Kids at Home: Lesson for April 19, 2020

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S U N D AY, A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 2 0

BIG PICTURE: God has a plan and a purpose for me.

BIG POINT: Be courageous and obedient to follow God’s plan.

BIG STORY: Read the book of Esther or Chapter 17 of The Story for Kids, The Story for Children, or The Story for Little Ones BIG WORD: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) LEARNING OUTCOMES

Through this lesson, children will: • Know that even when we can’t see Jesus, we can trust he is with us and has a plan. • Learn that because Jesus is with us and is for us, we can ask him for help with the most difficult situations. • Understand that when we have the courage to trust and obey Jesus, he will use us in his kingdom, as he did Esther, and we will be more like Jesus. We can be superheroes, too!

THE BIG QUESTION (to discuss with your kids) 1. Who was Esther before she became queen? Esther was an ordinary Jewish girl.

2. Why was it a tough choice for Esther to see the king? Because she had to be willing to go before the king and risk her life. 3. What did Esther ask Mordecai and the Jewish people to do? Pray and fast to ask the Lord to grant her favor before the king and give them salvation. 4. Parents, share with your kids about a time when you felt that God called you to do something and how you responded. Kids, is there something God is calling you to do right now? God does not always call us to do what is easy. He wants us to do what is right and to trust him.



Popsicle Stick Superheroes from Supplies needed: Popsicle sticks, colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, and googly eyes (optional) Directions: Have kids cut out a triangle for a cape and glue it to the back of the craft stick. Next, have them make a mask. Add googly eyes if you have some or draw on some eyes. Color the stick and draw on a mouth. Name your superhero. You may want to have your kids write a paragraph about why their character is a superhero. Explanation: People who went before the king uninvited were in danger of being imprisoned or even killed, but Esther went in boldly to save her people. She was a superhero of the Bible because she had the courage to trust and obey God, even when it was hard. Because she was selfless and willing to risk her life, God used her to save her people. There is another selfless one named Jesus, who is the greatest superhero of all, who was willing to give up his life for us in order to save us from our sins. Origami Crown

Supplies needed: 6x6 squares of paper, glue Directions: Visit for step-by-step instructions. Explanation: Esther was a hero because she wisely used the position God placed her in as queen to trust him and save her people!



Supplies needed: Paper plate, scissors, crayons, glue, and buttons (optional) Directions: Take the paper plate and fold it in half. Cut from the center into fourths (like a pizza) but just cut to the inner edge of the ruffle (don’t cut all the way through). You will need to open up the plate to make the final two cuts. After the plate is cut, let the kids decorate the plate and then fold the crown points up into place. If you have them, glue buttons on the points for jewels. Simon Says Talk about how God can use ordinary people when they follow his leading. Think about a time when the Lord perhaps opened the door for you to share about him. Remind your child that no one has to be rich or famous to do what God asks. God is pleased when people follow his Word. Play a game of Simon Says and talk with your child about how, just as in the game, we need to do what God says. Coloring Page Have kids color the coloring page on page 4 and retell the story of Esther as they work.

PRAYER Dear God, Thank you that you always have a plan for me. Because you are trustworthy, we can always come to you, like Esther did. Help us to trust and obey you, so we can point others to your son Jesus. Amen.


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