Grades 1-5 January 19, 2014

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… she had not forgotten that Jesus is the good news …

Inspire (for parents) Our church was having a congregational meeting, and as we entered the small chapel we took a seat in a pew toward the front. Sitting behind us was a woman in her 80s. At a very serious moment during the meeting, the Pastor asked for people’s thoughts and opinions. Immediately she stood up and yelled out, “Good news!” Her husband gently pulled her back down and quieted her, as I did the same with my giggling children. Once again, the Pastor asked for any comments or concerns, and she again rose and blurted out, “Good news!”

Now she was severely disabled by Alzheimer’s disease. While all else seemed to have left her memory, there was one thing that remained in her mind, the good news! She had forgotten about much of her daily existence and those around her, but she had not forgotten that Jesus is the Good News and continued to proclaim exactly that, perhaps preparing the way for more to understand the message that brings eternal life, even when hers was coming to a close. by Debbie Guinn

After the meeting, I was enlightened about this dear old saint’s backstory. She had been a leader in Child Evangelism Fellowship ptist) ew 3 (John the Ba and had led Bible clubs for many Scripture: Matth for a New ay W Prepares the years. Hundreds of children od G t: in Po n ai M had come to know Jesus by her Covenant your family to efforts. She had been a missionary designed to allow This resource is ur children yo re Word befo of sorts, devoting her entire life d’s Go in e tim have n is for parents to Him. We may never know how Because God’s pla . ch ur ch nd te at children’s faith, l nurturers of their many people she prepared the way to be the spiritua lly, your children you grow spiritua for, helping children understand we know that as lly as well. Jesus and His message of will grow spiritua salvation from an early age.

Getting Started

Equip (for parents)

Reading through the Old Testament, REM EMB “He d following the history of God’s people and ER v ied f ers His relationship to them, the account of or al who E l , l i t v h John the Baptist and his message was e a shou t live ld no those for t bold. John told the Jewish leaders they h e lo him could no longer claim to be children of who mselves nger God simply because Abraham was died but was f r o a r i their forefather—John told these s them for 2 Co rinth ed ag and ain.” Jewish leaders that this heritage ians 5:15 no longer applied. Finally, John said to them: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near … He [the One coming] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:2,11). John was proclaiming that Christ, the Judge, was coming, and He was bringing His kingdom. Ancient family ties were no longer the criteria for salvation. God had been promising the Redeemer, the Messiah, since the fall of mankind, and had been slowly and surely revealing what this Messiah would bring. He would not only bring political deliverance in the end of time, but also a much more important personal deliverance from sin. He would bring forgiveness, a transformed heart, and the power to live as God’s child because of a physical indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Messiah would be the answer to all of humanity’s deepest problems. Because of this, God demanded repentance—a heart turned away from sin and toward Him. Even today, God invites us to receive this new covenant through a decision to turn from the old and toward the new. He desires our repentance to receive the good news of Christ by faith, in order to be grafted into His family through grace.


(for parents & kids) Sometime this week, before getting into God’s Word with your kids, talk with them about what a big moment this is in The Big God Story. God had been silent for 400 years and, suddenly, John the Baptist began teaching that Jesus—the long awaited Messiah—was here! He was preparing the way for the people to understand that Jesus was the culmination of everything they had been learning about in the Old Testament. A new covenant was about to unfold. God was offering salvation—once and for all. No longer would God’s people need to offer animal sacrifices for sins; instead, Jesus would offer Himself as the final sacrifice. Next, read together the account of John the Baptist in Matthew 3. After you have read the passage, explain to your children that this new covenant means all of us can repent from our sins and turn to follow Jesus. If your kids have not yet accepted Christ’s forgiveness, this is a good time to offer them this choice. When you are finished, pray together, thanking God for the gift of His Son, Jesus. Then let them know they will hear more about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus in church this week.

© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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