S U N D AY, J U N E 1 4 , 2 0 2 0
BIG PICTURE: Jesus gives us love!
BIG POINT: When we have the love of Christ in us, we can live like Jesus.
BIG STORY: Zacchaeus—read Luke 19:1–10. BIG WORD: “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” –1 John 3:18 (NRSV) LEARNING OUTCOMES
At the conclusion of this lesson, children will: • Know that Jesus accepts, includes, and loves everyone. • Understand that Jesus changes our hearts so we can love others. • Understand that we are more like Jesus when we choose to love others.
THE BIG QUESTIONS (to discuss with your kids)
1. Why did Zacchaeus climb the tree to see Jesus? Maybe Zacchaeus felt left out in the crowd or maybe he couldn’t see Jesus. 2. What kind of a person was Zacchaeus? He was a wealthy chief tax collector who was selfish and, by his own admission, a cheater (Luke 19:8). 3. How did Jesus treat Zacchaeus? Jesus treated him as a friend who wanted to go to his house and be with him. 4. How did Jesus’ acceptance and love for Zacchaeus change him? Zacchaeus was repentant and not only made things right with those he had cheated, he became generous (Luke 19:8)! 5. Share if there is a particular attitude in your heart that you want Jesus to change. Take some time to ask Jesus for forgiveness and ask him to change your heart. 6. Think of one thing you can do to show love to someone who you haven’t loved well in the past.
AT-HOME ACTIVITIES: ELEMENTARY Drawing Time Supplies needed: paper and colored pencils or crayons Directions: Have your kids draw pictures about what they would do with Jesus if he came to visit your house, just like he went to Zacchaeus’ house. Share and discuss the drawings. Talk with your kids about how Zacchaeus was broken and had strayed from his relationship with Jesus. Jesus still wanted to be with him, so much so that Jesus even went to his house for dinner! Zacchaeus’ reputation and appearance didn’t keep Jesus from loving him. Jesus loves each one of us, especially sinners and outcasts. Everyone is invited to receive forgiveness and be made whole through Jesus. Musical Chairs Supplies needed: at least three people and chairs (or carpet squares, pieces of paper, or whatever you have to mark spots—you’ll need one fewer than the number of players) Directions: Places chair/spots in a circle. Play music and have the players walk around the circle. When the music stops, the players must sit down on a spot, as fast as they can. The player left without a place to sit is out. Remove one more spot and play again. Continue playing until only one player remains. After you play the game, discuss these questions: What did it feel like to be the last person playing? What did it feel like to be out? What does it mean to leave someone out? Have you ever not included someone on purpose? Have you ever been the one excluded? How does Jesus want us to treat one another? Who was Jesus especially good at including? Jenga Supplies needed: Jenga blocks or building blocks Directions: Play the game Jenga or take turns stacking blocks to make a tower. After the activity, talk with your kids about breaking and fixing things. One rule to live by is, “You break it, you fix it.” This applies to material things, but also to relationships and feelings. Each one of us continually breaks our relationship with Jesus. We sin and we become far away from him, but when we ask for his forgiveness and unite with him, he fixes us and makes us whole again. In turn, we need make sure our relationships with others are good too. We can ask God to help us extend forgiveness and love to others.
AT-HOME ACTIVITIES: EARLY CHILDHOOD Zacchaeus Snack Art Supplies needed: Green grapes and pretzel sticks Directions: Create a fun tree snack to remind you of the story of Zacchaeus. Use the grapes to form the top of the tree and the pretzel sticks to make the trunk.
Zacchaeus Tree Craft Supplies needed: Paper plate or green construction paper, popsicle stick, Zacchaeus printable from page 4, yarn or string, tape, and a hole punch. Directions: Cut a tree shape out of green construction paper or cover a paper plate with green construction paper squares. Attach a popsicle stick to the back of the plate as the tree trunk. Cut out and color Zacchaeus, then tape a piece of yarn/string to the back of him. Punch a hole at the top of the tree so that Zacchaeus has a place to sit. Thread the piece of yarn/string though the hole and tie a knot on the end of the string. Now Zacchaeus can climb up the tree and sit and wait to see Jesus! Zacchaeus Coloring Page Supplies needed: coloring page printable from page 5, crayons or markers Directions: Have kids retell you the story of Zacchaeus as they color.
Dear Jesus, Thank you for your forgiveness and for loving everyone the most. Help us to love others like you do. Amen.
Consider using a “repeat after me prayer.� Pause between every few words, allowing your kids echo what you have said.