Grades 1-5 February 16, 2014

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… God is using every step of this journey to increase my family’s faith. Inspire (for parents) “I can’t wait until you’re healed because then you’ll be a regular mom again.” Nothing hits home like the honesty of a child. My son Eli said this to me and my immediate reaction was like a knife to the gut. Before I allowed tears to drip down my face, I calmly asked him what he meant. He said, “Well, you know, now you have to sleep a lot, and when you’re healed, you won’t. Then you’ll be able to do stuff like regular moms do.”

in the way I think I should. But I can’t change what’s happened and, to be honest, I’ve seen growth in other areas of the boys’ lives that wouldn’t have happened had we not all gone through this together. I am, however, very confident that God is using every step of this journey to increase my family’s faith. by Angela Robinson

Oh, how I hated hearing this. Eli meant no harm, and I am thrilled that he truly believes my cancer will be gone some day. After twoand-a-half years of chemo, I doubt he even remembers what it was like to have a “regular” mom. To be honest, I don’t exactly remember what my days were like then either. What I do remember is super-high productivity, even late into the night. It made me feel good, successful. Contrast that to today … it’s literally a 180 degree turn. No wonder Eli doesn’t see me as a “regular mom.” I have dealt with massive guilt about not “being there” for my boys

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Equip (for parents)


EMB In Matthew 10:5–6, Jesus told His disciples, ER v “I ha ers “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any ve b E een and town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost c ru I sheep of Israel.” It is interesting to note that lives no longe cified w i r i Jesus did not actively seek out Gentile body n me. Th live, bu th Chris tC t , e life converts during His earthly ministry. of Go I live by I live hrist Jesus healed Gentiles during His earthly f a d him , who lo ith in th in the ministry including ten lepers—one, a self v e d me e Son for m Samaritan, came back and thanked and e.” G gave alat Him. To this, Jesus said, “Was no one found ians 2:20 to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Luke 17:18). Even Paul mentions in Romans 15:8 that Christ became “a servant Support of the Jews.” (for parents & kids) Although Jesus’ earthly ministry was aimed at lost Jews, God obviously always had an eye on lost Gentiles as well. But God decided that the right time for pursuit of the Gentiles was after Jesus had finished His mission on earth. The Gentile mission was central to the book of Acts, the early church, and the church today. In fact, right before Jesus ascended to heaven, He told His disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18–19). The more we discover about Scripture and about the way God has woven His big story, the more amazing it is how patient He has been to reveal Himself to people in the right way, at the right time. God did not overlook the people He had originally chosen. He opened up the gift of His salvation to everyone through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. He remembered and loved everyone in the way they most needed His attention and love.

This week set aside time to read this passage from The Big God Story with your children: Luke 7:1–10. You might try reading this account of Jesus and the Centurion at bedtime. After you read, ask your children to tell you what Jesus did when the man asked Him to heal his servant. Talk about what the centurion must have believed about Jesus? Explain to them that Jesus was amazed by the faith of the centurion—he asked Jesus to heal his servant, and he believed that Jesus could do it. Tell them that Jesus wants us to have this same kind of faith. Think together about areas of your life where you may not have faith. Pray together as a family that God would increase your faith. Share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they will hear more about how God is amazed by great faith in church this week. Encourage them to continue to pray for Jesus to give them great faith.

© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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