Clearly Caring

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Clearly Caring Christian Life Resources


Home Edition 2010 Volume 30 / Number 3

Adoption – A Decision of Love


The Decision


Adopted by My Parents... and God

Also... Our Embryo Adoption Story


Blood is Thicker Than Water

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Clearly Caring – Home Edition Christian Life Resources

Adoption – A Decision of Love 2010


The Decision Pastor Robert Fleischmann


A Model Family Larissa FastHorse


Volume 30 / Number 3

Adopted by My Parents... and God Pastor Paul Prange


Our Embryo Adoption Story Leah Bongard

National Convention | 12 Poem for Mom | 15 Life Tributes | 20 FTG Catalog | 23

10 22

Blood is Thicker Than Water Tim Snyder

The Legacy of Love Lynn Klammer

News & Views | 18 Affiliate News | 31

In This Issue

Three years ago, Clearly Caring magazine (Vol. 27, No. 6) spotlighted the issue of adoption. It proved to be one of our most popular publications. Adoption bonds those who long for children with the plight of children in need of a home.

This issue again focuses on adoption. While the theme of adoption isn’t new, the perspective of this issue is. We look at a family that adopted a child who existed as a cryo-preserved frozen embryo and would otherwise have been eventually discarded. We consider adoption through the eyes of children who were adopted, examining the attachments they made with their adoptive parents and siblings. We reflect on adoption both into a new earthly family and into God’s family. We also examine adoption as a difficult and yet sacrificial and loving choice made by a birth mother who wants the best for her child. In this issue we hope you enjoy these stories of love and appreciation provided by these families that have been touched by adoption and also get a better understanding of how God uses adoption as an instrument of His blessing.

To see previous issues of Clearly Caring go to: Christian Life Resources, Inc., 3070 Helsan Drive, Richfield, WI 53076-9582 Phone: (800) 729-9535 Email: Websites: and


The Decision by Pastor Robert Fleischmann

The discovery of Ashley’s pregnancy came more as a disappointment than a shock. Despite all of the warnings to the contrary, Ashley’s relationship with her boyfriend became increasingly intimate so when the pregnancy test came back positive, the news really wasn’t much of a surprise.

Ashley’s Friends Ashley’s closest friends were Emily, Hannah and Shawna. When she was not with Brandon, Ashley almost certainly was with one or all of the girls. Ashley’s girlfriends were the first to learn about her pregnancy. That’s when the surprises really began. Emily attended Sunday School and confirmation class with Ashley. They both believed in Jesus but had little use for church after they entered high school. So long as their parents didn’t object, Sunday mornings were great times to sleep in. Hannah lived with her father after moving into town during her freshman year of high school. Ashley became her first and lasting friend. Hannah had very little exposure to church, but when visiting her mother, she would go with her. Hannah’s other experiences with church were rather minimal.

Ashley had just started her junior year of high school. Her mother, a single mother herself when Ashley was born, had since married a man who became Ashley’s stepfather. The relationship between the three of them was amiable at best. Ashley’s boyfriend, Brandon, was not what she felt was “guy of my dreams” material, and Ashley soon realized she liked him more as a good friend who was fun to be with. C lea r ly C a r ing


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Shawna, you could say, was the “religious” one of the four – though not always by choice. As an African American, Shawna and her family had deep religious roots which made their church services seem more like highly-emotional pep rallies. Other teenage-aged church members, in Shawna’s opinion, seemed happy – though she felt some of them were hypocritical about their faith. She knew about the drugs, drinking and sex that went on with some of them, and she admittedly felt more of an annoyance – rather than a sense of immorality – with the inconsistency of their actions. Unlike Ashley, Emily and Hannah, Shawna actually seemed to not only to get along with her parents, especially her mother, but both mother and daughter seemed genuinely close.

felt strongly that friends should help care for the baby. Emily thought such expectations were unrealistic since her personal plans were to go away to college. After all, she wasn’t going to stick around town for the next 18 years to help Ashley raise her baby! Ashley listened as her two friends continued. Finally, she interrupted to remind them, “This is my decision.” Emily quickly responded, “If you want any future for yourself then have an abortion and have it soon while it is just a pregnancy.” Emily methodically pointed out the obvious obstacles of Ashley’s unexpected future as a young mom: the anxiety associated with having a child; her lack of a future for herself and the resentment she would likely feel towards the child; Brandon’s irresponsibility; and, the parents’ negativity to the pregnancy. For Ashley’s and the baby’s sake, abortion seemed to Emily to be the right thing to do.

Regardless of their different backgrounds the girls enjoyed each other’s company, each bringing their own unique characteristics to the relationship. They just seemed to click.

Hannah again reengaged Emily by challenging her friendship to Ashley. “Aren’t you willing to help her through this?” Hannah pleaded. “She can have this baby, and we can help her!”

All Sorts of Advice Ashley decided to go out for pizza when she made the announcement that she was pregnant. The news created an initial awkward silence at the table, and the others almost looked embarrassed at the news – more embarrassed than Ashley.

Shawna, who had yet to speak, excused herself to go to the bathroom. In her absence the bantering continued.

There were the usual two questions: “Does Brandon know?” “What are you going to do?” No, Brandon did not know yet, and she wasn’t sure what to do. That is when her friends kicked into gear with their advice.

Upon her return Shawna observed that Emily and Hannah seemed to have agreed to disagree. In the end, however, all three of them pledged to stick with Ashley no matter what she would do.

Hannah as the impetuous friend immediately offered to go with her to the doctor for her appointments and help her during the delivery. Ashley was touched by her friend’s willingness to step forward and help.

The friends left, and Ashley still had a decision to make. The next day Brandon and Ashley saw each other, and she told him the news. His reaction was mixed. On the one hand he reacted like Hannah, offering to be there for Ashley and even suggesting marriage. Ashley knew marriage wasn’t the answer – at least not for awhile.

Emily, on the other hand, seemed more pensive in her response. “Are you sure you want to do that, Ashley?” Then in almost a parental tone, she listed the obstacles Ashley would have to address: 1) What if Brandon wants you to marry him? Do you want to do that? 2) As a high school student, would you want to settle for a GED than a diploma? 3) Are you ready for the pressures involved with raising a baby full time?

After Ashley dismissed that suggestion Brandon seemed relieved, but he felt he should help solve the problem. Ashley told him about her friends’ ideas: Hannah wanting her to keep the child and help her raise it and Emily’s suggestion to have abortion. Brandon agreed to abide by any decision she made. He would try to help her raise the child, and he would also pay for the abortion.

During her friends’ exchange of words, Shawna said nothing – though she sat in a misty-eyed stare.

Needless to say, Ashley did not find much clarity in the counsel of her boyfriend and girlfriends. As the shock of the positive

Hannah and Emily continued to banter with each other about Ashley’s options. Hannah C lea r ly C a r ing


2010 VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 3

pregnancy test wore off she spent a lot of time thinking through her options. Truth be told, she was leaning towards abortion. It was then she realized that other than pledging to support her in any way she could, Shawna had not really weighed in on the matter.

a glass. “You have a great mother, Shawna. But I am not like her. She is strong, loving, spiritual and all the things that I am not. Your mother made the right decision, and the two of you have a great relationship.”

Advice from Experience Ashley called and asked to talk with Shawna. The two of them sat outside on the steps of the house in the poorer neighborhood where Shawna lived. Ashley observed Shawna’s silence at the news of her pregnancy and now wanted her thoughts. Shawna’s eyes filled with tears that obviously came from deep inside – a genuine concern for others that made Shawna a valued friend. Shawna took Ashley’s hand and laid her own hand in it. “Look at my hand,” she said to Ashley. “I’m thinking this is what my mother’s hand looked like at my age.” It was an odd thought to Ashley, because Shawna was very slender and almost lanky. Her mother was stout and chubby. “She was also a junior in high school when she was pregnant with me. She had her entire life before her, and I would guess her friends gave her the same advice that you got from Emily and Hannah.” This was news to Ashley. Their friendship did not include a lot of talk about family history. She knew that Shawna was very close to her mother, which explained the tears. Ashley also quickly recalled Shawna’s religious roots, and she half expected an impassioned plea for her to “give her baby life” and not have an abortion. That was not, however, the direction Shawna was going.

At this, Ashley broke down with the weight of her decision growing on her. In contrast, Shawna smiled, again laid her hands in Ashley’s hands, and said, “These hands are not those of the woman who gave us the lemonade. My mother did the most wonderful thing for me – she didn’t try to raise me knowing she couldn’t and she didn’t abort me – knowing it would end my life. My mother made a decision for what was best for me, and she placed me for adoption.”

“My mother, I would imagine, felt like you do now. She knew there was a baby growing within her. She also knew there was no way she could care for any baby at that time of her life. She made a decision back then that changed my life forever.”

“Those two people in there who I call my Mom and Dad are my parents in every sense of the word except biology. They took me as a foster child when I was a baby and adopted me eight months later.”

At that point Shawna’s mother opened the front door to offer the girls some lemonade. There was that momentary feeling of awkwardness. Shawna’s mom sensed the depth of the conversation, quickly set down the lemonade, apologized for the interruption and scurried back into the house.

Ashley had never known Shawna’s background and had never thought about her decision in this way. And, at first blush, Ashley just couldn’t see herself “giving away” her baby. It sounded so callous and uncaring. “I could never give a baby away to strangers,” Ashley exclaimed.

To break the temporary silence Ashley poured the lemonade and handed her friend C lea r ly C a r ing


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“These are not strangers, Ashley. These people are my parents. They love me, help me, watch over me and care for me. Can you do all that as a junior in high school? Can you do that for your baby if you abort her? “I think when my mother found out she was pregnant and decided to place me for adoption it was the kindest and most unselfish thing she had ever done. She wanted me to live and to have the best in life, and today I am living and I have the best in life.” Shawna and Ashley both began to cry. “Have you ever seen your real mother?” Ashley asked. “Well, for the record I now consider that lemonade lady to be my real mother, but if you are wondering if I ever met the woman who gave me life and made sure I had a life, yes, I met her two years ago. “I had always thought I would try to find her after I turned 18. I told my parents that I really wanted to meet the person who made sure I had the life I have now, and my parents promised they would help me find her. “Unknown to me they began looking right away. Two years ago, on my 14th birthday, there was a special guest at my birthday dinner. She was 30 years old, very tall, and she had my hands. “After I was born she finished high school, got some more schooling and got married. She works as a social worker. She lives about 650 miles away, has two children – which means I have two half-sisters – and she, too, was wondering what had become of me. “There are no regrets for either of us. It meant a lot to her to see that I was well taken care of, loved and happy. It meant a lot for me to see that she was able to go on and have a life that brought her happiness and satisfaction.” Shawna’s words lingered with Ashley. Ironically, it was the lemonade that made the difference. You see, when Shawna’s mother came out to bring the lemonade, Ashley saw love in action. She saw what she wanted for her child and what she knew her predicament could not give her.

for adoption became clouded as she felt the baby kick in her womb. The adoption agency met with Ashley, and at least one time with her three friends by her side, she considered the kind of people she would like to care for her child. She examined the profiles of each couple. They all came with pictures and a description of their hobbies, homes and hopes. Emily was convinced she could pick out the perfect couple. Hannah was into the hobbies, almost as if she was going to be adopted. Shawna again remained silent. She watched and listened. And again, Ashley went alone to talk with Shawna about the decision. Shawna found happiness in love with a family of modest means. The house and neighborhood were not as pristine as those captured in the profile pictures. With her family the values and hobbies really were centered in their church life. Although she knew that, Ashley had initially dismissed it as more of a cultural thing. But she saw in Shawna and her family an inner peace, joy and stability and, as she thought about it, that’s exactly what she wanted for her baby.

A New Life On March 23rd Ashley’s little girl was born. The adoptive couple she chose to raise the child as their own helped her in the delivery room, as did Shawna. Everyone cried with joy. The baptism of this child in the hospital also adopted her into God’s family. Today that little girl is the object of great love in her new family. The values of faith and hope that surround the child give Ashley a sense of comfort as she continues with her schooling. Not long after the baby’s birth Ashley and Brandon broke up. Ashley went on to continue her education. She still gets together a few times a year with her three girlfriends. And since the day her baby was born she has remembered them in her prayers. Her child lives and has a life, and so does Ashley. Rev. Robert Fleischmann is the National Director of Christian Life Resources. He speaks throughout North America on the Biblical approach to various life and family issues and counsels people with God’s Word in correct decision-making.

The Decision The months ahead were difficult. Sometimes her resolve to place her child

M a r r ie d c o uple s w i s h i n g t o a d o pt a c h i ld o r bi r t h m o t h e r s w i s h i n g t o pla c e a c h i ld w it h a C h r i s t ia n f a m i l y may c o nt a c t t h e na t io na l o f f ic e o f C h r i s t ia n L i f e Re s o u r c e s t o r e c ei ve i n f o r ma t io n o n t h e I nd ep e nd e nt Ad o p t io n N et wo r k , w h ic h ha nd le s s u c h i nqu i r ie s f o r C h r i s t ia n L i f e Re s ou r c e s . C lea r ly C a r ing


2010 VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 3


Adopted by My Parents... and God by Pastor Paul Prange

Before a couple adopts a child, they may wonder how to tell the child that he or she is adopted. Do you wait until you think the child can understand the concept? What words do you use to explain it to a young person? C lea r ly C a r ing

The Adoption Connection in Baptism My adoptive parents decided that my adopted siblings and I would grow up knowing that we were adopted, and that worked well for me. I think it worked especially well because my parents connected my adoption to my baptism.


2010 VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 3

God’s Calling as His Heirs

When I was born to my birth mother, I was legally a member of her family. I don’t know what my name was – the birth certificate record is sealed by the court. When I was adopted, I had to become a member of a new family. I took on a new family name: Prange. At a legal ceremony, I became a member of the Prange family, long before I was even aware of what that meant.

At that baptism ceremony I received the name of the only true God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and God said that I was a member of His family.

My parents explained that when I was born, I was not a member of God’s family. Something had to change for me to enter the family of the true God. God set up a way to do that, something like a legal ceremony. At that baptism ceremony I received the name of the only true God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and God said that I was a member of His family. Since I was only eight days old, I was not able to confess the faith in Jesus my Savior that was created inside me.

My parents have set up in their will that all five of their children will receive the same inheritance. Whatever is left of their estate at the time when both of them have died will be divided equally among the children. They have designated me the executor of their estate, and I have seen the documents, so I know what will happen.

God has called all of us Christian His heirs. Jesus, our Brother, has won forgiveness of sins for us, and that is our inheritance as members of the same family. Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation, so I know that my inheritance as an adopted child of my Heavenly Father includes eternal life in heaven. Jesus has already died to put the inheritance into effect.

I was the first child adopted by my parents, and they followed that up by adopting two girls and another boy. Those are my brothers and sisters, the siblings I grew up with. Even though we don’t look and act alike, we share the bond as members of the same family. We enjoy the times we can get together, remembering our upbringing and enjoying the stories about what is going on in our lives right now.

Celebration as God’s Adopted Child My parents celebrated our baptism days with almost as much fanfare as our birthdays. On our birthdays we ate birthday cake and opened presents, but on our baptism days we got to pick what Mom would make for all three meals of the day, and we opened presents from our godparents, usually of a more spiritual nature.

The Adoption Connection in God’s Family Other people have been baptized into the Christian Church, joining us as brothers and sisters in the faith. Even though we don’t look and act alike, we share the bond of being members of God’s family. We enjoy the times we get together in worship and fellowship. We remember our upbringing in the family, and we enjoy swapping stories about what is going on in our lives right now.

Dad constructed a small shelf over a bulletin board in our kitchen, drilling five holes and placing in them five large candles from the Christian bookstore, candles with numbers on the side. On the front of the shelf were five labels with our names and baptism dates. On our baptism day we would get to light our candle, and it would burn most of the day, since it was rather large, going down to the next number. It’s a lifelong memory, a delight of being part of my childhood family and God’s family.

I also have a natural born brother. He’s the youngest in our family. It took him a while to figure out what it meant not to be adopted, but now, in his 30s, he seems to have it straight. My parents raised him the same way they raised the rest of us. All of Christians have a brother who is the only One begotten of the Father. His name is Jesus, and He’s the oldest in our family, in existence from eternity. He is also the firstborn from the dead, and because we have seen how the Father treated Him in His death and His resurrection, we know that we too shall rise from the dead. C lea r ly C a r ing

Rev. Paul Prange is the Administrator of the WELS Board for Ministerial Education and member of the Christian Life Resources National Board.


2010 VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 3


Blood is Thicker than Water by Tim Snyder

No doubt you have heard this old saying before – and maybe you’ve even used it yourself. It’s a way of conveying that the ties that bind us to blood relatives are stronger and more compelling than the ties that connect us to others. If that’s true, then it’s more likely that I will help a brother than a friend. Assisting my parents takes precedence over aiding a stranger. I will sacrifice for my child before giving something up for my neighbor. But just how far am I C lea r ly C a r ing

willing to go for a family member – especially my child? As you read this, there are young women contemplating that very question. The importance of blood ties is used by some as an argument against adoption. The very thought of “giving up” a family member and allowing strangers to raise that child as their own seems wrong. On the other hand, it’s also blood ties that play into the gut-wrenching decision a young woman makes to place her child in an adoptive home. Rational arguments war against emotional ones as she assesses her ability to provide and care for her baby. It may be

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The Ultimate Blood Tie An unbelieving woman decides to place her baby. Her motivation may be love – love for her child. A Christian woman also decides to relinquish parental rights of her baby. She is also motivated by love for her child, but there is another love – far more powerful – providing motivation. Once again a connection by blood comes into play. This is not a natural blood connection – it is a supernatural blood connection. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13)

Through Christ’s suffering and death – the actual shedding of His blood – we are now part of God’s family. Our risen and victorious Savior conquered sin and death and demolished the barrier that separated us from God. By His blood we are justified. We respond with love for our Lord, and that love manifests itself in our relations with others. A Christian is motivated by this ultimate blood tie.

Two Outcomes, One Motivation Placing a child for adoption may be for the best. But what if our hypothetical young mother decides to keep her child? That can also be a God-pleasing decision. The question of what’s best for the child seems to focus on two extremes. The mother will choose between two very different outcomes, but she bases it on one motivation. Her decision-making process begins at the cross. She places the burden of her sins there with the confidence that God has forgiven all – including the sins that led to her pregnancy. Motivated by Christ’s love, she sees the life inside her in a new way. The power of the gospel enables her to make a selfless decision that seeks to serve others. The other, in this instance, is her baby.

tie that we share in Christ is the tie that informs all of our decisions regarding critical life and family issues. It is the tie that we must look to as we support the women who are burdened with this profound adoption question. A woman has freedom of choice in this sobering matter. We would do her a disservice if we claim that she has a moral obligation to place the child or that, conversely, it would be a sin to “abandon” blood relatives. Any advice that we share must be couched in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Faith Expressing Itself Through Love” To paraphrase Galatians 5;6: To keep a child or to place the child for adoption is not the key. The key is faith expressing itself through love.

It may be the toughest decision she will ever make, but she is willing to endure the emotional trauma, because the welfare of her baby comes first.

the toughest decision she will ever make, but she is willing to endure the emotional trauma, because the welfare of her baby comes first. Her sacrifice underscores the sentiment that blood is thicker than water.

Of course this does not imply that the adoption question is one to be taken lightly. In fact, it’s just the opposite. What could be more important than weighing how best we can show love for Christ? What could be more important than providing loving support for the woman who is making this decision? When it comes to adoption, blood is thicker than water. The blood of Jesus is evidence of His love. Jesus’ love compels us to make decisions that seek the best for others. His love motivates young women as they seek the best for their unborn children. May God use us as vessels to convey that love to others through prayer and encouragement during such a critical time.

Mr. Tim Snyder serves as the Media Services Coordinator for Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tim and his family are members at Christ the Lord congregation in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

The Tie that Binds This column is entitled “The Tie that Binds” for a very important reason. The blood

WE B SITE RES OURCES at A Mother’s Sacrifice of Adoption (Search Shortcut # 6178) Myths About Adoption (Search Shortcut # 5937) C lea r ly C a r ing

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LEAH BONGARD Legal Assistant

“Frozen Embryo Adoption – A Personal Story”

29 th


Shepherd of the Hills, Tucson, AZ


“Pro-Life When It is Not Easy”


rev. Wayne Mueller


St. John’s Lutheran, Jefferson, WI

“Life Issues and the Christian Ethic” REV. PAUL PRANGE

Administrator of WELS Ministerial Education


“Guide Me – But Where?”


Media Services Coordinator for Wisconsin Lutheran College

“The Tie That Binds”

BE INSPIRED! BE EDUCATED! BE GUIDED BY CHRIST! The Lord will guide us as we stand up for LIFE! Come learn how we can help to protect God’s gift of LIFE!







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Larissa with her adoptive parents Rhoda and Edmund Baer and her husband Edd Hogan.

A Model Family by Larissa FastHorse I was brought to my parents’ home when I was 11 months old. My birth father delivered me to the house, and my birth mother was already long gone. After he left, my parents say they sat and stared at me. They were desperate to hold and love the child they had prayed for for so long, but they were also afraid of scaring me. They had to gain the trust of this stranger they now called “our daughter.” So began the complicated dance of adoption. With God’s guidance we have been able to navigate the difficulties and doubts that come with every adoption – even a happy and successful one like mine.

fears keep the adoption a secret. Often the parents convince themselves that they do it for the child, “We’ll wait until they are ready.” If Christian parents are honest with themselves, they know that the only way to hide God’s gift to them is to lie to their child. When an adopted child, often with residual trust issues already, finds out later in life that he or she was rejected by their original parents, then lied to by their only known parents, the effects are devastating. To compound the problem, most adopted kids interpret their parents’ silence about the issue as shame. Their parents may become the last people they will open up to about their feelings.

The truth no one can erase is that for adopted parents to get a child, someone else has to place that child into an adoptive Although I am so close to my parents, I family. That knowledge can naturally create had a natural curiosity about my birth conflicted feelings parents. Nearly in the child. But all adopted kids as long as I can and birth parents remember, my report a desire parents cultivated to know how love and gratitude the other turned for my birth out. My birth parents’ role in father dropped God’s plan for out of my life my life. Through after a struggle sin, my birth with personal parents were not issues, but when able to parent my birth mother Larissa with her adoptive parents Edmund and Rhoda Baer. me properly, so contacted me at God gave me the age of 20, I new, amazing parents who reinforced was very nervous about meeting her. What and celebrated the choice God made if I felt something? What did that mean for for me. I do not know how I could have me and my mom who are so close? I prayed dealt with those confusing feelings if hard to be open to whatever God wanted I had not always known that adoption to reveal for me though this relationship. was God’s special blessing for my life. What I eventually learned over several meetings was that we are very different Unfortunately I have witnessed the people. Her problems that made her wreckage in other adopted kids’ lives unable to keep me in the beginning were when parents let their insecurities and C lea r ly C a r ing

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by Daniel Barnas

Do you remember how it began? That phone call? That feeling in your heart? That trip to the hospital? You brought me home In more ways than one You quite possibly saved my soul By saying, “ Yes, we are still interested in adoption.” You raised me the best you know how Sometimes I messed up But you were always there No matter how far I went. I owe you, Mom Far more than I could ever repay From your prayers for me To the dinner on the table. For putting up with me through high school For always coming to my soccer games For showing me that the right things to do Were not always the ones I wanted to.

Daniel with his

mother Deirdre


Daniel and his pa with his two ad rents Deirdre and Dan Barnas opted siblings Justin and Erica .

For saving my soul, Mom For bringing me home that cold winter day I love you, Mom Happy Mother’s Day Your son, Daniel still with her, and I finally had to face the fact that she was unable to have a healthy relationship with me. It was a painful time in my life. Now through God’s example I can love my birth mother and wish her well, but we are no longer in regular contact. Unfortunately, I have found that my reunion story is far more common than the ones that are portrayed on TV. I advise adoptees and birth parents to be honest about their fantasies and expectations of reunions. They also need to include their current family in the process. God put those people in our lives to love and support us. My parents are the only ones who understand the sometimes confusing journey of adoption we have all been on together.

Daniel’s mother, Deirdre Barnas sent us this poem from her son Daniel. It was a Mother’s Day present that she has cherished.

plan for my life. It is a plan that is so far beyond my human understanding yet is one that has worked out beautifully. Yes, there can be difficulties, but God promises to get us through those too. I don’t know how non-Christians deal with adoption. I fear those families are the ones we see on talk shows, but I do not know. I can only be grateful that with God’s guidance my parents used His example of love, honesty and grateful stewardship to make His blessing of adoption grow into a family that models His love for us all. Ms. Larissa Fasthorse is a playwright and choreographer and a member of Gethsemane Lutheran, Los Angeles, California.

What have I learned from all of this? A deep appreciation for God’s very specific C lea r ly C a r ing

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a decision for life

Our Embryo Adoption Story

by Leah Bongard Article adapted with permission from its initial publication in LifeLines from Bethany Christian Services, the largest adoption agency in the U.S. and also a worldwide ministry that serves orphans and vulnerable children on five continents and 34 states. Learn more about Bethany’s ministries at or call 1.800.BETHANY.

It’s something that doesn’t even enter into the realm of what an infertile couple thinks will happen in their lives – until it does happen and they can truly make a decision that impacts life. A few years ago we didn’t even know what embryo adoption was, much less think it would be something that would be a part of our lives. When my husband and I married in 2001 we planned to have a family of two or three children. I became pregnant on our honeymoon. “What a blessing! That was easy!” Nine months later we were blessed with a precious gift from God, a beautiful daughter, Madison. Because it was so “easy” we decided we should “plan” for our next child. Three years later we “tried” for another baby – but God had other plans. After over a year of “trying” we made an appointment with a fertility doctor. We were diagnosed with secondary infertility. Since most of my eggs were not viable, we were told we might have a chance of getting pregnant through fertility treatments. We were told about two options: IUI (intrauterine insemination) and IVF (in-vitro fertilization). Being pro-life, I had definite concerns about what would happen to any leftover embryos from IVF. Those embryos, after all, are tiny babies. We were told that C lea r ly C a r ing

we could have them destroyed, donate them to science (both of which would be killing our unborn babies) or donate any unused embryos to another couple. This was the first we heard about embryo adoption (although the word adoption was not used by the fertility doctor we went to). We didn’t give it much thought at the time, because we decided against IVF. We learned that many embryos are destroyed in the process and that doctors graded and discarded (destroyed, killed) those that they felt might not survive. We couldn’t imagine that happening to our unborn children, so we decided on IUI. In this process it is entirely up to God whether or not the eggs are fertilized and if they live or die. After five unsuccessful attempts at IUI, we knew that wasn’t the Lord’s plan for us, but we felt He would still bless us with another child somehow. We decided to adopt and went to an open meeting at Bethany Christian Services. At first, we thought we would adopt an infant domestically and started our home study and adoption classes. At that first adoption class, we picked up information on embryo adoption. As we continued with the adoption process, we began to feel traditional adoption was not part of God’s plan for us. We started researching embryo adoption. The more we researched and prayed the more we felt it

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was what God meant for us to do. Did you know there are over 400,000 frozen embryos in the U.S. that will either be destroyed or kept frozen indefinitely? All of those tiny babies might never get a chance to live. After reading an article in the January 2008 issue of Clearly Caring about the first “snowflake” baby (baby born from embryo adoption), we thought about Proverbs 31:8, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of those who are destitute.” We knew this was God’s plan for us!

We were excited and anxious about going through another transfer. The physical, emotional and economic toll that the fertility treatments and first transfer took on us was apparent. We began to wonder if this was really God’s will or just our desperate want for another child. We thought and prayed for all of the babies frozen indefinitely. Our second embryo transfer took place in Knoxville, Tennessee. During the long drive, we heard a radio interview of a woman

We were excited about the possibility of being pregnant and giving birth to our next child and to possibly be a part of the Lord giving life to a child who might have otherwise not had a chance to live.

We were excited about the possibility of being pregnant and giving birth to our next child and to possibly be a part of the Lord giving life to a child who might have otherwise not had a chance to live. We contacted the Christian Life Resources’ office. CLR became a vital part of our embryo adoption journey. The support and Christian care we received from CLR was a true blessing to us. Since we know that there were no guarantees in life, we also understood the possibility that the embryo(s) would not live after the transfer or even make it through the thawing process. Despite those concerns, we trusted God’s will for us and His unborn children. In March of 2009, we traveled to Indianapolis for an embryo transfer of six adopted embryos. On the day of the transfer, we were told only two survived the thawing, and those two were implanted in my uterus in a non-complicated procedure. For the next ten days we waited and prayed. Unfortunately, those embryos did not survive, and I was not pregnant. We were sad both for ourselves and for the babies who did not live after all. We trusted that the Lord knows what is best for all of us. After speaking with the doctor and praying, we decided to try again.

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experiencing some hard times. She quoted Psalm 46:10a, “Be still and know that I am God.” We were immediately comforted and knew we were where He wanted us to be. On our 8th wedding anniversary, three of four embryos were transferred (one did not survive the thaw). We waited and prayed for another ten days and on the tenth day our prayers were answered. I was pregnant! An ultrasound a few weeks later showed a beautiful child growing in my womb. Our miracle baby was born in March 2010. We named him Isaac because, just as Abraham and Sarah prayed for and waited for a child, we prayed for and waited for our son. He is living up to his name – Isaac means “laughter” – as he is a source of great joy and is always laughing and smiling. As we watch Isaac grow it is our sincere hope that more people become aware of embryo adoption and what a wonderful blessing it is. We continue to pray for the unborn and that the Lord would lead more couples to donate their embryos and that more couples make the decision to adopt embryos – a decision for life. Mrs. Leah Bongard is a part-time legal assistant for a probate law firm. She is a former police officer and is married to a police officer. The family lives in Elkhorn, Wisconsin and attends First Lutheran in Elkhorn.

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“Hard-Wiring” Could Explain Women’s Negative PostAbortion Experiences

News & Views

Negative psychological effects following a woman’s abortion experience may be part of her brain’s “hard-wiring,” a September study in Public Discourse finds. The phenomenon – described by the authors as widespread among varied backgrounds and parts of the world – can be attributed to gender differences in the brain’s decision-making processes. The nature of women’s brains to process emotion in a nurturing manner can explain the unexpected negative reaction and the inability to cope with significant stress following a women’s abortion experience. S O U RCE: 9/21/10 –

Latest Planned Parenthood Stats Show Abortions Up, Adoption Referrals Down The Planned Parenthood Federation of America released a new factsheet for 20082009. According to the statistics for 2008, Planned Parenthood clinics performed 324,008 abortions – a 6.1 percent increase from the 305,310 performed the previous year. The numbers reflects a continual increase of abortions performed each year by Planned Parenthood. While abortions are on the rise, adoption referrals dropped significantly to 2,405 in 2008, a 51% decline from the 4,912 adoption referrals reported for 2007. S O U RC E: 9/9/10 –

U.S. Senate Rejects Defense Authorization Bill Calling for Reversal of Bans on Gay Military, Abortion at Military Facilities The U.S. Senate voted September 21 to reject the Defense Authorization Bill (S 3280), the massive Pentagon policy measure that included amendments calling for the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and the performance of abortions in both domestic and overseas military hospital facilities. The vote, 56-43, fell short of the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster and bring the bill to the floor. A repeal of the ban could prove even more difficult next year if supporters of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy lose seats in upcoming congressional elections this fall. S O U RCE: 9/22/10 – Family Research Council Email Alert

Most Oregon Hospices Do Not Participate in Assisted Suicide

Study: Doctors’ Religious Views Can Influence Care of Dying Patients

Hospices in the state of Oregon – where physician-assisted suicide is legal – rarely participate in the practice, according to a survey conducted by Oregon State University. Of the 55 hospices surveyed for the report, all said they banned staff members from assisting patients obtain or take lethal doses of medication. Roughly 27% stated they referred patient questions about the assisted suicide law to doctors and lawyers. One-quarter reported no involvement in the matter. Hospice staff cited both moral and legal concerns as reasons for steering clear of the law.

A study in the August 26 online edition of the Journal of Medical Ethics reveals the religious beliefs of doctors who treat their patients at the end of life appear to affect their clinical decisions. Of the roughly 4,000 British doctors who took part in the survey, those with strong religious convictions are less likely to make decisions that hasten the death of terminally-ill people in their care. Doctors who are atheist or agnostic are nearly twice as likely as their religious counterparts to make medical decisions that can hasten their terminally-ill patient’s death.

S O U RC E: 9/9/10 – Hastings Center Press Release

S O U RCE S: 8/30/10 – Bloomberg Business Week; 8/30/10 – Ethics Newsline C lea r ly C a r ing

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Maker of Birth Control Patch May Have Concealed Risks Johnson & Johnson may have known about the deadly risks associated with its birth control patch Ortho Evra before it went on the U.S. market in 2002, according to internal documents obtained by NBC News. The pharmaceutical giant may have downplayed Ortho Evra’s blood clot and stroke risks. The birth control patch was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2001. S O U RC E: 9/23/10 – News Inferno

Switzerland to Consider Stricter Rules on Assisted Suicide The Swiss government plans to introduce legislation establishing new rules on assisted suicide after a majority of groups and local governments said they favored stricter rules to govern organizations assisting individuals to end their lives. Although Swiss law currently allows assisted suicide, the government wants to decrease “suicide tourism,” in which foreigners travel to Switzerland to seek assistance from pro-euthanasia groups such as Dignitas and Exit International to die. The measure is expected to go before lawmakers by the end of the year. S O U RC E: 9/17/10 –

Poll Reveals More Americans Reject Federally-Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research A poll by the Rasmussen Reports shows less than one-third (33%) of Americans approve of taxpayer-funded embryonic stem cell research, a dramatic change from the 52% that supported it when President Obama signed the Executive Order in March 2009 to expand federal funding of the type of research that results in the destruction of early human life. Despite the low approval rating, the U.S. Court of Appeals in early September said the Obama administration could fund embryonic stem cell research while it appeals a decision banning government support for any activity using cells taken from human embryos. S O U RCE: 8/30/10 – CitizenLink

High Altitude Cited as Risk Factor in Suicide A study conducted at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City found people with pre-existing mood disorders such as depression might be at greater risk for suicide if they live at higher altitudes. They correlate metabolic stress with inadequate oxygen intake at these higher altitudes. S O U RCE: 9/15/10 – Science Daily

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Life Tributes Earlier this year donors were encouraged to provide a Life Tribute to honor a friend or family member. We are honored to share those tributes.

Lynn (Pernat) Mehringer

Rosemary Keil

My sister is a constant beacon of selfless love. She demonstrates her Christian faith in all aspects of her life. Lynn is also a constant witness of Christ’s love to her spouse, parents, siblings, children, nieces and nephews. Our family, church family and community are blessed by her good will.

In honor of Rosemary Keil. My mother is my role model for living a life of love and service to her family. She lovingly took care of her own mother, father and mother-in-law and always put family first. My beautiful mother has passed on a legacy of faith, love and prayer to me.

Gail (Pernat) Maron

Karen Lueders

Ella Hempelmann

Lily Laper

To a wonderful Christian mother – we look forward to seeing her in heaven.

In honor of Lily Laper. Happy Mother’s Day to my mother who “clearly caring” loved and cared for seven children and, at 89 years young, continues to show her love to many others as well. Thanking God for you in my life.

Jim and Terry Froelker

Janice Budach Not only a wonderful mother, but a lifelong friend. She gave me the gift of life and made sure I knew the most important lesson of all – I am saved through Jesus. I love you, Mom! Rachel Budach

Lois Mitzner Lois defended the life of the unborn and shared her love of Christ thourgh her church. Thanks.

Trudy Madetzke

Jo Ann George In honor of Jo Ann George – my loving mother. Her strong faith in Jesus was apparent throughout her life, particularly during her illness and ultimately her death. She was and still is an inspiration to me and so many others. I love you and miss you, Mom! Michelle Naumann

Peggy White

Lily Grace Martin Gladys and Dale Umnus They are a wonderful example of how a Christian love. They raised my sisters and I to put God first in our lives. Their role model to us, their grandchildren, and others is amazing. We love you. Dawn and Steve Toth

Welcome to the world little, precious one! May God bless you and keep you in His tender loving care. Cindy Schuett

Judy Maurice

Happy Mother’s Day. We both know how precious babies are. May God bless you always. Love, Debbie

My mother always had a way of making me feel like home was a place she made for us. She was home. Even camping or a motel room felt like home because of her faith in the Lord and her loving, nurturing and listening demeanor.

Debbie Durst

Rebecca Mode

Hertha Preston

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Ruth Lindlauf

Wilma Brehmer

In spite of dementia, my sweet mom continues to thrill to God’s Word and particularly to hymns of faith. Her whole life was one of service. Her love for Jesus never fails to inspire me.

In honor of Wilma Brehmer, my mother. She loved the LORD and she loved her family.

Emily Armstrong

Patricia Pilppo

Mabel E. Nielsen

Rachel Egelseer In honor of Rachel Egelseer: My Mom was always very encouraging to my brother, sister and me as we grew up. She also made sure that our faith was being nurtured throughout our childhood. Thank you, Mom, for showing Christ’s love to us. Ginger Konkol

Mom has been a God-listening and loving woman all her life. We are entering a new stage of life. The ending of life. She is 93 and as I care for her now, I am amazed at how she keeps going. Through pain, lack of appetite, hearing loss, memory loss and much more, she still keeps her sense of humor, generosity and love of life. Thanks, Mom, for sharing your whole life with me. Sue Bulgrin

Ruth Wolfgram In honor of Ruth Wolfgram: My grandmother raised six children and passed on to them the greatest gift of all: her Christian beliefs and values. Thank you for your love and faithfulness, Grandma! Ginger Konkol

Sonja Bauer Mom is the most kind-hearted person I know. She is an amazing example of Christian love in action and I am continually grateful for her. Shephanie Marvin

Your Chance to Help Children The Family Treasures and Gifts store is run entirely by volunteers. Its retail site and warehousing is within the Christian Life Resources office. We have minimal overhead so that all profit goes directly to helping children through Christian Life Resources. There are three ways to purchase: 1. Use the enclosed mini-catalog 2. Visit the on-site store in Richfield, WI 3. Visit online at:

Something More Can you do something a bit more? Use the enclosed envelope to mail in a store order and to make a special gift for the work of Christian Life Resources. Consider what you can do to help others through the ministries of Christian Life Resources. C lea r ly C a r ing

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The Legacy of Love by Lynn Klammer

One of the simplest, yet most profound, interactions I ever had with another human being came during the afternoon of an otherwise uneventful day. I had only been married for about a year, and my mother-in-law had just – as she did countless times before – brought over some cookies and home-canned goods for my husband and myself. As she placed the jars on my kitchen counter, I thought back on all she had done for us over the previous year. If ever there was a “poster child” of Christian compassion, Helen was it. She supported every church activity, eagerly served on church committees and lent a hand wherever and whenever it was needed. She volunteered at the community thrift shop, visited the sick and infirmed, and continued to help my husband and myself. Helen had even allowed us to live with her for the first couple months of our marriage while we finalized the purchase of a house. She was unlike anyone I had ever known, and I found myself feeling uncomfortably indebted to her.

for your children someday”… and then she was gone. It seemed almost an afterthought on her part, but those words stayed with me from that day forward. Her words clarified that my debt wasn’t owed to Helen at all, but to the future. My mother-in-law’s parents had taught her the critical lessons of faith, family responsibility, service to others and general hard work – and when the time came, it would be my turn to pass those values on to the next generation. My mother-in-law did for us as her family had done for her, and I in turn would do for my children. Her compassionate actions were more than just the result of her feelings for her children: they were an investment in the future – a trust. Today, as a mother of four children, Helen’s words have become mine. I struggle to instill in my children the belief that loving each other and helping others are not matters of choice, but rather a part of who we are. Christian compassion is a legacy of love that reaches out to us from our past, works through us and continues beyond us to enrich not only the lives of those around us, but future generations. May we all cherish the legacy that has been entrusted to us and see it prosper and grow into the future. Lynn Klammer is a licensed clinical psychologist, educator and author. She is a member of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Frankenmuth, Michigan.

That summer afternoon as Helen turned to leave, I couldn’t help but ask, “How can I ever repay you for all you’ve done for us?” Helen briefly paused, casually smiling as she replied, “You can do the same

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Side of the soles of each shoe reads, “Child of God.” Packaged in a sheer fabric bag with a satin drawstring. 3-6 month or 6-9 month sizes.

C. Blue Fish Box $25

Bib and onesie say, “His Little Catch” and fish toy reads, “I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19”

D. Brown Giraffe $11

Cute and cuddly plush giraffe embroidered with the words, “Your Love O Lord reaches to the heavens. Psalm 36:5”


E. Strawberry Security Blanket $14

Soft blanket with the words, “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22”

F. Pink Shoes $10.50

Side of the soles of each shoe reads, “Child of God”. Packaged in a sheer fabric bag with a satin drawstring. 3-6 month or 6-9 month sizes.

G. Pink Heart Box $25

Bib and onesie say, “He Loves Me” and heart toy reads “God is Love. I John 4:16”


H. Pink Giraffe $11

Cute and cuddly plush giraffe embroidered with the words, “Your Love O Lord reaches to the heavens. Psalm 36:5”

I. Silent Night Cloth Book $36 Embroidered with words from the hymn – zips closed.

J. Plush Nativity Set $16.50

Plush set retells the story of Jesus’ birth.

K. Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set $44 Children will love retelling the story of Jesus’ birth through play with their very own nativity set! *This item is not part of the recent Fisher Price recall.

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German Ornaments

Beautiful glass ball ornaments celebrating the birth of our Savior. Each individually boxed. A. “We will call Him King of Kings” $7.75 B. “O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!” $7.75 D. “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” $7.75 C. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God My Savior. Luke 1:46-47” $7.75

Beautiful, mouth-blown, hand-painted German heirloom ornaments. Each comes gift boxed. E. “Silent Night” Nativity $75.00 4 pc. Set

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I. Neighbor Plate $17

M. Relish Tray $25

Start a neighborhood tradition and share a pie and friendship! 10 ½" diameter, 1 ¾" deep.

Reads, “May God be gracious to us and bless us. Psalm 7:1” 16" x 7"

Cardinal Kitchen Dishes

Reads, “God graces every day with the goodness of His love and the richness of His blessings” 14 1/8" diameter

N. Chip & Dip Tray $35

Christmas cheer comes to any kitchen on the wings of a beautiful cardinal.

J. Cardinal Bread Pan $19

O. Advent Nativity Calendar $28.50

9" x 5" x 3" 10 ½" diameter

A unique way to celebrate the Advent season. 28-piece set with a nice wood stable. Hang one piece each day leading up to Christmas.

Season of Blessings Dishes

P. Nativity Advent Calendar $6.50

L. Lidded Jar $24

Q. Joy Advent Candleholder $21

K. Cardinal Pie Plate $17

Stable background with 25-character/animal stickers.

Perfect party accessory! Features pine cones and branches with an antique look finish. Limited quantities available. Order while supplies last!

Done in a silver-toned metal with a unique shape and design. Includes four 6" taper candles and an Advent booklet.

Reads, “The sweetest blessings are the ones we share” 9 ¼" x 5 ¾"





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Stunning artwork from Family Treasures and Gifts 1-800-478-2719 • Artist Dave McCamon’s beautiful pencil drawings depict faith and family in a simpler, purer and easier way of life. Frame it yourself or order framed. Framing is available in either oak or walnut finish (please specify). Size choices: 16" x 20" print, unframed and unmatted $32 16" x 20" framed and matted in linen color $92 8" x 10" matted in linen color $24 8" x 10" framed and matted in linen color $36


A. Daddy’s Dream B. Beginnings C. Mama’s Touch

Beautiful textured lithograph canvas-mount prints designed to be hung as they are. No frame needed.

G. Mystic Journey $75


Bears the words, “The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9” 18" x 24"

H. Derwent Water $57

With verse, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7” 16" x 20"

I. No Place to Fall $100

Features inspirational Scripture, “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22” 36" x 24"

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Laser-engraved image on granite of an infant held in protecting hands. Bears the inscription, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…Psalm 139:14” Includes easel. 7 ¾” x 5 ¾”

K. Footprints Plaque $21

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Resin with cord hanger inscribed with the popular “Footprints in the Sand” story. 5" x 12"

L. Glass Framed “Family” $15

Glass-framed words lets the color of your wall show through! Frame quotes Joshua 24:15, “Family – as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 6” x 10”

M. God’s Miracle $40

Beautiful framed and matted print of a baby gripping Mom’s finger with the words, “You knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13” 14” x 18” D F

For Teens and Kids! D. Teen Promise Plaque $23.75 Four “I promise” verses. Canvas stretched on wood frame. 9” x 14”

E. Hand Plaque $15.25

Verse asks God to “Hold my Hand” every day. 9.5” x 11” E


F. Monkey Plaque $21

This monkey hangs around to remind us that God is always there for us. 9.5" x 13.5"











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AFFILIATE NEWS New Centers Michigan Chapter: In September 2009, staff and supporters of the Michigan Chapter gathered to celebrate the purchase and opening of its own pregnancy resource center in Redford, Michigan (pictured on the right). To make this happen the chapter closed and combined the centers originally operated in the nearby Madison Heights and Livonia communities. The one-year report is that the new Redford center provided more contacts with young mothers than it had with its two previous centers combined. This work was also done more cost effectively, according to the Chapter representatives. Saginaw Valley Chapter: Like its sister chapter to the south, the Saginaw Valley Chapter recently secured its own pregnancy resource center. After moving from a large leased home the Chapter purchased its own building which is currently undergoing a major renovation. When finished it will likely be the largest facility owned or used by any chapter for its pregnancy counseling ministry. Lord willing, the renovation should be completed this October or November and begin immediate operation. The Saginaw Valley Chapter plans to close its other Saginaw center once this new facility opens. It will continue to operate its Flint, Michigan, center, as it continues to receive a steady flow of visitors seeking help and direction.

Congregation Education Center In late 2008, the St. Paul Lutheran CLR Branch in Slinger, Wisconsin, remodeled and opened a room in their church building to serve as an educational center on life issues. A plaque at the entrance of this center reads: In memory of Zachariah James Zachariah James was born on Good Friday, March 25, 2005. Everything about him seemed healthy and normal. He was baptized here at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2005. Through the washing of water with the Word of God, Zachariah James became a child of God, redeemed from his sins by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. On June 14, 2005, Zachariah James died at 81 days of age/diagnosis of heavy lungs. From conception Zachariah James was a person, guilty of sin, but for whom Jesus lived and died. The resurrection of Jesus Christ assures that even in death Zachariah James has eternal life in heaven. This room was inspired by the memory of Zachariah James. It exists to address challenging life and family issues of our time. It is dedicated to the glory of God whose grace, love and sacrifice gives meaning to all LIFE through Christ – even for the brief life of Zachariah James. “I thank my God every time I remember you.” (Philippians 1:3) Even in the heartache of death there is a celebration of life unique for the Christian who knows the salvation of Christ. Within this educational center, members and visitors of this congregation can read material on various life and family issues, as well as pick up free copies of medical directive statements, Clearly Caring magazine and an assortment of pamphlets. C lea r ly C a r ing

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The mission of Christian Life esources (CLR) is to use life R and family issues as bridges to convey the love of God and to share the message of salvation through Christ.

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The official publication of Christian Life Resources, Inc. (Published 3 times per year) Publisher: Christian Life Resources, Inc. 3070 Helsan Drive Richfield, WI 53076-9582 (800) 729-9535 email: websites: ISSN:1549-2508 Copyright © 2010 Christian Life Resources All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted as restricted, permission is granted to reprint articles from Clearly Caring – Home Edition with credit line indicating source, issue, and author if indicated. To place paid advertising in Clearly Caring – Home Edition please contact the Editor or visit our website at for rate information.

Directors–Christian Life Resources:

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Rev. Aaron Mueller (Chairman) Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church, Tucson, AZ Prof. Mark Braun (Vice Chairman) Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, WI Mr. Daniel Nommensen (Secretary) Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Service, Milwaukee, WI Mr. Scott Menke (Treasurer) University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Racine, WI Mr. Glenn Blank St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, Slinger, WI Dr. Thomas Luetzow Medical Associates, Ixonia, WI Rev. Paul Prange WELS Ministerial Education, Milwaukee, WI Mr. Daniel Thiel St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Muskego, WI New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, a separate legal entity affiliated with CLR, supports single mothers in a residential setting who have decided to carry their babies to term while teaching them how to include Jesus in their lives. The Christians Concerned for Life Foundation is a separate legal entity affiliated with CLR, established to sponsor special life and family affirming projects that reflect Biblical principles in protecting human life and ministering to souls. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used in permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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