1 minute read

Lenten series invites a return to love

When Christ Chuch Cathedral staff were brainstorming this year’s Lenten series, Dean Gary Jones said they considered St. Paul.

“Writing from prison, Paul encouraged the Christians in Philippi to focus on ‘whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, and commendable,’” Dean Jones said. “He also advised them that ‘if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, [to] think about these things.’”

It is an anecdote for the current stressful and sometimes chaotic environment, with its growing anxiety, and a frequent lack of civility.

“There is so much ‘noise’ that our souls cannot help but be affected,” said Dean Jones. “We sensed it was a matter of where we give our attention, where we decide to focus and center our lives.”

Musings from theologian Howard Thurman

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