Grades 1-5, May 11 2014

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I want God to strengthen me to live … with determination to act on what I believe. Inspire (for parents) I’ll never forget the day my tiny eight-year-old daughter stepped up to the line of the goalie box, traced it with the toe of her soccer shoe, and shouted to the other team, “This is my house! No one gets into my house unless they go through me.” I mean, seriously! Even today, at age 20, she is barely 5’ 3” and 100 pounds. And it’s not that she was fearless. In fact, she had been mauled pretty significantly in a tournament game a few weeks before and had considered hanging up her goalie gloves. So it wasn’t that she wasn’t afraid. She was just determined.

and divine nature—have been clearly seen.” Standing at the ocean’s edge always brings this verse home to me. Just like the waves, God’s love is endless, persistent, and powerful. As I watch the waves, I pray God would use me as a model of courageous living. I want God to strengthen me to live—if not fearlessly—with determination to act on what I believe. I want to live courageously because I know God has power over all creation. And I want my children’s children to do the same. by Janet Lee

I don’t think God expects us to raise good Christian kids who have no fear. If we did, they might decide they don’t need God. I think what He really wants is for them to a 6—10 understand who He is, how much Scripture: Joshu d Land) (Taking the Promise He loves them, and how secure er Creation ov r we od Has Po His plan is for them so that they Main Point: G ur family to ned to allow yo can be strong and courageous in sig de is ce ur so This re your children the midst of fear. d’s Word before Go in e tim ve ha n is for parents Because God’s pla attend church. The Apostle Paul writes in children’s faith, l nurturers of their to be the spiritua , your children lly Romans 1:20, “For since the u grow spiritua yo as at th ow we kn creation of the world God’s invisible lly as well. will grow spiritua qualities—his eternal power

Getting Started

Equip (for parents) Before the Israelites entered Jericho, God “I am REMEM made specific rules for His people. He warned and the wa BER ver y t them to not take any of the gold, silver, or to th he life. and the sE other property they found, but instead, N me. e Fathe o one c truth give it to God by putting it in the treasury. r o I wou f you re except mes Despite the warning, a man named Achan ally thro ld kn ugh From ow m knew was filled with greed. When Jericho fell. and now on y Fath me, you he stole so much silver and gold that it e hav was equal to what an average person e se , you do r as we e k n now ll. him would make in an entire lifetime! Meanwhile, Joshua sent spies up to a city called Ai to scope out the land where their next battle would take place. When the spies returned to Joshua, they told him Ai was only a small city, and they wouldn’t need to send too many soldiers up to fight. But God was angry because Achan had been disobedient. Since Achan had not followed God’s instructions, his sin had stained the community; and everyone had suffered the consequences for his mistake. When the soldiers made an attempt to invade Ai, they were chased out and several were killed in battle. The battle the Israelites expected to be the easiest ended in humiliation! This battle showed the Israelites, once again, they were helpless without God’s power. Though they made a mistake, God, in His love, kept His covenant with the Israelites. He followed through on His promise to give them the land. He said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the king of Ai, his people, his city and his land. You shall do to Ai and its king as you did to Jericho and its king” (Joshua 8:1–2). Though His people had sinned, God was gracious.

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(for parents & kids) The Bible tells us Joshua and his leaders marched into Ai and set up camp early in the morning. So consider choosing a morning this week to wake up very early and read this portion of The Big God Story together. Read through the biblical account of Joshua, the Israelites, and Ai in Joshua 8:3–22 (Note: Parts of The Big God Story can be a bit graphic for young children. Read through these chapters first so you know which parts will be appropriate for young listeners, or just stick to the passage above). Just for fun, think of a question that helps your children reflect on what you just read such as, “In what ways did God help Joshua win the battle of Ai?” When you are finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they will hear it in church. Ask your children to share with you any questions or thoughts they have about what you just read. Remind them that the God who helped Joshua eventually win at Ai is the same God who we can turn to whenever we need help.

© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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