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Academic Information

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Academic Probation Students are required to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and remain in good standing while attending CCBC. If placed on any level of academic probation, the student will receive official notification from the provost’s office.

Quality points will be awarded based on grades earned under the institutional procedures on Grades and Grading. GPA will be calculated at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters and at the end of the summer term for all courses completed during the Summer.

The calculations will be based on all courses completed during the semester/term. In all calculations, incomplete (I) grades will be treated on the same basis as a final grade of “F”. When the “I” grade is converted, the semester and cumulative GPA will be recalculated.

In rare instances, students may be on the Dean’s List and a level of academic probation, in the same semester, due to their GPA being below the required standard.

Warning Any student who falls below a 2.0 GPA will be placed on warning. The student remains eligible for continued enrollment; however, they must meet with a counselor and could be required to retake placement testing, take/retake preparatory course(s), and be limited to 9 semester hours in Fall or Spring semesters (6 semester hours during summer term).

1st Probation Any student on warning whose semester and cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.

2nd Probation Any student on 1st probation who has a 2.0 semester GPA or higher, but less than a cumulative 2.0 GPA will be placed on continued academic probation.

Dismissal Any student on 2md probation who has less than a semester 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA will be placed on dismissal.

Academic Dismissal Appeal A student placed on Academic Dismissal may present reasons, in writing within 5 days from letter receipt to the provost, to have his/her situation reviewed and the dismissal reversed. The provost, or their designee, will review the student’s appeal and render a decision.

Reinstatement Appeal A student previously dismissed from the College may apply to the provost for reinstatement 1 year after dismissal. Reinstatement after dismissal from the Community College of Beaver County is neither automatic nor guaranteed. A student may be reinstated only if the student provides convincing evidence. For programs with selective admission requirements, specified certification standards or additional program and graduation requirements, reinstatement might not be possible.

Attendance The College maintains that class attendance is necessary and that students are expected to attend all classes. The student should be aware that unexcused and/or excessive absences may affect final evaluation. Students are responsible to make up any missed work. For online courses, attendance is defined as participation on a weekly basis and may include participation in discussion boards, exams, quizzes, submission of homework assignments, papers, or projects.

Guests Students who wish to have a guest (non-enrolled individual) attend a class may do so only with the advance permission of the instructor of that class. Repeated class attendance by a non-enrolled individual is prohibited.

Distance Learning Online, hybrid, and Titan Flex courses at CCBC allow students to create flexible schedules with classes that require little or no time on campus. These courses are based on the same course content and materials that serve as the foundation for oncampus classes and have the same rigor, only the delivery system and the method in which students interact with instructors are different. For online classes, course content and other communication between students and instructors are accomplished primarily through the Internet-based Blackboard course management system and email, although video and other means are used as required.

You will find many programs include online and hybrid course offerings. Online courses are assigned a campus of “online” and you can search for them in the CCBC online course search at my.ccbc.edu.

Online and hybrid course offerings are indicated as such in the course schedule each semester, for example: COLL 100 43 D, the D indicating that as an online course, the class will meet online only; and COLL 100 70 H, the H indicating that as a hybrid course, the class will meet both on campus and online. Hybrid courses are scheduled to meet on campus for no less than 50% of scheduled instructional time, with the remaining time designated as online instruction. Check the course schedule each semester for meeting dates, times, and location of offered hybrid courses.

The successful online student should have regular access to a dedicated, updated computer with a broadband Internet connection (preferably wired) and a web browser to successfully complete online courses. Current versions of four common web browsers; Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, will support online learning. Students will also need access to an antivirus program and standard software applications, such as Microsoft Office Suite, including word processing and spreadsheet programs to complete and submit assignments. Students can access Microsoft Office Suite on MyCCBC.

CCBC does not provide support for home systems or connectivity problems. CCBC will not be responsible for grades resulting from the failure of home technology during enrollment in a course. Support for accessing online courses and training can be accessed through the CCBC homepage (http://www.ccbc.edu), email (helpdesk@ccbc.edu), or by phone (724-480-3399). Before electing to register for online classes, students should consider their ability to successfully complete the course through this electronic medium.

Class Format

Titan Flex

Distance Learning




Description Blend of face-to-face, distance learning and asynchronous online instruction


Registration Code

All three options are always available, and lectures are recorded so students can participate at times outside of the normal delivery times

Courses meet on scheduled days with half the students attending one day and the other half of the students attending the other day. Faculty lectures are live on campus and live online.

100% online instruction


Faculty do not require students to attend at the same time and all information is available in the online format

Online instruction offered at a scheduled time

Typically, students will attend together online during their class time. Faculty should record lectures for students who are absent.

Combination of face-to-face and online instruction

All students come to campus at designated times and all students complete work online at other times. To socially distance, faculty may choose to bring half the class on certain days and the remainder of the class on different days.

100% in person instruction

Faculty require students to attend class on campus according to the day and time listed on their schedules. L (with lab)


H Z (with lab)

Grading CCBC uses standardized criteria to demonstrate the performance standards for all students registered in credit courses with the use of letter grades. In addition to the standard letter grades (A-F), other grades may be awarded to identify a student’s end of course status. The standard grading system for credit students will include the following:

A-Superior (4 grade points per credit hour) B-Above Average (3 grade points per credit hour) C-Average (2 grade points per credit hour) D-Below Average (1 grade point per credit hour) F-Failure (0 grade points per credit hour) AU-Audit W-Withdraw AW-Administrative Withdraw M-Military I-Incomplete R-Repeat P-Passing

Notice to Students A performance grade of “D” will generally enable students to receive credit for having satisfied the minimum criteria required to complete the course and to progress to the next course required in the selected degree/certificate program. However, students are advised that many colleges and universities will not accept a transfer class in which a grade of “D” was earned, and the student may be required to take the course again at the transfer institution.

All courses in the curriculum plan for the School of Health Sciences programs require a grade of “C” or better.

In addition, the College will award grades to designate a student’s completion status for enrollment in non-credit courses.

• CR – Successful completion of the course • NC – Unsuccessful completion of the course

Audit A student may request to audit a course. This is a way to sample a particular course without formal grading. This can be beneficial for non-degree students to explore the collegiate environment or for degree students seeking knowledge outside of their structured curriculum.

Course Work: The Instructor determines course requirements. A student may be required to attend all classes, complete all assignments, and complete all exams.

Grading: When auditing a course, the student receives a grade of AU, no credit is earned for the course and the student’s GPA is unaffected. The grade of AU does not remove a previous grade received for the course. If the student later enrolls in the audited course, the grade for the subsequent credit enrollment will count towards the student’s GPA. Students are not permitted to take a credit by exam through CCBC for any audited courses.

Registration and Payment: Students must register during the specified registration period for the semester in which the course will be audited. Audited courses are billed at the full tuition rate based on the course credits and the student’s residency status. Audited courses do not count towards a student’s full or part time status. This may affect the student’s financial aid status. A student is allowed to change from credit to audit in a course during the first ten days of the semester or its equivalent in a sub term.

Incomplete Grades In those cases, where a student has been consistently in pursuit of completion of the course objectives and requires additional time to complete the course requirements, the faculty member may agree to award an “I” grade, indicating Incomplete. This grade will require a written agreement between the faculty member and the student which indicates the specific work to be completed and the timeline for completion. Work should be submitted as soon as possible. The deadline for completion is at the discretion of the faculty member. The maximum time a student may be allowed to hold an “I” grade is up to four months by which time the required work must be submitted to their faculty member for evaluation. Following the submission of the required work, the faculty member will assign a final grade and issue a grade change notification to the Director of Enrollment Services. Until the grade change is received, the student transcript will reflect a grade of “I” which for purposes of calculation of the QPA will be treated as an “F.” Once the change of grade has been processed, the QPA for the semester in which the “I” grade was received and the cumulative QPA will be recalculated appropriately. If the grade is not converted within four months, the grade posted to the transcript will become an “F.”

Repeat Grades The option for a grade of “R” may only be used in the grading of courses within preparatory education. The grade will designate that the student made progress toward achievement of the course objectives but has not fully demonstrated the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the course. In courses where an “R” grade is assigned, the semester credit hours for the course will not be shown as completed and will not be used in calculation of the QPA. Students may not progress to college-level courses with either an “R” or “NC” grade. The student is to re-enroll in the course and complete the course objectives to receive a performance grade. The grade of “R” may only be awarded once for any particular course, and if the student does not re-enroll and complete the requirements of the course within the semester, the grade will convert to a grade of “NC.”

Academic Forgiveness Any student who has not attended CCBC for a period of three years or longer may file a written request for academic forgiveness with Student Records.

The request for academic forgiveness can be for any or all previous terms with no Q.P.A. requirement, or for D or F grades only. However, the overall Q.P.A. must be below a 2.0.

If the request is approved, the respective grades from the previous attendance would not be calculated into the overall Q.P.A.; however, all grades will remain on the transcript and be properly noted.

Approved academic forgiveness will not appear on the student’s transcript until he/she has earned at least an additional 12 credits with a Q.P.A. of 2.0 or higher. A student is only eligible for academic forgiveness one time and once approved, the decision cannot be reversed. Also, no tuition or fee refunds can be made.

Academic Honors

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Organized in 1918, the international Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society has recognized and promoted scholastic achievement among students of community, technical, and junior colleges. A Q.P.A. of 3.0 is necessary to remain a member. Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks are scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship. Membership is by invitation. To qualify, students must complete 12 college-level credits and have a cumulative QPA of 3.5 or higher. For further information, visit www.ptk.org.

President’s List and Dean’s List Recognition The Quality Point Average (QPA) for students will be calculated at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters and at the end of the summer term for all courses taken during the various sessions. Full-time students (i.e., those completing at least 12 semester credit hours) will be eligible for academic recognition by being named to the President’s List or the Dean’s List for that semester/term.

To be placed on the Dean’s List, a student must complete at least 12 credit hours with a semester/term QPA of at least 3.25 but less than 3.75. The honor will automatically be posted to their academic record.

To be placed on the President’s List, a student must complete at least 12 credit hours with a semester/term QPA of 3.75 or higher. The honor will automatically be posted to their academic record.

Students completing at least 12 credit hours may also be placed on the President’s List or the Dean’s List based on their cumulative QPA. When a student who has been enrolled on a part-time basis completes a cumulative total of 12 semester credit hours and her/his cumulative QPA meets the requirements specified for the Dean’s List or the President’s List she/he may initiate a request to be placed on the appropriate list through the Director of Enrollment Services. The request and the student’s academic record will be reviewed, and where the student has satisfied the requirement, the honor will be recorded on the student’s academic record. When the student has completed an additional 12 credit hours, he or she may again request to be recognized for her/his academic achievement.


Graduation Requirements The student is responsible for satisfying requirements for graduation. Students should review program requirements with their academic advisors/counselors. In addition, the following requirements must be met by students planning to graduate:

• Complete all academic and general education requirements, including college success strategies course requirements, first year seminar, and any other requirement specified for the major, degree, diploma, or certificate program for which the student is applying.

These requirements must be completed no later than 30 calendar days from the end of the term in which the application for graduation is submitted.

• Attain a final, cumulative quality point average of 2.00 or better for all work applied toward graduation. • Satisfy all conditions for a complete and accurate student file with Student Records. • Log on to MyCCBC with username and password. Under Student Tab, select ‘Diploma Order’. Fill out form and submit by the following deadline dates. Applicants who do not satisfy requirements/obligations are notified by the Director of Enrollment Services. • Meet all financial obligations/bills owed to the college including Library or parking fines, fees, etc.

Deadlines are as follows: • August 1 for August graduation • December 1 for December graduation • March 1 for May graduation

Students who transfer credits from other colleges into their CCBC major must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit at CCBC.

Graduation Honors Graduation Honors are awarded at graduation to associate degree candidates with appropriate academic records. Calculation is based on all credits and quality points earned at CCBC. Graduation honors are not granted for second (subsequent) degrees.

The distinctions are: • Cum Laude: 3.25-3.49 cumulative grade-point average • Magna Cum Laude: 3.50-3.74 cumulative grade-point average • Summa Cum Laude: 3.75-4.00 cumulative grade-point average

The academic honor will be noted on the student’s transcript (Dean’s List, President’s List, and/or Graduation Honors).

Commencement Community College of Beaver County celebrates the conferral degrees to all graduates at one annual Commencement ceremony, following the completion of the spring semester (May) each year. Students who complete their courses in the spring term, who have completed their requirements in the preceding Summer or Fall term, or who are within 10% of their degree completion and have reasonable expectations to finish their requirements in a subsequent summer term are eligible to participate.

Students who do not fit into those definitions may petition the Commencement committee to request the ability to walk in the ceremony. Students should be aware that participation in the Commencement exercise is not equivalent to graduation from the College and that, if they “walk” before their graduation requirements have been completed for a given degree, they will not be permitted to walk again when they do graduate. Students would be eligible to walk again if they completed an additional credential.

The Commencement program will state that all degrees are awarded “subject to the completion of all requirements.”

Participation in the Commencement ceremony does not automatically imply the awarding of the degree or diploma earned. All academic requirements must be completed for a student to earn the credential. Likewise, any college academic or graduation honors listed in the Commencement program are unofficial and based upon estimated results. Official College honors will appear on the diploma and transcript of record. Final honors will be based upon all work completed at Community College of Beaver County within the degree earned.

Candidates for graduation must appear in appropriate academic attire at commencement exercises and must complete the required forms and processes as outlined by the College and communicated via the Office of Student Life.

Students completing degree requirements during any term receive their diplomas by mail within 6-8 weeks after the degree conferral date if there is no outstanding financial obligation to the College.

Transcripts The college transcript is an official record of a student’s academic work. There are several ways to secure a transcript:

Printed Form (Non-Currently Enrolled Students) You may submit your request through mail, fax, or email by downloading the printed form.

MAIL: CCBC, Student Records, 1 Campus Dr., Monaca PA 15061 FAX: 724-480-3417 E-MAIL: studentrecords@ccbc.edu

Electronic Mail ($3.25) If you would like to receive an electronic copy of your official CCBC transcript, please visit the NSC website. The cost for this service is $3.25 per transcript, payable electronically to the National Student Clearinghouse. Once your transcript request is received in our office, the transcript will be submitted to the National Student Clearinghouse for secure electronic delivery during normal business hours.

Secure Print/Mail ($4.90) If you would like to receive an electronic copy of your official CCBC transcript, please visit the NSC website. The cost for this service is $4.90 per transcript, payable electronically to the National Student Clearinghouse. Once your transcript request is received in our office, the transcript will be submitted to the National Student Clearinghouse for secure mail delivery during normal business hours.

Immediate Pickup ($10.00) If you would like to receive an immediate hard copy of your official CCBC transcript, please visit Student Records in the Student Service Center at 1 Campus Dr., Monaca PA 15061. The cost for this service is $10.00 per official transcript, payable to the CCBC Cashier’s Office.

Transfer and Articulation

Transfer occurs when a student has course credits from one institution accepted at another. Articulation occurs when a student has a degree, such as an associate degree, accepted by another institution at which the student will then continue for a bachelor’s degree.

The Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC) provides a seamless statewide transfer and articulation system. It also requires Pennsylvania’s 14 community colleges and the 14 universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PSSHE) to adopt mandatory equivalency standards for the purpose of creating at least 30 hours of foundation courses (the Transfer Credit Framework) that can be easily transferred to any of the participating institutions (see chart below), and to establish an electronic portal for providing public access to transfer information at www.PAcollegetransfer.com.

Students who successfully complete courses from the approved Transfer Credit Framework can transfer those credits to any of the participating colleges and universities and have them count towards graduation. Students should select a range of courses from all six categories according to the guidelines on pacollegetransfer.com. Interested students should visit www.PAcollegetransfer.com.

Transfer Credit Framework Categories and CCBC Courses

Category 1: Category 2: Category 3: WRIT101 English Composition COMM201 Public Speaking Math126 MATH129

MATH130 MATH155 MATH160 MATH161 Statistics College Algebra w/ Review College Algebra PreCalculus Calculus I Calculus II

Category 4: BIOL100 BIOL101 BIOL102 BIOL201 BIOL202 CHEM101 CHEM102 CHEM106 PHYS101 PHYS102 PHYS105 Category 5:

Principles of Biology General Biology I General Biology II Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Principles of Chemistry College Physics I College Physics II Physical Science ANTH101 BUSM255 BUSM256 HIST101 HIST102 HIST111 HIST112 POLS101 PSYC101 PSYC106 PSYC205 PSYC210 SOCI101 SOCI210 Principles of Anthropology Macroeconomics Microeconomics Western Civilization I Western Civilization II US History I US History II American National Government General Psychology Human Growth & Development Educational Psychology Child Psychology Principles of Sociology Contemporary Social Problems Category 6: FINE100 FINE110 FINE111 LITR205 LITR207 LITR210 LITR217 LITR260 LITR262 MUSI101 PHIL101 PHIL110 SPAN101 SPAN102 Art Appreciation Drawing Painting Introduction to Fiction Introduction to Poetry Concepts of Literature World Literature American Literature British Literature Introduction to Music Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Ethics Spanish I Spanish II

CCBC Degree Articulations The following CCBC associate degree programs are currently approved by the Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC): • Biological Sciences • Business Administration • Communications • Criminal Justice (A.A.) • English • History • Early Childhood Education (Pre-K-4) • Environmental Science Biology Track • Psychology • Social Work

Articulated Credits for CTE Program of Study Graduates In accordance with the Perkins statewide articulation agreement between CCBC and Secondary schools with PDE–Approved Career and Technical Education Programs of study, CCBC will award college level credits to students who complete the secondary school Program of Study and meet all the student criteria, including submittal of proper documentation, as outlined in the Agreement. CCBC credit opportunities available through this initiative may be found at www.collegetransfer.net.

Upon submittal of the required documentation, CCBC will abide by credit validation mechanisms as identified in the PDE articulation agreement with respect to admissions, college preparedness, award of credit, and time limitations.

During the admissions process, any student who desires to receive articulated credit should contact the CCBC Perkins Postsecondary contact in the College’s Counseling office or counselingoffice@ccbc.edu, prior to registering for their first semester. The Perkins contact will coordinate the student’s submittal of the necessary documentation and forward to the Director of Enrollment Services for authorization

Participating Institutions

PA Community Colleges Bucks County Community College Butler County Community College Community College of Allegheny College Community College of Beaver County Community College of Philadelphia Delaware County Community College Harrisburg Area Community College Lehigh Carbon Community College Luzerne County Community College Montgomery County Community College Northampton Community College Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Reading Area Community College Westmoreland Community College

State-Related Institutions Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania California University of Pennsylvania Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Millersville University of Pennsylvania Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Other Pennsylvania Colleges & Universities Carlow University Geneva College Lackawanna College Lincoln University

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are formal arrangements ensuring that certain credits from two-year degree programs at CCBC will be accepted for credit at specific four-year colleges. Several of these agreements entitle students to direct acceptance to junior level status at the four-year college. Others allow direct transfer of many courses. See the Counseling office for specific guidance. Articulation agreements are subject to change. Please contact the Director of Enrollment Services for the most current information.

Current articulation agreements between CCBC and other academic institutions include the following:

Agreement with

PSSHE Universities

Early Childhood Education Assoc. Western PA Schools

CCBC Program

All associate degree programs (30 credit hours); TAOC-approved degrees in Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Communications, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education (PreK-4), English, Environmental Science Biology Track, Fine Arts, History, Psychology, Social Work, and Theatre Early Childhood Education

Bellevue University

Any associate degree Bethany College A.A. and A.S. to B.A. and B.S. California University of PA Criminal Justice Carlow University ADN-MSN and RN-BSN Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursing, A.A.S. RN-BSN Clarion University Nursing, A.A.S. RN-BSN Office Technology: Medical Administrative Assistant,

Other agreements include:

Agreement with CCBC Program

Beaver County Career & Technology Center Advanced Standing - numerous programs Pennsylvania Child Care Association Early Childhood Education Forbes Road Career & Technology Center Advanced Standing – numerous programs Western Area Career & Technology Center PN to ADN Nursing Option A.A.S.; Multi Skilled Health Technician, Certificate; Radiologic Technology, A.A.S. to B.S. Allied Health Leadership and Medical Imaging Sciences

Clarion University-Venango Accounting, A.A.S.; Building Trades, A.A.S.; Business Management, A.A.S.; Casino Management, A.A.S.; Cybersecurity, A.A.S.; Human Resource Management, A.A.S.; Media Communications, A.A.S.; Networking, A.A.S.; Office Technology - Administrative Assistant, A.A.S.; Process Technology, A.A.S.; Visual Communications, A.A.S.; Web Design, A.S.; Web Programming, A.A.S.; Digital Media Design, A.A.S.; Networking, A.A.S.; Aerospace Management, A.A.S.; Professional Pilot, A.A.S.; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, A.A.S.; Air Traffic Control, A.A.S.; Nursing, A.A.S. RN-BSN Edinboro University of PA Criminal Justice, Liberal Arts Drexel University Online Nursing Franklin University (online) Degree Completion (all majors) Geneva College Business/Aviation, Criminal Justice to Sociology, Degree Completion program (Human Resource Management and Organizational Development), Degree Completion (all majors). RN - BSN Grand Canyon University Education: Pre-K-4, A.S.; Education Preparation: Secondary Level, A.S.; Upper Elementary: Middle-Level Education, A.S.

Indiana University of PA Criminal Justice, Respiratory Care, Business, Education Preparation

Kaplan University All programs

LaRoche College Middle Tennessee State University Nursing, Radiologic Technology Professional Pilot

Norwich University Criminal Justice, A.A.S. and A.A.

Penn State - Beaver Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Criminal Justice, A.A.; Business Administration, A.A.; Social Science, A.A.

Penn State - Dubois

Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Business Administration, A.A.; Social Science, A.A. Penn State - Fayette Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Business Administration, A.A.; Social Science, A.A.; Nursing, A.A.S. Penn State - Greater Allegheny Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Business Administration, A.A.; English, A.A.; Social Science, A.A. Penn State - New Kensington Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.A.; Business Administration, A.A.; Social Science, A.A.; Nursing, A.A.S.; Social Science, A.A.

Penn State - Shenango Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Business Administration, A.A.; Social Science, A.A.; Social Science, A.A. Nursing, A.A.S.

Penn State University - State College, PA

Biological Sciences, A.S.; Natural Science, A.S.; Pre-Engineering, A.S. Point Park University Accounting, A.A.S.; Biological Sciences, A.S.; Environmental Sciences, A.S.; Criminal Justice, A.A.; Criminal Justice, A.A.S.; Police Technology, A.A.S.; Cybersecurity, A.A.S; Psychology, A.S.; Social Work, A.A.; Social Science, A.A.; Humanities, A.A.; Behavior Sciences; Business Administration, A.A.; Business Management, A.A.S.; Human Resources Management, A.A.S.; Liberal Studies, A.A.; English, A.A.; History, A.A.; Media Communications, A.A.S. Robert Morris University Nursing, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Biological Sciences, Early Childhood Education, Education Preparation, Networking

Saint Joseph University Social Science, A.A. Slippery Rock University of PA Nursing, Applied Science, Process Technology to Safety Management; Education Strayer University Degree Completion-All programs Southern Illinois University Air Traffic Control, Aerospace Management, Professional Pilot Thiel College Accounting, Business Administration, Communications, Criminal Justice Thomas Edison State College Aviation University of Pittsburgh Nursing, Criminal Justice (A.A. and A.A.S.) University of Phoenix All programs Youngstown State University A.A.S., A.A., A.G.S. (Office Services and Administration, Marketing, Information Systems, Marketing Management, Personal Admin. Office Systems, Management, Health & Human Service, Engineering Technology), Nursing

West Liberty University Business Administration, A.A.

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