We Go Together Week 2: Preschool Lesson (April 10, 2022)

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April 10, 2022

We Go Together



Have fun learning and playing with your preschooler!

Activity Parachute

First, watch this week’s video! youtu.be/2xuW8ZT9RnU

What You Need Silk leaves or leaves cut from construction paper, a towel What You Do Before the Activity: Lay the towel flat on the floor. Place the leaves on top of the towel. Say, “Today in our Bible story, the people celebrated Jesus by laying coats on the ground and waving leaves in the air. Today, let’s celebrate by bouncing leaves HIGH!” Ask your child to stand around the towel with you and invite them pick up one end of the towel. Encourage your child to shake their arms so the towel moves very fast. Have the children try to bounce the leaves. Repeat several times. Say, “Let’s play with the leaves. We’ll put leaves on the towel to bounce high.” (Do activity.)

Bible Story

After the activity say, “Awesome job! We should celebrate Jesus. Jesus wants to be our friend FOREVER! Who wants to be your friend forever? Jesus wants to be my friend forever!”

Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16)

Remember This “I am with you always.” Matthew 28:20, NIV

Say This Who wants to be your friend forever? Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Prayer “God, we want to celebrate you because you are amazing. You love us so much that you sent us Jesus to be our friend forever. Thank You!”

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