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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit christchurchcathedral.org/events or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral.

Registration recommended Registration required Registration closed Childcare available (3 mo. to 12 yrs.)



Bridge Night 6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room.


Fourth of July Cathedral offices are closed. JULY 9 SAT

Threads of Comfort and Joy 10–11 a.m., Zoom. A gathering for those who love to knit and crochet.


Alzheimer & Dementia Support Group 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Zoom. Second Thursday of the month.

Noche Familiar

Noche Familiar “Family Night” is a wonderful program intended to build community and strengthen relationships among participant families. This program focuses on culture and tradition, and offers opportunities for people to learn from each other. It also offers a time for children to learn about traditions in the Latino culture. We share food and play traditional Latino games. Each night is led by different members of the Latino Congregation of the Cathedral making presentations in Spanish or having people working in different group activities. We have lots of fun during Family Night! Everybody is welcome to participate, July 22, 6-8 p.m., Reynolds Hall. For more information please contact Sylvia García, assistant to the Latino Ministry, at 713-590-3329 or email sgarcia@christchurchcathedral.org

APP, from cover non-profits. One of their main objectives is on helping churches with giving and engagement.

Chief Operating Officer Karen Kraycirik said that the Cathedral has discussed having an app before but that the timing never seemed right. “With COVID, and the way in which our virtual connections have grown, needs have changed dramatically,” she said.

“We want new people to find information easily, but we also want to continue to serve the needs of long-time members of the parish,” Mills noted. “We’re also looking at options for sending and receiving push notifications, so if something changes last minute, Cathedral staff can more efficiently communicate with parishioners who opt-in.”

Kraycirik added that the app may not have all the features to start, but over time new ones will be added. “This offers a new form of outreach that has wonderful potential to spread God’s word and do God’s work.”

The new app is available for IOS and Android through the App Store and Google Play. You can find it by searching for “Christ Church Cathedral.” You may also download the app by texting: CCCATHEDRAL APP to 77977. Make sure to allow push notifications for your device, and select the ministry areas you’re interested in so you can receive alerts and updates while you’re on campus.


20s & 30s Drag Brunch 1 p.m., Hamburger Mary's. RSVP to bvarnell@christchurchcathedral.org JULY 21 THU

Lily Briscoe’s Painting Party 7 p.m. Art Cellar Houston, 1809 Eldridge Pkwy #210 Registration Required Cost: $20/individual, scholarships available. JULY 22 FRI

Noche Familiar Reynolds Hall, 6-8 p.m.

JULY 28 THU Episcopal Night at the Ballpark 5 p.m. pre-game in The Bishop’s Courtyard. Walk to ballpark. Opening pitch at 7:10 p.m.


Escuela Bíblica de Verano In Neighborhoods or Sanders Hall. July 28-30 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; July 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.



Summer Place 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall, July 3-Aug. 14. Art Space at Summer Place 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. For kids and kidsat-heart for a time of creative expression. July 10-July 31 Cathedral Tours Tours are held every Sunday following the 11 a.m. service. They will also be held the third Sunday of each month (July 17) following services at 9 a.m. and The Well. SUNDAYS CONT.

To the Lighthouse Small Groups Cathedral Reads Small Groups continue July 10, 17, 24. Offsite. THURSDAYS

To the Lighthouse with Loose Canons 12:05-12:55 p.m., July 14, 21, 28.

Greetings from Greetings from

THURSDAYS Summer Shade 6th graders–graduating seniors. July 14 Movie Night : “Thor: Love and Thunder” July 21 Activity Day: Service Day @ The Beacon (7 a.m.-12 p.m.) July 28 Game Night: Episcopal Night at the Astros Aug. 4 Candytopia



All Cathedral Reads Conversation 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. AUG. 12 FRI

Remember the Water of your Baptism Pool Party 6:30-8:30 p.m., The Quillian Center. Intergenerational event: all are welcome. SEPT. 7 WED

Dean's Book Club 6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Matrix, by Lauren Groff. SEPT. 18 SUN

Blood Drive 10 a.m., Sanders Hall. www.christchurchcathedral.org/blooddrive

Through August: COMFORT CALLS

from the Vestry

A Vestry representative will call you to ask how we’re doing and to hear your hopes and concerns

1117 Texas Avenue Houston, Texas 77002-3183

Houston, Texas PERMIT No. 6404

Did you know you can read The Bulletin on our website? If you’d like to go “online-only,” contact Ramona Sikes at rsikes@christchurchcathedral.org or call her at 713-217-1347.

Escuela Bíblica de Verano

During a week in the summer the kids from our Sunday School classes and their friends get together to have Summer Bible School. They meet at someone’s house (depending on the weather) or in Sanders Hall to learn a Bible story then have time to do crafts, play games, and have lunch together. All children ESCUELA BÍBLICA DE VERANO K – 5th grade are welcome to attend. July 28-30 For more information please contact Sylvia García, assistant to the Latino Ministry, at 713-590-3329 or email sgarcia@christchurchcathedral.org or call Irene Hernández, Coordinator for Sunday School at 713-249-4914.

Caring for all at Christ Church Cathedral


Do you think about yourself as someone who participates in “pastoral care”? It can be an intimidating phrase. No one wants to have to learn how to grieve. Or know what it means to have seasons of profound loneliness or experiences that break apart their idea of what parenthood or marriage or retirement would be. Walking alongside someone who is in deep pain can expose our own fears of pain or loss, of not knowing what to say or how to show up. Pastoral care requires us to work out our “pause muscles,” to trust that in making space for someone’s pain, we will somehow offer a gift of presence.

Jesus is a person who can sit in sadness and weep with people like you and me with failing bodies and missing loved ones and broken dreams. Jesus was bombarded with the mundane and chronic and urgent needs of the people around him. Jesus practiced the empathy of seeing the needs around him and was moved to act in compassion.

Pastoral Care is part of our work as disciples of Jesus. Seeing a need, pausing, and being present to that pain is faithfulness to the example we see in Jesus. You and I can lean into this work, we can recognize where we are already joining in, and practice how to do it more fully. I encourage you to look around you. Where are you seeing someone who is hurting or exhausted? Could you take one step of compassion? Ask God to show you how. And watch the people around you who are already good at pausing and being present.

Does this “holy listening” strike a chord? Maybe you want to talk with a Lay Chaplain who has spent many hours practicing. Maybe you want to attend the Community of Hope, Intermational class to explore it this fall. Maybe you want to join a Bible Study with ears listening for the ways God works in brokenness. If you are feeling a tug, reach out to me to connect and talk about what your work in the hard places might be at csoard@christchurchcathedral.org. Whatever our difficult paths, may God’s comfort come and find us as we follow the example of Jesus for each other.

Visit www.christchurchcathedral.org/care to learn more about pastoral care ministry and ways you can get involved.

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