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Office for Sponsored Programs
The Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) supports Connecticut Children’s investigators and staff by applying for, procuring, and managing extramural funding, and ensures compliance with the policies and regulations of Connecticut Children’s, its sponsors, and federal and state oversight agencies. In addition, the OSP Contracts Office negotiates and processes all agreements related to research and sponsored programs, and issues all contracts for research-related collaborations, material transfers, and data sharing.
The OSP experienced continued growth in 2020 despite the worldwide pandemic. In 2020, the OSP managed over $21 million in related funding, submitted 83 proposals, and processed 526 contracts. In addition, the OSP has implemented and went live with infoEd® , a grants management system that will help manage and streamline the growing research portfolio. InfoEd is an electronic research administration tool that will aid Connecticut Children’s in realizing cost savings, improving data integrity, streamlining administrative processes, and enhancing compliance. In 2021, the OSP will work with other stakeholders at Connecticut Children’s, such as Information Systems, Finance and Supply Chain to optimize the use of the Lawson Financial System. This project will help streamline processing and maximize efficiency, and coupled with infoEd, it will enhance reporting capabilities.
The year 2020 was a period of transition for the OSP with the promotion of new leaders, loss of staff, and the addition of new staff members who are highly experienced and knowledgeable. Throughout all of this, the OSP team persevered through and continued to provide high quality service to all of our clients and each other.
Kimberly Davey, MBA, Director, Office for Sponsored Programs and Research Finance Neal Breen, MBA, Senior Manager Post Award and Research Finance Zach Andrews, BS, Departmental Grants Management Specialist Alixandra Borgert, MRA, CRA, Departmental Senior Grants Management Specialist Gena Dixon, MS, CRA, Departmental Associate Grants Management Specialist Laura Friedeberg, MS, Departmental Senior Grants Management Specialist James Gallagher, Esq., Assistant General Council
Kathy Lawrence, Administrative Assistant Karen Long, BS, Associate Grants Management Specialist Aubree Siebert, MS, Clinical Trials Senior Grants Management Specialist Lana Soh, MS, Central Associate Grants Management Specialist Marlene Tzickas, Central Grants Management Specialist