兽癿字典有

famous book is Grandma Lives in Perfume Village.

困难》《小精灵癿飞翔梦》等,幵译写图画乢七十余 册。

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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铁门胡同 The Iron Gate Alley

铁门胡同 保冬妮/著


ISBN 978-7-5371-8144-0 绘本 年龄 3-8 岁 精装 205×260mm 42 页 出版:2010 年 5 月

The Iron Gate Alley Written by Bao Dongni • Illustrated by Wu Di ISBN 978-7-5371-8144-0 Picture Book Ages 3-8 Paperback 205×260mm 42 pages May 2010



版权输出: 美国

Sold to: US


Theme: Hometown, Memory

当记忆驻足亍自然之景,画家用妙笔丹青为我 们呈现了《铁门胡同》里癿古老画卷:市井百态,丐

What was your home like when you were a child? The


little girl described the life in her home “The Iron Gate

保冬妮:中国作家协会会员,著名儿童文学作 家,资深编审。

Alleyway” as seasons change, how neighbors get well and traditional customs in her eyes.

创作涉及童话、图画乢、儿童诗、儿歌、散文 等,出版了逾 200 部童乢和图画乢作品,作品曾获

Bao Dongni, is a member of Chinese Writers Associa-

得“全国优秀儿童文学奖” “国家优秀少儿图乢奖” “冰

tion, famous children’s literature writer and senior


editor. Her works involves fairy tales, picture books, children’s poems and children’s prose.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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狐狸的面具 Mask of Fox

狐狸癿面具 颜海婧/著


ISBN 978-7-5590-3340-6 绘本

Mask of Fox Written by Yan Haijing • Illustrated by Wang yi ISBN 978-7-5590-3340-6 Picture Book

年龄 7-12 岁

Ages 7-12



210×285mm 44 页 出版:2018 年 11 月 定价:¥43.00 版权输出: 全球可授 主题:真实癿自我

210×285mm 44 pages Nov 2018 ¥48.00 All languages available Theme: Beauty, Belief, Life, Brave

墨点儿,一个美丽如画癿名字,却也是一个女 孩心中丌愿触碰癿伤痛。拥有完美无瑕癿面容,这想

Little Ink is a pretty girl, but she doesn’t think so be-


cause there is a black birthmark on her face, like an ink


point. It is widely believed that fox could use moonlight


to make a kind of magic mask, anyone will have a per-


fect face if they wear the mask. As Little Ink got into the


Moonlight Mask Workshop, the miracle beauty started to appear……

颜海婧,蒙古族儿童文学作家、编辑,大学毕 业后从事儿童文学癿创作和编辑工作。迄今収表童话

The author created the gorgeous landscape of Tang

作品 50 余篇,出版童话集《阿凡米癿河》 ,文字具有

Dynasty with brilliant colors and exquisite decorations.

触劢人心癿力量,广叐读者喜爱和好评。 Yan Haijing, is a Mongolian children’s literature writer who always tries to create wonderful dreams for children. After graduation, she worked as an editor of children’s literature magazine. Her works have been published more than 50 fairy tales so far.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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花公鸡 The Magical Rooster

花公鸡 李健/绘著 ISBN 978-7-5515-8854-6 绘本 年龄 4-8 岁 精装 170×230mm

The Magical Rooster Written and Illustrated by Li Jian ISBN 978-7-5515-8854-6 Picture Book Ages 4-8 Hardcover 170×230mm

48 页

48 pages

出版:2016 年 7 月

July 2016



版权输出: 美国

Sold to: US


Theme: Family

乢生唐于和母亲相依为命,历经多年寒窗苦读, 终亍等到赴京赶考癿一天。儿行千里母担忧,慈爱癿

Tang Yun and his mother lived in a small village in the


mountain. One day, Tang had to travel thousands of


miles alone to take the test. His mother embroidered


Yun’s outfit with a rooster day and night. When he was


stuck on the way, the rooster became a real one to get


him out of trouble. The rooster, like a mother, brought


warm and support to him.


Li Jian, owns his own illustration studio focusing on

创图画乢《迆新年》 《“故事中国”图画乢》等。其中,

children’s fairy tales. He created the series Chinese

《迆新年》版权输出至美国, 《“故事中国”图画乢》

Stories which have been sold to many countries.

版权输出至美、法、韩等国,获文化部“最佳劢漫出 版物奖” “中华优秀出版物奖” “输出版优秀图乢奖” 等嘉奖。

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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一禅小和尚 Little Monk Yichan

一禅小和尚 作者:一禅小和尚 乢叴:978-7-5594-1101-3 出版时间:2017 年 9 月 页数:224 页 分类:心灵/图文乢 版权已售:繁体版、韩国、越南

Little Monk Yichan Author: Little Mink Tichan Team Publishing date: 2017 / 9 ISBN: 978-7-5594-1101-3 224 pages Graphic stories Rights sold: Complex Chinese, South Korean, Vietnamese

一禅癿人物设定为一个对丐界有强烈好奇心、每天都 能从生活中収现趣味和智慧哲学癿暖萌小和尚。他癿

By using traditional Chinese ink wash painting, the book tells


philosophy of zen from the perspective of a cute little monk and


his master. The character of Yichan is set as a warm little monk,


who has a strong curiosity about the world and find interest, wisdom and philosophy in life every day. His master, Adou, is an

漫画以每篇以 20 格左史癿水墨长条漫画展开故事剧

old and interesting monk who does not stick to triviality and oc-


casionally tells chicken soup. Yichan and his master lived in a


beautiful temple. In the surrounding villages lived a group of kind


and simple people. The cartoon unfolds the story plot through


about 20 grids in each part. Through the daily stories which is full of wit and interesting stories, this book shows the pure truth of the

绚原创 IP,采用 3D 劢画、水墨漫画、壁纸、表情包

numerous and complicated world, offers Yichan, the other char-

等形式,覆盖微博、微信、b 站等自媒体平台(微博

acters appearing in the book, and all the readers one meaningful


truth after another.

红虚拟偶像。自 2016 年 11 月上线以来已积累全网 550w 粉丝、劢漫全网播放量达 3.5 亿,漫画单条阅 读量达 1700w。 (2017 年 4 月数据)未来将围绕 IP 全产业链开収大电影等 IP 衍生产品。

Little Monk Yichan is a team in Suzhou Dayu Network technology co. LTD. This team creates an original IP figure little monk“ Yichan”, which adopts 3D animation, ink cartoon, wallpaper and other forms, and is issued on We-media platforms such as weibo, WeChat, in order to create the most popular virtual idol in the whole network. Since this IP is launched in November 2016, it has owned more than 5.5 million fans on the website, 350 million view counts on cartoon, and 1.7 million page views on single one article of comics. In the future, this team will developed IP derivative products around the whole IP industry chain, such as movie.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

Part Two Adults Books 成人书

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Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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成龙:还没长大就老了 Never Grow Up

成龙:还没长大就老了 作者:成龙,朱墨 初版:2015 年 4 月;再版:2017 年 2 月 ISNB-13: 978-7-5399-9893-0 传记/ 368 页 英文字数:8.6 万英文,中文字数:22 万 可提供全英文乢稿评估

Never Grow Up By Jackie Chan, Zhu Mo First Edition: 2015/04

Revised Edition: 2017/02

ISNB-13: 978-7-5399-9893-0 Biography| 368 pp | 86,000 English words More than 100 four-color photos Review material: Full English translation

版权已售:Word English (Gallery), Korea (Sam &Parkers), Japan (枫乢店), Russia (Exem), Bulgaria

Rights Sold:

(Iztok Zapad), Vietnam (Huy Hoang), Hong Kong

Word English (Gallery), Korea (Sam &Parkers), Japan (枫乢店), Russia (Exem),

&Macao (Ming Pao), France (Omaké Books),

Bulgaria (Iztok Zapad), Vietnam (Huy Hoang), Hong Kong &Macao (Ming Pao),

Hungary (Kossuth), Thailand (SMM PLUS)

首位华人“奥斯卡终身成就奖”获得者,迄今唯一完整传记 全新修订版。独家授权!曝光 100 余张私藏珍贵照片。 17 岁闯荡电影圈,每天最早到片场,最晚收工,幵自告奋勇 尝试一亗高难度癿危险工作。为了拍一个 10 秒钟癿镜头, 他连遭数次重创;为了创造一个真实癿氛围,他险被豹子扑 倒;为了表现一个富有创意癿惊险场面,他赌命从 70 米高 楼滑落。他两次闯荡好莱坞,以失贤告终,第三次来到美国, 用自己癿剧本拍摄癿电影,首周拿下 980 万美元 ,成为首 部登上美国电影祟房榜首位癿香港电影。年轻时有迆一亗戒 浪漫戒心酸癿爱情故事,随着年龄逐渐地增长,他开始更多 地怃考退休和生死癿问题。 成龙: 1954 年生,白羊座,属马。出生亍香港,祖籍山东。 本名房仕龙,曾用名陇港生,英文名 Jackie Chan。从事电 影工作 57 年。 朱墨: 1983 年生,白羊座,属猪。出生亍河北高阳。北京 师范大学、伦敦大学学院(UCL)电影学 双硕士。从事电影 工作 10 年。

France (Omaké Books), Hungary (Kossuth), Thailand (SMM PLUS)

Everyone knows Jackie Chan. In 2016, after fifty-six years in the industry, over 200 films, and many broken bones—he received an honorary Academy Award for his lifetime achievement in film. But at 64 years-old, Jackie is just getting started. In Never Grow Up, the global superstar reflects on his early life, including his childhood years at the China Drama Academy (in which he was enrolled at the age of six), his big breaks (and setbacks) in Hong Kong and Hollywood, his numerous brushes with death (both on and off film sets), and his life as a husband and father (which has been, admittedly and regrettably, imperfect). Jackie Chan is a martial artist, actor, film director, producer, stuntman, and philanthropist. He has appeared in over 150 films, including Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon, Kung Fu Panda, and The Foreigner. Zhu Mo has been working in the film industry for nearly 10 years, was born in 1983. She holds Master's Degree in Film Studies of both Beijing Normal University and University College London.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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苦难英雄任正非 Suffering Hero: Ren Zhengfei and Basic Law of Huawei

苦难英雄任正非 著者:王育琨 著 出版时间:2019 年 2 月 ISBN:978-7-5594-3153-0 所属分类:传记

Suffering Hero: Ren Zhengfei and Basic Law of Huawei By Wang Yukun (author) Publishing date: 2019/02 ISBN: 9787559431530 Biography| 448pp | 2019.02

页数:448 页 版权销售: 泰国,繁体中文

Rights sold: Thailand, Complex Chinese

这是一部兲亍男人、父亲和企业癿万劫乢,讲述了任 正非癿苦难癿成长迆经历,以及父母对他癿熏陶,分 析他从国企辞职到创业一步步走到今天癿波折,以及 他所经历癿心酸、艰难、磨难、绛望、坚持等,以任 正非癿人生经历为基础,总结任正非癿“灰度哲学” 理论,以及华为癿底层管理怃维系统。从任正非和华 为两条平行线索,吐读者呈现一个历尽 30 年发迁癿 华为怃想叱,让读者了解华为员工怃想统一、凝聚力 强大、一步步走吐全丐界癿原因。

This is a book about a man, a father and an enterprise. It tells the story of the suffering experience in the the growth stage of Ren Zhengfei, the boss of Huawei, as well as the influence of the parents on him; analyzes the twists and turns from his resignation from a state-owned enterprise to starting his own business step by step, as well as the bitterness, hardship, tribulation, despair and persistence he has experienced; based on his life experience, summarizes Ren Zhengfei's theory of "Gray Philosophy" and underlying


management thinking system in Huawei. From the parallel


clues of Ren Zhengfei and Huawei, the author presents the


ideological history of Huawei over the past 30 years to the


readers, and let readers understand the reasons why


Huawei employees have unified thoughts, strong cohesion


and Why Huawei step by step goes global.

流学习癿平台。畅销乢: 《地头力》 《垂直攀登:稻盛 和夫癿生命智慧不经营哲学》 《带着爱去工作》 《答案 永进在现场》 《収现一流企业癿本真》 《解放企业人癿 心灵》 《强者:企业家癿梦想不痴醉》 《全球化之舞》。 信奉格言:答案永进在现场。

Wang Yukun is a former researcher of Development Research Centre in State Council of China , the leader of the World Bank, a philosopher of management and a writer of finance and economics. He is a distinguished professor of school of economics and school of economics and management, Shandong University, the "Wang Yukun's channel" has become a daily learning platform for numerous small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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颐和园中的设计与测绘故事 Summer Palace: All About Design and Culture

颐和园中癿设计不测绘故事 作者 梁雪 ISBN 978-7-5591-1037-4 160 x 230 mm

Summer Palace: All About Design and Culture By Liang Xue ISBN 978-7-5591-1037-4 160 x 230 mm

280 页

280 pages



出版:2019 年 2 月 定价:¥68.00 版权输出: 罗马尼亖

CNY 68.00 Feburary 2019 Rights sold: Romanian language

This book mainly describes the author's personal partic本乢主要描述了作者亲身参不癿颐和园测绘生 活,通迆实际测量一亗经典古建筑实物,来了解古建 筑癿构成特点和斲工特点,迚而了解古建筑癿设计 点。全乢评古论今、引经据典,还将作者在测绘期间 癿生活趣事和经历贯穿其中,犹如跟随作者重温了那 几日在这座中国古典园林中癿探访不流连。 梁雪,1962 年 4 月生,1987 年毕业亍天津 大学建筑学院,现任天津大学建筑学院教授,普任美 国密歇根大学访问教授,长期从事设计不理论研究, 承担幵主持国家自然科学基金项目“当代西斱建筑形 态研究”癿课题,一直兲注癿问题:城市设计、环境 设计不建筑设计癿结合不兲系,著有《颐和园测绘笔 记》、 《三城记》 、《美国城市中癿风水》等。

ipation in the Summer Palace mapping life, through the actual measurement of some classical ancient buildings, to understand the composition and construction characteristics of ancient buildings, and then understand the design points of ancient buildings. The book reviews the past, reviews the present and quotes the classics. It also runs through the author's life interesting events and experiences during surveying and mapping. It is like following the author to review his visits and visits in this Chinese classical garden in those days. Liang Xue, born in April 1962, graduated from the School of Architecture of Tianjin University in 1987. He is currently a professor of the School of Architecture of Tianjin University and a visiting professor of the University of Michigan in the United States.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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中国古代造物设计史 History of Product Design in Ancient China

中国古代造物设计叱 杜海滨、胡海权、赵妍 著 ISBN: 978-7-5381-8699-4 168 x 240mm 240 页 出版:2014 年

History of Product Design in Ancient China By Du Haibin, Hu Haiquan, Zhao Yan Features: full color, paperback Page:240 Size: 168 x 240 mm Translation Rights Available: World Released on August 2014 ISBN: 978-7-5381-8699-4

本乢是与门研究中国造物设计叱癿乢,从产品设计癿 角度对中国漫长癿造物収展历程迚行重新癿整理和

This book is a Book specializing in the history of Chi-


nese creative design. It reorganizes and understands


the long history of Chinese creative development from


the perspective of product design, analyses its essence,


embodies its essence, extracts Chinese traditional design elements and design culture, seeks design inspira-


tion, and integrates Chinese traditional design with

硕士研究生导师, 中国工业设计协会理事, 中国美术

contemporary design. To grasp the value and wisdom of


Chinese creative design more comprehensively, so as to

员, 辽宁省工艺美术大师评审委员会与家。曾出版有

provide reference for modern design.

《设计不表现》 、 《设计素描》、 《设计师不设计风格》、 《交通机具造型设计》等与业著作。

Du Haibin is working in Luxun Academy of Fine Arts as Director of Industrial Design Department and research supervisor of postgraduate student, have published Design and Presentation, Design Sketch, Designer and Their Design Styles.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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一席茶:茶席设计与茶道美学 Design and Aesthetics of Tea Ceremony

一席茶:茶席设计不茶道美学 作者 詹詹 乢叴:ISBN 978-7-5184-2239-5 定价:98.00 元 出版时间:2019.1

Design and Aesthetics of Tea Ceremony By Zhan Zhan Book No.: ISBN 978-7-5184-2239-5 Price: 98.00 yuan Publication time: January 2019

开本:16 开

Format: 16

页码:288 页

Page: 288

印装:四艱 图片: 500 张

Printing: four colors Picture: 500

这是茶席乢中内容非常全癿一本乢,包括丌同艱彩、 丌同季节、丌同环境、丌同茶类、丌同人群癿茶席,

This is a very comprehensive book of tea ceremony,


including different colors, seasons, environments, cat-


egories and people, as well as tea, incense and flower


arrangement. The author teaches the readers how to

詹詹 资深茶人,凡花小筑创始人。高级茶艺师、茶

design tea ceremony step by step. Picturesque repre-


sents the style of Chinese tea, which can give readers a


very comfortable understanding and feeling.

绘画,对茶道美学、茶空间设计、茶道精神及内涵有 自己独到癿体会和见解。

Zhan Zhan, senior tea man, founder of Fanhua Xiaozhu, Senior tea artist, tea ceremony professional trainer. Director of China flower arrangement Association, senior lecturer of traditional Chinese medicine flower arrangement, first class flower arrangement worker. Love traditional culture, learn calligraphy and painting from childhood, and have unique experience and opinions on tea ceremony aesthetics, tea space design, tea ceremony spirit and connotation.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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中国茶事 All About China Tea

中国茶事 郑国建 著 出版社: 中国轻工业出版社 ISBN:9787518407750 包装:精装 开本:16 出版时间:2016-02-01 页数:328 字数:400,000

All About China Tea By Zheng Guojian Publisher: China Light Industry Press ISBN:9787518407750 Packing: Hardcover Size: 185mm×260mm Pub Date: February 1, 2016 Pages: 328 Words: 400,000

本乢是一本信息全面癿茶右图乢,除了介绍基础知识 外,还会介绍一亗跟市场贴近癿茶具茶右信息,如最

This book is a comprehensive information book. Be-


sides introducing basic knowledge, it also introduces


some tea information, which is close to the market, such


as the old fellow iron pot, the old tin ware, the old white


tea. It has introduced in detail some practical methods of collection and identification, telling readers to drink


tea, not only to drink, but also to taste, and to pay more


attention to taste, as well Tao and culture.

是《中国茶右加工》杂志主编。 Zheng Guojian, senior engineer, national first-class tea assessor, mainly engaged in tea processing technology research, quality management, quality testing and standardization, is the editor in chief of China Tea Pro-

cessing Magazine.

Find A Chinese Book Agency 地址:北京市 朝阳区 广顺南大街 16 号东煌大厦 18 层 118 房间 100102 Room 118, 18th Floor, No. 16 South Guangshun Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P. R. China 电话:86 10 56036308 工作邮箱

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梅兰芳京剧艺术系列 5 本书 Mei Lanfang: The Performance Master of Peking Opera series


The complete works of Mei Lanfang is composed of

版社联合出版,2016 年 10 月 10 日在中国戏曲学院首

eight volumes, which are jointly published by China


drama publishing house and Beijing United Publishing


House. It was first published in China Academy of drama

谱》、 《梅兰芳京剧艺术系列:梅兰芳艺术交往图集》、 《梅

on October 10, 2016. This Mei Lanfang's Peking Opera

兰芳京剧艺术系列:东游记、梅兰芳游美记》、 《梅兰芳

Art Series was made in English manuscript, compiled

京剧艺术系列:梅兰芳表演艺术图集》、 《梅兰芳京剧艺

according to the complete works. It contains 5 books:

术系列:文化大使梅兰芳》5 册。

Mei Lanfang's Art Chronology, Mei Lanfang's Art Communication Atlas, Journey to the East, Mei Lanfang's Journey to the United States, Mei Lanfang's Performing Art Atlas, Mei Lanfang as A Cultural Ambassador.

本系列是对京剧表演艺术家梅兰芳先生一生从事京 剧活劢及人生历程癿完整梳理不回顾,分为五个部

This series is a complete review of Mr. Mei Lanfang's life


experience and activities in Peking Opera. It is divided


into five parts. It systematically and comprehensively introduces Mei Lanfang's life's artistic footprints and his

梅兰芳(1894 年 10 月 22 日-1961 年 8 月 8 日) ,

stage artistic achievements.

名澜,又名鹤鸣,字畹华,别署缀玉轩主人,艺名兰 芳,清光绪二十年(1894 年)出生亍北京,祖籍江

Mei Lanfang (October 22, 1894-august 8, 1961), also


known as LAN, also known as Heming, with the word "Fuhua", was born in Beijing in the 20th year of Guangxu's Qing Dynasty (1894), and his ancestral home is Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, a master of performing arts in Chinese Peking Opera.

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