Everyone is Welcome
The Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center Celebrates 10 years of serving the community On any given day in Northeast Columbia,
Foundation, a national
hundreds of people can be found running,
foundation that provides
swimming, socializing and more at the Katie
assistance to Jewish
& Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center
communities. Columbia’s
(JCC). Located in Northeast Columbia,
JCC then matched the
the JCC exists to enhance quality of life by
funds, bringing the total
providing comprehensive programs based
endowed amount to $2
on Jewish values, traditions, heritage and
million. The endowed
culture. Through social, recreational, athletic,
fund allows JCC to offer
educational and cultural programs, the
financial assistance for
center serves both the Jewish community and
summer camps and
the community as a whole. This year, the
special membership
center is celebrating their 10th anniversary
pricing to lower income
at the current location and 15 years of a rich
youth and adults, upon
partnership with the Community Foundation.
proof of need. The fund
In 2001, the Columbia Jewish Federation and Central Carolina Community Foundation began a philanthropic partnership. Modeled after similar successful partnerships in Charlotte and Charleston, the respective boards of each organization approved the creation of a supporting organization- the Jewish Community Center’s Weinberg Foundation Fund - to serve the philanthropic
also supports programs for the actively aging
youth at jewish community center prepare to swim.
population and general operations of the
The Jewish Community Center has much
center. Since establishment, the fund has
to look forward to in the future. A capital
provided $6,400,324 in financial assistance
campaign is currently in place to enhance
to families at the center, allowing more
the existing campus, especially outdoors.
community members to enjoy the center’s
The Community Foundation is also looking
offerings and more kids to attend the
forward to partnering with JCC to present
summer camps.
New York Times columnist, Ron Lieber, on
needs of the Jewish community. Like other
“The Jewish Community Center has
funds, the Foundation staff assists the Jewish
enjoyed the benefit of working with the
Community Center with administration
Foundation through the years,“ states
of the fund. However, as a supporting
Barry Abels, JCC’s Executive Director. “The
organization, the JCC has a separate board
management expertise of the Foundation
that oversees the funds.
has resulted in a steady increase of our
The initial money for the fund was donated by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
income and has also helped us by offering advice for endowment planning.”
February 2nd. During the free event, Lieber will be speaking to families about how to raise financially smart and generous children.
To learn more about the Jewish Community Center, visit www.jcccolumbia.org.
helping sc rebuild | 2
stay connected 2711 middleburg drive, suite 213 columbia, sc 29204
803.254.5601 | 803.799.6663 (F) www.yourfoundation.org info@yourfoundation.org
we are a nonprofit organization
serving 11 counties in the
donor advised funds
midlands by distributing grants
annual summary
and scholarships and linking the
donors advised funds | 5
resources of donors, nonprofits
welcoming community | 6 - 7
and community leaders to areas of need.
|2 |3
| 4-5
gifts to the foundation | 7 gifts to funds | 8 corporations who care | 9 celebration of philanthropy | 10
Helping SC Rebuild One SC Flood Relief Fund established after devastating flood In response to the devastating flood that hit our region in October, the Foundation established the One SC Fund, formerly the SC Flood Relief Fund. The fund has been endorsed by the Midlands Regional Mayors and has received financial support from corporations, foundations and individuals across the Midlands and our state. On November 16th, Governor Haley announced her endorsement of the flood fund. The role of the fund is to help bridge the funding gap in order to rebuild our state and help folks resume their lives. The Governor has recruited a team of notable South Carolinians who are helping promote giving to the fund, including Governor David Beasley, Tajh Boyd, Stephen Colbert, Jay Hass, Marcus Lattimore, Edwin McCain, Bob McNair, Craig Melvin, Chris Randolph, Jerry Richardson, Joe Riley, Darius Rucker,
sc flood damage burwell st. columbia sc - by scott nuelken
Steve Spurrier, Dawn Staley, Dabo Swinney
gift challenge of $100,000. The match helped
most. We will continue to update the public
and Anita Zucker.
inspire the community to give and was met by
on the distribution of the funds through our
the end of November.
various communication channels.
the initial funding of $50,000 and additional
The One SC Flood Relief Fund will support
The road to rebuilding has just begun and
donations are being received from across
nonprofit organizations providing relief and
the country. The Governor’s Original Six
recovery assistance in the 24 FEMA designated
Foundation has donated $55,000 to underwrite
emergency counties. The first round of grants
administration of the fund so that 100% of the
will be distributed in January 2016 and will
dollars raised will go to local organizations
be selected by a committee of folks who
aiding those in need. In addition, the
know their communities well and can help us
Lipscomb Family contributed a matching
distribute the funds where they are needed
The Community Foundation’s board provided
Staff Member Shares Story with American Heart Association
will take time. We’re committed to helping the recovery efforts as long as needed.
To learn more or make a donation, visit www.onescfund.org.
Remembering a True Philanthropist Louetta Slice, a founding member of the
Jennifer Meyer,
Greater Chapin Community Endowment,
Vice President
passed away on November 21st after battling
of Finance and
lung cancer. Louetta impacted the lives of
many families throughout South Carolina as a
has been selected
true philanthropist. Our thoughts and prayers
by the American
are with her family as they celebrate a life well
Foundation Reveals First Annual Acts of Giving List
Heart Association
The holidays are a wonderful time to begin
help promote
of the Midlands to share her story. Jenni will
instilling a giving spirit into your family that
the American Heart Association this year by
will last all year long. As the Midland’s expert
being a spokeswomen, a model for billboards
in philanthropy, we’ve published a list of
and advertisements and sharing her story with
recommendations for holiday “acts of giving”
others afflicted by heart conditions.
for the entire family. You can find the list on our blog at www.yourfoundation.org.
A Creative Gift Idea Looking for a last minute gift idea? One fundholder family is using their fund in a creative way this Christmas to spread some extra holiday cheer. The family allowed each of their children and spouses to make grant requests from their account up to a minimum amount. On Christmas morning, instead of exchanging gifts, the family will “reveal” their chosen recipients to each other.
2 central carolina community foundation
Donor Advised Funds The Community Foundation offers several types of fund options to meet the varying philanthropic and financial goals of our fundholders. Donor Advised Funds can provide both immediate impact and sustainable benefits while giving a donor the flexibility to give to numerous organizations and programs. Our current donor advised funds as of November 23, 2015 are: The Academy of Columbia Foundation Fund Deane and Roger Ackerman Family Fund The Addison Family Fund AIDS Partnership Fund Alexander Family Fund Allison Family Fund Lynette Lewis Allston and Allard A. Allston Family Fund Aloha Trust Escrow Fund The Andrews Family Fund George and Ford Bailey Fund Baker and Baker Fund for Children’s Literacy Peter A. and Mary W. Balbach Escrow Fund Kenneth Baldwin Fund Barone-Johnson Escrow Fund Beth and Russell Bauknight Fund Charlotte Jackson Berry Escrow Fund Lewis Blackman Foundation Fund Blanton Escrow Fund Bill and Jean Blount Donor Advised Fund John M Brabham III Foundation The Furman and Kim Buchanan Fund Mrs. Sidney B. Burnett Donor Advised Escrow Fund James T. Burns Charitable Funds Walker Pearce and John Edward Buxton Fund Edward B. Cantey Donor Advised Fund The Cassels Foundation Fund Toby Cassels Donor Advised Fund Caulkins-Anderson Donor Advised Escrow Fund Paul J. Chambers III Family Fund Anne and Neal Christiansen Fund Henry and Emily Clay Escrow Fund Penelope Coker Hall/Eliza Willson Ingle Fund Columbia Beautification Foundation Fund - Forever Forest Tree Foundation Janet and L. Arlen Cotter Family Fund Thomas W. Cozart Jr. Family Foundation Fund Cyberwoven Community Impact Fund The CYD Legacy Fund Malcolm and Kitty Dade Foundation Frank J. and Laura M. Dana Fund Davis Family Fund Dibble Family Fund Dove Fund William W. Dukes, Jr. and Margaret C. Dukes Foundation Fund The Earth Hand Fund Easterby Family Fund South Ebert Fund for Learning Disabilities The Eccleston-Butler Family Fund Beverly L. Edgell Donor Advised Escrow Fund Ellis, Lawhorne & Sims Endowed Donor Advised Fund C.F. Evans & Company Fund Clarence and Virginia Evans Donor Advised Escrow Fund George C. Fant Jr. Escrow Fund Farrell Family Foundation Fund Barry J. and Jennifer A. Feldman Donor Advised Escrow Fund
First Fruits Foundation Fund Robert W. Foster Charitable Fund Bobby Foster Escrow Fund The Gilroy Family Fund Glenn Escrow Fund The Henry and Gloria Goldberg Fund The Goodall Fund Chris Goodall Family Fund Graybill Escrow Fund Greater Chapin Community Escrow Fund Elizabeth E. Griffith Charitable (Donor Advised Escrow) Fund Chad and Rebecca Gunnlaugsson Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ted Halkyard Escrow Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haltiwanger Escrow Fund Steven and Debra Hamm Charitable Fund Handpicked Inc. Escrow Fund The Harmon Scholarship The Heart ‘N Soul Band Fund Heart ‘N Soul Band Endowment Fund Stella B. Hennessee Fund C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward Donor Advised Fund Robert R. Hill, Jr. Family Foundation Boyd C. Hipp II Family Fund Michael and Michelle Hogue Donor Advised Fund Claire Holding Bristow Fund Hootie and The Blowfish Foundation Fund William R. Horton and Mary R. Major Family Fund Addie Lawson Howle and Hugh Stokes Sprott Fund Ashley and Brian Huff Donor Advised Escrow Fund Bruce Hughes Charitable Fund Peggy and David Jacobs Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Advised Fund Nexsen B. and Sylvia T. Johnson Fund Jones Family Fund Sarah Jones Film Foundation Alan and Charlotte Kahn Family Fund Mike Kelly Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. David Kulbersh Charitable Fund Lehman Charitable Fund Leichtle Family Foundation Lexington School District Four Education Foundation Lloyd and Doris Liles Donor Advised Fund Lipscomb Family Fund (Donor Advised) Joyce Binkley Long Ovarian Cancer Research Donor Advised Fund John and Mary Jane Martin Fund Roy and Amanda Maybank Fund Cass Elias McCarter Memorial Fund Reverend Joe D. Mills Fund Mr. and Mrs. Page Morris Family Fund The Mungo Charitable Fund Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough Foundation Fund The Nesbitt Family Foundation Fund Eric Nord Fund for the Arts Nord Cascading Unitrust Escrow Fund Cindy and Evan Nord Family Fund Ethan W. Nord Donor Advised Fund Evan W. Nord Donor Designated Fund Walter and Virginia Nord Donor Advised Fund One SC - SC Flood Relief Administration Fund Community Foundation for Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties Escrow Fund David G. and Joan R. Owen Escrow Fund Theodis Parsons Palmer-McMahon Leadership Fund Anne Webster Pearce Fund Matthew J. Perry Scholarship Fund
Poston Family Fund The Henry Michael Powell Memorial Fund The Preservation Specialists Charitable Fund Mary Agnes Caldwell Pugh Fund for Animal Welfare REACH Fund Redd Family Fund Jean Pearce Rentz Fund Jim and Perry Ritchie Donor Advised Escrow Fund Rogers Townsend & Thomas, PC Fund Bill Rogers Escrow Fund George W. and Connally S. Rogers Fund Hannah and Ronald Rogers Fund The Donna and Curt Rone Fund The Jeryl Salmond II Memorial Fund Marcia Reinfeld Samuels Donor Advised Fund S.C. Youth Philanthropy Partnership Fund Scarborough Family Charitable Trust Fund The SCBT Foundation Fund Gary Schraibman Memorial Foundation Ann Scott Foundation Fund M. Edward Sellers and Suzan D. Boyd Escrow Fund Senior Weatherization Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shaw Donor Advised Escrow Fund Shine A Light Foundation Wayne Shuler Family Foundation Fund The George E. and Sabie M. Simmons Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John C. B. Smith Jr. Escrow Fund Wilbur C. and Diane T. Smith Donor Advised Escrow Fund Eloise C. Snyder Foundation Fund Sonoco Foundation Fund South Carolina Diversity Fund South State Bank Emergency Relief Fund Mac and Beverly Stidham Escrow Fund Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Foundation Fund Sumter Community Foundation Escrow Fund Ann H. Sutherland Fund Christy and Ken Taucher Donor Advised Fund The Taylor Family Donor Advised Fund James and Shelley Tobul Foundation The Up and Away Fund Pat and Susie VanHuss Donor Advised Escrow Fund Allyson Nord Wandtke Donor Advised Fund Samuel C. and Mary E. Baskin Waters Foundation Fund The Jan S. and David C. Weaver Fund Weiner Escrow Fund Susan P. and Stephen K. Wiggins Family Fund Williams Fund The Robert W. Wingard Jr. Donor Advised Fund Louise McLaurin Womble Fund Women in Philanthropy of United Way of the Midlands Donor Advised Escrow Fund Max and Sibby Wood Escrow Fund Andrew D. and Connie B. Woodham Fund WRS/DMT Donor Advised Escrow Fund Margaret and Chris Yeakel Donor Advised Escrow Fund Dr. and Mrs. William F. Young Escrow Fund Andrew D. Zalkin Charitable Fund
Interested in creating a donor advised fund? Contact Heather Sherwin at 803.978.7831.
staff JoAnn M. Turnquist | President & CEO x323 | joann@yourfoundation.org
Jennifer A. Meyer, MBA, CPA Vice President for Finance and Administration x325 | jenni@yourfoundation.org
Cherise Arrendale Marketing & Communications Manager x317 | cherise@yourfoundation.org
Ebony Perkins, MPA | Donor Relations Manager x316 | ebony@yourfoundation.org
Charlotte Henderson Director of Information Management x326 | charlotte@yourfoundation.org David M. Laird | Director of Community Impact x322 | david@yourfoundation.org
Kelly Rogers | Accounting Manager x330 | kelly@yourfoundation.org Jamesha Shackerford | Foundation Associate x301 | jamesha@yourfoundation.org Heather Sherwin | Vice President for Advancement x331 | heather@yourfoundation.org
3 winter 2015
2015 Annual Summary A Message from Our Leaders Americans are asked to give – and in fact do
live, work and play. We educate our children
giving back to our community. This is why
give – more to organized charity than the
and help them prepare for the future. We
we provide stewardship for endowments that
citizens of any other country. Philanthropy
preserve the natural environment. We support
enhance the lives of citizens in the Midlands.
is ingrained in our culture and provides
the arts and encourage culture. We work to
With 31 years of grants, now totaling over $105
the power and resources to transform our
prevent disease. And, we foster a welcoming
million, we take pride in providing community
communities. This year, philanthropy also
community. In order to do these things, we
members with the tools and knowledge needed
provided a lifeline to those in need.
need an army of folks who embrace giving; an
to invest in our community.
When the floods hit our community in October,
army of everyday philanthropists.
On behalf of the Community Foundation’s
the outpouring of help for those in need,
Midlands Gives and Best of Philanthropy
board of trustees and staff, we thank our
from friends, neighbors and strangers, was
help inspire and recruit this army. The second
donors and partners for their generosity and
tremendous. Today, that support continues
annual Midlands Gives day was a remarkable
giving spirit and, for making our community a
through the generosity of individuals, families,
success: over 11,000 gifts were made totaling
place we are proud to call home.
companies and organizations from across
$1,543,023.65 for over 250 local nonprofit
the country who have donated to the One SC
organizations. The Midlands community once
Flood Relief Fund. We are grateful that our
again united to make a huge impact. Our 6th
history of service and our role as a trusted
annual Best of Philanthropy Awards celebrated
partner in philanthropy has allowed us to
everyday individuals, businesses and groups
manage this fund and the dollars that will help
who have made significant contributions to our
our state rebuild. Recovery will take time,
community throughout the year. The stories
resilience and resources, but together, we will
of our four award winners illustrated the true
meaning and value of helping others.
Philanthropy is often asked to address
Philanthropy is a powerful tool. This is why we
challenges and fund opportunities within our
at Central Carolina Community Foundation
communities to make them a better place to
believe so strongly in the importance of
Year in Review As our community grows, so does our organization and impact. Thanks to generous donors both today and years past, we are able to celebrate the following highlights from the
Midlands Gives Raises over $1.5 Million for Community Nonprofits One day. One community. Over one million dollars! The second annual Midlands Gives
30th Anniversary Celebration
gave a total of $1,543.023 to over 250 local
Foundation gifted the community $30,000 through our 30 More Years of Giving initiative. Throughout the year, we partnered with an array of local nonprofits to give back to the Midlands community. From athletic shoes to trips to the State Fair to dog park amenities, these birthday presents brought smiles to many faces and inspired philanthropy in our community.
JoAnn M. Turnquist President & CEO
board of trustees
fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015:
In celebration of 30 years of service, the
Bruce W. Hughes Board Chair
day was a remarkable success: 7,849 donors nonprofit organizations in 9 counties.
Talk About Giving Featured on New York Times Gift Guide The importance of talking to our children about giving was recognized when The Foundation’s Talk About Giving game was included in the 2014 New York Times Holiday Gift Guide.
Bruce W. Hughes, Chair C. Carroll Heyward, Vice Chair Charlene H. Keys, Secretary/Treasurer Scott R. Adams Van A. Anderson William Babcook, MD Russell Bauknight J. Mac Bennett Cliff Bourke Jr. Sharon W. Bryant William H. Cason II Rita Bragg Caughman Jill Davis Judith M. Davis Elizabeth A. Dinndorf Paul Duane* Sharon Reynolds Earle, PhD Eric M. Elkins* John J. Garrison L. Marion Gressette III Rachel Hodges David G. Hodges* Felicia Rhue Howard Catherine H. Kennedy Lou Kennedy
David Kulbersh, MD Daniel J. Lebish Dan Mann Cory Manning Charlie Nutt Shannon Nord* Linda O’Bryon Donna S. Pullen Ben Rex Barbara Rackes* Terry K. Schmoyer Jr., CPA Michael Schraibman Roger Schrum Martha Scott Smith* Michael Seezen Susie Shannon Stacy S. Stokes, CPA J. Hagood Tighe* Susie H. VanHuss, PhD* Ex-Officio Members Kay Kinard Pauline Lampshire Scott Macfarland Porter Thompkins Christopher Worley *term completed in June 2015
FUNDS funds AT at THE the FOUNDATION foundation
consolidated financial statements As of June 30
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Interest in Charitable Trusts and Life Insurance
Funds Held for Agency Endowments
Funds Held for Supporting Organizations
Temporarily Restricted
Other Total Assets
Liabilities, Miscellaneous Future Grants Payable
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Contributions and Special Events Less: Amounts Received for Agency Endowments
Total Investment Income
Net Contributions
Less: Investment Income for Agency Endowments
Net Investment Income (Includes Unrealized Losses)
Revenues from Charitable Trusts
Investment Management
Less: Expenses Allocated to Agency Endowments
Net Investment Management
Other Income Total Support and Revenue
Grants and Related Expenses Less: Grants Disbursed from Agency Endowments Total Program Services
Grants Management and Fundraising Trust Beneficiary Payments Total Grants and Expenses
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year
51 Agency Funds
33 Scholarship Funds
35 Designated Funds
27 Trust Funds
183 Donor-Advised Funds
28 Unrestricted Funds
$16,575,197 $43,941,582
17 Field-of-Interest Funds $4,852,476
$18,025,945 $16,319,166
*Graph depicts number of funds by type
374 Total Funds | $111,187,806 Total Fund Balances
categories of grants distributed by allINfunds TOTAL GRANTS DISTRIBUTED FY2015 ANIMAL WELFARE %
2 | $305,415 ARTS AND CULTURE %
8 | $948,999
25 | $2,869,930
2 | $207,219
grants by location
30 | $3,502,328
218 Grants | $616,900
851 Grants $8,258,589
268 Grants | $2,825,248
11 | $1,241,913
grants by year
8 | $920,567
$12,000,000 HUMAN SERVICES % $
11 | 1,335,091
$6,000,000 $3,000,000
3 | $369,275
Total Since Inception $120,000,000
1,337 GRANTS
growth of assets
$11,700,737 2015 | $111,372,843
2013 | $98,438,619
$100,000,000 2011 | $87,071,476 2010 | $79,714,684 $80,000,000
2009 | $66,075,282
2014 | $106,803,692 2012 | $93,672,767
Total Fund
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Embracing a Welcoming Community Connected Communities grant recipients help make our community more welcoming Our community is made up of a variety of people - individuals, families with children, senior citizens, college graduates. Each person represents different faiths, cultures and backgrounds and has their own unique contributions, thoughts and ideas that shape where we live, work and play. But how welcoming is our community toward each other? The Foundation’s Connected Communities grant initiative is helping to make our community more welcoming by funding projects that support open and inclusive activities and programs. Three of the nine inaugural grant recipients are working in the ‘Welcoming Community’ focus area and proving that a welcoming community is a connected community. A playground or park can be one of the most inviting places in a community. But imagine
children show their excitement for the opening of the kershaw community playground. welcome any child to play, including those
asking ‘What else do we need and want’ and
with disabilities.
are inspired to make those dreams a reality.”
families with disabled children had to travel
The Kershaw County playground is
Another Connected Communities project that
before reaching an accessible playground-
truly a community built playground.
is inspiring people to make ideas a reality
until now. As of this November, all children in
The community raised $310,000 in nine
is EngenuitySC’s What’s Next Midlands, an
Kershaw County have a place to run, slide and
months through donations from over 300
online platform designed to collect ideas, fund
jump at the new community-built Kershaw
individuals, businesses and grants, such as the
ideas and execute ideas.
Community Playground.
Foundation’s Connected Communities grant.
if you had to travel 45 miles to the nearest playground. That’s how far Kershaw County
Project chair Laurey Carpenter saw the need for the playground shortly after moving to the area. “Parks and playgrounds are a necessity for a community,” Carpenter says. “They are the focal point for the community
Then, volunteers began the building process, donating over 12,000 hours. The final result: a state of the art, ADA Accessible playground with over 100 children ready to play at the grand-opening.
What’s Next Midlands gives every citizen the opportunity to be a part of creating the future they want for their region. The idea is simple- give people a platform to voice their ideas for improving their community. Through crowdsourcing, sharing on social
to engage and socialize in neutral territory,
The playground has lit a spark in Kershaw
media and online comments, the best, most
without the time constraints of other places
County. “The community learned that
popular ideas will rise to the top. A committee
such as restaurants or cafes.“ Once the idea
when someone is bold enough to start the
of community members then vets the ideas
was planted, the community embraced the
conversation, great things can happen,”
and selects a few to make them a reality. The
dream and made it bigger. The community
reflects Carpenter. “The project instilled
projects are executed thanks to donors and
decided to build a playground that would
confidence in the community. People are now
community-raised funds. EngenuitySC has
The Foundation’s Connected Communities grant initiative is funding nine projects across the Midlands that knit the community together, drawing people to our community and encouraging existing residents of the Midlands to stay here. The projects all relate to three focus areas, identified by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Gallup as the most important elements for an attractive community: Welcoming Community, Vibrant Social Offerings, Superb Public Spaces. The Foundation will announce the 2nd round of grant recipients in July 2016.
To learn more, visit the Community Impact section at www.yourfoundation.org.
6 central carolina community foundation
Annual Gifts to the Foundation The support of our donors allows us to continue our philanthropic work in the Midlands each year. We thank each donor who has contributed to the Foundation’s operations and special projects from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
Linda and Michael O’Bryon
Donna and Curt Rone
Mr. Jacek Szudek
Barbara Rackes
Hagood and Elizabeth Tighe
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cantey Jr.
Sidney and Ben Rex
South State Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall
Irene S. Brinkley
Deane and Roger Ackerman
Erin Hardwick Pate
Sara Delphine Scarborough
Malcolm and Kitty Dade
Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Varn Jr.
Terry and Wendy Schmoyer
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Mr. Brent Weaver
Michael and Aimee Schraibman
Jean W. Blount
Sylvia U. Wood*
Roger and Connie Schrum
Dr. Arlene Andrews and Mr. Stuart M.
Susanne Schafer and Charles Bierbauer
Susie and Thomas Shannon
Mr. Sean Chisholm
Judith M. and Gerald L. Davis
Kit and Joel A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fant Jr.
Bobby and Carolyn Foster
Dorothy A. Poston
JoAnn Turnquist and Ernie Csiszar
Kenneth W. Baldwin Jr.
Denisa & Craig Garner
Cindy Nord
Pat and Susie VanHuss
Mac and Leslie Bennett
Tayloe and Christine Harding
William R. Horton and Mary R. Major
Ms. Jan Weaver
Tobin and Pat Cassels
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Hupp
Redd Family Charitable Lead Trust
Susan P. and Stephen K. Wiggins
Beth Dinndorf
Mrs. Kay D. Kinard
BDI Pharma, Inc.
Toni and Sam Elkins
Donna S. Pullen
Bruce W. Hughes
John and Meg Garrison
Nancy Spencer
Hannah and Ronald Rogers
Tom Harrell
Mr. Stacy Stokes, CPA
Bill and Nan Babcock
Mrs. E. W. Haselden
Robin Waites and Michelle Baker
C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kulbersh
Judy Wrenn
Emily and John Lumpkin
Mr. Daniel Rothner
Dorothy G. Owen
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Linda McGannon
Lee Schraibman
Chris Dionne
Pat & Gerald Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Staton
Mr. Keith Postal and Ms. Elizabeth McMillan
Foundation Sustainer - $2,500 or More
Foundation Supporter - $1,000 to $2,499 Mrs. Charlotte Berry Dr. and Mrs. Roger Blau Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Bryant R. Jason Caskey Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cason II
Foundation Fellow- $250-$999
Rita and Marvin Caughman
Ms. Stacey Atkinson
Mr. Ivan and Dr. Sharon Earle
George and Ford Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Gressette, III
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cassels Jr.
Joyce M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman W. Coggins Jr.
David and Susan Hodges
Susan and John Cotter
Foundation Friend- Less than $250
Ms. Charlene H. Keys
Bill Ebert
Abacus Planning Group Inc.
Cory Manning and Tina Cundari
Henry B. Haitz III
Jack and Elizabeth Towell
F. Page Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Horger
Ms. Linda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pooser
Mr. H.J. Keall
Ed and Sandra Poliakoff Murray and Martha Scott Smith Mr. Darren Schwartz *deceased
partnered with local nonprofits, like Columbia Opportunity Resource and Junior League, to recruit volunteers to complete the projects. What’s Next Midlands is a new concept for the region and a creative twist on other similar efforts around the country. Other cities have crowd-sourcing platforms to collect ideas, but few select and fund the ideas through to completion. “What’s Next Midlands will empower people to invest in where they live,” states Meghan Hickman, Executive Director of EngenuitySC. “People can get involved at every leveleither by submitting ideas, donating funds or volunteering time. It’s an incredibly accessible
community members cutting ribbon at grant opening of kershaw community playground. residents by collecting images, conducting
which will premiere this spring, with the
interviews and developing walking tours and
ultimate goal of embedding the Jewish history
The platform exemplifies a welcoming
a printed piece to help tell the stories that have
in the overall Columbia story.
community. It’s open to anyone in the region
been left out of previous discussions of the
with an internet connection, a Facebook
community’s history.
effort, and we’re very proud of that.”
account and an idea they’re willing to share. The website is live at www.WhatsNextMidlands. com and the public idea collection will launch in January with the first two projects being selected and completed by late summer 2016. In addition to looking toward the future, a welcoming community also celebrates the past. The Columbia Jewish Heritage Initiative by Historic Columbia is helping reveal more of the city’s history. The initiative is documenting the lives of Columbia’s Jewish
Embracing a welcoming community opens many doors. The more comfortable people
“Through sharing these untold stories, we can
feel in their community, the more likely they
break down barriers and misconceptions about
will stay and participate in the community’s
the community,” shares Robin Waites, Executive
vibrant social offerings and superb public
Director of Historic Columbia. “People begin
spaces. Those who feel welcome will invest in
to see themselves in the stories and relating to
our community, starting a chain of making it
community in a more open way.”
more welcoming for others. We’re excited to
To date, 15 people have been interviewed for oral history by volunteers from the Jewish
watch this cycle develop through the current and future Connected Communities projects.
community who have been trained to gather their information. The stories will be shared through walking tours and a web-based tour,
7 winter 2015
Gifts to Funds The Foundation thanks the following individuals and organizations for their support of funds held at the Foundation. The following list reflects gifts made to funds at the Foundation between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. 3D Exhibits Hank and Billye S. Aaron AC Flora Class of 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Addison Aflac Group Insurance Rebecca Ann Aggrey Allegiance Industries Altria Group Dr. Arlene Andrews and Mr. Stuart M. Andrews Apex Broadcasting Inc., South Carolina Office Appalachian Premium Finance Inc. Arch Enterprises, LLC Mr. Jeffrey Archie Archons of Alpha Iota Boule’ of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arscott Azure Swim LLC George and Ford Bailey Peter A. and Mary W. Balbach Bank of America University of New Mexico Beth and Russell Bauknight Becki J Owens Photography, LLC Drs. Myron and Linda Bell Mr. Joe Benton Berenyi, Incorporated Donald Beres Mrs. Charlotte Berry Jeremy and Julie Black Jean W. Blount Ronnie Bostain Brookland Baptist Church Ms. Debrah Brown Budget Blinds of Charleston, LLC Ms. Wyonia J. Burke David Burrell Mr. Roger O. Byrd Calhoun Traumatic Brain Injury Foundation Glenda Cannon Mr. Aric Canty Ms. Cara Capuano NFP Private Client Group Doug & Beth Carnes Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Carney Carolina Children’s Home Carolina Pediatric Dentistry PA Mr. Philip Lacy and Ms. Elizabeth Carpentier Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cassels Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Caughman Ms. Rachel Chapman Charity Buzz Charleston Cosmetology Institute, Inc. Chernoff Newman Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Robert Chisholm City of Chesnee City of Liberty Dr. and Mrs. Garrett Clanton Clarendon Junior Ambassadors Claws & Paws II Ms. Margaret G. Clay Congressman James E. Clyburn CMB Property Company, LLC Coastal Carolina University Mr. and Mrs. William P. Collier Colonial Life Columbia Chapter of Links Inc. Columbia Stage Co. Columbia Urban League Inc. Connections to Success Dr. and Mrs. Noble P. Cooper, Jr. CPI Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cram Ms. Karen A. Crawford William Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Steve Creech Mr. Robert R. Crowder Mr. Floyd Crummie
Clay Cunningham, Carolina One Real Estate Custom Car Stereo of Charleston, Inc. Cyberwoven LLC Malcolm and Kitty Dade Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dana Mr. Robert Davidson Rev. Victoria Pratt Davis & Dr. King Davis Davis Air, Inc. Daybreak Crisis Pregnancy Center Dazzles LLC Ms. Shelby De Borde Coastal Crust Dr. and Mrs. Charlie W. Devlin, M.D. Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dittman Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Dorothy D. Smith Charitable Foundation Lenovo Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Bryson Earle Eastminster Presbyterian Church Bill Ebert Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Eccleston Edens Limited Partnership Beverly Edgell William Edmonds Edward and Dorothy Kendall Foundation Edward Cantey Non-Grantor CLUT Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Elam Ellison Kibler and Associates Mr. and Ms. Jackie Epps Mr. Timothy Ervolina Mr. Mark Evans Mrs. Virginia Evans Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fant Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Fant Harriott Hampton Faucette Fender Mender Inc. Intel Corp. Scott Filnor First Citizens Bank of South Carolina First Fruits Foundation Fund Fisher & Phillips LLP Ms. Terri R. Flournoy Ms. Sherry Forsee Bobby and Carolyn Foster Francis Faulling Trust Mrs. Sandra K. Freshman Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Frye Ms. Chevon Fuller Ms. Ashley Gable Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. Harvey Galloway Truitt Construction LLC John and Meg Garrison Gary Schraibman Memorial Foundation Barbara M. Gatlin Dwayne and Judi Gatson Drs. James R. & Annie J. Gavin Gilbert Community Club Gilbert Community Park Gilbert Ruritan Club Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gilroy Glassgow Roofing Robert Going Mr. Dale Goldman Leon and Billie Goodall Isaac Goodwin Greatest Champion Foundation Greenville Chamber of Commerce Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Greer Dr. James Greiner Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gulley Dr. and Mrs. Chad Gunnlaugsson The Honorable Nikki R. Haley and First Gentleman Michael Haley Mr. Frank Hames Ms. Janet Hamilton Richard C. and Katharine C. Handel Mr. and Mrs. Henri G. Hart Mr. David Hartman Mr. William Davis and Ms. Alix Hay James Heard Scotty Heatherly Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Mr. Mark D. Henley Mr. Eric Henson C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill Jr.
Michael and Michelle Hogue Home Pest Control Co. Inc. Home Telecome Ms. Julie Honeycutt Hootie at Bulls Bay Bob Howie Mr. Richard Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hudson Ashley and Brian Huff Bruce W. Hughes Kellah Edens-Hult and Richard Hult Mr. William Hurt Ms. Michele Hutchinson Ingersoll-Rand Company INNERSOLE International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Investors Title Insurance Company J M Smith Corporation James J. Robb Scholarship Fund JCL IV & JFA IV, LLC Jeff Cook Real Estate, LLC Jeff Duncan for Congress James Jett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Mr. Cory Jones Van and Jane Joyce Charles Kahn KeenanSuggs Ms. Charlene H. Keys Mr. Milton Kimpson King of Pops, Inc. Charleston School of Law Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kulbersh Mr. John W. Lee Lee County High School Leevy’s Funeral Home James K. and Donna H. Lehman Mr. Leo G. Leitner III Bud and Pat Lewandowski Lexington County Peach Festival LLC Lexington County School District Four Liberty Pickens County Lloyd and Doris Liles Mark Lipe Little Dog Advertising Agency, LLC Ken Loveless Lowcountry Dental Associates The Benefit Company Lynette Lewis Allston and Allard A. Allston Family Fund M. B. Kahn Construction Company Auburn University Mr. Michael J. Maher Mainline Information Systems Margaret Clay Margaret Hulvey Wright Trust Marketing Performance, LLC Dr. Henry T. Marshall Mr. Benjamin T. Martin Mr. Ralph Martino Mr. Cliff Matthews Arrow Electronics, Inc. Mary and John McCants Mr. John M. McCardell Jamie Young McCulloch Brenda Pugh McCutchen Mr. Bill J. McDaniels Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McDonald University of South Carolina College of Charleston Lee A. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert McLeod Jr. Mr. Kevin McPherson Mr. Joseph Merlette Bob and Deborah Messina Metals & Alloys Co., LLC Michael J. Mungo Foundation Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative Inc. The Migs Miss Blue Ridge Foothills Scholarship Pageant Miss Camden Scholarship Program Miss Lake Wateree Scholarship Organization Miss Laurens County Organization Miss Spartanburg Pageant Association Miss Summerville Pageant Monday After The Masters Pro-Am Golf Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Moore Morgan Stanley Motley Rice LLC
Mungo Homes, Inc. Chiropractic USA William H. Neely Theodore W. Nell Sr. Nell Fortner Basketball, LLC Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP JEAR Logistics, LLC Ms. Cassandra Newsome Jim and Sunny Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Michael Norris North Carolina State Athletics North Charleston Coliseum Performing Arts Center Nova Management, Inc. Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. Mr. Jack O’Keefe Once for All Inc. Orvin’s Furniture and Bedding Ricky Ott Mr. Allen Overton David G. and Joan R. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn D. Owen III Palmetto Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Palmetto Computer Consulting Palmetto Exterminators Inc. Palmetto Health Palmetto Promotions LLC Palmetto School of Career Development Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein LLP John and Karen Parrish Pat and Susie VanHuss Donor Advised Escrow Fund PDQ Gerald & Jennifer Perritt Lee D. and Janice B. Petty Ms. Julie Plec Polly’s Fine Jewelry Ms. Alice D. Potter Ray of Hope Foundation Reece Holbrook Win Anyway Foundation, Inc. Mr. Timothy Rice Richland School District Two Education Foundation Intel Robin’s Nest Child Care, LLC Ms. Myrtle T. Robinson Ms. Susan Robinson Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Bill Rogers Ronald and Hannah Rogers Donna and Curt Rone Martha and David Rothwell Mr. Michael Rothwell David E. Looper & Company, Inc. Dr. Frank Rumph Safety Plus of SC, LLC Sail South Carolina LLC Jeryl and Kathy Salmond Saluda Shoals Foundation Sandhills Academy Scarborough Family Charitable Trust Fund SCE&G Gary and RoseMarie Schmedding Michael and Aimee Schraibman Mr. Harold R. Schraibman Ms. Constance Schulz Mr. Kuy Scott Scriptfest USA SDM & Associates Dr. Suzan Boyd and Mr. Edward Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Shaw She Did That Francis L. Shealy Mary Joyce Shealy Shine A Light Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Erik J. Simensen Mr. Clyde Simpson Sisters of Charity Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steve Slater Ms. Louetta A. Slice* Mr. W. Arthur Smith Murray and Martha Scott Smith Wilbur and Diane Smith Ms. Debra Sofield Sonoco Foundation South Carolina Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy South State Bank Southeastern Freight Lines Spirit Communications Mr. H. Ronald Stanley
Starbucks Coffee Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Staton Stella Nova Spa Salon Strategic Communications, LLC Ms. Kerry Stubbs Mr. Kenzil Summey Sun Coast Insurance Inc. Suntrust Bank Mrs. Barbara Sweatman Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Taylor Jr. The Aloha Trust The Brookland Foundation The Cooperative Ministry The Crown Group The CYD Legacy Fund The Diva Hair Weaver Salon & Studio, LLC The Dooley Law Firm PA The Evan W. Nord Charitable Remainder Trust The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Little Black Dress Scholarship Luncheon The Poston Family Fund The Robert R. Mohr Family Foundation The South Carolina Diversity Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Darrin Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tobul Sr. Town of Gilbert Town of Mount Pleasant TR Ventures of South Carolina LLC Transitions/ Midlands Housing Alliance Ms. Cindy Travers Mr. Steve Tucker Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Tuller JoAnn Turnquist and Ernie Csiszar Aaron and Brenda C. Turpeau Mr. Michel Turpeau Ms. Alem D. Turpeau Turpeau Enterprises, Inc. Two Men and a Truck United Way of the Midlands University of Kentucky Men’s Golf University of Missouri University of South Carolina Educational Foundation University of Wisconsin, Madison Upstate Auto Auction Valdes Management, LLC Vic Bailey Ford- Lincoln W. B. Guimarin and Company Wake Forest University Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Walker Jr. Ms. Elaine Walker John and Betty Warren* Dr. Mary Baskin Waters and Mr. Samuel C. Waters Ms. Jan Weaver Intel/IBM Wellcare of South Carolina, Inc. Daniel Wessinger Westminster Ministries Foundation Mr. and Dr. Christian T. Weston III Westside Subs, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Weyandt Jr. Lenovo Servers Susan P. and Stephen K. Wiggins William W Dukes CLT Leland and Cornelia Williams Linda Kay Williams Charleston Southern University Mr. Dennis Wilson Wilson’s Exterminating Service Winthrop University Women In Philanthropy Dr. Jan W. Wrobleski, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wyatt Jr. Margaret and Chris Yeakel Dr. and Mrs. William F. Young Mohammed Yousefzadeh Zack C. Clarkson, Sr. and Rachel Scott Clarkson Foundation Zvejnieks Foundation of South Carolina
8 central carolina community foundation
At A Glance From July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015
Corporations Who Care
Total Assets: $106,764,000 Total Funds: 375 New Funds: 7 Grants Awarded: $3,009,048 Grants Since Inception: $121M+
Foundation recognizes inaugural Corporate Philanthropy Champions The Community Foundation is proud to announce and honor our inaugural Corporate Philanthropy Champions, local corporations
Prize Fig Columbia
and businesses that recognize philanthropy as
Free Times
a necessary leadership function. We celebrate
The State Media Company
these businesses for their leadership and social investment in our community, making it a better place to live, work and play.
Platinum Abacus First Citizens Flock and Rally Mungo Homes Schmoyer and Company, LLC Southeastern Freight Lines South State Bank TD Bank
Partner Cyberwoven Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
Patron Sojourner, Caughman & Thomas, LLC Elliott Davis Decosimo My Carolina Alumni Center Turner Padget Graham & Laney P.A.
9 winter 2015
Central Carolina Community Foundation 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 Columbia, South Carolina 29204
Mark Your Calendar Don’t miss out on these upcoming events.
The Opposite of Spoiled February 2, 2016 — NEW DATE Postponed due to the flood, Ron Lieber, New York Times “Your Money” columnist will share his expertise on raising financially smart children when he comes to Columbia to speak about his new book, The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money. Event is free and open to the public but registration is requested at yourfoundation.org/RonLieber.
Midlands Gives Nonprofit Registration Deadline February 26, 2016 Registration is now open for nonprofits interested in participating in the Midland’s third annual giving day. Last year’s event raised over $1.5 million for 250 local nonprofits. Any 501(c)(3) with an office in the Foundation’s 11-countly service area is eligible. Visit www.Midlandsgives.org to register and learn more.
A Celebration of Philanthropy Best of Philanthropy Awards, November 5, 2015 Every day, people in our community are making a difference. Our annual Best of Philanthropy Awards honors and celebrates these everyday philanthropists, people who are making giving a priority for themselves, their family or their business. The Community Foundation partners with Columbia Metropolitan Magazine to honor the award winners during our Best of
lizards thicket, jimmy williams, matthew williams, mark williams, robert williams, bobby williams, john williams, sara krisnow
roscoe wilson, daisy harman
Philanthropy Awards Celebration.
The 2015 award winners are: Francis Herndon Individual Award Lizard’s Thicket Local Business Award
francis herndon, emily clay
eau claire high school, june page, jaylin wilson, yveni mccowns, deon jackson
Eau Claire High School Student Group Award Stephanie DeFreese Young Professional Award
attendees enjoying celebration at 701 whaley
stephanie defreese