Cliffhanger: The story isn't over Week 5: Elementary Lesson (October 30, 2022)

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Cliffhanger: The story isn’t over


October 30, 2022



Use this guide to help your family learn how God can help us have grit.

First, watch this week’s video! dd1c6U_enwg

Grit: Refusing to give up when life gets hard

Memory Verse “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV

Bible Story Israel Goes Through the Red Sea Exodus 13:17-14:31

Bottom Line Hold on because God is still in control.


Talk About the Bible Story

Story Order

If you had been the Israelites, would it have been easy or hard to believe that God was in control?

What You Need: paper, scissors; bowl

Do you feel as if God is in control of your life? Why or why now?

What You Do: Print off or write down the following phrases. Then, cut out each one individually, fold them, and put them in a bowl.

What helps you when you feel out of control?

Have your child open and read aloud each part of the story from today. Then challenge them to put the story in order. If you want to make it even more challenging, set a timer for 90 seconds to see how quickly they can order the story. Story order: “Let my people go!” “Yes, please leave!” Pillar of cloud by day Pillar of fire by night The Red Sea Pharoah and his chariots Moses with his staff The Red Sea parts The Israelites walk through the Red Sea

Parent: Share a story of a time when you felt like life was out of control. Were you able to see how God was in control as your situation unfolded? Did you feel God’s presence, and did that help you push through?

When your child has the right order, congratulate them and say, “You know what the best part of this story is? That God was with the Israelites during each and every minute of what they were going through. No matter how things might have looked, God was always in control.”


What are some things you can say or pray to remind yourself that God is always in control?

Use this prayer as a guide, either after talking about the Bible story or sometime before bed tonight: “God, I love knowing that you are in control. When I try to control my own life, it ends up a mess. When I let you to be in control, it always turns out best for me. When things get hard, help our family to remember to hold on because you are in control. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”

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