Grades 1-5 January 26, 2014

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There is a superpower that God gives us called the Holy Spirit.

Inspire (for parents) The early elementary years are an imaginative, magical time! And some of the best adventures happen when children play on the playground and morph into race car drivers, gymnasts, sand architects, and of course, superheroes. The superheroes defended the playground, fighting off evil attackers (usually girls). Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before the superheroes ruled the playground and things got out of control. It wasn’t long before it was time for a “superhero lesson.”

when we ask Jesus into our lives. God’s power is the greatest power of all!” This was an elementary introduction to the power of the Holy Spirit. What a simple, yet amazing concept. Isn’t it amazing that God’s plan is to empower all believers with the Holy Spirit, enabling them to establish His kingdom here on earth? Isn’t it amazing that God allows us to be superheroes when we acknowledge the power that is within us and live in it? And isn’t it amazing that, when we do this, God can use us to teach our children that the Holy Spirit is truly the Hero that saves the world!

I gathered my son and his friends and asked, “Why are superheroes cool?” Bobby jumped up, raising his imaginative sword and said, by Sue Funkhouser “Because they have POWER!” “What kind of power?” I asked. Michael could hardly wait to answer, “The kind that saves the world!” This was 11 ew 3:13–17; 4:1– my moment; I knew that the Holy Scripture: Matth wer Po Us s ve Gi ’s Spirit Spirit was at work. I looked around Main Point: God your family to the circle and asked, “Wouldn’t it be signed to allow de is ce ur so re This your children d’s Word before great to really have superpowers?” Go in e tim ve ha n is for parents Because God’s pla Their eyes lit up. I continued, “There ren’s faith, attend church. rers of their child rtu nu l ua irit sp is a superpower that God gives us e to be th lly, your children you grow spiritua as at th called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit ow kn we lly as well. lives inside of us and gives us the will grow spiritua

Getting Started

power to do things that God wants us to do. That power comes to us

Equip (for parents)

Because there is no direct reference to REM EMB baptism in the Old Testament, we often falsely “And ER v he d believe that baptism is solely a Christian ers ied f w E h or al o live practice. However, in Jesus’ day, baptism l, tha s h ould for t t tho was seen as nothing unusual. According to hem no lo se Jewish tradition, baptism was one of many s elve nger died s live but f for t ceremonial purification rites. Known as hem or hi agai mikvah in Hebrew, ritual immersion m a nd w n.” 2 who Cori as ra was performed to purify an individual nthi ised ans after being defiled; for instance, being 5:15 in contact with the dead, outcastS, or after giving birth. Without undergoing this custom, individuals would be considered “unclean” Support and therefore not allowed to enter the temple. (for parents & kids) Unlike some Christian customs, where Just for fun, one night this week during individuals may be baptized only once, those in dinnertime, ask your children how they would Jewish society might be baptized many times feel if they didn’t eat for a day? Two days? How depending on the circumstances. In addition, about … 40 days? After dinner, read through mikvah was performed by those converting the biblical account of Jesus’ baptism and to Judaism. This baptism ensured that new temptation in Matthew 3:13–17 and 4:1–11. converts were purified, restored to God, and fit Explain to them that Jesus fasted—He turned for participation within the Jewish community. the time and energy He would have used to The baptisms John performed were prepare and eat food into time He could focus somewhat unique. Jewish baptism is an on God. unassisted, self-immersion tradition, while in Talk about how people today still fast to many Christian traditions, someone assists the spend more time with God. As a family, pray person in and out of the water, as John did. about something you could fast from this week. This makes some sense when we consider It could be food, but it could also be TV, video that an “unclean” or “defiled” individual could games, or something else that uses your time not be touched without making the other and energy. Ask God to show up and reveal His person unclean as well. power through the Holy Spirit to your family Aside from simply baptizing those who through this time of fasting. required outward purification, John invited When you are finished, share with your those who needed baptism for inward children that what they just heard is a part of purification. In Matthew 3:11, John proclaims, The Big God Story in the Bible, and they will “I baptize you with water for repentance.” He hear more about God’s Spirit giving us power asked his audience to repent, turn from their in church this week. sins, and be baptized. This led the way to a wholly new baptism; one that symbolized being formed into a new creation.

© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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