NSW Government announces $18M for University of Newcastle Gosford campus ITS BEEN A long time coming but persistence has paid off on the part of CCBR and the Gosford Erina Business Chamber with the NSW Government announcing a commitment of $18 million for a new University campus in Mann Street, Gosford. Saturday morning of the long weekend saw NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet MP, NSW Treasurer Matt Kean, Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport Rob Stokes and Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch in Gosford to make the announcement. The UON Gosford Campus will be a multi-faculty academic and innovation facility and will cut the numbers of students forced to leave the Central Coast to study at university.
Artist’s impression of University of Newcastle’s proposed Gosford Campus
The new campus will be developed on the 4,650 square metre site at 299-309 Mann St, Gosford. Design work has begun and the new facility is expected to be completed in 2025. The University of Newcastle first flagged their intention to locate a campus in Gosford on the former Mitre10 site owned by the NSW Government in 2018. The Federal Government quickly came to the party supporting the proposal with an (l to r) NSW Treasurer Matt Kean MP, Greater Cities Commission Executive $18 million contribution plus Director Sarah Winter, University of Newcastle Vice Chancellor Alex Zelinsky student places in the 2019 AO, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet MP and Minister for Cities Rob Stokes Federal Budget, thanks to MP announcing the NSW Government’s commitment of $18 million for former Member for Robertson, University of Newcastle Gosford Campus Lucy Wicks. The NSW Government was ernments to realise our vision of creating a also approached at the same time to supnew health and business innovation camport the project with a contribution of $18 pus in the heart of Gosford.” million plus providing the former Mitre10 “We expect to build to more than 900 site in Gosford which the government has students studying at the Gosford campus owned for some 20 years and has never within its first decade of operation, with developed it. identified courses in allied health, biosciHowever, it has taken the NSW ence, digital transformation, law, business Government almost 3 years to come on and innovation. board with support. In partnership with the Federal and UON Vice-Chancellor Professor Alex State governments we see an incredible Zelinsky AO who was present for the opportunity to activate the Central Coast announcement said, “We are delighted to Education and Employment Precinct and partner with the Australian and NSW govfurther revitalise the Gosford CBD,” he said.
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