Clearly Caring - Home Edition

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Clearly Caring Christian Life Resources


Home Edition 2011 Volume 31 / Number 3

Compassion is a Reflection of Christ 4

The Conscience Side of Life


Does It Hurt to Die?

10 The Compassionate Father

Also... A Teen’s Thoughts on Euthanasia

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Clearly Caring – Home Edition Christian Life Resources

Compassion is a Reflection of Christ 2011


The Conscience Side of Life Pastor Robert Fleischmann


Volume 31 / Number 3

Does It Hurt to Die? Allen Krause


Bible Study Pastor Aaron Mueller

National Convention | 12



Affiliate News | 14 News & Views | 16 Family Treasures and Gifts Catalog | 19

The Compassionate Father

CLR Resolution on A Teen’s Thoughts on Abortion | 31 Euthanasia

Tim Snyder

Sarah Klammer

Featured on the cover of this issue is the print “Security” by artist David Bowman. “One of the greatest human needs is a sense of security. In all aspects of life, we naturally gravitate towards anything that makes us feel safe. In this piece, I wanted to convey a sense of complete peace and calm like only the Savior can provide. It’s a security that allows us to rest assured, without fear or worry, when we put ourselves trustingly in His arms. Little children have that inherent kind of trust in their parents, so it’s fitting that the man and girl who modeled for “Security” are actually father and daughter. They generated the exact feel I was looking for.” Find “Security” on page IX and visit for more prints from this artist.

To see previous issues of Clearly Caring go to: Christian Life Resources, Inc., 3070 Helsan Drive, Richfield, WI 53076-9582 Phone: (800) 729-9535 Email: Websites: and


The Conscience Side of Life by Pastor Robert Fleischmann

Simply speaking, Christian Life Resources divides its work into two areas – service and conscience. The service area involves the work we do in our counseling centers, the presentations we give and the work we accomplish at New Beginnings - A Home for Mothers. The “conscience” aspect of our work looks at the challenging life and family issues we face and holds them up to the light of Scripture.

mean (to ask the old Lutheran question)? Increased bone cells improve blood production to mend damaged bones and tissues in humans as well as improve immune reaction and wound clotting. It should be emphasized that this type of research looks at the way adult stem cells work – not their controversial embryonic stem cell counterparts. Baldness – Another study on adult stem cells suggests a possible remedy for baldness. Researchers have discovered stem cells identified in the skin’s fatty tissue send signals to trigger hair growth. The research now moves to an exploration of the ways those stem cells can be nudged to send their signals.

This article focuses on the life and family issues that have come to CLR’s attention in the last 30 days. It goes without saying that after reading this article you will get a better sense of how rapidly the issues continue to change in the world around us.

Sustained Embryonic and iPS Cells – Researchers may have solved the problem of viruses infiltrating the work with embryonic and iPS cells. Embryonic stem cells are called pluripotent cells, meaning they can differentiate into many other different kinds of cells. In order to keep those cells from differentiating before they are needed they are treated with what are called “feeder cells.” The problem with these feeder cells involved their potential to introduce viruses which could become harmful to humans.

Stem Cell Research Increased Stem Cell Production – A study using treadmill-trained mice has revealed aerobic activity actually stimulates the production of mesenchymal adult stem cells, the type that mature into bone rather than fat. What does this C learly C aring


2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3

Ectopic Pregnancies – In a study first published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology it was reported that incorrectly-diagnosed ectopic (tubal) pregnancies with the subsequent administration of a powerful drug has led to miscarriage, abortion or the birth of severely- deformed infants. Researchers cited eight recent cases from the United States and Canada in which the misdiagnosis occurred primarily from inexperienced readings of ultrasound images.

Researchers now believe they have made progress in controlling that danger. While we continue to have trouble with embryonic stem cell experimentation (since life in its earliest stage must be terminated to harvest those cells), the use of iPS cells (induced-pluripotent cells) from adult stem cells does not cause controversy. Colon Stem Cells – After ten years of research scientists have discovered a way to sustain and study colon stem cells by growing them live outside the body in lab-plates.

Chemical Abortion Experience – In a survey of women who chose to end their pregnancy chemically using mifepristone (more commonly known as RU-486), 53% said the experience was worse than expected. They reported experiencing more pain, more vaginal bleeding and more psychological problems than their counterparts who had surgical abortions during the same time period in the second trimester of the pregnancy.

Spinal Cord – The Allen Institute for Brain Science announced the discovery of a new class of cells in the spinal cord that act like neural stem cells. This discovery may perhaps bring us a step closer to the use of adult stem cells to heal spinal cord injuries. Aging – As the human body ages it declines in its ability to regenerate organs and tissues. A recent adult stem cell study suggests there may be a way to reverse the aging process which in turn could lead to new discoveries in regenerative medicine. Treatment of ALS – Hospitals will begin clinical studies using adult bone marrow stem cells to treat patients suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). The trials will begin in Jerusalem and Boston.

Planned Parenthood Investigation – The largest single provider of abortion in America, Planned Parenthood, is under congressional investigation into the manner it has handled cases of sexual abuse and sex-trafficking as well as the possible misuse of federal money to pay for abortions.


Assisted Suicide

Alaska Parental Notification – Legislation recently passed in Alaska requiring parental notification when a minor seeks an abortion – has been challenged in the courts by Planned Parenthood.

Alabama – The state Supreme Court ruled unanimously to expand legal protections for the unborn child by declaring the state’s “wrongful death” statute applied to the unborn child at any stage of development. This ruling still does not provide protection for the unborn child from abortion. However, with this ruling Alabama joins nine other states in permitting wrongfuldeath action pre-viability of the child.

Quebec – In Quebec a prominent attorney has vowed to use the case of a 47-yearold woman with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, to challenge Canadian law which makes assistance in a suicide illegal. The law was challenged 19 years ago when another ALS victim sought assistance in Canada for her suicide. At that time the court ruled the state had a “fundamental interest in protecting human life.” The Court argued the state was obliged to “protect the vulnerable” and that obligation outweighed the rights of the individual to self-determination. In bringing this new case to the court the attorney believes the change in the court make-up and the public attitude about assisted suicide has changed.

Great Britain – Britain’s largest abortion provider stirred controversy with the announcement that he now provides text-message reminders to his patients of their scheduled abortion.

Bulgaria – Meanwhile, legislators in Bulgaria struck down an attempt to legalize assisted suicide or euthanasia in that country by a vote of 59 - 13 with 29 abstentions.

Poll – A CNN poll showed that 62% of Americans favored banning all or most abortions.

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2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3

Australia – Efforts to legalize assisted suicide in Australia have met with opposition from the Australian Medical Association and the Law Society. The doctors and lawyers issued a joint statement opposing measures to make it legal to obtain a doctor’s assistance to commit suicide.

Such is the case reported in a recent study in which the use of anti-inflammatory drugs more than doubles the risk of a miscarriage. More precisely, the Canadian Medical Association Journal reported women faced a 2.4 times increased chance of miscarriage after taking any type or dosage of over-the-counter painkiller. The study looked at any type and dosage of nonaspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen.

Massachusetts – The movement to legalize assisted suicide continues in the United States. The Massachusetts Attorney General certified a ballot initiative for 2012 called the Massachusetts “Death with Dignity Act.” Currently the states of Oregon and Washington allow assistance to commit suicide.

Alzheimer’s Disease Excess Blood Vessels – The brain contains a blood-brain barrier that serves as a type of sieve to prevent viruses from entering brain tissue during natural blood flow to the brain. Research had previously identified amyloid beta as a protein fragment present in Alzheimer’s patients, but no one knew how it got in the brain. A newly-released study may have the answer: it appears Alzheimer’s victims experience a surge of excess blood vessels which is believed to compromise the blood-brain barrier and allows amyloid beta to accumulate around neurons, eventually killing them. Researchers now suggest following treatments that deal directly with blood vessel growth.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Unregulated Sperm Donations – Sperm banks collect donated supplies of sperm from donors. The donated sperm is then used either to impregnate women or as part of in-vitro fertilization procedures. Ironically, it is a largely unregulated practice. In the United States there is no defined law regulating sperm banks. At best the American Society of Reproductive Medicine provides recommended guidelines but not much more. The issue surfaced recently when it was revealed one donor’s sperm may have fathered at least 150 children. This revelation came on the heels of the discovery of another donor who fathered 24 children, all of whom are now at risk of a fatal hereditary heart defect. Another donor with Asperger’s Syndrome fathered at least 22 children who now show signs of autism.

Infanticide Edmonton Case – A 19-year-old woman secretly gave birth to a baby boy, strangled him with her underwear and threw the child’s body into a neighbor’s yard. Though originally convicted of murder, her charge was downgraded to infanticide by a judge who said: “While many Canadians undoubtedly view abortion as a less than ideal solution to unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy, they generally understand, accept, and sympathize with the onerous demands pregnancy and childbirth exact from mothers, especially mothers without support.” The mother will not have to go to jail. How true the leap of logic shifts from taking life inside of the womb to taking life outside of the womb.

Not the Right Fit – Sperm banks are turning down the number of donations from red-headed men since “boutique parenting” has shown a lack of demand for children with red hair. Also, an Italian court caused controversy when it refused to permit a

Pregnancy Pain-Relief Drugs and Miscarriage – As is often the case, medicine that helps in one area causes problems in another. C learly C aring


2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3

70-year-old father and a 57-year-old-mother to adopt their IVF-produced 18-monthold toddler because they were “too old” and “too selfish” to parent the daughter. The court stated the couple demonstrated “a narcissistic need to have a child” and showed “indifference with regard to the child’s perspective.” The court urged the parents to place the girl for adoption.

a two-minute wait time after a patient’s heart stopped beating. The two minutes allowed additional time in the event the heart would start beating again. Proposed changes include the elimination of the twominute wait period. Another precautionary measure has been proposed to eliminate the consideration of any organ transplant recipient before doctors and family members have independently concluded to stop trying to save the patient. Under the new regulations a patient can be evaluated of his or her worthiness as an organ donor even while efforts are made to preserve the life. The proposed lift of the ban could cause a shift in the focus from saving the patient to maximizing the circumstance in harvesting the patient’s organs.

Elder Care Report – AARP along with the Commonwealth Fund and the Scan Foundation released a report entitled, “Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers” (LTSS) in which they ranked all 50 states and the District of Columbia on the following four factors: 1) Affordability and Access; 2) Choice of Setting and Provider; 3) Quality of Life and Quality of Care; and 4) Support for Family Caregivers. The top five states were: 1) Minnesota; 2) Washington; 3) Oregon; 4) Hawaii; and 5) Wisconsin. The bottom five were: 47) Indiana; 48) Oklahoma; 49) West Virginia; 50) Alabama; and 51) Mississippi.

This is just a sampling of what has made headlines in life issues in only 30 days. There have been scores of minor headlines in this field as well as the happenings in the area of other family issues, marriage, homosexual rights, etc. Christian Life Resources continues to carefully keep watch of these contentious issues.

Rev. Robert Fleischmann is the National Director of Christian Life Resources. He speaks throughout North America on the Biblical approach to various life and family issues and counsels people with God’s Word in correct decision-making.

Organ Transplantation Timing – Regulatory changes regarding the timing of the retrieval of organs from a corpse has stirred controversy. The rules originally required organ retrieval to

Did You Die? Then Let Us Know! A few years ago we asked our readers to let Christian Life Resources know if you had died. The little article attracted a lot of attention and helped us update our records. It has been a while, and we are concerned some of you may have died and not told us. Seriously, we maintain a database of thousands of names. You might think the post office alerts us of a move or a death, but it often does not. Occasionally we get an irate message to stop sending mail because Grandpa died years before. Well, unless Grandpa or you tell us, we would not know that information. If our mailings are coming to a home where the recipient has died, let us know. If an address has changed, let us know. If you feel you can obey the Lord’s command to love others in different ways than supporting this ministry and you want to be taken off the mailing list, let us know. Contact us in three ways: 1. Send an email: 2. Call: 1-800-729-9535 3. Write us: Christian Life Resources, 3070 Helsan Drive, Richfield, WI 53076 Kindly provide the complete name, address and, if possible, the membership number on the label in order for our staff to locate and update the record. Finally, if you have not died, stay well! We like having you around. C learly C aring


2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3

T he E nd o f L ife intelligent woman. She lived a life and did things that would be the envy of many. Physical ailments, not mental or emotional ones, put her into a nursing home.

Does It Hurt to Die? by Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministries’ Staff Minister Allen Krause

Laura is knowledgeable of medicine and could answer the question she posed to me better than I could. Still, I tried my best to put her fears of pain to rest. With the experience I had in visiting nursing home patients and with my limited knowledge of medicine, I was able to assure her that pain can be controlled. One need not suffer in one’s final hours. However, her question was deeper than it first appeared. Her major concern was for eternity. All people have different ways of dealing with sin. Some would say that they are not as bad as others, or that a loving God would not send anyone to hell. However, Laura dealt with her sin in the proper way – she confessed it. Although she had lived a good life and had been morally upright, she knew that she was a sinner. In addition, she knew that the longer she lived, the more sin she committed. Therefore, her question really was, “What must I do to be saved?”

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (I Corinthians 15:55)

I assured her that God is not angry with her. The punishment of all her sin was paid for on the cross. The law, which she could not keep, was perfectly kept for her by Jesus. She has peace with God, not only now, but also in the life to come. This is the message of the Christmas angels: “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”

On a routine visit to the nursing home, I stopped by Laura’s room. She was just sitting on her bed watching television. I had no particular reason to stop and see her, but there she was, so I took a few minutes to talk with her.

Does it hurt to die? For the Christian the answer is an emphatic, “No!” How can it hurt to die? Jesus suffered that sting of death for us – the eternal pain is gone. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:57)

During the conversation, she almost broke down into tears. She told me that she had a kidney that was failing. Although her other kidney was functioning, she had concerns because she had recently seen a dear friend die in a great deal of pain. Laura asked the question, “Does it hurt to die?”

*Not her real name

Laura* had been in the Navy and had seen the world. After leaving the Navy she married a well-to-do man. Money was never a problem. She and her husband had traveled the globe. Laura is a history buff, and the shelves of her small nursing home room have numerous books on history covering everything from ancient times to modern. She is an articulate and C learly C aring

[Reprinted with permission from Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministry’s newsletter, Compassion, First Quarter 2011]

Mr. Allen Krause serves as a parttime staff minister for Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministries where he oversees an expanding nursing home ministry in the greater Oshkosh, Wisconsin area.


2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3


Bible Study by Pastor Aaron Mueller

My wife and I just wanted to get home. Being gone for several days, suitcases, then a delayed flight on our already-late return made us long for our normal surroundings again. But the drive home was anything but typical.

3. Notice the verb tenses. How long has Jesus held this attitude? 4. Consider the time and effort it takes just to raise up just one prophet. How are God’s compassion and patience related? 5. How is Jesus’ compassion for people outwardly evident? 6. What is so important that God even put the lives of the prophets on the line to give it?

Shortly after leaving the airport, we slowed to acknowledge the approaching red light. Then, in what seemed like an eternity and at the same time an instant, an SUV navigating the intersection at about 50 miles an hour began to take flight. The vehicle lifted several feet into the air, spinning so that now the four tires, gas tank and dark underside of the car were visible to our sight. Gravity quickly brought the vehicle back to earth, smashing steel, shattering glass, and stunning our souls. Finally friction forced it to a stop.

After calling 911, several of us raced to the hatch of the SUV as it lay on its driver’s side. If it didn’t open, we weren’t sure what help we could offer. Though smashed, the door swung on its hinges. An injured and frantic woman was striving to escape. From within she pleaded for help. I extended my right arm to her. She gripped it and was brought to safety. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. [2 Corinthians 1:3,4]

Since there were two cars between us and the accident, I was wondering what our compassionate role would be. That was answered immediately. The light turned green, and those cars began to drive forward right over the glass, around the bumpers in the road, and right on their way.

7. The best salesman is a satisfied customer. How has God settled our own lives?

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! [Luke 13:34]

8. A chance auto accident brought strangers together to help the helpless. God’s compassion to us in Jesus is no accident. How does it shape our lives? 9. How does God equip His people to help? What does He lead us to say?

1. I have heard of accidents where people could not be rescued. Have you ever witnessed one where people needed help and wouldn’t accept it?

Pastor Aaron Mueller is ministering at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona. He also serves as the chairman of the national board for Christian Life Resources.

2. How is Jesus’ compassion for people inwardly evident from this passage?

1. Various answers. 2. He longed to help. It was his intent and desire. 3. The verbs are past tense. This attitude has been throughout history. 4. God waits lifetime after lifetime and has persisted in patience to bring his compassion to people. 5. He continued to send prophets, even himself, in spite of persecution. 6. The message of law and especially the gospel about Jesus. 7. We have his full compassion, his full comfort in Jesus. It is ours in him. 8. I have something to offer, something to share, something to give—Jesus’ comfort for any trouble. 9. He trains us by his Word: shaping attitudes, overcoming weakness, even training our tongues to respond. 10. He leads us to point people ultimately to the God of all comfort in Jesus Christ. He is the help for every trouble. C learly C aring


2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3


The Compassionate Father by Tim Snyder

A widower struggles to raise two young children in a small southern town during the 1930s. The town’s racist attitudes come to light as this man, who is a lawyer, faces the daunting challenge of defending a black man who is accused of raping a white woman. Does this scenario sound familiar? It may if you’re acquainted with the acclaimed 1962 film, To Kill a Mockingbird. Or perhaps you’ve read the Harper Lee novel on which it is based. C learly C aring

My appreciation for this film grew after I became a father. Faced with similar adversity, would I be the kind of father, friend and citizen that the hero, Atticus Finch, is? In this scene from the film, Atticus explains to his daughter Scout the difficulties associated with defending a black man in a hostile environment: Atticus: There are some things that you’re not old enough to understand just yet. There’s been some high talk around town to the effect that I shouldn’t do much about defending this man. Scout: If you shouldn’t be defending him, then why are you doing it?

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Words like honor and integrity could be used to describe Atticus Finch. Compassion is another. Compassion is defined as a “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.” (http://www.merriam-webster. com/dictionary/compassion) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort… (2 Corinthians 1:3) The Apostle Paul tells us that our God is the Father of compassion. No mere human could match the depth of sympathy he holds for a world sinners in distress. The Father’s desire to alleviate our distress is fulfilled in the salvation His Son has won for all people. It is impossible to fathom God’s compassion. [God] comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. (2 Corinthians 1:4,5) The limitless comfort of the cross is the very thing that enables you to comfort others. United with Christ in faith, you have taken up His cross. The sufferings of Christ that flow into your life are employed by God for the strengthening of faith (Romans 5:3-5). As the sufferings flow, the comfort of Christ also flows, more than that, it overflows. Like an unstoppable force of nature, the God of all creation delivers a never-ending flood of comfort. It just keeps coming! You, dear parent, are not a celluloid hero. You are frail flesh and blood waging a battle against the dark forces in this sinfilled world. But you don’t fight alone. Filled with the Spirit and transformed by the gospel, you are sympathetic to the distress of others. Your Christ-

fed compassion begins at home and extends outside the home to include those whom our society marginalizes. You reflect Christ’s compassion to the unborn, the aged and the disabled. In fact there is no one you withhold it from because everyone you serve is precious to your Savior. And your children learn from the compassion that you model. Like the fictitious Atticus Finch, your compassion for others will be met with scorn. Your pro-life views and your faithfilled actions will be ridiculed. This sin-twisted world describes the killing of the unborn and the unwanted as compassionate. True compassion is labeled as hateful and bigoted. But through it all you remain faithful to the One who is always faithful. Christ’s love guides you.

Your Christ-fed compassion begins at home and extends outside the home to include those whom our society marginalizes.

Atticus: For a number of reasons. The main one is that if I didn’t, I couldn’t hold my head up in town. I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do somethin’ again. (He puts his arm around her.) You’re gonna hear some ugly talk about this in school. But I want you to promise me one thing...that you won’t get into fights over it, no matter what they say to you.

One of the measures that Atticus Finch applied to his actions was how they would affect his children. That is a good measure for every Christian parent. Your children learn from what you do. As you reflect Christ’s compassion to them and to others, you strengthen your pro-life home. In the end, Atticus Finch failed to save his client from a tragic end. Life is like that. It gets messy, and sometimes things end badly. You may even wonder if God cares. Rest assured that God truly is the Father of compassion. You have Christ’s forgiveness for your sinful failings and are moved to service by His overflowing comfort. May the Cross of Christ remain central in your home as you reflect His compassion. Mr. Tim Snyder serves as the Media Services Coordinator for Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tim and his family are members at Christ the Lord congregation in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

WE B S ITE RESOURCES at A Product of Their Upbringing – A Look at Children’s Values Reflective of Parents’ Attitudes (Search Shortcut # 6622) Lessons from the Lawnmower - A Look at Parenting (Search Shortcut # 5482) C learly C aring

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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 8:45am - 5:30pm



GET ENCOURAGED! GET INSTRUCTED! GET ON THE PATH OF LIFE! Learn about different issues along the path of life, including: traditional marriage, hospice, stem cell research and more!

ONLY $20



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registration form 2011 National Convention: “The Path of Life”

Saturday, November 5, 2011 • 8:45am - 5:30pm St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church – Slinger, Wisconsin Convention registration is only $20 – lunch included! Please specify ADULT or TEEN. ☐ Adult

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A block of rooms is reserved at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Jackson set for 2 nights (Nov. 4 and 5) with check-out on the 6th. They are offering a special $89.00 CLR Convention rate per night for a standard 2-queen non-smoking room. Cut-off date for reservations is September 30. The hotel is conveniently located on Highway 60, about five miles east of St. Paul. Call the hotel directly and ask for the special “Christian Life Resources” rate at 262-677-1133.

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important notes:

• If you have dietary restrictions or a physical disability and need assistance, please let us know advance. Christian Life Resources • in 25% of all registration fees are non-refundable for 3070 Helsan Drive cancellations received after 10/15/11. • The complete Convention agenda is available at: Richfield, WI 53076 C learly C aring 13 2 0 1 1 V O L U M E 3 1 / N U M B E R 3

AFFILIATE NEWS Now You Know! “Until I was approached about the center director position here, I didn’t even KNOW about this place… and I ask myself, ‘Why DIDN’T I know about it?’” After many years of “status quo,” and needing “new faces” to serve the Pregnancy Counseling Center and Chapter in Mundelein, Illinois, the Lord answered many years of prayers in a tremendous way. Mrs. Carol Massoni stepped forward in early 2011 to assume the responsibilities of the center director volunteer position. As former center director Deb Carlovsky explains, “At our volunteer meeting in January, I wanted to evaluate where things were, and what still needed to be accomplished. A gal happened to attend that day. Her name is Carol Massoni, and she has a TREMENDOUS passion for this ministry! She is also a ‘ball of energy.’ She has TIME to accomplish the many things we have been wanting to ‘make happen’ over the years. At the January meeting, she listened to our needs and asked me what my area of passion was in serving at the PCC (pregnancy counseling center). I told her I loved to counsel, and that was the ONLY area I would really like to serve in at this time. So, she said she would be more than willing to take over the center director position.” After a short transition period, the “baton” was handed over to Carol, and she literally began to run! Her “ball of energy” passion for this important ministry and her willingness to help has literally brought new life to the center. Yet Carol’s comment about her initial lack of knowledge of Christian Life Resources’ network of crisis pregnancy centers cannot go unheeded. Christian Life Resources wants you to get to know their affiliates! So here’s a list. Is there a center located in your community? If so, please consider getting to know it by lending your support! Volunteers are always welcomed and appreciated to keep these vital life-affirming ministries going! If you cannot find a chapter in your area, we suggest you support one of your choosing with your prayers, help in fulfilling their “needs list” wishes, and/or your financial gifts of love.

Pregnancy Counseling and Life Resource Centers ARIZONA Alpha Pregnancy Counseling Center 1822 W. Indian School Road Phoenix, AZ 85015-5296 602-285-0050

South Suburban Life Resource Center 418 Cass Street Crete, IL 60417-2940 708-672-3978 INDIANA

CALIFORNIA Alameda Pregnancy & Life Resource Center 2175 The Alameda, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95126-1149 408-249-6707 ILLINOIS Pregnancy Counseling Center 300 N. Seymour Avenue, Suite C Mundelein, IL 60060-2340 847-949-4443 C learly C aring

South Suburban Life Resource Center 1515 W. 93rd Avenue Crown Point, IN 46307-1853 708-672-3978 MICHIGAN Flint Pregnancy Counseling Center 2710 W. Court Street, Suite 7 Flint, MI 48503-3061 810-767-1262

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Pregnancy Counseling Center 25545 5 Mile Road Redford, MI 48239-3228 313-952-2147

Associated Pregnancy Services Risen Savior Location 9550 W. Brown Deer Road Milwaukee, WI 53224-2012 414-727-8177

Michiana Life Resource Center & Pregnancy Center 671 Mcallister Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022 269-925-1335 Pregnancy Counseling Center 916 Gratiot Avenue Saginaw, MI 48602-2212 989-752-7664 MINNESOTA New Day Pregnancy Care Center 2756 Lake Shore Avenue Little Canada, MN 55117-1344 651-644-3937 OHIO Alpha Life Resource Center 2999 E. Dublin-Granville Road, Suite 108 Columbus, OH 43231-4030 614-890-0003 WISCONSIN

Associated Pregnancy Services St. Peter Location 1214 S. 8th Street Milwaukee, WI 53204-2335 414-727-8177 Associated Pregnancy Services West Allis Location 8501 W. Lincoln Avenue West Allis, WI 53227 414-727-8177 Choices of Life Center 729 Grand Avenue Racine, WI 53403-1135 262-898-7043 New Life Resource Center 1923 State Road La Crosse, WI 54601-5835 608-785-2377

The Hope Center 730 W. Glendale Avenue Appleton, WI 54914-2352 920-739-0039

Bay Area Counseling Center 530 S. Webster Avenue Green Bay, WI 54301 920-433-9955

Alpha Pregnancy & Life Resource Center 313 E. Main Street Watertown, WI 53094-3708 920-261-9207

Tomorrow’s Choice Family Resource Center 912 Barstow Street Waukesha, WI 53186-4602 262-513-9590

Associated Pregnancy Services Point of Grace Location 2223 E. Kenwood Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53211-3314 414-727-8177

More information can be found at Just click on the link for “Pregnancy Resource.” You’ll find pictures of each location, a map to each center and more information, including those centers that provide post-abortion counseling.

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News & Views

Child in Canadian Right-to-Life Controversy Dies at Home Joseph Maraachli, the 20-month-old terminallyill baby boy at the center of a right-to-life controversy in Canada, passed away September 27 at home in Windsor, Ontario. Last March, the parents of “Baby Joseph” struggled to keep the infant alive after a Canadian hospital refused to perform a tracheotomy to extend his life. An appeal to the courts to overturn the hospital’s decision was denied. The hospital later allowed the baby’s release to the parents’ home on the condition the parents would not interfere with Joseph’s removal of his life support. S OU RC E : 9/27/11 –

U.S. Congress Investigates Planned Parenthood An investigation is underway by the House Committee on Oversight and Investigations into Planned Parenthood over allegations of financial disparities, misuse of federal health care and family planning funds, failure to report criminal child abuse cases, and assistance with those engaged in prostitution and/or sex trafficking. In mid-September the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) was told to provide a wide range of documentation on how taxpayer money was spent over a 12year period. The abortion giant receives more than $363 million in federal and state funding. S OU RC E : 9/27/11 -

FDA Issues Advisory on Some Forms of Birth Control Pills On September 26, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a cautionary note suggesting an increased risk of blood clots for women who take newer forms of birth control pills, such as Yaz and Yasmin. Preliminary results of the FDA-funded study C learly C aring

show a 50 percent increased risk of blood clots, also known as venous thromboembolism (VTE), in women taking drospirenone-containing pills versus other hormonal contraceptives. The FDA issued a similar warning in late May after two studies in the British Medical Journal showed a double to triple risk of blood clots among women taking the birth control pills that contain the new type of synthetic progestin. The safety of Yaz and Yasmin has been the subject of thousands of lawsuits to date. S OU RC E : 9/27/11 - PRNewsWire

Obama Administration Approves More Embryonic Stem Cell Lines National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins approved three additional human embryonic cell (hESC) lines for taxpayer funding on September 27. The number of lines now totals 135. After an initial burst of approvals starting in December 2009 and January 2010 that led to 42 hESC lines funded with taxpayer dollars, additional line approvals remained sporadic until the Obama administration on August 19 approved more taxpayerfunding of embryonic stem cell research. Four more (hESC) lines were subsequently approved for the registry on that date. S OU RC E : 9/27/11 - FRC Blog

Peyton Manning Undergoes Adult Stem Cell Procedure on Neck Peyton Manning, Indianapolis Colts’ quarterback, reportedly traveled to Europe for an adult stem cell procedure on his neck. The therapy likely involved taking fat-derived cells from one part of Manning’s body to regenerate the nerve area around the neck. Manning’s overseas trip became necessary because the type of procedure performed on the four-time

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MVP is not yet available in the United States. Europe is currently known for its advancements in the use of adult stem cell for actual patient treatments. Manning’s procedure did not involve the use of controversial embryonic stem cells. S OU RC E : 9/19/11 -

Michigan Legislature Bans Partial-Birth Abortions The Michigan legislature voted September 21 to ban partial-birth abortions in the state. The proposed legislation moves to a conference committee for approval. Both House and Senate companion bills would ban the practice of partial-birth abortion in Michigan and is modeled after the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. A second measure establishes sentencing guidelines in the performance or assistance of a partial-birth abortion. Those found guilty of the new felony would face two years in prison, the same as the federal law. S OU RC E : 9/22/11 – Muskegon Chronicle

Debate Resurfaces on Sperm Donation Regulations Debate has resurfaced on implementing government regulations as they pertain to sperm donorship after a recent report found a single sperm donor may have fathered at least 150 children. The news raises fear that children from the same donor could share disease-causing genes that can spread through the general populace. The United States has no defined law regarding sperm donors, only recommended guidelines to limit the number of births allowed from one donor. Critics say that fertility clinics and sperm banks currently earn huge profits by allowing too many children to be conceived with sperm from specific donors. In addition, it is felt families should receive more information on the health of donors and the children conceived with their sperm. They are also calling for legal limits on the number of children conceived using the same donor’s sperm. S OU RC E : 9/7/11 - Medical News Today

Use of Common Pain Killers Linked to Miscarriage New research finds the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can double the risk for miscarriage. The study published Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal looked at the records of nearly 52,000 Quebec women who had become pregnant. Of those who used an NSAID (such as C learly C aring

ibuprofen or naproxen) after conception, the risk of miscarriage increased 2.4 times as those who did not take the medication. For routine pain, Tylenol is recommended by experts as the safest option during pregnancy. Other research has also linked the use of NSAIDs with a higher risk of miscarriage. S OU RC E : 9/6/11 – WebMD

Human Intestinal Stem Cell Breakthrough Announced Scientists have for the first time grown human colon stem cells in a lab-plate. The ground-breaking research was published in Nature Medicine by the scientific team from the Colorectal Center Lab at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine in Spain. The team identified the specific localization of the adult stem cells in the human colon and established a method to isolate, grow and propagate the cells in lab-plates. Author and IRB Barcelona researcher Peter Jung stated, “This is the first time that it has been possible to grow single CoSCs (colon stem cells) in lab-plates and to derive human intestinal stem cell lines in defined conditions in a lab setting.” The line can grow undifferentiated for months. Jung said, “Now we can maintain stem cells in a plate up to 5 months or we can induce these cells to differentiate artificially, as they do inside our bodies.” S OU RC E : 9//7/11 -

Abortion Increases Mental Health Risks by 81 Percent New research by leading U.S. researcher Dr. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State University finds women who have an abortion nearly double their risk of mental health problems as women who give birth. The study in the British Journal of Psychiatry examined 22 separate studies examining 877,000 women, with 163,831 women having had an abortion. The study concluded, “Overall, the results revealed that women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81 percent increased risk of mental health problems, and nearly 10 percent of the incidence of mental health problems were shown to be directly attributable to abortion.” Abortion was linked with a 34 percent risk of anxiety disorders and a 37 percent higher probability of depression; more than twice the risk of alcohol abuse (110 percent); three times greater risk of marijuana use (220 percent); and a 155 percent greater risk of attempting suicide. S OU RC E : 9/1/11 -

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a teen ’ s perspective

A Teen’s Thoughts on Euthanasia by Sarah Klammer

I met Beverly t wo years ago. She sat slumped in a wheelchair by a hallway window in the nursing home where my sisters and I volunteer. Beverly, a frail and motionless woman, just stared off into space as people walked by her. When my mom approached and took the hand that dangled over the edge of the wheelchair, Beverly didn’t even seem to recognize our presence. My mom squeezed her hand, but there was no reaction. We introduced ourselves – but again no response from Beverly. When we were ready to say goodbye and move on, my mom noticed a small crocheted cross tied to the side of Beverly’s wheelchair. Mom told her, “I see your cross. I’m a Christian too.” At that point Beverly squeezed my mom’s hand, and her eyes slowly drifted to my mom’s for a brief moment before she returned once again to her unresponsive state. My sisters and I see many people like Beverly each week. I hear family and staff talk about what a blessing it is when someone “finally” passes away, as if the resident had no purpose while at the nursing home. I also hear the news about euthanasia and how maybe, when “quality of life” is gone, the person should be too – but I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it because I see “purpose” every time I’m at the home, if nothing else, in how much my sisters and I learn from every resident we see. I don’t know how people can think they know what God’s will is in this world, what purpose He has for each of us, or how long our lives should last on this earth. Just as every resident at the home is different, so must be the plan for each of us. C learly C aring

When I’m at the nursing home, I often hear people question why Dad had to have a stroke, or why Grandma was given such a burden as Alzheimer’s in her later years. In the Bible we know that Job questioned too – yet he didn’t turn away from God. He didn’t decide that he would only follow God if life was pleasant. He didn’t come to believe that he somehow knew better than God what should happen. Even when things got really bad for Job, and his wife told him that he should curse God, Job kept his faith. When you think about what Job had to endure, our burdens seem small in comparison. Yet how often people are willing to ignore God’s will and decide for themselves whether life is worth living! I can understand how frustrating it must be to see someone like Beverly each day, someone who only seems to exist now. It looks like she’s costing a lot of time and money and not giving anything back. But she gave something back to my mother and me that day two years ago. It was a brief moment, but we still remember it. Who knows what other purpose Beverly still serves today? Only God knows the answer to that, and I guess that’s my point. Euthanasia can’t be something that we accept, because only God knows what’s best. Sarah is currently a guest writer for our teen website SectionQ. Visit to read more about life issues from a teen perspective.

Sarah Klammer is a 16-year-old “early college” student and avid writer. Sarah and her family live in Frankenmuth, Michigan.

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Christmas Catalog Visit for a full selection of nativities. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers. C a B

Tabletop Nativity Set Beautiful glittering nativity includes Mary holding Jesus, Joseph, an angel which hangs above, and a beautiful base featuring the message: “For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Base height: 10.5"H # 8246 Price: $43.00 Sale Price: $36.99

WIlloW Tree NaTIvITy SeT a. 6 Pc Mary holding Baby Jesus, Joseph, a shepherd holding a lamb, 2 sheep, and a donkey. # 1342 Price: $60.00 Sale Price: $54.99 B. Shepherd and Stable animals # 8979 Price: $49.50 Sale Price: $44.99 C. Metal Star Tabletop Nativity Backdrop # 8977 Price: $19.00 Sale Price: $16.50

a MaMa SayS NaTIvITy ColleCTIoN a. Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus Christmas Figurines # 8970 Price: $33.25 Sale Price: $24.50 *Set includes 7 other pieces: Goats, Standing angel, Donkey, Shepherd Brothers, angels, Three Wisemen, Creche. Price: $10.50 to $66.00 Sale Price: $7.99 to $49.99

Fisher Price© little People Nativity Set Children will love retelling the story of Jesus’ birth through play with their very own nativity set. 18 pieces of fun. Requires 3 AA batteries (not included) for the star to light & Away in a Manger to play. # 8995 Price: $46.00 Sale Price: $35.00

ShoP early!

order by November 30 to receive Free ShIPPING. all sale prices expire 19 December 15. C learly C aring

2011 VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 3


Ornaments & Cards

Visit for a full selection of ornaments and Christmas cards. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers.




a German Glass OrnamenTs - These mouth-blown and hand-painted ornaments come packaged in a gift box to treasure. see our complete selection at B. Golden music Bell Size: 2.75” # 8291 Price: $9.50 sale Price: $6.99

a. Fancy Tailfeathers Size: 9.25” # 8277 Price: $13.00 sale Price: $10.99 a

C. holly Boughs Bell Size: 2.25” # 8290 Price: $9.50 sale Price: $6.99

D. Baby moses Size: 3.25” # 8280 Price: $13.00 sale Price: $10.99


ChrIsTIan ChrIsTmas OrnamenTs Size 3.5” Price: $7.50 each sale Price: $5.75 each a. The reason for the season... B. Witness Christmas C. Christmas scripture Treasure see our selection of over a dozen boxed Christmas card sets at a

Willow Tree 2011 Ornament This dated ornament features a metal lace filigree arch and base. The delicate trellis is dusted with glitter that catches the light and lends a little sparkle to holiday trees and table centerpieces. # Dem-3871307823 Price: $16.25 sale Price: $12.00

BOxeD ChrIsTmas CarDs - 10 5”x7” cards with envelopes - Price: $9.50 sale Price: $6.99

a. The light Is Come Into the World C Inside: “May Christ’s light shine upon your pathway and bless you with joy and happiness throughout the New Year. Christmas Blessings” # 3174


B. Jesus is Born Inside: Sending every Christmas blessing to you for this precious season and the whole year through!” & James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father.” # 3181 D C. let every heart prepare him room Inside: ”As Christmas approaches once again, may we welcome the Christ Child into our hearts and homes. God’s Blessings to You at Christmas” & Galatians 4:4 “When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son.” # 3173 D. Gift from God Inside: “Celebrating with you God’s precious gift of love! Merry Christmas” # 3177

II • 1-800-478-2719 C learly C aring

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Christmas & Advent Visit for a full selection of Christmas items. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers.

FREE SHIPPING before Nov. 30 use coupon code: ccfs

Snowman Stained-Glass Switchable Hangs beautifully on Switchable nightlight fixture or hangs on a suction cup on the window as a suncatcher. Size: 3"H x 3.5"W. Nightlight fixture sold separately. # 10304 Price: $12.50 Sale Price: $8.75

Snowmen Couple Night Light Light up the season with this novelty night light. The bulb lights up the fire that warms these 2 snowmen and their marshmallows. 6.5"H # ROM-169914 Price: $12.75 Sale Price: $10.00

Nativity Advent Candle Holder Ceramic candle holder is trimmed in gold and features attached nativity figures. Scripture on front and back. Gold-tone candle cups. 6" x 0.5" candles and Advent pamphlet included. 14.5" x 5.25" # 9517744000 Price: $36.00 Sale Price: $26.50

Nativity Magnet Set Cute 8-piece magnetic nativity scene. Kids will love playing with the characters of the nativity to tell about Jesus’ birth. # AUT-MD043 Price: $3.00 Sale Price: $2.00

Choose from 3 other styles!

Nativity Advent Calendar Beautiful paper Advent calendar with the words “Christ the Savior is Born...For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11” 24-numbered flaps concealing a biblical scene and verse about the coming of the Messiah. 7.5" x 10" # AUT-ND076 Price: $1.50 Sale Price: $1.00

Christmas Worship CD by John Tesh 13 Christmas tracks by John Tesh, plus a bonus “Christmas in Positano” DVD. # STL-0792755574225 Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $11.99 • 1-800-478-2719 C learly C aring

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New Baby


Visit for a full selection of baby gifts. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers.




B. Receiving Blanket Soft and cuddly 100% cotton white blanket. Dimensional fabric lamb appliqué is located on one corner, and embroidery features words, “His little lamb.” Size: 30” x 33” # 3637 Price: $16.95 Sale Price: $12.49

INFANT WHITe LAMB COLLeCTION A. Long-Sleeved Gown Super soft long-sleeved newborn onesie is made of 100% cotton pointelle fabric with fabric lamb appliqué on front featuring the words, “His little lamb.” Edging along collar and arms in green gingham checks. Elasticized bottom too! Back features screen-printed words, “The LORD is my shepherd...Psalm 23.” # 3636 Price: $18.50 Sale Price: $14.25

C. Cap Adorable 100% cotton jersey newborn knit cap with soft ears features embroidered baby lamb on front and embroidered inscription, “His little lamb,” on banding. The back is screen-printed with the words, “The LORD is my shepherd... Psalm 23.” One size. # 3625 Price: $7.50 Sale Price: $5.75

“Our Baby” Memory Book Keep all of baby’s memories in this beautiful book. Comes gift-boxed in a window box. Pockets for keepsakes & firsts. Padded cover. 64 pages. # CAG-MBB001 Price: $23.75 Sale Price: $17.49 I Love Jesus ABC Pastel Block Wall Cross Made of resin and hand painted, the cross features an eye-catching raised block motif. Ready to hang. Size: 6.25" x 8.75" # 8938 Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $13.49

D. Booties Adorable white booties for baby that look like a lamb. Soles of both booties say “The LORD is my shepherd... Psalm 23.” One size. # 3635 Price: $7.50 Sale Price: $5.75

Christening Knicker Infant boy’s white knicker outfit with pin-tuck design on chest and embroidery. One piece outfit that snaps between the legs and buttons in the back. 77% Cotton/23% Polyester. # CHW-C27044 Price: $36.00 Sale Price: $26.75

Girl’s gown also available!

GOD CReATeD eVeRyTHING COLLeCTION A. Photo Frame Colorful and beautifully-made photo frame featuring animals, trees, and a smiling sun. Made of resin/stone mix. Size: 6" x 7.25" Holds 3" x 5" photo. # 8407 Price: $16.50 Sale Price: $11.49


B. Musical Water Globe Beautiful, colorful musical globe. Music Tune: “Talk to the Animals” Size: 6"H x 4.5"W x 4.5"L # 8403 Price: $30.99 Sale Price: $21.75 C. Nightlight This nightlight features whimsical pastel animals and is inscribed: “God created everything, Butterflies and birds that sing, The sun and stars and sky of blue, But most of all, created you!” # 8409 Price: $25.95 Sale Price: $19.99


B • 1-800-478-2719 C learly C aring

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Games & Puzzles

Visit for a full selection of games and puzzles. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers.

Bible Scattergories Game How many Bible categories can you match before time runs out? This game is entertaining enhances faith and promotes learning. Ages 8 and up. 2 to 4 players. # TAL-6350 Price: $25.50 Sale Price: $21.99

Veggie Tales© Seek & Match Game Help Bob, Larry, Junior and Jimmy find their stuff! The first player to collect all 4 of their characters’ items and return to the center of the board WINS! Ages 4 and up. 2 to 4 players. # TAL-7300 Price: $17.00 Sale Price: $14.99

Bible Blurt Game A great family game with a junior version included, Bible Blurt has great definitions that are fully-referenced from the New International Version of the Bible. Ages 8 and up. 3 to 12 players. # TAL-6100 Price: $25.50 Sale Price: $21.99

Apples to Apples-Bible Edition Game The popular family game of hilarious comparisons in a Bible edition. It’s as easy as comparing apples to apples! Ages 9 and up. # TAL-6340 Price: $25.50 Sale Price: $21.99

Bible Outburst Game Test your skill and knowledge with this Bible version of the familiar family game! It can be played with 2 or more players in teams. There are 252 topics with 10 target answers per topic and a 60-second timer. Ages 8 and up. # TAL-6510 Price: $25.50 Sale Price: $21.99

Noah’s Ark Labyrinth Puzzle Children can move the animals to and from Noah’s ark on this unique wooden labyrinth puzzle. Measures 11.5" x 15.5" Ages 3 and up. # SWA-52419 Price: $12.50 Sale Price: $10.49 • 1-800-478-2719 C learly C aring

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Bibles & Books

Visit for a full selection of Bibles and books. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers. A


My First Bible This book is a collection of 114 Bible stories that are especially engaging for young, inquisitive minds. (2005) Hardback, 256 pages. # BK9780758609106 Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $9.79



A. Miracles by Karen Kingsbury MIRACLES draws from five of Karen’s most popular books, delivering readers a fresh word from God for each week. Hardback, 223 pages. # BK9780446557955 Price: $13.99 Sale Price: $11.89 *Visit for more Kingsbury books.

Through My Eyes Tim Tebow brings readers everywhere an inspirational memoir about life as he chose to live it, revealing how his faith and family values, combined with his relentless will to succeed, have molded him into the person that he is today. (2011) Hardback, 272 pages. # BK9780062007285

Price: $24.99 Sale Price: $22.74


A. Prayers for Little Boys This adorable prayer book will help little boys realize that they can talk to God about anything. Ages 3-6. 132 pages. # CAG-KDS115 B. Prayers for Little Girls This cute book with precious prayers and charming illustrations will teach little girls to thank God for all He has made. Ages 3-6. 132 pages. # CAG-KDS113 Price: $9.49 each Sale Price: $6.99 each

A. Fearless by Max Lucado Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? Hardback, 221 pages. # BK9780849921391 Price: $22.99 Sale Price: $20.29 *Visit for more Lucado books.

Divine Design: 40 Days of Spiritual Makeover For individuals and small groups, this eight-week Bible study contains true stories and encouragement that will change you, transform you, and make you new! Paperback, 221 pages. # BK9780758623836 Price: $11.99 Sale Price: $10.49 • 1-800-478-2719

Table Décor

Visit for a full selection of table décor. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers. Willow Tree “Our Gift” Figurine This lovely Willow Tree figurine by Susan Lordi expresses the joy of new parents holding their new baby. Stands 8.5" tall. # 1371 Price: $25.50 Sale Price: $18.25

Willow Tree “Surrounded by Love” Sweet figurine from the popular Willow Tree collection features a girl holding a large bunch of orange flowers. Stands 5" tall. # DEM-26233 Price: $13.50 Sale Price: $10.99

“Jesus Loves Me” Figurine From Kathy Andrews Fincher’s Mama Says Collection. Sculpted from the painting “Jesus Loves Me.” Size: 5"H # 1316 Price: $38.00 Sale Price: $26.99

“True Joy” Circle of Love Figurine Circle of Love® by artist Kim Lawrence captures special moments of personal joy. Each simple yet elegant sculpture features an eclipse, symbolizing the timeless bonds of love. White porcelain figure of a couple cradling a baby. Stands 12.75" and includes black wooden base. # ENE-A5416 Price: $47.00 Sale Price: $41.99

Amazing Woman Cutting Board “Start with faith and honesty, mix in humility, add strength, toss with generosity, pour in love....” A wonderful testament to “amazing” women. Tempered glass is stain and odor resistant with non-slip pads, dishwasher safe. # 9517749449 Price: $14.25 before Nov. 30 Sale Price: $10.50

FREE SHIPPING use coupon code: ccfs

“Faith Is a Gift” Art Beautiful painting shows two children expressing their faith. “Faith is a gift” quote graces the lower right portion of this piece. Easel-back frame or wall art options. Size: 10"H x 10"W # 1459 Price: $25.00 Sale Price: $18.99

“For I Know the Plans I Have for You” MasterStone Plaque with Holder Precision sand-carved ceramic tile. The color of tile varies with each cut. An iron easel is included. Size: 15" x 7.5" # 10167 Price: $38.00 Sale Price: $29.40 • 1-800-478-2719


Wall Décor

Visit for a full selection of wall décor. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers. A

B FRAMED ANIMAL PRINT PLAQUE Ebony frame with nail head trim. Size: 20.5" x 10.5" Price: $28.50 each Sale Price: $21.00 each A. “Rejoice” # CAR-6772231997 Verse: This is the day that the Lord has made. Psalm 118:24. B. ”Strength” # CAR-6772231996 Verse: The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10.

“Late in the Angler’s Season” Frameless, Textured Lithographic Art A beautiful, peaceful piece of artwork featuring the Scripture verse: “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. Size: 10.75"H x 25"W # 8810 Price: $55.00 Sale Price: $49.99

“Family” Inspirational Cross Plaque Solid wood plaque with a textured image of a cross in beautiful earth tones. Cross bears the word “Family” in its center, and quotes “In all our ways, we acknowledge him. From Proverbs 3:6” on the lower part. 17.75"H x 11.75"W # 1218PLCT23003

Price: $34.00 Sale Price: $25.00


Family Photo Frame Carved from a single piece of wood, this painted, distressed, and scalloped edge frame is a great place to gather memories of times past. Holds 4" x 6" photograph. Frame Size: 11.75"H x 13.5"W # 8824 Price: $38.00 Sale Price: $31.50

“Fishing Buddies” Artist Proof Print This heartwarming print features a young boy telling about the BIG fish he caught! SIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION ARTIST’S PROOFS! Artist: Mark Keathley. Unframed. Size: 16"H x 20"W # 7547 Price: $175.00 Sale Price: $129.99

Friends, Chosen Family Frame Tranquil image of stacked smooth stones by the water with the sentiment, “Friends are people you have chosen to be your family.” Great gift for that special friend. Frame size 12"H x 17"W Photo size: 4" x 6" # CRT-80173 Price: $33.00 Sale Price: $30.00 • 1-800-478-2719


Order by November 30 to receive FRee SHIPPING. (Use coupon code: ccfs) All sale prices expire December 15.

“Security” Unframed Print Choose from 2 sizes of unframed prints. Color. # BOW-Security Size: 10"H x 8"W Price: $9.50 Sale Price: $7.00 Size: 16"H x 12"W Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $15.50

Sarah in Dad’s Hands This beautiful print will remind all of us, parents or children, of “how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1) Measures 16"H x 20"W # PGD-BOA76 Price: $65.00 Sale Price: $59.99




WALL WORDS Price: $22.00 each Sale Price: $18.00 each A. “hope” # ASAP-DW206 Black, 15"W x 7"H x 0.75"D B. ”love” # ASAP-DW102 Black, 14.5"W x 6.25"H x 0.75"D C. ”peace” # ASAP-DW209 Black, 17.25"W x 6.5"H x 0.75"D

Be Like Christ, Philippians 2 Framed Verse From Julie Chen’s Life Verse collection. Framed work quotes verses from Philippians 2:5-11. Framed to 14"H x 20"W # 1218TRLV1031 Price: $42.00 Sale Price: $31.50

Oaks of Righteousness Wall Art Verse: We shall be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor. Isaiah 61:8. Dimensional design. Copper-bronze frame. Size: 12.5"H x 16"H # CAR-6772229972 Price: $42.75 Sale Price: $31.50

James 1:17 Framed Verse From the Life Verse collection by Julie Chen. James 1:17 is quoted with this beautiful image of a baby cradled in an adult’s hand. “Every good and perfect gift is from above...” Framed to 14"H x 20"W # 1218TRLV1016 Price: $42.00 Sale Price: $31.50 • 1-800-478-2719


Gift Ideas

Visit for over 1,600 different items. Every purchase supports New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers.



Circle Word Necklace “Love” Rhodium. Lobster-claw closure. 16" with 2" extender. # 838027008774 Price: $20.00 Sale Price: $17.50

CrYSTaL TEarDrOP NECkLaCE Let these inspirational words be crystal clear with our Crystal Teardrop Necklaces crafted of rhodium and crystal. Each word is etched on the crystal teardrop shape. Lobster-claw closure. Adjustable to 30" Price: $16.00 each Sale Price: $14.00 each a. “Love” # 845283002781 B. “Faith” # 845283002767



STrETCh BraCELET May these simple words become your compass for life. Rhodium/Stretch Nylon. Price: $6.00 each Sale Price: $5.25 each a. “Believe” # 838027008804 B. “Faith” # 838027008835

“Dream With Me” CD by Jackie Evancho Long-awaited debut CD by child singing sensation and rising star Jackie Evancho includes a 14-song selection of beautiful arias, show tunes, and pop classics. # STL-886979318922 Price: $13.50 Sale Price: $11.99


LIFE Bracelet Beautiful handmade bracelet with Swarovski Austrian crystal features the word LIFE and two charms - Jesus on the cross, and baby feet matching the size of an unborn about 10 weeks after conception. Size: 7" long. # 10150 Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $16.99

“Songs of Faith” DVD by Daniel O’Donnell This emotionallyuplifting concert by this Irish singing sensation includes hymns, uptempo gospel and pop songs, and 2 heartrending originals. Joining O’Donnell on stage is special guest and longtime singing partner, Mary Duff. 112 minutes. # NDY-796539022568 Price: $21.00 Sale Price: $19.49 • 1-800-478-2719

Shop early!

order by November 30 to receive Free ShIppING. (Use coupon code: ccfs) all sale prices expire December 15.

Neighbors pie plate Center of plate says “ out and do favors, borrow and lend, send treats to savor, and make the best friends!” Circle around says “Enjoy the treat, then wash and dry...and pass it on with your favorite pie!” 10.5" diameter, 1.75" deep. # 8942 Price: $17.00 Sale price: $12.49

Snowman Glass platter Beautifully-made glass snowman platter features three parts, each with a different design and array of colors. Perfect for your party table filled with cookies, snacks, or any holiday treat! Size: 18" # 8962 Price: $33.25 Sale price: $26.99

The Mission Call plaque Verse: The Lord said, “Whom shall I send?” And I said, “Here is am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8; How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news! Romans 10:15. Copper-bronze frame. Size: 13"H x 7"W # Car-6772212212 Price: $23.75 Sale price: $17.50

“love” Cup of encouragement This beautiful ceramic cup featuring Philippians 1:7 comes with 10 Scripture cards with short encouraging devotional thoughts to remind you of God’s love. The cup comes packaged in an attractive box. Size: 3.875"H # 8732 Price: $9.50 Sale price: $6.99 a




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res o l u ti o n

CLR Resolution on Abortion (Memorial 2011-01U) Adopted by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod – July 28, 2011

WHEREAS 1) the Holy Scriptures clearly testify to a reverence for the life of the mother and the life of her unborn child as both being equal in value, each being accountable for sin, each the object of God’s precious gift of salvation and therefore each being worthy of protection; and WHEREAS 2) the Holy Scriptures demonstrates its reverence for life by commanding its protection and condemning as sin the selfish and wrongful termination of life (see below); therefore be it Resolved, a) that we acknowledge when an abortion procedure is performed with the specific intent not to preserve life but to terminate life, it is rightfully called sin and condemned by God; and be it further Resolved, b) that we encourage the editors of our synodical periodicals, as well as our pastors and teachers, to continue fervently and faithfully testifying against sin and, in particular, the sin of abortion that involves the intentional and willful killing of any human life whether inside or outside of the womb; and be it further Resolved, c) that in those extremely rare circumstances in which a pregnancy directly endangers the physical life of the mother, or the mother’s condition directly endangers the life of her unborn child, we call for action towards preserving both lives however possible or preserving at least one life when preserving both lives is not possible; and be it further Resolved, d) that we encourage our membership to express its concern and compassion for distressed pregnant women by supporting all God-pleasing options in the face of unplanned pregnancies and that our congregations regularly review the teaching of Scripture on the high price of sin and of the inherent value of God’s gift of life; and be it finally Resolved, e) that we more zealously pursue the pure proclamation of the Gospel of Christ which alone can change wicked hearts from sin to righteousness and then to practice Christ-inspired love as we seek to care for both the mother and her unborn child. SUPPORTING REFERENCES FOR WHEREAS (1) “Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews?” (Job 10:9-11) “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” (Psalm 51:5) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5) “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.’” (Luke 1:41-44) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.” (Colossians 2:13) FOR WHEREAS (2) “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.” (Genesis 9:6) “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13) “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood.” (Proverbs 6:16-17) “This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.” (Jeremiah 22:3) “Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous…Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.” (1 John 3:12, 15) C learly C aring

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Clearly Caring

Clearly Caring – Home Edition

Publisher: Christian Life Resources, Inc. 3070 Helsan Drive Richfield, WI 53076-9582 (800) 729-9535 email: websites: ISSN:1549-2508 Copyright © 2011 Christian Life Resources All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted as restricted, permission is granted to reprint articles from Clearly Caring – Home Edition with credit line indicating source, issue, and author if indicated. To place paid advertising in Clearly Caring – Home Edition please contact the Editor or visit our website at for rate information.

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Rev. Aaron Mueller (Chairman) Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church, Tucson, AZ Rev. Paul Prange (Vice Chairman) WELS Ministerial Education, Milwaukee, WI Mr. Daniel Nommensen (Secretary) Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Service, Milwaukee, WI Mr. Scott Menke (Treasurer) University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Racine, WI Rev. Joel Gerlach Retired, Wauwatosa, WI Mr. James Froelker Gerald, MO Rev. David Hein St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, Slinger, WI Dr. Thomas Luetzow Medical Family Practice, Watertown, WI Mr. Ronald Przybyla West Bend, WI New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, a separate legal entity affiliated with CLR, supports single mothers in a residential setting who have decided to carry their babies to term while teaching them how to include Jesus in their lives. The Christians Concerned for Life Foundation is a separate legal entity affiliated with CLR, established to sponsor special life and family affirming projects that reflect Biblical principles in protecting human life and ministering to souls. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used in permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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