What does practical encouragement look like to a family in Jordan? See page 7 for details.
Fill a simple need to make Omaha feel like home. See page 8 for details.
Give a gift that makes an impact in the lives of people and in ministries around the world.
Because you give to the Great Commission Fund Every hour, three patients receive physical and spiritual care through C&MA medical work.
Every week, nearly 3,000 new believers are baptized.
Every month, 253 churches and church groups join the worldwide Alliance family.
The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) works to establish communities of Christ both domestically and internationally that multiply themselves, resulting in evangelical churches all over the world. Donate any amount you choose to the Great Commission Fund, a fund that supports the ongoing ministry of the C&MA through field personnel salaries, benefits, ministry and operating expenses (#24 on the order form found on page 12). This gift has the power to change lives and empower ministry in the U.S. and the world. To support the GCF on a monthly basis, visit cccomaha.org/give or designate the GCF on a weekly giving envelope.
Each item in this catalog is a tool to be used by a missionary to speak God’s love to the people they serve. The gift you purchase will change the world as it changes the hearts and minds of people you will never meet in places that you may never visit. As you read this catalog, take a moment to get to know the missionaries and the people they are called to serve. A young couple in Amman, Jordan represents the reality of marriages in chaos. Families relocated to Omaha from a hot, humid climate, fearful and mistrusting from their time in a refugee camp, struggle to provide warm clothing for their young children. A woman in Bejing has just learned about the love of Jesus and is hungry for a Bible of her own. Motivated by faith in Jesus Christ, missionaries serve alongside the poor, the oppressed and desperately lost as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. Your gift is an expression of your support for them as they invest in children, families and adults, helping them reach the potential God has for their lives.
The Mali Project Initiated as a strategic partnership with Christian and Missionary Alliance families around the world, The Hospital for Women and Children in Mali, Africa opened its doors in 2006. Across the globe in Omaha, CCC raised more than $1 million to fund the third phase, a maternity building, that would be the catalyst for sharing the love of Jesus and serving the needs of families in Mali for generations. In Africa, women typically give birth at home. The unsanitary conditions and lack of medical assistance puts them and their newborns at risk. The Hospital for Women and Children is the only Christian hospital in the entire country, an area twice the size of Texas. At completion in 2010, the maternity building will more than double the existing bed space and add two additional operating rooms. You can support the hospital by investing in equipment. L’hôpital pour Les Femmes et Les Enfants is changing lives.
$17,000 worth of new equipment will update The Hospital for Women and Children, allowing them to continue to offer modern medical care. Updates include: a much needed blood bank, ten oxygen concentrators to help newborns breathe and an anesthesia machine for the new maternity building.
Share the cost of this equipment with your contribution of 1. $50 2. $100 3. $200
The Wenger family has played a vital role in the building of the maternity building. Help fund a $12,000 initiative that will provide support as they finish the job and train a local worker to maintain the buildings. 4. share the cost of this initiative $100
The trade language of Mali is Bambara, and in Bambara “Sababu” (sah-bah-boo) means “reason or purpose.” Sababu will address the physical and spiritual needs of Malians through employment. As a manufacturer of T-shirts, Sababu’s offer of fair wages and opportunity for daily prayer and instruction will have a long term impact.
Julia & Dusty Reynolds
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Dusty and Julia Reynolds are serving with the C&MA’s International Fellowship of Alliance Professionals (IFAP) in Mali, Africa. This young couple from CCC are launching a T-shirt business with the potential to lift families out of poverty while offering them an answer for their spiritual distress. In addition, Julia is using her nursing training as God opens doors. Their vision is for sustainable impact resulting when the power of business is utilized as a witness for Jesus. “It’s been amazing how the Lord has been working on my heart. My view of missions has changed even in the last six months. So as Dusty and I embark on this journey together, we hope you want to join with us.” – Julia.
5 Delivering life-saving instruction for simple health care and the lifesaving news of the gospel to large groups would be possible with this media package including a projector, screen, DVD player and DVDs.
5. media package $800
Providing resources to increase literacy is a high priority for Sababu. Text books and workbooks in French are a gift that will touch families who participate in Sababuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free French language classes.
Malaria accounts for 17% of child deaths in Mali. Care for Sababu employees with a mosquito net.
7. mosquito net $10
6. French textbook and workbook $30
A utility vehicle for Sababu has limitless uses, including the transport of fabric.
8. total cost of the truck $21,000 9. share the cost of the truck $100
Give French and Bambaran hymnals and Bibles so that Sababu employees can begin the workday with devotions and prayer.
10. Bible and hymnal $20
Jordan Manghams
Ed Mangham is currently the team leader for ten full-time C&MA workers in Amman, Jordan. Ed and Julie, along with their young family, have been on the field since 1999. Ed is a fourth generation servant with deep C&MA roots, and Julie grew up attending CCC.
Amman Community Center In 1999 the C&MA renewed their focus on the ArabLands field. Amman, Jordan quickly became the center of the action, and by 2004 a strategy was identified. The goal: make an impact on the community by meeting the immediate needs. In partnership with the National C&MA Church of Jordan, Christ Community Church gave the first $115,000 to buy and renovate the school building that would become the Amman Community Center. Opened in 2005, the community center is the location for outreach and compassion ministries. ESL programs, a medical clinic, anti-smoking seminars, classes for nursing mothers, food distribution and a wide variety of life enrichment offerings are available regularly. Today this successful model has been duplicated in cities across the Middle East and around the world.
In 2006, the Amman church bought rights to telecast the World Cup as an outreach to the community, bringing people from all walks of life together. This year, the church is developing plans for a more intentional outreach during the 2010 World Cup. TM
11. cost of the World Cup outreach $1,500 TM
For the very poor who live dayto-day not knowing how they will pay for food and rent, basic medical care is a luxury they cannot afford. Show Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s love by providing a medical care package.
12. medical care package $50
The Food Box Ministry creates an opportunity to visit homes and give those in need a box of food in Jesus name, offer encouragement and pray with them for their needs.
13. food box $35
Marriage Encounter offers hope in Christ for broken marriages and a new start.
14. sponsor a couple to attend Marriage Encounter $450
8 Families have been living in refugee camps for the past 18 months and arrive in Omaha with few resources. The Kaisers walk beside them, providing practical assistance for their integration into society. The needs of these refugees are simple, and seeing God’s people care for them has a powerful impact.
Not being able to speak the language is frightening and isolating. Help refugees connect with their families in Nepal and with others in Omaha.
15. phone card to Nepal, cell phone and one month’s fees $80
Provide families with the word of God in their native language.
17. Bible in the Nepali language $5
There are many refugees from hot and humid climates coming to Omaha this winter. Help them stay warm with the gift of bed sheets and a blanket.
16. bed sheets and blanket $50
A used minivan would transport refugees and donated furnishings around Omaha.
18. total cost of a minivan $5000 19. share the cost of a minivan $100
Families from hot climates are unprepared for Omaha’s winters. Keep kids warm and dry with hats, gloves and snow boots.
20. hats, gloves and snow boots for children $50
Two weeks of groceries will stock a family’s kitchen when they arrive to keep them going until they get on their feet.
21. groceries for two weeks $150
International Nepal Fellowship Mark and Lori Kiser
Members of CCC for many years, Mark and Lori Kiser currently live and serve in Omaha on behalf of the International Nepal Fellowship (INF), a non-profit group serving Nepali speaking people throughout the world in the love of Christ. The Kisers successfully lobbied the American government to designate Omaha as a location for relocating Bhutanese refugees through a United Nations program. Working with INF, the Kisers have helped more than100 Bhutanese transition to Omaha and helped a young pastor establish a Nepali language church. For information on INF, visit inf.org.
China Nest of Hope Foundation Serving the needs of orphaned children since 1979, Ms. Choi and the founders established the China Nest of Hope Foundation in 2008 to benefit Chinese society as a whole. Rising urbanization in crowded cities allows increasing opportunities to show God’s mercy. Seven hundred house church leaders in the foundation’s network represent a vital link by offering true hope for the escalating evidence of social dysfunctions and personal pain. These leaders need training and critical resources. A Bible and commentary in the Mandarin language given to these emerging spiritual leaders is a gift that will multiply itself over and over.
Gift a Bible to a seeker, a new Christian or a seasoned believer whose desire is to know more about God.
22. Mandarin Bible and commentary $15
Help one of the 700 house church leaders with a teaching resource. God’s timeless message through today’s technology is a valuable teaching tool.
23. MP3 players with the Old and New Testament in Mandarin $30 Throughout 2010, give a gift to a child in the orphanage in China. f Pick up a copy of the Kids Connect Missions Catalog. >
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China Harmony and Unity Center An unmistakable movement of God is evident in China today. Global Partners in Hope (GPiH), an independent nonprofit organization launched by CCC, is working to establish a community center offering life skills training and enrichment activities in the name of Christ. The center will offer: marriage and family enrichment leadership development child wellness literacy/English classes
GPiH is flexible and able to bring together resources and partners to launch high impact projects. Become a vision partner with GPiH and invest in the Kingdom. For information and updates, visit globalpartnersinhope.com.
Order form product #
quantity amount due
$50 share of hospital equipment
$100 share of hospital equipment
$200 share of hospital equipment
one time $100 gift for the Wengers
media package $800
French textbook and workbook $30
mosquito net $10
total cost of the truck $21,000
share the cost of the truck $100
Bible and hymnal $20
cost of the World Cup outreach $1,500
medical care package $50
food box $35
sponsor a couple to attend Marriage Encounter $450
phone card, cell phone and one monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fees $80
bed sheets and blanket $50
Bible in the Nepali language $5
total cost of a minivan $5000
share the cost of a minivan $100
hats, gloves and boots $50
groceries for two weeks $150
Mandarin Bible and commentary $15
MP3 players with the Bible in Mandarin $30
one-time GCF gift
first name
last name
address city
email payment information Checks may be made payable to Christ Community Church. Please enclose your payment and this order form in the envelope included, or mail it to:
Christ Community Church Attn: CCC Missions Catalog 404 S 108 Ave Omaha, NE 68154
FAQs When will the gifts be distributed? Funding for the items in this catalog will be open though February 1, 2010. Your generosity will determine the frequency; gifts will be distributed as they receive funding. Watch for upcoming missions catalogs for additional kingdom impact opportunities. What happens when a specific item or the entire list for a location has been 100% funded? When funding exceeds the need, contributions for gifts will be applied to an alternate need determined by that location. What if the gift is not funded 100%? If funding for a particular item is insufficient (e.g. not enough shares are given to purchase a van), purchased shares will be pooled and added to the funding sources of that particular field for eventual purchase of that item. What is included in the gift price? The purchase price reflects the total amount needed to make the specific gift happen. This includes shipping, distribution costs and any associated costs for delivering the item/service to the field. What can I do to tell others about this gift giving opportunity? Give a gift in honor of a special occasion. Your gift can be given in memory, for a birthday or any holiday. Visit cccmissions.org/gift to download an acknowledgment card. Give a catalog to a friend. Make a difference.
404 S. 108 Ave / Omaha, NE 68154 402.330.3360 / cccomaha.org
Give life-saving equipment to L’hôpital pour Les Femmes et Les Enfants. See page 2 for details.