For the latest on each section, please refer to the website at
2021 CCCBA Sections
At the foundation of the Contra Costa County Bar Association there are over 20 diverse and thriving sections. CCCBA boasts a plethora of practice area sections as well as many interestfocused sections that support the CCCBA’s solo/small firm practitioners, women, and law student members plus young barristers, and more experienced attorneys. The CCCBA also has two sections that support members in the East and West areas of the county, respectively. All the sections provide educational, social and networking events, strengthening and truly fostering the community spirit of the CCCBA. With the pivots and challenges of 2020 behind us, and looking forward to what adventures 2021 holds, we want to thank all the 2020 Section Leaders for keeping things on track and welcome the new and returning 2021 Section Leaders. Please enjoy reading the short pieces below about our sections and section leaders. For all the details about each section please visit the CCCBA wesite under the main For Attorneys tab, to see each section’s web page.
ADR Section Palvir Shoker, Shoker Law Group Litigators resolve cases – either by trial or settlement. Lots of continuing legal education materials prepare lawyers to try cases, but as a practical matter most cases settle. The ADR Section works hard to improve the quality of ADR processes and the effective use of ADR by organizing programs from top notch presenters who help attendees develop their negotiation, settlement and ADR skills. Section members include both lawyers and non-lawyers. Many section members serve as mediators, arbitrators and neutral case evaluators, but membership is open to all persons who are interested in developing their negotiation, settlement and ADR skills.
Appellate Section Gary Watt, Hanson Bridgett, Chair, Appellate Practice Formed in 1991, the Appellate Section focuses on continuing education and the improvement of appellate advocacy. Members include attorneys whose practice is devoted to appeals and writs as well as trial lawyers interested in enriching their understanding of the appellate process and issues. The section hosts periodic MCLE seminars. Speakers have included appellate court justices, appellate and Supreme Court research attorneys, and attorneys with special expertise in appeals, writs, and posttrial motions. The section has been approved as a provider of Appellate Specialization MCLE credits.
Bankruptcy Law Section David Arietta, Law Offices of David A. Arietta The Bankruptcy Law Section is comprised of attorneys who r e p r e s e n t debtors and/or creditors in bankruptcy cases. The purpose of the section is to provide a forum of fellowship and learning concerning topics of interest for attorneys who practice in bankruptcy court and also for those attorneys who practice in state court. The section typically meets three to five times each year for formal MCLE programs or casual roundtable discussions. Speakers have included bankruptcy judges, bankruptcy trustees, and private practice attorneys in the area.
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