September 25, 2022
Have fun learning and playing with your preschooler!
First, watch this week’s video! youtu.be/8RBm9LR4PAI
Feelings Four Corners What You Need: Paper, crayons, and painter’s tape What You Do: Draw four simple faces: sad, afraid, frustrated, and happy. Tape a large heart on the floor and tape the drawings in the four corners of the room. Stand in the heart. Call out one of the four emotions in the corners and run with your child to that corner. What You Say: (Point out the heart on the floor and identify the four emotions taped to the corners.) “Come stand in the heart with me. Listen very carefully to what I say and go to the picture I’m talking about. Are you ready? “I see a picture of a sad face. God loves us when we’re sad. Run to the sad face. Great job! God loves you no matter what! Now let’s go back to the heart.
Bible Story God loves me when I’m happy (Genesis 1)
Remember This “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5, NIV
Say This Who loves you no matter what? God loves you no matter what.
(Continue by calling out the different emotions in random order, but make sure you end on the happy face.) “That was so much fun! In our Bible story, Abraham and Sarah were so happy! They praised God for giving them a baby and celebrated with a big feast! Do you think God loved Abraham and Sarah when they were happy? (Pause.) Of course! God loved Abraham and Sarah no matter what. You can ALWAYS talk to God because God loves you no matter what. Who loves you no matter what? [Bottom Line] God loves me no matter what!”
Prayer “Dear God, we know you love us and hear our prayers. Help us to love others the way you love us. Amen!”
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